Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 996 Friend, leave it to me later

The moment the dark clouds were broken, the fallen immortals from the Tianling Clan who were originally suppressing the altar were instantly repelled.

Endless blue light emerged from the altar, which was the breath of the real dragon.

The old man in the center had a strong look of unwillingness in his eyes.

He never thought that in the battle inside, he would lose to a child with a yellow mouth.

But you can lose yourself, but the immortal clan cannot lose.

For a moment he stood up and looked at the other tribesmen:

"This time we come with the hope of the clan, and we must ensure that the sacred object is suppressed even if we risk our lives.

The hope of the immortal clan lies in us, and we must die a worthy death. "

As he spoke, the old man pressed his eyebrows with one hand, and blood essence flew out in an instant: "Our blood essence prevents Xiao Sansheng from activating the divine object, even if it costs his life."

In an instant, countless fallen immortal clan members stood up, their foreheads overflowing with essence and blood.

It is necessary to die to stop Xiao Sansheng.

At the same time, there seemed to be a seed blooming in their hearts.

As the seeds bloom, a vast celestial spirit appears.

Sweeping in all directions.

That kind of immortality carries unparalleled domineering power.

The people from the Tianling Tribe who were very close to each other had a feeling of palpitations in their hearts.

And Xu Yi who was outside also noticed this fairy spirit.

I couldn't help but sigh.

"Have the fairy seeds begun to bloom?"

He didn't expect the fairy seeds to start blooming so soon, hoping that it wouldn't be too late for the divine object to be activated.

Then he looked behind you:

"Friends, I hope you can help me."

"Okay." At this time, a woman emerged from the water:

"I'm a little embarrassed that I couldn't go in."

"It's okay, not everything can go as expected. I hope I can relax for a while this time." Xu Yi was gentle.

Then he took a step forward, and stars were all over his body.

The sky is occupied by him alone.

Like a giant descending from the endless sky.

There were stars and stones surging around him.

Time flies.

The woman in the water also took a step forward, holding a green bead in her hand, causing the endless sea to surge into the Heavenly Spirit Clan.

They all found the treasure.

The purpose is to put pressure on the Fallen Immortal Clan.

Pressure on this kind of fairy will buy time for Xiao Sansheng.

This burst of power made the Tianling Clan feel great pressure. Even the Fallen Immortal Clan noticed that these people were targeting them.

Mr. Tao, who was watching in the distance, frowned.

He just noticed the fairy spirit.

㵔Heart palpitations.

"Let's take action." Mr. Tao stood up and said.

"Xiao Sansheng said that he will surpass the Human Emperor, is it true?" Tang Ya stood up and asked Yu.

At this moment, she had strength surging in her body, and she could take action at any time.

"You only heard these words? Nothing else?" Zhu Shen asked Yu.

He has a gentle look and a reserved look.

But there was a sound of thunder vibrating within the body.

This matter had nothing to do with them, but if Mr. Tao said it should be taken action, then it should be taken action.

There isn't much of a reason.

"It's good if I can hear a sentence, but you can't hear anything." Tang Ya was not angry.

"This may be just half a sentence." Zhu Shen said.

Tang Ya snorted coldly, then took a step forward.

But he was stopped by Mr. Tao: "What's the rush? Just pretend, we are now members of the Great Thousand Divine Sect."

Tang Ya: "......"

Not only these people, the people who originally held the iron sword also burst out with powerful sword intent.

Suddenly, the island of the Tianling Tribe began to collapse.


Above the clouds.

Jiang Hao looked up and saw the endless sky.

When he lowered his head, he saw a terrifying fairy spirit condensing below.

Then he smiled slightly and looked at the dragon shadow in front of you:

"Friend, go ahead.

"Nine heavens are right in front of you, rising with the wind, straight up to ninety thousand miles."

After the words fell, the dragon shadow swam, looking at Jiang Hao as if asking.

"Me?" Jiang Hao pointed at himself and smiled:

"I have been in Jiutian for a long time, and no one can surpass me.

"Go, no one can chase your figure and affect your journey through the nine heavens.

"I promise."

The shadow of the real dragon stared at Jiang Hao for a long time, then jumped up and rushed into Jiutian.

Jiang Hao looked at his excited look, finally raised the knife in his hand, turned around and walked away from the fairy spirit coming up from below him.

"What a domineering fairy. It's a pity..." Jiang Hao showed a ferocious smile on his lips:

"I laugh for three lifetimes and become more domineering."

The fifth form of the Heavenly Sword, ask you!


The sword intention and the immortal intention collided together.

Brilliant light burst out.


The second ancestral land.

In front of the palace.

Yiyi is a silent dragon bone, and in front of Yiyi stands a man in Yiyi.

Nothing seems to have changed.

But at some point, the man in Yiyi was injured, and blood spilled from his arm.

There is even a crack between the eyebrows.

Blood overflowed from it, looking ferocious.

Gu Xianzi and others didn't even know what happened to Yu.

But such changes are anything but ordinary.

When Xiao Sansheng had more and more wounds on his body, suddenly a dragon roar came from high in the sky.

Liao Yingrong and others raised their heads to check, but saw no dragon shadow. They only heard a dull sound:

"My friend, I'm back, leave the rest to me."

For a time, the blessings of the Yiyuan Dragon Clan fell on Jiang Hao.

He who was originally silent slowly opened his eyes.

Under the blessing of the Dragon Clan, Jiang Hao's superficial wounds continued to recover.

Looking at the keel, Jiang Hao asked Yu: "Friend, have you fulfilled your long-cherished wish?"

At this time, there was endless light flashing on the keel's body, but the keel that belonged to it was also disappearing rapidly.

"Being able to make a friend like you at the last moment means my long-cherished wish is over. Goodbye, my friend."


The keel bones were shattered.

Then they soared into the sky, with four pillars and statues of gods from all directions rushing into the sky.

Suppression for eternity.

Jiang Hao watched the Sky Dragon leave with emotion, "I even asked for your name."

At this time, a piece of dragon scale fell from the sky and floated in front of him.

It is undoubtedly the inheritance of the true dragon.

He didn't need inheritance or chance, so he accepted the other party's kindness without hesitation.

At this moment, he felt something in his heart and disappeared where he was.

Seeing that the divine object was fully activated, Gu Xianzi stopped staying and left with the three of them.

But when she was about to take action, the three of them took a step back.

This made her a little confused.

Liao Yingrong took out the treasure and the immortal talent, and then said: "The fairy is holding these things."

"What are you doing for me with the things you brought out?" Gu Xianzi asked Yu.

"We thought about it for a long time and thought it would be better to stay here." Liao Yingrong said.

"Yes, we don't plan to go out." Zuo Jing said.

"Why?" Gu Xianzi looked confused.

The three shook their heads and did not answer.

"Staying here is the best, time, what is needed now is time." Liao Yingrong said seriously:

"There is one more thing that I hope the fairy can tell the people outside.

"Don't be the enemy of Xiao Sansheng, never."

After confirming, the three of them disappeared into the mist.

If they go out, the secret may be leaked, and Xiao Sansheng may be in danger.

So it's best to stay here.

If they themselves don’t know it, how can others know it?

This way Xiao Sansheng will have enough time.

What he lacks most is time.

It doesn't matter whether the three of them live or die.

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