Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 934 Tracking (Part 2)

The foundation-building monk bowed and stepped aside consciously.

Mo Linger blinked and looked at the two people lying on the ground. Why did she feel familiar?

These two people were naturally Mo Yichen and Guo Xing.

But at this moment, they were all wearing black robes, black hats, gray beards under their chins, and many wrinkles on their faces, just like an octogenarian.

Mo Xun waved his sleeves, and the two slowly woke up from their coma.

After they woke up a little, Mo Xun smiled and spoke.

"Do you know me?"

Mo Yichen rubbed his dizzy head, and then saw a young face of the same age as him appear in his field of vision.

He shook his head subconsciously.

He had indeed never seen this face.

Guo Xing also shook his head in confusion, and his blue eye sockets were almost unable to open.

The foundation-building cultivator was really not gentle. Mo Xun only said that he had captured the two men, but did not tell them to beat them.

Now, one of them has dark circles under his eyes.

"You followed me for six blocks. Don't say it's because of curiosity. And the messy things on you two are really not disguises."

If they were at the same level, Mo Xun would naturally not chat with them so easily. He didn't think that the two people in front of him dared to have any intentions against him.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I might as well have some fun.

Mo Yichen suddenly thought of something and jumped up quickly, but he stumbled and almost fell, and at the same time he grimaced in pain all over his body.

"You... You are the leader of the Tianjian Sect!"

Mo Xun frowned at first, but immediately relaxed.

He didn't make it public when he came to Chaotian City, and few people knew his true identity.

But how did these two Qi-refining masters recognize him?

Fortunately, he soon thought of a possibility.

These two people may have participated in the Zongjia Sanxiu Conference before, so it is not surprising that they know him.

But as soon as these words came out, Mo Linger's face changed.

His appearance can be changed, but how can his voice be changed easily?

"Brother, why is it you?"

Mo Linger was really scared, and rushed up to grab his brother's arm.

She looked at the other person in disbelief. Who else could it be but Guo Xing?

This scene of brother and sister recognizing each other made everyone present confused.

After a while, everyone realized that they were looking for their sister.

If Mo Xun had not been meticulous, he might have had the same idea.

But in his spiritual sense, the two of them clearly focused their attention on him during the previous tracking.

In other words, their target was not Mo Linger.

Of course, he might have guessed wrong!

But with the idea of ​​killing someone by mistake rather than letting him go, Mo Xun still wanted to find out.

His voice suddenly sank.

"Tell me, what exactly are your intentions?"

The Nascent Soul cultivator was furious. Even if he didn't deliberately release his cultivation, the invisible pressure immediately enveloped everyone's head.

It seemed that even the air became cold at this moment.

Mo Ling'er's heart tightened. Although she had never seen a real Nascent Soul take action, she could imagine what kind of earth-shaking it would be?

I'm afraid that they don't even need to do anything. Just a thought can make everyone disappear into ashes!

"Brother, tell me what's going on?"

The little girl's voice was trembling, and she felt like she was about to cry.

Chu Xi on the side had her eyes wide open.

She had also seen Mo Yichen and Guo Xing. She said that they joined the Chaotian Army together because of the theft of the storage bag.

But who could have thought that they would meet again in this way?

Mo Yichen was also anxious, but how could he answer this question?

Could it be that I suspect you and my sister are having an affair, and I'm here to catch you?

No matter what the truth is, I can't say this even if I'm beaten to death.

As for Guo Xing, he was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.

He wanted to stand up, but his legs were weak and he couldn't exert any strength.

If he was pressed to ask more questions, he would have yellow liquid flowing out of his trouser legs.

Mo Xun's face gradually turned cold.

It seemed that he was right. These two daring guys really came for him.

But he didn't believe that there was someone behind him. After all, no matter how stupid the backer was, it was impossible to send two Qi Refiners to monitor him.

But then again, nothing is absolute.

Maybe the person behind him thought that the lower the realm, the less prepared he would be.

Mo Xun's experience over the years made him keep one more eye open than others even when he was resting.

He always remained vigilant in any place where his spiritual consciousness was not restricted.


Mo Yichen was about to make up an excuse, but was glared back by Mo Xun's sharp eyes.

This is a kind of oppression in momentum!

It has nothing to do with mana or realm, it is just the aura of a superior who has accumulated over the years.

"I'll give you three breaths to think about it!"

At Mo Xun's level, there are too many ways to know what a person is thinking.

When Mo Ling'er heard this, she turned around and knelt down.

"Please forgive my brother's rudeness. They are just looking for me and have no intention of offending you."

Mo Xun snorted coldly, and before he could do anything, Mo Ling'er flew to the side with a cry of pain and hit the wall heavily.

This time, Mo Yichen's soft spot was poked.

Mo Yichen's eyes suddenly turned red, and his previous timid and fearful emotions were swept away. He pinched his fingers and rushed forward with a rage.


The foundation-building cultivator who followed him shouted and was about to kill him.

But the next moment, everyone seemed to be trapped in a muddy swamp, and they were fixed in place without moving.

Mo Xun stared blankly at the flames gradually disappearing on Mo Yichen's palm, with an undisguised shock on his face.

"Flame Slash!"

This unique skill can be regarded as his famous unique skill in those days.

However, the power of the flame was extremely weak, probably because the spell that should have been practiced after the middle stage of Qi training was forcibly activated.

After sensing the direction of the spiritual energy flowing in Mo Yichen's meridians, Mo Xun also seemed to be cast under a spell of immobilization, and did not move for a long time.

Dong Qianxue, who was standing by, saw this scene and was extremely surprised.

In her impression, it seems that Mo Xun never showed this kind of expression when he was in front of other Yuanying.

Could it be that...

She couldn't help but glance at Mo Ling'er who fell to the ground. The little girl's hair was messy at the moment, and blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth. She looked very embarrassed.

Could it be that Senior Brother Mo had a close relationship with this woman, and then was found by her brother-in-law?

Thinking of this, Dong Qianxue quickly closed her eyes.

It's better not to see this kind of gossip, so as to avoid embarrassment in the future.

But then again, this little girl is indeed very charming, but she looks a little young.

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