Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 962: Holy Fruit of Infant

At the same time, Tianyun Sect was also in an uproar.

A remote cave has not been opened since it was closed more than a year ago.

Even if the ancestor called for a battle with the Tianjian Sect this time, the master here refused on the grounds that he was seriously injured and had not recovered.

The door to the secret room opened with a bang, and a young and beautiful woman ran in in a panic.

It seemed that she had just taken a shower, and her hair was wet and draped casually on her shoulders.

"Master, something happened!"

The person called Master is slightly older and is also a female cultivator. She is sitting cross-legged on the futon and is concentrating behind closed doors.

Seeing the disciple being so unruly, he felt a little unhappy on his face.

"How dignified!"

These two people were naturally Chen Muling's master and disciple whom Mo Xun rescued in Huanyun Desert.

Guan Yanran stuck out her tongue playfully, said "oh" softly, and then stood up steadily.

Chen Muling smiled bitterly and shook his head, motioning for his disciple to sit next to him.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Guan Yanran was like a child who had learned a secret and was eager to tell an adult, so she spoke hurriedly.

"A senior sister in the sect just sent word to me that our master failed in his attack on the Tianjian Sect. Not only did he lose tens of thousands of disciples, but Patriarch Tong's physical body was also destroyed."

Upon hearing this, Chen Muling suddenly stood up.

The look of shock on his face was even worse than that of his disciple just now.

"Is this serious?"

Seeing Guan Yanran nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, it took Chen Muling a long time to recover.

Ever since Mo Xun entered the mountain gate last time, she had been using excuses to stay in seclusion.

His original intention was not to get involved in the conflict between his sect and his benefactor. Later, when his ancestor summoned his disciples to attack the Tianjian Sect, he decided not to help the two.

From her standpoint, since she couldn't intervene, she could only escape.

But I never thought that the two parties would actually have such a big quarrel, and tens of thousands of disciples would die at once.

If this happens, it will really be a fight to the death.

She even didn't expect that Mo Xun was so powerful and could kill one person despite being surrounded by many Nascent Souls.

After a moment, Chen Muling said in a solemn tone: "Yanran, please don't contact other disciples in the sect again. My master and disciple will be in seclusion for ten years from now on, and they are not allowed to leave the cave during this period. Do you hear me?"

Let’s split the conversation into two parts, let’s go back to the Tianjian Sect.

After Mo Xun gathered his disciples and the casual cultivators who were staying here, he entered the secret room to heal the injuries of Gu Qingqing and others.

This battle almost wiped out all the confidence of the Tianjian Sect.

There were only a few pill-forming top beams in the past, but now they are all seriously injured.

Even the Jade Heavenly Sword, the only mountain-holding treasure, only has a few fragments left.

Fortunately, it is not without gain. After this battle, no one will dare to challenge him in a short period of time.

Then there is Wei Qing. It is an unexpected surprise to have such a Nascent Soul in charge.

Although this person was helpless, and even said that he had a strong hostility towards Tianjian Sect and Mo Xun, as long as the restriction was still there, he was not afraid of causing trouble.

In comparison, Tianyun Sect suffered a loss.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of disciples, just the loss of one Nascent Soul cannot be recovered in a short time.

Perhaps from now on, the status of the entire Tianyun Sect in southern Xinjiang will be greatly reduced.

This transaction can only be said to be a loss for both parties.

In the secret room, Mo Xun looked at the four people who were weak and felt somewhat guilty in his heart.

More than half of them were brought by him from Xihe Prefecture, perhaps for different reasons, but in any case, this favor was owed after all.

Mo Xun has never been a hypocritical person, and he doesn't know how to say thank you.

In front of the four people, he waved his hand, and the four jade boxes immediately floated in front of everyone.

Surprise appeared on several people's faces one after another. When they opened the jade box, they all took a deep breath.

What is inside is the Jiangyun Fairy Fruit!

No one who can cultivate to such a state has not seen it. Even if they have not seen the famous Holy Fruit of Infant-birth, they have already heard about it.

A spiritual object that can increase the success rate of conceiving a baby to 50% can indeed be worthy of the word "immortal".

And this is the only one in the world!

To put it bluntly, this fairy fruit almost represents a Nascent Soul.

Although they were seriously injured, after recognizing this object, several people could not help but breathe quickly.

No matter what reason a person embarks on the path of cultivation, and no matter how lightly he takes the realm of cultivation, he still cannot maintain a calm heart in front of such a holy object.

This is "greed"!

Human nature is hard to change!

From Mo Xun's point of view, there is nothing wrong with this, he is such a person himself.

Seeing the four of them just staring at the fairy fruit, Mo Xun smiled.

"This is what you guys deserve, and it's what I promised you back then."

While speaking, Mo Xun slowly stood up.

"I said at the beginning that anyone who sincerely joins the Tianjian Sect will give everyone a future. At this critical moment, not only did you not abandon Mo, but you also protected the sect with your life. This sincerity is enough to deserve this I don’t dare to promise anything else, but I will never treat you badly in terms of cultivation.”

Immediately afterwards, he came to Luo Xi again and gently patted the other party's shoulder.

"You are the most seriously injured this time, and even your golden elixir is broken. In my opinion, you don't need to repair it, but can directly break the elixir to form a fetus. It just so happens that you have reached the false fetus realm, so just take advantage of the situation. From today, you will start to retreat, and I will use the power of the whole sect to protect you."

Luo Xi's mouth moved, but she didn't know what to say.

When the golden elixir broke, she really felt despair, thinking that her path would end here.

It's not that she hadn't thought about breaking the elixir to form a fetus directly.

Next, she also prepared in this way.

But if she said how sure she was, she didn't have any confidence at all.

If forming a elixir can be built with resources, then forming a fetus depends largely on luck.

And this time, it's not just the golden elixir that was damaged.

Many meridians in her body were broken and her vitality was greatly depleted. When fighting with Wei Qing, she burned her blood several times.

If she formed a fetus in this state, it would be tantamount to seeking death.

For some reason, Luo Xi sniffed a little bit when she looked at the man beside her.

Perhaps it was because she had left her hometown and felt a rare warmth.

Or maybe someone reached out to her when she was weakest.

All kinds of emotions brewed, and finally this once proud fairy couldn't hold back and shed tears.

She had indeed endured a lot in these years.

While thinking about her relatives in her hometown, she had to stand firmly behind Mo Xun, protect him and help him establish a sect.

She didn't think about getting anything, maybe it was just out of the friendship of the past.

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