"It turns out there is something else inside!"

Mo Xun secretly thought about it and hurriedly went up to touch it with his hand.

It felt cold to the touch, and he didn't know what material it was made of.

Then, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

When his divine sense swept over it, he found that there was actually a restriction on this silver-white metal, but the divine sense was immediately bounced back as soon as it touched it.

In fact, this was not unexpected. After all, the monster above the level of transformation was trapped in this thing. How could it be just ordinary cast iron?

But with his current divine sense and restriction means, it seems that he can't peek into it.

He can be sure that this restriction is definitely beyond this world.

Thinking of this, he suddenly stretched out his palm, and with a thought, the fire phoenix floating in the air immediately turned into a purple flame sword in his palm.

Under the concentration of magic power, he suddenly chopped it down with force.

But the next moment, the recoil force bounced him away, and even made his internal organs tumble a little.

Mo Xun held the flaming sword in his hand and took a long deep breath.

When he put the iron chain away, he felt that it was extraordinary. Now, it is really a treasure.

Under this knife, the iron chain restriction seemed to loosen a little, but soon, it returned to normal.

However, the exposed silver-white was more.

Mo Xun put away the fire phoenix and told the little guy to stabilize the true essence first. He sat cross-legged in front of the iron chain, closed his eyes, and tried to extend his consciousness into it again.

After a long time, a gray-white world suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the gray-white, there were golden silk threads, densely packed, but very regularly stretched in front of his eyes.

It was like a spider web arranged according to the direction of heaven and earth.

This arrangement is not flat, but three-dimensional, extending to a place where the consciousness cannot reach.

He was moved in his heart. This is a formation restriction of a higher plane!

Speaking of formations, or restrictions, he is not unfamiliar, and can even be regarded as a master of this.

But the restrictions he had encountered before were completely different from what he saw before.

Mo Xun had an inexplicable premonition that as long as he could unlock these restrictions, he could control the iron chain.

It turned out that this thing was a spiritual weapon, or something beyond a spiritual weapon.

Thinking of this, he immediately focused his mind and began to try to crack the restrictions in front of him.

But there were too many restrictions, so many that it made his scalp numb.

While he was quietly retreating, the spiritual battle competition of the Zhengyuan Sword Sect was still proceeding in an orderly manner.

The high-level cultivators' viewing platform was not only for people from large sects.

Many famous independent cultivators were also invited to come here.

Among them, there were two people sitting in a formation barrier, looking at the fighting stage and whispering about something.

The realm of these two people was not low, one was in the middle stage of Jindan, and the other was in the early stage.

It was just because of the shielding formations around them and the two of them concealed their cultivation, so no one noticed them at this moment.

"Brother, the two sitting over there are the people sent by the Tianjian Sect." One of the men in black, who looked to be in his thirties or forties, had a dark complexion and sharp features on his face. He suddenly raised his eyebrows and said to the person next to him.

This man's name was Liu Yu, and he was one of the Liu brothers who ran away early because of Mo Xun's sudden appearance.

As for the one next to him, it was naturally the eldest brother Liu Tiannan.

Liu Tiannan looked a little older, with a very tall figure and a pair of sharp eyes. He looked like a guy who was not easy to mess with.

Liu Tiannan followed his brother's gaze and nodded gently.

Since the two left the Tianyun Sect, they first came to Baiye City. Originally, they wanted to meet the Supreme Elder of Jiuli Palace.

But after thinking about it, they gave up the idea.

Ever since they knew that Mo Xun destroyed Tonglu's body, beat Wang Boshan back to the mountain gate, and finally had to apologize, they knew that even if they took refuge in Jiuli Palace, they might not be able to get safe shelter.

In this case, why bother to change the entrance hall to attract attention.

Not only will they not get any benefits, but they may also anger their old boss.

After being shocked by Mo Xun's strength, Liu Tiannan calmed down completely, and also thought of a point that made his heart beat.

That is Mo Xun's advancement speed!

There are actually not many people in the entire southern border who know Mo Xun's details.

And his Liu brothers are one of the only ones.

More than two hundred years ago, when Mo Xun came to the Liu family, he was just a Qi Refiner.

But when they met again, he suddenly became a Yuanying cultivator, and he could still easily kill the existence of the same level.

If you say that this person has no secrets, Liu Tiannan will never believe it.

It is undeniable that every cultivator has more or less secrets, and the two brothers are the same.

But the secret of Mo Xun is definitely extraordinary!

Liu Tiannan suddenly realized that this might not be a disaster for the two brothers, but an opportunity.

But how to get this secret is not easy. If you don't do it well, you will have to sacrifice your life.

The initial idea of ​​the two was to find a Yuanying cultivator to cooperate.

Meng Bolei of Jiuli Palace is their best target.

Because this person's disciple Shi Xingchen had a deep friendship with him, Liu Tiannan, and this time they came to Baiye City in Xuanwu Country, just to join Shi Xingchen.

But after thinking again and again, they suppressed this idea.

Just as the two brothers thought, since Wang Boshan was no match for Mo Xun, how much weight could Meng Bolei have?

Another point is that cooperating with a Yuanying cultivator is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger.

Even if Shi Xingchen and Liu Tiannan had a life-and-death relationship, after all these years, who knows how much of that friendship is left now.

Not to mention that they are just brothers without any blood relationship, even if they are biological father and son, what can it be?

In front of the avenue, what does that little bit of affection count for?

After thinking about it, the two of them couldn't come up with a good solution. They were delayed in Baiye City for two or three years.

This time, the Zhengyuan Sword Sect held a grand event, and they had nothing to do, so they came to join in the fun.

When they heard that the Tianjian Sect sent people to watch the ceremony, the two of them immediately inquired about the situation of the people.

After knowing that it was just two foundation-building cultivators, they lost much interest.

They knew that there were three women following Mo Xun.

If it was any one of them, the two planned to take the risk of tying him up, and then lead Mo Xun to a pre-ambush place, which might succeed.

But if it was just the foundation building stage, the weight would not be enough.

How could a Yuanying ancestor go out of his way for just two foundation building juniors?

They also judged others by themselves, thinking that they would not care, and Mo Xun certainly would not care.

At this time, two pretty figures walked out of the main stage formation.

When Liu Yu saw the appearance of one of them, he was stunned.

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