Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 994 The War is About to Start

Fang Xinghe frowned.

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to settle things over at Jiuli Palace..."

The shadow on Wuji Sanren's face was even worse, and there was determination on his lips that he was bound to win.

"As long as the master can entangle that person, the disciple is confident that he can take down these two people without anyone noticing."

Fang Xinghe said nothing, but he naturally knew who "that" was.

Wuji Sanren was quite satisfied with this trip. He had investigated everything about Wen Zixi in advance, but he didn't expect there would be an unexpected surprise.

This surprise is Li Qingying!

He could tell at a glance that Li Qingying's ice soul body was the most suitable for the technique he practiced.

It's just that in terms of cultivation, it seems to be a little lower.

But if Wen Zixi is added, it will be different.

After two lifetimes of rebuilding, Wuji Sanren's scheming is much deeper than Fang Xinghe's.

He was looking for a female cultivator who cultivated the cold attribute. Actually, it was not for dual cultivation, but to refine the other person's cultivation.

As for Fang Xinghe, he may have guessed this disciple's plan, but what does it matter?

A few hundred years ago, he might have stopped it.

But right now, nothing is more important than continuing the Gu Yue Sect's legacy.

If the sect had not yet had a Nascent Soul cultivator emerge before he died, you don’t have to think about what Gu Yue Sect would have ended up with.

In the war between the demons two hundred years ago, Gu Yue Sect suffered the heaviest losses.

Not only did many pill-forming people die, but one of the ancestors of Yuanying also died.

One battle turned the original first-class sect into a low-ranking one.

So this time, the Gu Yue Sect sent the fewest disciples to Wuliang Mountain, and even the upper echelons of the Tiandao Alliance acquiesced to this situation.

In fact, in monks' fighting, the chance of Nascent Soul falling is very small.

Even if the physical body is destroyed, the Nascent Soul still has the magical power of teleportation.

Since Mo Xun succeeded in conceiving a baby, he has only seriously injured three people in total.

Feng Yuxiu and Tian Xuanzi of Huanyun Yuan, as well as the Tonglu of Tianyun Sect.

Among these three people, Tian Xuanzi self-destructed his Nascent Soul, while the other two only chopped off their physical bodies.

To say that being able to catch two Nascent Souls was more of a surprise.

If those two people hadn't underestimated them before the battle, Mo Xun would have succeeded.

Fang Xinghe nodded solemnly.

"I will find a way, and you should be careful yourself."

While the master and disciple were secretly planning, Mo Xun, who was in Wuliang Mountain, was refining Nanming Lihuo in the cyan world.

He finally gave up the idea of ​​throwing the Wei Xuan Real Fire to Chi Hao to devour it.

Now that he has the whereabouts of the Hundred Illusion Heavenly Crystals, and he happens to have a trip to the Demonic Land, why waste it!

After studying the chain restraint for several days, I have only scratched the surface of how to refine it.

It seems that without several years of hard work, it is simply impossible.

But there was no rush, now that the baby was successfully born, he had a lot of time to waste.

What pleased him was that from the restraint of the iron chain, he realized a broader way of formation.

As expected, none of the things in the upper world have a simple origin.

If he could completely refine it in the future, he felt that his formation attainments would definitely reach a big level.

He can barely set up a seventh-level formation now, and perhaps in a few decades, eight and nine levels will be out of the question.

After refining Nanming Lihuo, he produced a green gourd.

As soon as he returned to the secret room, several transmission notes appeared in front of him.

Mo Xun's face hardened, and he immediately knew that both the Heavenly and Demonic parties had begun to take action on the front line.

Mo Xun grabbed a jade slip and read it briefly before throwing it away.

Soon, two alchemy monks came outside the gate of the cave.

"Juniors Liu Changqing and Du Heng were ordered to come and pay homage to Senior Mo."

Mo Xun raised his hand and the door was opened, and two men hurriedly walked in.

Judging from the fluctuations in mana, the cultivation level of these two people is not low, one is in the late stage of pill formation, and the other is in the middle stage.

"I've met Senior Mo!"

Mo Xun waved his hand, indicating that they didn't need to be polite.

Mo Xun already knew the purpose of their visit from the jade slips.

According to the arrangements of the Tiandao Alliance, each Yuanying monk needs to command an army of monks, with the number ranging from thousands to tens of thousands.

Mo Xun is the leader of this team.

"Tell me about the current situation!"

The man named Liu Changqing held up his hand, and his body was more or less filled with chills and blood. It was obvious that he had killed someone not long ago.

"Back to senior, our Tiandao Alliance launched an attack on the demonic path three days ago. Because senior has not come out of seclusion, our Red Flame Army can only follow Lan Xiang's army and act under the leadership of senior Baijianshan, but the war only lasted. They are now resting and waiting for the next attack. After two days of fierce fighting, the Red Flame Army injured a total of more than 200 people. There are no casualties among the Pill Formation monks, but a few Foundation Establishment disciples died. "

Mo Xun nodded understandingly.

He had seen this Baijian Mountain before, it was the supreme elder of Spirit Beast Mountain.

"When is the next time you take action?"

Liu Changqing shook his head.

"I still do not know yet."

Liu Changqing is really not qualified to know about this kind of thing.

Mo Xun asked again: "How many Nascent Souls have come to the Demonic Way? Have we suffered any losses in this battle?"

Liu Changqing took a deep breath.

"Because it was a tentative attack, neither of the two Nascent Soul Ancestors took action, so the specific situation is still unclear."

Mo Xun nodded understandingly, and just as he was about to ask something more, he heard a continuous sound of horns coming from outside.

Then, the world roared.

"You two go gather the troops first, I will support you from behind."

The two hurriedly clasped their fists and retreated in a hurry.

The horn sounded like a battle was about to begin.

Mo Xun followed closely and also left the cave, but the direction was to the main peak on the other side.

This is also the place where the Tiandao League holds meetings.

Although according to the arrangement of the Holy Spirit, each Yuanying must lead a group of cultivators, but he does not interfere with the specific command.

It's just that when this group of people encounters the demon Yuanying, they just need to stop them.

The actual command power is not in the hands of the Yuanying cultivators.

Of course, many Yuanying cultivators disdain to do such a laborious and thankless task.

I saw that along the way, the escape lights in the air intertwined and everyone was anxious and hurried to fly in and out.

It seemed that in an instant, the entire Wuliang Mountain was in chaos.

Looking up, the end of the sky was hazy.

There was a wide light curtain, almost covering the entire sky.

Mo Xun knew that it was the protective formation in front of Wuliang Mountain.

This kind of protective formation did not cover the mountain like the mountain protection formation, but formed an endless curtain wall on the front line.

This was also the last barrier of the Tiandao League. If it was broken, the Demonic Path would invade the hinterland of Southern Xinjiang without any hindrance.

At this moment, the Wuliang Main Peak had gathered many Yuanying who came here.

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