Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 931 Seven Realms Tower

Moreover, most of these materials seem to be used to refine weapons, especially space treasures.

I don’t know what this Yuanying Sect Master is planning to do next?

After a while, Xuanyuan Chong calmed down and said: "I have some of the things here in Duobao Tower, but it will take some time to collect them. I have to contact the elders of several surrounding cities. In addition, I have a suggestion. , I, Duobaolou, can hold some auctions for seniors in many places first, sell those monster materials and spiritual herbs first, and then seek other merchants to raise the things that seniors need. But in this way, it may be necessary In a year or two, after all, the spiritual objects of seniors are extremely precious, and ordinary people either cannot use them or cannot afford them, so they can only contact high-level monks to come. "

Mo Xun frowned.

"It's been too long. Is there a faster way?"

Xuanyuan Chong smiled slightly.

"Of course we have this. Our Duobao Building also has other channels for selling it, but the price... I'm afraid it will be greatly reduced."

Mo Xun waved his hand proudly.

"It doesn't matter, you can start doing it now. I only have one request, don't reveal my identity."

Xuanyuan Chong quickly handed over his hand.

"Senior, don't worry about this. This junior understands the importance. I will definitely be able to complete senior's instructions in half a month at most."

Following this, Xuanyuan Chong immediately called for several experienced stewards to inspect the treasure and estimate its value.

After a group of people saw the corpses of those monster beasts, they were also so shocked that they almost couldn't speak.

Just kidding, some people have never even seen a demonic elixir beast bone that is comparable to the elixir-forming Yuanying.

After coming out of Wanbao Tower, Mo Xun had already got some materials in his hands.

She conveniently sent a transmission note to Luo Xi, who was guarding Tianjian Sect, and went to find Gu Qingqing again.

As soon as he entered the city lord's mansion, Qin Xuanrong immediately greeted him, followed by two young and beautiful female cultivators in red armor.

It seemed that he was waiting for him specially.

"Uncle Shi, please let these two people stay by your side during this period. If there is anything less urgent, you can arrange for them to do it."

Mo Xun glanced at the faces of the two women and nodded lightly.

As for serving, he really doesn't need it.

Luo Xi also arranged for him two maidservants in the Tianjian Sect to follow him wherever he went, which actually made him feel a little uncomfortable.

After traveling around all these years, he has always been a loner and has no special requirements in life, so naturally he doesn't need these.

But since he was interested, he didn't refuse.

They won’t be here for long anyway, so let them go!

But this seemingly innocent glance made the hearts of the two girls, both of whom were not very high, jump at the same time.

One of these two people was Mo Linger, who had just joined the Chaotian Army.

As for the other person, it was also a coincidence that she was the female cultivator whose storage bag was almost stolen yesterday, Chu Xi!

Qin Xuanrong had his own reasons for recruiting the two of them.

Mo Ling'er was attracted by her righteous character, while Chu Xi was attracted by the little girl's cleverness.

In other words, being able to think of asking for help from the Chaotian Army at such a critical moment can barely be called clever.

As for the cultivation of the two of them, Qin Xuanrong considered it this way.

If Mo Xunzhen encounters any trouble, even having a foundation-building monk by his side may not be of much use.

With the strength of the two of them, asking them to go to the streets to maintain order is simply courting death.

Based on this, a scene appeared in front of me.

Before Mo Ling'er and Chu Xi accepted this task, Qin Xuanrong did not tell them Mo Xun's true identity.

He only said that he was a senior who was invited by Chaotian City to arrange the formation.

But the moment they saw Mo Xun, they didn't feel the slightest aura of magic on this man, as if he was just a mortal.

Although Mo Ling'er doesn't know the art of observing Qi, he can still distinguish between monks and mortals.

The immortal cultivators she had seen, no matter how good they were at concentrating their Qi, could still faintly detect fluctuations in their spiritual energy, which was nothing more than strong or weak.

From Qin Xuanrong's introduction, they could guess that the person in front of them should at least be an alchemy monk.

But can it be said that the alchemy monks are so powerful that they can completely hide their Qi invisible?

Or is this a mortal?

But how is it possible? How can a mortal be a formation master?

There was another thing that puzzled Mo Ling'er. She seemed to see a familiar feeling from this person.

But she was sure that she had never seen the young face in front of her.

Mo Xun smiled at the three of them.

"I understand. Let them wait here for a moment. I have something to discuss with City Master Gu."

After saying that, Mo Xun disappeared directly from the spot.

Mo Ling'er blinked blankly, and then secretly stretched out her finger in disbelief, thinking of poking where Mo Xun was standing before.

Probably because he felt that the magic of disappearing out of thin air was very magical.

Not to mention her, Chu Xi was also eye-opening.

A big living person just disappeared in front of him, without causing any ripples in the space.

Mo Ling'er asked in a low voice: "Senior Qin, what do you call your uncle?"

Qin Xuanrong smiled slightly.

"It's the same as your last name. Just call me Senior Mo. This senior likes to be quiet. Just stay with him and talk less and do more... By the way, this may not be an opportunity for you. , it’s up to you whether you can catch it or not.”

Mo Ling'er and Chu Xi looked at each other, and thought with a chill at the same time, could it be that they still want to sleep with each other?

When Gu Qingqing saw Mo Xun, she smiled and said, "Young, right?"

Mo Xun frowned in surprise.

"What's young?"

Gu Qingqing pursed her lips toward the outside.

"Those two beauties, don't you like the young ones?"

Mo Xun was speechless. He didn't expect that a joke from back then would be remembered by this woman for hundreds of years.

"Let's get down to business. I'm going to refine a trial magic weapon that can satisfy monks below the pill formation level. If you know how to refine weapons, you can give me some advice."

Gu Qingqing saw that this guy didn't know how to tease, so she stopped teasing.

"What kind of magic weapon?"

Mo Xun thought for a moment, then waved his hand in the air a few times, and a strange-looking pagoda immediately appeared in front of the two of them.

"For the time being, it will be named the Seven Realms Tower. The universe space is arranged inside. The first to third floors will provide corresponding trial difficulties according to the realm of Qi refining. The fourth to sixth floors will be suitable for foundation building cultivation. The seventh floor will be difficult to build. Above the basic level, but lower than the pill formation, those who pass each level will receive certain trial rewards in the form of points, and during the trial process, they can also obtain items such as spiritual herbs, elixirs, exercises, or... What do you think about materials and things like that?”

Hearing this, Gu Qingqing's eyes suddenly lit up and she quickly said: "Put a trial tablet outside the tower and list the top 100 people for those who come after you to challenge."

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