Lu Wushen immediately patted his chest.

"Don't worry, I don't steal everything..."

Halfway through his words, he felt something was wrong, and his face suddenly darkened.

"Who told you that those treasures were stolen by me?"

Seeing that Mo Xun refused to argue with him, Lu Wushen could only snort angrily.

"Tell me quickly, what is the third point?"

A sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of Mo Xun's mouth, and he slowly came closer and said, "Is this the third point, that is..."

Before he could finish his words, Mo Xun's sleeves suddenly flashed with fire, and Xuanshen Fire spewed out.

The fire was extremely fierce, and a cage of flames was formed all around in an instant!

Lu Wushen was shocked and quickly tore apart the space to escape.

But as soon as he touched the flame, the hot temperature immediately caused him to retreat.

At the same time, Mo Xun's Nascent Soul Spirit Realm also expanded, and Lu Wushen couldn't help but slow down his movements.

But in just a moment, this guy who is proficient in the art of space got rid of the shackles of the space spiritual realm.

But the next moment, four chains of fire suddenly shot out from the fire wall and quickly wrapped around Lu Wushen's legs and feet.

Then there was a hard shake.

With a scream, Bai Ze next to him jumped up, opened his bloody mouth and bit down.

This time, Bai Ze swallowed it into his belly accurately.

When all the dust settled, Lu Wushen's roaring roar could be heard in his ears.

"Boy, you are not trustworthy!"

A white light flashed before his eyes, and Bai Ze turned back into a little girl, patting his belly and licking his tongue playfully.

Mo Xun took back the red beetle and said calmly: "I only said I would trade with you, but I didn't promise not to arrest you!"

Lu Wushen is so angry!

Bai Ze has a world of his own in his belly. No matter how hard he tries, he can't break the spatial barrier.

"You are despicable, shameless and vile. Be careful when you give birth to a son without a butthole!"


Mo Xun snorted coldly, he didn't have time to accompany this guy to curse.

"The third chapter of my agreement is to plant a restriction in your body. If you keep to yourself, it will not have any impact, and I will keep my promise of dealing with you. But if I have other evil thoughts, it will be no wonder Me."

While speaking, Mo Xun quickly formed the seal on his hand.


Coming out of the teleportation, there was already a dejected, short and lean guy behind Mo Xun. From time to time, he would wave his fists at the moonlit figure in front of him and keep muttering something.

Passing through a place full of forbidden barriers, Mo Xun suddenly stopped.

"Brother Lu, why don't you show me your methods?"

Lu Wushen followed Mo Xun's gaze and saw three big characters written on the stone tablet not far away.

"Mingsu Garden!"

You can guess without thinking that this place is a medicine garden.

As for what Mo Xun meant, Lu Wushen reacted immediately and couldn't help but snorted angrily.

"Don't even think about it!"

Mo Xun chuckled, and suddenly made a secret with his fingers on his chest.

Seeing this, Lu Wushen jumped three feet from the spot as if he had been stepped on.

"Boy, don't go too far. I am in charge of the nine divisions of the heavens. How can I be threatened by you like this?"

Mo Xun ignored him, closed his eyes slightly, and was about to start reciting a spell.

Lu Wushen was immediately frightened and waved his hands angrily.

"Forget it, just think that I have a kind heart and want to let you see it for the sake of your transaction with me."

After saying that, his body swayed slightly and disappeared out of thin air.

Lu Wushen was really scared!

The soul-piercing feeling he felt in the secret room just now was enough to make him unforgettable forever!

At the same time, he was sad and helpless.

Now his physical body has almost turned into a piece of rotten stone, and only his spiritual body can still swim around. If it were not for some magical power in space, I am afraid that a small pill-forming monk could kill him.

Mo Xun looked at the place where the other party disappeared and couldn't help but reveal a meaningful smile.

With this errand boy, many things become much more convenient!

It's just that he seemed to have overestimated that guy's ability. In less than a stick of incense, a shout came from the barrier.

Immediately afterwards, several transmission notes rose into the sky.

When Mo Xun saw this posture, he secretly said something bad.

The next moment, Lu Wushen staggered out and ran out.

The two of them didn't say much and disappeared in a flash.

It wasn't until they were far away from Tianyun Sect that they slowed down in mid-air.

"Those damn little bastards actually added soul-sensing magic weapons to the restrictions, otherwise how could they have discovered me!"

As the saying goes, the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional!

Although there were restrictions placed on him, Mo Xun was still a little worried about this guy's hands and feet.

It seems that after returning, he can imitate this trick.

Seeing Lu Wushen's deflated look, Mo Xun smiled.

"So you failed?"

Lu Wushen snorted coldly and threw a storage bag over at the same time.

"When I take action, there is no such thing as failure."

Mo Xun's spiritual consciousness swept over him, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved on his face.

In just a short while, this guy actually collected nearly a thousand elixirs, and they were of various years, ranging from a few years to hundreds of years.

It's just that the picking method is too rough, and many of them are cut off directly.

In addition, many spiritual fruit trees were broken and thrown in.

Mo Xun never thought that he would recruit a thief just to cause some damage!

Life encounters are indeed amazing.

Seeing Mo Xun's expression, Lu Wushen raised his head proudly.

"This time, it's a gift, but next time if you want me to help, you can't just talk nonsense!"

Mo Xun smiled and put away the storage bag calmly.

At present, the Tianjian Sect is newly established and there are still many places that need to be spent. Naturally, he will not refuse with false courtesy.

"Don't worry, maybe I can use you soon!"

Three days passed in a hurry, and finally came to the day of the Tianjian Sect's founding ceremony.

Tens of thousands of monks gathered early at the 360 ​​white jade steps in front of the mountain gate.

Looking up, the towering mountain gate, which is several feet wide, shines in the morning sun, as if it is covered with a colorful coat.

In front of the gate stood two lines of seventy-two disciples wearing brand new robes, each with a face full of pride and determination.

Amid the sound of bells and drums that went straight into the universe, a sound of "opening the mountain" spread all over the place.

Then, the light shield of the formation above the head slowly cracked like a curtain, and the golden glow spread on the white jade steps more than ten feet wide.

At the same time, twelve level five thunder beasts flashed with lightning and stepped out of the mountain gate.

These beasts were Mo Xun's gains in the polar thunder sea that year.

I never thought that one day, they would be used to show off.

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