Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 971 Three-flowered and three-leafed fruit

Hospitality is fine, but what made Mo Xun frown slightly was the murderous intent on the other side.

This guy had a slightly gloomy face, and he was standing not far from Wang Boshan.

From the first time he saw Mo Xun, his eyes shot out two murderous auras without any concealment.

Mo Xun was sure that he had never seen this person, but from his appearance and cultivation, he had roughly guessed a little.

This person should be the current supreme elder of Tianguimen, Mu Congnan!

His grievances with Tianguimen were no less than those with Tianyun Sect, and even worse.

He also killed the flesh of a Yuanying, and so far, Feng Yuxiu's Yuanying is still in his hands.

Turning his eyes, he saw another familiar person.

Xuan Jing!

Mo Xun sneered at the corner of his mouth. Today's game seemed to have the flavor of a Hongmen Banquet.

"Friend Mo, please take a seat inside!"

Facing the urging of the Holy Spirit, Mo Xun did not move his feet.

This old guy obviously saw that the situation was not right, and he probably knew where the crux of the matter was.

But he still brought him here, which was somewhat intriguing.

Mo Xun turned his head slightly, and his eyes met with the Holy Spirit.

There were more than a dozen Yuanying, but there were three enemies among them.

It seems that he is really a person who is easy to be hated.

The Holy Spirit smiled and whispered: "Don't worry, fellow Daoist. Since you are invited by me, no one dares to embarrass you here. I can still promise this."

After a while, Mo Xun nodded slightly.

But the moment he stepped into the secret room, he swung his long sleeves and left the incarnation of the devil outside.

He did not deliberately cover up this move, and in front of so many people, he could not hide it.

The Holy Spirit and Xunyang looked back at the incarnation that suddenly appeared in the corner behind them, and did not say much.

As soon as Mo Xun stepped into the stone room, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

There seemed to be only a slight sound of footsteps in his ears.

He walked in step by step under everyone's gaze, and then walked to the nearest empty seat and sat down.

At the end, he nodded and smiled at Yang Ziweng and his wife.

The stone door fell with a bang!

The short silence was finally broken when the Holy Spirit walked to the main seat.

"Please take a seat first. I believe you have all heard of this Taoist friend Mo. I will not introduce him in detail. It is just the turn of Taoist friend Qiu to show what he wants to exchange. Let's continue this exchange first, and we will talk about business later."

The Holy Spirit then turned his head and looked at Mo Xun.

"Mo Daoyou came a little late, do you mind waiting at the end?"

Mo Xun smiled and nodded slightly.

"It should be!"

Logically speaking, as a latecomer and a newly promoted Nascent Soul, Mo Xun basically did not know most of the cultivators here.

In this case, he should introduce himself first.

But the Holy Spirit saw that Mo Xun did not mean to do so, so he did not force it.

Except for the few people who knew him, most of the others showed a curious look on their faces.

Mo Xun's experience of coming out of nowhere and killing his way from Huanyunyuan to Nanjiang is no longer a secret.

But it is precisely because of this that everyone is more curious.

A person who has just formed a fetus has killed several fetuses in a short few years, and has established his own territory in the world of immortal cultivation with many sects.

Especially the war between the two sects two years ago, which made him famous.

One person fighting four fetuses alone is incredible for anyone.

Of course, everyone is also watching the situation with a mentality of watching the fun.

They all want to see what actions Tianyun and Tiangui will take next.

As the voice fell, a short, middle-aged fat man with a very round face stood up from the chair.

This person is born with a smiling face, and whenever he speaks, he gives people a kind feeling.

Cultivation is at the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and the fluctuation of the power is not considered very strong.

The other party first bowed to the Holy Spirit True Man on the first seat, then smiled and bowed, and finally set his eyes on Mo Xun.

"I am Qiu Linwan of Fenglei Sect, and I am honored to meet you, Daoist Mo."

Mo Xun did not act arrogantly at this time, and also stood up and bowed.

Qiu Linwan's introduction was obviously only for Mo Xun, after all, the others had been famous for many years, and they had known each other for a long time.

Qiu Linwan waved his sleeves, and three things appeared in front of him.

Two huge jade boxes, plus a huge level 7 peak demon beast inner pill.

The moment the inner pill appeared, it immediately attracted many people's attention from Mo Xun.

The cultivation environment of the entire Dongsheng Continent is much inferior to that of Xihe Continent.

This can be seen from the richness of the spiritual energy.

Apart from anything else, the strength of the sect alone is incomparable to others.

The strongest sect here has no more than three Yuanying people. If it were in Xihezhou, it would be the size of a seven-star sect.

In terms of cultivation resources, they are also not on the same level.

For example, this demon pill, several people are already quite jealous.

If this thing were placed in the boundless demon sea, it would be at the level of a demon spirit.

Although Tujia beasts have always been rare, they are not rare.

It should be noted that in the storm that stirred up the demon sea, there were many little demon kings who died in Chashan's hands.

Although it was a dangerous time and he almost lost his life, Mo Xun did not get nothing out of it.

There were quite a few corpses of various monsters he picked up!

I guess that big blue-eyed monster is still waiting to die in the Tiankui Realm!

At this moment, a woman in a green dress suddenly stood up.

"Brother Qiu, I want this earth armor beast inner pill. I am about to refine a furnace of five-element heavenly treasure pills, and I just happen to lack earth attribute medicine. Although the monster pill is not the most suitable spiritual material, it can barely make do. I wonder what Brother Qiu wants to exchange?"

This female cultivator is also in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. She looks pretty, but her voice is a little old.

"Hehe, Fairy Bai, why are you in such a hurry? Why don't you make a decision after Qiu opens the other two treasures."

Then, there was a bang, and the jade box opened.

What appeared in front of everyone was a plant with three colorful flowers on it, three three-colored petals in the middle, and a fist-sized round spiritual fruit at the end.

As soon as the flower appeared, the whole secret room was filled with several different kinds of strange fragrance.

The spiritual fruit was surrounded by a faint green light, which looked tempting, sweet, and full of spiritual charm, which really made people's eyes bright.

"This is... a three-flower three-leaf fruit that is at least four thousand years old!"

The female cultivator who stood up suddenly became short of breath and said in surprise: "Brother Qiu actually has such a spiritual fruit?"

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