Li Qingying immediately woke up and realized that all the eyes around her were focused on her.

Fortunately, it was just a vague murmur, and no one could hear clearly what she said.

If she hadn't had some cultivation, she would have been punished with disrespect in front of so many Yuan Ying monks.

Although Meng Bolei's face looked a little unhappy, he didn't say anything.

On the other hand, Wuji Sanren's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered Mingyu, and his eyes rolled, not knowing what he was thinking.

The mutual sarcasm between Fang Xinghe and Zuo Wei was interrupted, and the venue suddenly became a little quiet.

Seeing this, Meng Bolei quickly smiled and smoothed things over.

"Don't let the two of you hurt your harmony because of an outsider. I think by this time, Sect Master Mo has arrived at Wuliang Mountain. If this person has real information, you will know by sending a few people to the Tianjian Sect to find out. But in Meng's case, It seems that now that the demonic catastrophe is approaching, it is better for us to unite. If those demonic cultivators succeed, not to mention the Zhengyuan Sword Sect, whether it is our Jiuli Palace or Brother Fang's Ancient Moon Sect, we will all be defeated. There is no way to escape the catastrophe..."

When Li Qingying heard this, her heart moved slightly.

Since she entered Jiuli Palace, she has not given up searching for Mo Xun's whereabouts for many years.

Whenever I leave the clan, I basically ask about Brother Mo.

But she didn't have any connections. Although she asked some people to inquire about it, there was still no news.

Since receiving the last transmission note that year, she has completely lost news about Mo Xun.

Many times, she even thought that Brother Mo had died long ago.

But every time she thought about this possibility, she was unwilling to accept it.

She practiced hard just to find Brother Mo one day.

Since she was promoted to Core Formation, she would walk around in the name of training basically every ten years.

This time, it was the first time in more than two hundred years that she heard that familiar name.

How could she not be touched?

No matter what, she wanted to confirm it with her own eyes.

Although from the mouths of several seniors, it can be guessed that the master of the Tianjian Sect is probably already a Nascent Soul cultivation level.

Although with Brother Mo's qualifications, no matter how fast he practiced, he probably wouldn't be able to reach this level, but she was unwilling to give up this possibility.

Over the years, she has secretly accumulated a large amount of spiritual stones and elixirs, with the goal of one day being able to help Brother Mo.

Thinking of the years when she wandered with Brother Mo, she felt in a daze.

If it weren't for Brother Mo, she would have died in the black market.

How could there still be the current Li Qingying?

When the two of them parted ways, Brother Mo was already at the foundation level.

According to the longevity of a foundation-building monk, even if Big Brother Mo doesn't advance to the level of pill formation, he should still have longevity.

But it’s only a few decades at most!

So she became more and more anxious, fearing that if she delayed any longer, she would lose hope.

And even if you find it when your life is about to expire, it will be of little use.

Because at that time, there was no time to form a golden elixir!

"Wuliangshan...and Tianjian Sect!"

Li Qingying silently wrote down these two names in her heart. She planned to say goodbye to her master and go directly to Wuliang Mountain after returning to the sect.

It had been ten years since she last went out.

Because she wanted to practice a magical power passed down by her master, she had only recently left seclusion.

As soon as I came out, I happened to run into the Xuanwu Spiritual Fighting Conference, and then I followed my master to the Zhengyuan Sword Sect.

Therefore, she knew almost nothing about recent events in the world of immortality.

Just when Li Qingying's thoughts were agitated, Fang Xinghe said: "If you want to know the specific situation of this person, why bother? It's not just the major sects of the Yue Kingdom who came to the Zhengyuan Sword Sect this time. I want to know Tianyun and Tiantian There should be people from both Jian sects, just go and ask them."

When Li Qingying heard this, her heart moved again.

Yes, why would she rush to Wuliang Mountain?

Since someone from the Tianjian Sect was here, she would know everything if she went over and asked.

Furthermore, even if the Tianjian Sect was founded not long ago, why can't we ask about the actual appearance of Sect Master Mo?

She knew that Brother Mo had taken the Beauty Pill, and even if two hundred years passed, his appearance would not change much.

Thinking of this, she couldn't stay any longer and wanted to ask the Tianjian Sect monks where they were staying.

Wen Zixi quickly noticed that Li Qingying was distracted.

After more than two hundred years of master and apprentice, how could she still not understand her disciple?

Although I am a disciple who is taciturn and rarely deals with the world, I still understand the basics.

This is the first time something unusual like this has happened.

In a daze, Li Qingying heard the rather reproachful voice of her master.

"If anything happens, we'll talk about it later when we get back!"

Li Qingying suddenly woke up and quickly collected her mind.

It stands to reason that when the name "Mo Xun" is mentioned, there should be one person who is familiar with it.

That is Wuji Sanren!

But back then, how could Wuji Sanren care about the name of an ant?

Even if I heard it, I didn't take it to heart at all.

In addition, more than two hundred years have passed, how can I still remember it?

After Zuo Wei's interruption, Fang Xinghe's original intention of marrying the two families seemed to be temporarily suppressed.

He planned to talk to Mumbray alone later.

This time he came to the Zhengyuan Sword Sect for this very reason!

As others have guessed, choosing Wen Zixi as Wuji Sanren's Taoist partner is precisely to increase Wuji Sanren's success rate of forming a baby through the dual cultivation method.

Of course, this matter is beneficial to both parties.

The master and the disciple have also inquired about Wen Zixi, who has been stuck in the late stage of Jindan for nearly a hundred years.

If the two can practice dual cultivation, it will not only benefit Wuji Sanren, but Wen Zixi will also have a chance to break through the bottleneck.

But in general, the benefits obtained by Wuji Sanren will definitely be much greater.

But this is not the main reason!

The reason why Wen Zixi was chosen is related to the cultivation method practiced by this woman.

The pure yin body and ice attribute cultivation method of the late stage of Jindan, which meet these two conditions at the same time, are not easy to find in southern Xinjiang.

It can even be said that the entire cultivation world may not be able to find a more suitable one.

While scolding the disciples, Wen Zixi was also a little absent-minded.

She never thought that she just came to watch the fight of low-level disciples casually, but encountered someone asking for marriage in person.

To be honest, the moment she heard this, her heart sank.

Fortunately, after seeing the attitude of her master Meng Bolei, she was able to calm down a little.

Her current cultivation level was indeed stagnant, but she had never thought of breaking through by dual cultivation, and she had never even considered forming a Taoist partner with someone.

Although she was not practicing the ruthless way, it was almost the same.

Years of practicing the art of ice had also affected her character to some extent, making her not very interested in anything other than the great way.

She hated this kind of purposeful marriage even more!

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