Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 925 The Twelve Divine Heavenly Formation

Wang Boshan and Tong Lu looked at each other, and at the same time looked at Gongsun Xu in confusion.

The old man stroked his beard and smiled, with a bit of cunning on his face.

"Anyway, Wuding Mountain will belong to your Tianyun Sect sooner or later. Since he likes to help build it, let him go. When the day comes, we will kill him. Isn't it wonderful?"

Wang Boshan's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was so angry that he didn't think about this.

Yes, although he is not Mo Xun's opponent, can't the three of them fight against a newly promoted Yuanying with their combined strength?

Tong Lu even slapped his palm suddenly, breaking the armrest directly.

"Brother Gongsun is right. Isn't that Mo going to hold the founding ceremony? We will take back Wuding Mountain on this day and let the cultivators in the world see the foundation of our Tianyun Sect."

Two months passed in a hurry.

Until this day, Dong Qianxue, standing on the top of the mountains, carefully observed the compass in her hand while muttering something.

With her other hand, she would occasionally calculate.

On the ground around her, there were flags arranged according to the directions of heaven and earth.

There were gullies under her feet, carved with strange and mysterious formation grooves.

She took a deep breath, slowly raised her eyes, looked at the misty clouds in the distance, and then suddenly shouted.

"Form a formation!"

Then a spell was cast, and the gullies under her feet suddenly connected into one, blooming with brilliant green light.

At the same time, twelve disciples wearing red and green Taoist uniforms of Tianjian Sect threw out the sound transmission notes in their hands at the same time.

The next moment, half of Tianjian Mountain began to shake.

Like a dragon turning over, a rumbling sound rose.

Then, twelve different directions shot out pillars of light that shot into the sky!

Above the sky of the Tianjian Sect, a layer of faint green light gradually condensed.

In the flickering green light, it seemed as if this world was covered by a huge net.

Being in it, one can't help but be shaken.

Amid the earth-shaking sound, all the disciples of the Tianjian Sect stood there in surprise and fear, looking around blankly.

The green light cover was like a giant's palm. If it fell, it might destroy this world.

Those low-level casual cultivators who have been living in displacement for many years, have never seen such a shocking scene?

Some of those with lower cultivation even collapsed on the spot.

Every disciple who joined the sect actually held more of a fluke.

They knew that their sect master was very strong, so strong that he could directly kill a Yuanying sect's mountain gate.

But they were afraid!

They were afraid that the Tianyun Sect would retaliate.

After all, a thousand-year-old sect like this has a deep foundation. If two Yuanyings come out at the same time, and then join forces with the ancestors of other sects, this newly established sect may face the danger of extinction.

This possibility is not non-existent, but very large!

Don’t look at the fact that Tianjian Sect has been in full swing recently, building palaces and repairing caves, wishing to build the strongest sect in southern Xinjiang within a day.

There are also thousands of scattered cultivators attracted from all directions, gathering outside the mountain gate one by one to worship.

And the city construction of Chaotian City is as fast as lightning.

But if you really compare with them, the difference is not a little bit.

Although Mo Xun promised a large amount of elixir rewards, you have to be alive to enjoy them.

Everyone is always on edge when participating in the construction of the sect, fearing that when they open their eyes, the entire Tianjian Mountain will be surrounded by a large army of cultivators.

Although they don’t know whether their own sect master can cope with it, they know that they will most likely be buried with the sect.

So almost everyone was trembling with fear.

But this is the truth of the world of immortal cultivation!

There is no free lunch in the world, and there is no good thing of falling from the sky. If you want to get any kind of reward, you have to pay the same price.

At the moment of this shocking change, many disciples thought that someone had attacked the mountain gate.

Fortunately, soon, the light curtain of the formation lingering in the sun gradually faded, and finally became completely transparent under the naked eye.

The earth has regained its previous tranquility, only around the sect, there seems to be an invisible and intangible barrier.

This is naturally a mountain protection formation that has been arranged for several months!

This formation is called "Twelve Gods Sky Capital Heaven Formation"!

It is a barely eighth-level formation. According to the distribution of the surrounding terrain, it is almost completely borrowed from the formation classics left by the Liangyi Sect.

Although it is somewhat different from the mountain protection formation of the Tianyun Sect in terms of power, it is also powerful enough.

I dare not say how powerful the Yuanying strongman can be blocked, but there is absolutely no problem below the Yuanying.

In order to enhance the effect, Mo Xun not only used the underground spiritual veins, but also used a large number of high-level spiritual stones on the array base.

This rare resource, which is helpful even for the cultivation of the Nascent Soul, he spent 600 pieces at once.

If converted, it is equivalent to burying 6 million low-level spiritual stones at the array base.

Only he dared to do such a thing.

Of course, these riches originally belonged to Gu Yutian, and now they are used to protect the sect, which is a good use.

He did not intend to keep the various treasures left by Gu Yutian for the reconstruction of the sect.

In addition, he also invested a lot of spiritual herbs and elixirs.

He can say that he has a clear conscience for fulfilling this promise.

To be honest, his achievements with Dong Qianxue during this period are really not bad.

Just the two of them, they created an eight-level formation.

In addition, the prohibitions and defense formations in the palaces and important places in the sect are also being improved intermittently.

These are delicate tasks, far from a one-day job.

But there is no rush, at least for a long time to come, Mo Xun will stay in the sect, so he can take his time.

Now the twenty-seven palaces are basically completed.

This will include the main palace, side halls, Gongfa Pavilion, Array Hall, Refining, Transmission, Sword Pavilion, Alchemy Room, Law Enforcement Hall, Mission Hall, Qidao Palace, Ancestor Hall, and Guard Hall and a series of palaces.

Although it is called Tianjian Sect, Mo Xun planned to build it into a comprehensive sect from the beginning.

The eighteen elder hills have also been completed one by one.

The places where disciples fight and perform martial arts are advancing in an orderly manner with the accumulation of a large number of spirit stones.

The only thing missing now is people.

Although there are 3,000 disciples, there are only dozens of people in each palace and cave.

This is far from enough.

Just the mission of guarding the sect alone, without more than a thousand people on duty, it is difficult to guard such a large mountain gate.

In addition, there are too few high-level cultivators.

Gu Qingqing is now in charge of Chaotian City. How many people are capable of taking on the important task, including Yin Lixi who is still recovering from his injuries?

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