Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1000 They will have to laugh at me when I go back

Bizhu brought Qiaoyi to a city.

Here is her yard too.

"Princess, why do you need to rest?" Aunt Qiao asked curiously.

We have just left the Imperial City. If we want to rest at such a close distance, why not visit the Imperial City?

"I just want to take a rest." Bizhu said with a smile.

"Isn't it better to rest in Qihuang City?" Aunt Qiao still asked her doubts.

Bizhu curled her lips: "Now that we are out, those imperial sisters will talk about me behind my back."

Even if you don't go, they will talk about you secretly, Aunt Qiao said to herself silently.

This has been the case many years ago. Once Princess Bizhu passes away, she will become a topic of conversation.

Many people laughed at me and made sarcastic comments.

She is almost 400 years old, and her life span is almost over. She has not repaired her chain yet and cannot get married.

She became the oldest ordinary princess in the imperial city.

After hesitating for a moment, Aunt Qiao asked: "The princess has not mentioned the egg again since she saw the little princess. Is there something wrong with the egg?"

Hearing this, Bizhu thought for a moment: "Actually, there is no problem. I just feel that the egg is a bit unusual. I need to find out the origin of this egg."

Bizhu is not too worried about these.

After all, the royal family has the protection of the southern land, and how serious can it be?

There are two people in the South who can destroy the entire South at any time.

at night.

Bizhu lay on the bed, covered herself with a quilt and closed her eyes.

Then he entered the stone slab.

Finally the party started again.

There are some things that need to be known to them.

In addition, she was also curious about what was going on overseas.

I have received some strange news recently. It seems that fairy spirits have erupted in some places in the south.

I always feel that it has something to do with the overseas Tianling clan.

Entering the public area, Bizhu saw other people.

One, two...

After counting, it was still a few of them.

Judging from their calm appearance, nothing serious should have happened.

Gotta ask.

After meeting Senior Dan Yuan, it was time to ask about chain repair.

This time Fairy Zhang had a problem with the chain repair.

Bizhu was quite surprised that Jing seemed to have never asked any questions except for the first time he came.

But these are nothing, she just hopes to hear the other party say that he has controlled the Tianji Dream Bead later.

"It seems that everyone has no problem." Dan Yuan looked at the people below and smiled:

"Do you know about the strange beasts from all over the world?"

Strange beasts from all directions?

Jiang Hao repeated in his mind that he had never heard of this.

Never had any contact with it.

He was also quite happy to learn about the gathering today.

Because he could know the specific situation, he could also understand the attitude of the Fallen Immortals towards him.

The Fallen Immortals are different from other tribes in that they seem to be extremely good at spying.

It had been spied on at the beginning, and it was just the Tianji Doom Bead that was sent up.

Only then did the other party reap the consequences.

If it comes again, it will be quite troublesome.

The Tianji Bead of Misfortune will naturally not cause damage, while the Tianji Bead of Silence will not destroy the opponent instantly.

Avoiding is even more difficult.

So you have to figure out the situation and figure out how to deal with it.

Of course, it is not yet certain whether pretending to be Xiao Sansheng can directly avoid being spied on.

For now, it's pretty safe.

"Is it an ancient wild beast?" Xing spoke first.

"Yes." Dan Yuan smiled and said, "They should appear soon. If you have any news, please ask for it."

"What does the strange beast look like?" Ghost Fairy asked.

"It should still be incubating now." Dan Yuan thought for a moment:

"At present, it is certain that every strange beast waiting to be hatched will have some special runes that will absorb the spiritual energy of the world and emit a shimmering light. When sufficient preparations are made, they will come to the world."

"What impact will the alien beasts have?" Liu Po ​​was curious.

Dan Yuan shook his head: "I can't be sure, but the four wild beasts brought disaster."

Jiang Hao sighed inwardly, feeling that there was danger everywhere.

There are too many things that can harm this land.

Especially the Great World War is even more terrifying.

No wonder the Human Emperor couldn't reach his peak back then, because he needed one person to overcome all obstacles and suppress the Eternal.

From various records or oral accounts, it can be determined that the Human Emperor suffered from a hidden illness and had no time to recover.

There was no news about the four strange beasts, so Dan Yuan looked at Jing Jing: "We already have news about Jing Xiaoyou."

Jiang Hao checked it immediately.

It is the news related to the ancient sword cliff in the north.

Jiang Hao nodded, and the deal between them ended.

"Did little friend Xing get help from that person?" Dan Yuan looked at Qi Xing again.

The latter nodded.

The transaction between them is also over.

After that comes the transaction phase.

Xing was the first to speak. He faced Jingwan and said, "If you need anything, Jingwan, you can ask at will."

Jiang Hao then knew that this time it would probably be successful.

He was not in a hurry to get paid.

Just say wait until next time.

Now Xing owes him a big reward, and Guixianzi owes him a moderate reward.

"Liu Yuyou can also mention it again." Xing said.

This time, the deep-sea tribe paid a heavy price.

It broke through the Heavenly Spirit Clan's defense and affected the Fallen Immortal Clan's altar.

"I need some methods suitable for repairing chains in the deep sea." Liu seemed to have already thought about what he wanted.

Xing nodded in agreement.

"Has the overseas war ended?" Ghost Fairy was quite curious: "Failed to bloom the fallen fairy race's fairy seed?"

Xing nodded slightly, his voice a little helpless: "Actually, I still couldn't catch up, the fairy seeds bloomed half way, but fortunately they were suppressed.

“But compared to before, the effect should be half worse.

"If it could be suppressed for two to three hundred years before, it is only more than a hundred years now."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't completely stop it, he still stopped it, so that's good.

More than a hundred years is quite a few years.

When the immortal seeds bloom, it will take some time for the fallen immortal clan to return to its peak.

A hundred years is not too much.

Therefore, I still have two to three hundred years.

It should be able to protect itself.

In the great battle of the world, the Fallen Immortal Clan will defeat many enemies, and they can also fight for a stable life for themselves.

I just don’t know if Yu is enough for Tian Yu to build the foundation.

This person has the embryonic form of great fortune, and it also takes time.

"One or two hundred years?" The ghost fairy was quite curious: "Is it enough to build the foundation for Tianhu?"

Good question, Jiang Hao sighed.

Ghost fairies do ask questions.

Hearing this, several people looked at Fairy Zhang.

Nowadays, the only person who has access to Tianyu's foundation building is Zhang who is in Tianwen Academy.

"She read the heavenly book and was enveloped by colorful auspicious clouds. The entire academy resounded with the sound of the Great Sanskrit, bringing opportunities to many people.

"The moon wheel has also become different. As for herself, it seems that she is just standing there and gaining nothing." Fairy Zhang felt quite emotional.

Tian Xuan's foundation building was different, she could only notice it clearly now.

"What was written in the book that day?" Ghost Fairy asked Yu.

Others praised in their hearts.

Start listening.

"Tianyu's foundation building has not yet come out, so the content of the heavenly book is still unknown." Fairy Zhang also expressed a little regret.

Jiang Hao sighed, he was also curious.

But I want to know how Mangu is doing.

It's a pity that it is not suitable to ask the exit.

There are some questions you should not ask when you are a well, as they will affect your seal.


One more chapter!

Asking for a monthly ticket! !

I recommend a new book to my friends, "The Ancestor of Immortality: Gou Zai Yaowu Creates an Immortal Family".

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