Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 941: Space Magical Power

"Besides, which of your eyes saw that I was being held here?"

Lu Wushen then pointed to the physical body beside him.

"Did you see, I put those chains up myself. If I hadn't sealed the Dan Yuan with this, my body would have turned into a pile of rocks. You have too little energy in this world to support my activities outside. ”

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, thinking he was a three-year-old child!

This is obviously a state of torture. Who would seal the elixir with an iron chain, and it is still at the shoulder blade.

However, he was not very interested in knowing the specific situation of this person.

What he cares about is nothing more than the elusive space power!

"You mean you'll be more energetic if you stay here?"

Lu Wushen said proudly: "This is natural. Your cultivation level is too low and you cannot sense it yet. There is a remnant vein of vitality that is about to disappear below this place. It can float up occasionally, which can barely guarantee that my body will not rot. "

Mo Xun didn't want to dwell on this issue, and quickly brought the topic to space magic.

Unexpectedly, Lu Wushen said disdainfully: "Don't think about it. This is my natal magical power. Even if I teach you, you won't be able to learn it."

Mo Xun seemed to have expected this result.

If he had been interested in things in the upper world before meeting Sanqing, he would probably have inquired about this beast.

But now, there is little interest.

In addition, there was still a lot to do with the sect's grand ceremony that was about to be held, so he definitely had plans to leave.

But as soon as he turned around, Lu Wushen blocked him.

"Don't leave, how about we discuss it?"

Under that funny face, what was still a condescending expression just now turned into a playful and smiling face.

It's just that the smiley face is full of hair, which is really ugly.

"Give me some of your chaotic aura, and I'll give you something in exchange."

As soon as he said this, the smile on Mo Xun's face immediately froze.

The whole person was on alert.

This chaotic turbid energy is his most secret treasure besides the green gourd.

From Xihe to Southern Xinjiang, he has seen more than two or three Nascent Souls, but so far, no one has found any clues.

And the strange beast from the upper world with unknown origin in front of him actually mentioned it in one sentence. How could he not be surprised?

Lu Wushen saw through what Mo Xun was thinking, and when faced with the faint murderous intent in his eyes, instead of being afraid, he was overjoyed.

"It seems that my guess is correct, you really have the aura of chaos in you!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, not understanding what he meant for a moment.

Could it be that the other party was deceiving him?

But having said that, this deception may not be too accurate. Could it be that I didn't hide it well and others saw the flaw.

"How did you figure it out?" Mo Xun's voice had turned cold unconsciously.

Although he still doesn't know what the great use of the chaotic turbid energy is, the derivation of spiritual roots is enough to become a treasure in the world of immortality.

Once it leaks out, you don't need to think about it to know that he will immediately become the target of public criticism!

Lu Wushen waved his hand easily.

"Don't be nervous. I want to make a deal with you, not to steal your things!"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, secretly thinking that even if he wanted to rob, you must have that ability.

Although this guy's whereabouts are hard to find, he himself is ridiculously weak.

He was already considering whether to let Bai Ze take action and swallow it directly.

"Don't worry, I just happened to see the aura of chaos once in the past, and I am more sensitive to such things, so I can feel it a little bit. Hehe... Of course, it also has something to do with your own guilty conscience. If If you deny it, there is nothing I can do."

Mo Xun nodded slightly, and the next moment, he suddenly flicked his robe sleeves, white light flashed, and immediately a snow-white beast flew out of the sleeves, it was Bai Ze.

The moment the little guy appeared, he opened his bloody mouth and went straight to bite Lu Wushen.

But what surprised Mo Xun was that he came up short.

Lu Wushen just shook his body slightly, and then completely disappeared into the void.

"Boy, you are not authentic!"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart and once again directed Bai Ze to look for traces of that guy.

As long as the opponent is still in this secret room, the fluctuations in soul power cannot escape Bai Ze's perception.

Sure enough, in just a breath, Bai Ze pounced on him again.

Mo Xun caught the ripples in space and hurriedly released the Nascent Soul Spirit Realm.

But what's annoying is that even though Lu Wushen was forced to show up this time, he still missed half a move and was escaped by the opponent.

Next, this man, one beast, and one spirit actually played hide and seek in the small stone room.

It was not until a long time later that Mo Xun ordered Bai Ze to stop.

He could finally tell that the guy was as slippery as a loach relying on his soul body and space powers.

Whenever he is about to catch it, he will use space to move and disappear.

In addition, the place is small and it is impossible to use big methods. If this continues, it is just a waste of time.

Lu Wushen's face floated on the wall, as if his entire body was embedded in bluestone.

"Boy, why don't you chase me? This puppy looks good. It's better to leave it with me as a caretaker. When I return to the upper world in the future, I will definitely give it a good fortune."

Bai Ze couldn't hear such words. He roared angrily and was about to pounce again, but was stopped by Mo Xun.

"You just said you wanted to trade with me. How do you do this?"

Lu Wushen's eyes lit up, and he immediately came out of the stone wall.

"Are you really willing to give me the Chaos Aura?"

Mo Xun put his hands behind his back and secretly threw out a few formation flags.

This guy relied on his strange body movements to go up and down the sky without any constraints. He could only try to surround the entire secret room with formations to catch the turtle in the jar.

"If your stuff is pleasing to me, it's not impossible to sell you some Chaos Aura..."

While speaking, Mo Xun suddenly reached out to grab it again.

Lu Wushen's reaction was not slow. At the same time as Mo Xun moved, he had sunk directly into the ground like a soul.

"Boy, don't waste your energy. My Wushen family has been multiplying for thousands of years. We have always been beaten to death, and we have never been caught."

Mo Xun took a deep breath and gave up the last bit of effort.

Almost all the traps have some space skills in them.

In this way, they will be used by the other party.

Lu Wushen reappeared in the corner without anyone noticing.

"But you can rest assured. The Chaos Aura is a divine object in the world. Once I get it, I will definitely keep it secret for you. I won't publicize it to the world. After all, I don't want anyone to come to me. I, Lu Wushen, still have this bit of character!"

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