Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1002: What did Sister Bizhu do to disgrace her ancestors?

Jiang Hao didn't want to see the Corpse God Sect on Gujianya.

If it was the Shanhai Sword Sect, he might still try to enter.

After all, he had a deal with the Shanhai Sword Sect.

It's more or less acquaintance.

But the Corpse God Sect, although they have had more dealings with each other, but...

It's all about beating and killing.

The Tianyin Sect seems to be cooperating with the Corpse God Sect, but in fact the gap is quite large.

It's just that the benefits between sects are greater.

So no one cares.

But if Tianyin Sect disciples dare to go to the north, they will be easily targeted.

Not to mention entering the Corpse God Sect.

As a big sect in the north, if he goes in, he will definitely be trapped in a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

"Gu Jian Ya is a secret realm that inner disciples of the Corpse God Sect must enter at every stage. It is divided into six levels, corresponding to each realm..."

Jiang Hao wrote them down one by one.

Although the introduction is very detailed, there is nothing related to dragons.

In addition, the sixth floor of Ancient Sword Cliff seems to have been explored long ago.

Jiang Hao didn't like this, because what he wanted required a secret method to enter.


"Can the disciples within the Corpse God Sect go wherever they want?"

"It doesn't look anywhere near that special."

"No wonder Senior Danyuan also gave me a wonderful Qi training method. This place looks ordinary inside and out."

Putting the books away, Jiang Hao sighed.

The current location is known, and the candidate list is determined.

Just looking for who?

There were no northerners at the party, which was troublesome.

They almost gave the North a black eye.

"Go back and ask Zhuang Yuzhen. Maybe you can find a solution from him."

After all, Zhuang Yuzhen is the elder of the Corpse God Sect, and he knows a lot of things.

To enter the Ancient Sword Cliff, we can also provide some solutions.

Just the choice is a problem.

After finishing these tasks, Jiang Hao closed his eyes and rested his mind. When he tells the meeting content tomorrow, he can ask Hong Yuye.

Strange beasts from all directions.

The same goes for the Tianji Dream Bead.

other side.

Bizhu sat up, picked up the quilt and planned to get off.

After hesitating, she covered herself with the quilt again.

Let’s talk about it tomorrow.

You can't just go out and look at the moonlight when something happens.

early morning.

Bizhu came to the yard.

Aunt Qiao has been guarding the yard.

"Did the princess sleep well last night?" she asked.

"No, I kept thinking about the number one genius in the royal family last night." Bizhu said helplessly.

"Princess, do you miss yourself?" Aunt Qiao asked curiously.

Bizhu put his chin in his hands and said:

"I want to pretend to be the number one genius in the royal family. Doesn't she have an egg?

"That egg is not simple. I don't know if it will have any impact."

"No matter how simple it is, how can it be compared to the princess?" Aunt Qiao became serious.

Bizhu thought for a moment and said, "Probably not. I am truly the number one genius in the royal family."

No matter if it's a strange beast or something else, even if it's a dragon, it may not be as good as her.

The first genius of the royal family is no joke.

"What is the princess worried about?" Aunt Qiao asked.

"When I go back and tell the emperor brother that I am the number one genius in the royal family, will they laugh at me?" Bizhu asked abruptly.

She used to make jokes, Aunt Qiao replied in her heart.

Suddenly she thought of something: "The spirit beast egg will not threaten the princess, but will it threaten the royal family?"

"I don't know." Bizhu stood up and said:

"Wait until I find someone to ask. Next time I go back, I can give some gifts to little Huangmei Erdan."

As she said that, she walked outside. She had been delayed for a long time. It was time to go to Jiuqu Yellow River to see it.

The imperial city is full of people.

Princess Yuxue sighed and came to the ancestral hall.

She actually couldn't get in. After all, she was relatively average, just a little better than Princess Bizhu.

But there is one thing she cannot compare to Princess Bizhu.

That is, Princess Bizhu has two brothers, one of whom is a cultivator of returning to the void.

He is a strong contender for the throne.

Therefore, as long as Princess Bizhu is taken care of by her two royal brothers, she can enjoy a peaceful night.

In order to inform the two highnesses, she also said that Princess Bizhu wanted to be protected by her ancestors, so she was able to come in.

Looking at the numerous ancestral tablets, a great pressure came over me.

The royal family has the luck of the earth, and their ancestors are really capable of manifesting their spirits.

She knelt down respectfully and explained her purpose: "It was Princess Bizhu who asked me to come to ask for asylum..."


Suddenly the earth shook, and the tablets of the ancestors shook.

For a moment, Princess Snow felt terrible pressure.

It was as if the 㱗 was stopping her from speaking.

For an ordinary princess, this kind of pressure is like a vast ocean coming in.

Make her fearful.

At this time, she had many more thoughts in her mind, and she wanted to get rid of this pressure.

In an instant, she thought of something.

He immediately said: "Sister Protector, I am having fun outside and will come back later."

The pressure disappeared in an instant, and the vast aura poured into her body.

The tablet has a shimmering light, which seems to be relieved and joyful.

Princess Xue stood there dumbfounded. What did Princess Bizhu do to her ancestors?

And because of the words she just said, she seemed to be protected by the luck of the royal family.



The waves are endless and the water is surging, unfolding like a scroll.

Under the blue sky, clouds float leisurely.

Two figures came closer from far away.

"Senior, where do you think the Tianji Dream Bead will be?" Jiang Hao asked.

On the way he talked about the party.

Many of the other parties don’t like it very much.

She couldn't do anything about the Fallen Immortal Clan's affairs.

So don’t worry too much for now.

"Aren't you talking about the Tianyin Sect?" Hong Yuye said.

"You can enter the river and go to the Tianyin Sect." Jiang Hao thought for a while and said:

"Senior, how do you think we should get in?"

Hong Yuye looked at Jianghao, smiled and said, "You want to go in?"

Jiang Hao shook his head quickly: "Junior just thinks that the Tianji Dream Bead is too dangerous, and if something goes wrong, it will affect the seniors.

"If there is a way to get in, we can let the people of Xianzong know about it and let them solve the problem."

Hearing this, Hong Yuye looked deeply at Jiang Hao.

Did not speak.

Jiang Hao couldn't get the answer.

Then he asked the four strange beasts.

"The four great alien beasts are different every time they appear. Their sources should be four violent forces. Whoever falls on them will be the four great alien beasts." Hong Yuye said.

"Can it be tamed?" Jiang Hao asked.

"It's not easy." Hong Yuye replied.

Jiang Hao nodded.

It's not easy but it can still be tamed.

But there are only four in total, and even if there are in the south, there are still a large number of them going to suppress them.

So there won't be much of a problem.

Don't worry too much.

Afterwards, Jiang Hao talked about the progress of each dragon in the dragon clan.

Hong Yuye did not speak.

I don't think so.

A few days later.

Early October.

Jiang Hao came to the waters of Taomuxiu Tianwang.


Taolin Island.

There are many peach trees here.

There are some people flying with swords on it.

Extremely prosperous.

There is a tall building in the center at this time.

Maita sat on the highest loft and looked into the distance.

Now he is in the middle stage of Yuan Shen cultivation.

It won't take long to advance to the later stage.

It's not that he has great talent.

It was King Momoxiu who saw him and made him his dependent in this sea area.

Therefore, the chain repair speed is much faster than ordinary people.

"Just give me some time and I'll be truly free."

He firmly believed.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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