Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 955 Heavenly Sword Master

"Who are you?"

Gu Yutian replied calmly.

"The founder of Tianjian Sect!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted everyone's curiosity, especially those Tianyun Sect disciples and the mysterious Nascent Soul in the distance.

They only thought that Mo Xun was the founder of the sect, but then a sword suddenly appeared.

This is a bit interesting. The two factions can actually bring out their respective ancestors. It seems that the newly built Tianjian Sect also has some background.

"You are a weapon spirit, you don't even have a physical body. Are you trying to block the car with your arms?"

Gu Yutian looked at the other party without any expression.

"let's start!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sword re-entered the body, and then slashed towards Patriarch Tianyun without any warning.

The huge white sword light instantly annihilated the area of ​​a hundred feet.

The rest of the people all withdrew immediately.

That day, Patriarch Yun was not strong on the outside but strong on the inside. When the sword light slashed his body, it turned into wisps of blood and dissipated.

The next moment, smoke and dust suddenly rose up within hundreds of feet.

Mo Xun also didn't expect that Gu Yutian would be so decisive and just do what he said without even saying hello in advance.

In the smoke and dust, the blood mist transformed by Patriarch Tianyun was seen to condense again, but this time it turned into a blood dragon and rushed towards the Jade Sky Sword.

The blood dragon roared, opened its mouth and swallowed the Baizhang sword light directly.

With a rumbling sound, the blood dragon exploded suddenly, and the Jade Sky Sword broke through the blood and slashed down again.

Seeing such a fight, the others were shocked and shocked.

Perhaps this is the first time for everyone to see this kind of fight between spiritual creatures.

Suddenly, countless sword sounds that shook the world came to my ears. The tens of thousands of flying swords in the distance seemed to have been summoned. They trembled and turned into streams of light, heading straight towards the blood mist to kill.

Within a few thousand feet, sword light suddenly appeared everywhere, and blood filled the air.

Just outside the battlefield of sword and blood, a figure moved quietly and went straight to where Gu Qingqing was to kill.

Unfortunately, this person overestimated his own abilities and was stopped by Mo Xun before he even got close.

Gongsun Xu raised his eyebrows and quickly changed direction and left.

Although he was the most powerful among the Ten Thousand Swords just now, it was not that he failed to pay attention to the fighting between Mo Xun and Wang Boxhan.

A guy who can face two Nascent Souls and kill one of them, no matter how confident he is, he will not be stupid enough to confront them head-on.

But he wanted to leave, how could Mo Xun let him go?

Purple light flashed across the sky, and Mo Xun, who was wearing the True Fire Sky Spirit Armor, was like a meteor, as fast as lightning.

Within a breath, he came to Gongsun Xu.

"Your Excellency, wait a minute, I'm quitting..."

Before Gongsun Xu finished speaking, he fell into a sea of ​​fire, followed by countless sharp arrows transformed from purple flames.

In an instant, the sky was filled with flames, and the scorching heat seemed to melt even the space.

"Second level Xuantian fire!"

Gongsun Xu's face changed drastically, and he quickly gathered his palms in front of his chest, and pushed forward suddenly, condensing a powerful wave of air, and surrounded by a circle of cyan protective light, blocking the incoming rockets for several seconds. Zhang Kaiwai.

At the same time, he patted his waist and an elk flew out.

The elk opened its mouth and spat out silver-white cold air towards the flames in the sky. In an instant, it was frozen for tens of feet, forming a curtain wall of ice around it.

The ice wall only lasted for a breath or two before a clicking sound came from it.

With a bang, the heat wave transformed from the Xuantian fire tore through the ice wall like sea water, collapsed in one blow, and swept towards Gongsun Xu again.

Seeing this, Gongsun Xu threw out a big black net.

The black net grew rapidly in the dark light, covering a hundred feet in the blink of an eye, blocking all the purple flames on the other side.

Then he quickly took back the elk and turned around to leave.

But the next moment, a huge chessboard flew over the head, covering the sky and the sun, directly covering Qianzhang.

Gongsun Xu made a seal in his hand, green smoke rose, and the whole person disappeared immediately.

But then, Mo Xun suddenly appeared thousands of feet away, and then stabbed out the silver spear, shooting out a ball of blood in the originally empty place.

With a scream, Gongsun Xu appeared again, but was thrown backward by the silver spear.

In the Black Heron Nebula, countless black and white chess pieces flew out, and streams of glow circulated in the air, trapping Gongsun Xu in it.

"Fellow Taoist, wait a moment, I will admit defeat!"

Mo Xun snorted coldly, wanting to admit defeat now, but it was too late!

Then his body flashed and he also flew into the stream of light!

The movement here naturally attracted Wang Boxhan's attention.

But since the old guy cast the spell, he has become sluggish. When he arrived, Mo Xun and Gongsun Xu were already fighting.

But in this case, he would not be alone.

Without any hesitation, Wang Boxhan also rushed into the chess formation.

On the other hand, after Gu Qingqing and others recovered a little, under the command of Dong Qianxue, they re-deployed a large formation and prepared to carry out a killing blow on Wei Qing.

But in this short period of time, Wei Qing also breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the four Jiedan and Yuanying were fighting together again.

In an instant, three battle groups formed again above the entire mountain range.

For the alchemy monks from Tianyun Sect in the distance, the only one who could intervene was Gu Qingqing.

But under the surveillance of the mysterious Nascent Soul, no one dared to move at all.

Suddenly, a huge roar erupted from the Ten Thousand Swords.

This sound shook the universe, and the powerful magic power swept across the four directions like a tide, spreading tens of thousands of feet away in an instant.

The earth was shaking, as if it was pushed by a huge energy, making all obstacles along the way disappear into ashes.

The mountains and rivers that were already devastated, countless broken stones and plants were blown up to the sky.

The towering cliffs and mountains were shattered inch by inch under the impact!

The whole world seemed to be about to collapse.

Because it was too close to the mountain gate, it even broke a gap in the mountain protection formation and razed the mountain where the mountain gate was located to the ground.

Even so, the remaining power was still unabated, rushing towards the belly of the Tianjian Sect.

In the smoke and dust, countless flying swords shot in all directions, as if they had lost control, and fell all over the mountains and plains.

Even Mo Xun and the other two under the Wulu Nebula were blown away by this impact.

Those with lower cultivation, such as Gu Qingqing and the disciples of Tianyun Sect, completely lost control of their bodies in the air wave like leaves falling in the wind.

Many people spit out blood in mid-air, and their lives and deaths are unknown!

Some foundation-building cultivators who did not have time to escape were strangled on the spot by the powerful air wave.

The huge battlefield suddenly became quiet.

The Jade Sky Sword and Tianyun Patriarch, who caused all this, also stopped making any sound at the same time.

Mo Xun felt as if his ears were about to be deafened, and his internal organs seemed to be dislocated.

Even though his body was strong, he was also slightly injured in the explosion.

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