Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1013 I, the Tianyin Sect, and the Tiansheng Sect are at odds with each other.

The next day.

The fifth floor of the Lawless Tower.

Fairy Yinsha looked at the defeated woman and said:

"Anything else you want to add?"

"No, I want to know when to send that person?" the woman with a defeated face asked.

"It's almost time. I've told the headmaster that he will be sent in after a while." Fairy Yinsha promised.

Then turned and left.

Next to him was a woman in black robe.

After they went out, the woman in black robe said curiously:

"Senior sister, when did you report to the leader?"

"What are you reporting?" Fairy Yinsha asked.

"Send Junior Brother Jiang in," the woman in black robe said.

"No report." Fairy Yinsha said casually.

"No report?" The woman in black robe was a little surprised.

"Is there anything wrong? She has already paid part of it and will guide us slowly. As long as she doesn't want to lose money, she will tell us the rest little by little.

Then we told him for various reasons that we would send Junior Brother Jiang in immediately. "

"Then what if she reacts and stops talking?"

"Then let's just treat the transaction as a failure and she gave up midway because she didn't keep her word. What does that have to do with us?"

As the words fell, the woman in black robe nodded slightly.

Think carefully about this kind of thing.

You can get more out of thin air.

But she was a little worried: "What if she never speaks again?"

"Which person on the fifth floor is not like this?" Fairy Yinsha asked.

The woman in black robe suddenly realized.


Jiang Hao sat outside the yard, looking up at the sky.

In addition to waiting for the situation in the Lawless Tower, he was also working as a backup for the Fallen Immortal Clan.

I need to try to see if a leaf blind can hide the fallen immortals.

That evening.

He felt the feeling of being spied on again.

Then enter the courtyard.

The prying faded away, not so quickly.

But it did disappear.

“It’s useful, but the effect is not as good as Lawless Tower.

"It should be fine for a short time."

It's quite enough for Jiang Hao to have such a use.

As for how to solve this trouble in the future, we can only wait and see.

The reason why the other party couldn't be found for so long was probably because he was protected by the fake identity of Xiao Sansheng.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the Twelve Meridian Competition.

The next day.

Jiang Hao left the yard and headed to Law Enforcement Peak alone.

The arena is over there.

Rabbit went with Xiaoli.

On the way, people from Duanqingya would talk behind his back when they saw him, saying that he wished that Blood Path could actually represent the Duanqingya lineage.

If you go out, you won't be looked down upon. It's better not to go.

Jiang Hao didn't care what these people thought.

No matter whether you are weak or strong, you cannot avoid being talked about behind your back.

When he was approaching the mission hall, he suddenly felt a strong person coming from outside.

All the pulses and peaks are heading outside the sect.

There was a big fight, and it seemed that there were guests.

"Are you from the Great Thousand Divine Sect?" Jiang Hao thought briefly.

Then continue to the Law Enforcement Peak.

His arena is still held by Senior Brother Mu Qi.

And his opponent was a fairy with a plain expression, as if no strangers were allowed to enter.

Senior Sister Du of Baiyue Lake.

Jiang Hao had investigated the other party before and was good at the Wuyi technique.

His skills in magic are extremely impressive.

Someone who can compete for pre-selection.

"Baiyue Lake, Du Yue." The other party said politely.

"The Cliff of Love, Jiang Hao." Jiang Hao bowed his head in greeting.

"Let's get started." Mu Qi said.

Then Jiang Hao felt a surge of magic around him.

Then flames and water appeared around him, and he attacked.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao only moved for half a month, and then swept across with a sword.

However, huge waves and seas of fire swarmed in, and among them were thousands of swords roaring.


Half moon unsheathed.

Block all attacks with one move.

He just stood there, responding to all attacks.

After understanding the opponent's attack pattern, he moved.

Immediately afterwards, the sword light rides on the wind and waves, cuts through thousands of swords, splits huge waves, extinguishes flames, the earth is broken, and flowers wither.

The knife fell like this.


The entire arena was cut in two.

The knife stopped between Senior Sister Du's eyebrows.

Seeing the arena beneath her feet being shattered, Senior Sister Du's expression changed slightly.

Finally, he accepted the greeting and turned around to leave.

"Promise." Jiang Hao lowered his head and whispered.

Twelve meridians enter six.

Then six into three.

Three into two.

All in one day.

Six into three at noon.

Jiang Hao's opponent is Senior Sister Tianhuange.

The other party used charm.

So at the beginning, Jiang Hao came to the opponent in one step, and the knife fell on the opponent's shoulder.

"Junior brother really doesn't know how to pity women and cherish jade." The other party pretended to be irritated.

Jiang Hao just lowered his head and said politely: "Senior Sister, please show mercy."

Finally there were three people left.

Law enforcement peak Hu Zhongtian, rivers and waterfalls, and rivers and cliffs.

Three people play two games.

The first person fights against the second person, and the loser fights against the third person.

That's it.

The first scene, He Mu and Hu Zhongtian.

Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. It would be much easier to win later.

The opponent is in poor condition.

You are taking advantage of others' danger.

At the same time.

Bai Zhi frowned when she received the powerful man from the Daqian Shen Sect.

Looking at the leader, he was a little surprised.

The other person's aura is different from mine, but it feels threatening to her.

The people of Daqian Shenzong are a little weird.

The other person has white hair and is a woman.

She looks like a woman in her early thirties.

Dignified and elegant.

That's when they saw Dabi below.

"Is your sect competing in a competition?" Zhuang Dongyun asked.

"Some little competition." Bai Zhi replied.

"Really? It seems like it's all a competition for little guys. Who are the top ones?" Zhuang Dongyun asked.

"The first two." Bai Zhi said calmly.

For a moment, Zhuang Dongyun became interested: "The people I brought this time also have these realms, do you want to learn from each other?

"Of course, our people have a bit of a temper, and we are afraid of offending you disciples.

“But they respect the strong.

"If Master Bai is worried about his disciples, just pretend I didn't mention it."

Bai Zhi's mouth showed a smile:

"That's not necessary. I'm going to see them tomorrow and we can have a brief discussion then."

Hearing this, Zhuang Dongyun looked at some people behind him and said, "Do you have confidence?"

"Defeat everyone below in ten moves." A fairy said disdainfully.

"Talk nonsense." Zhuang Dongyun scolded: "We are here for friendly exchanges, not to make them lose face."

Several people from the Tianyin Sect lowered their eyebrows and spoke together.

Bai Zhi also pretended not to hear.

"How many fellow Taoists are from overseas?" Bai Zhi suddenly asked.

"Yes." Zhuang Dongyun said with emotion:

"It's not easy to come here. If I hadn't heard about Tianyin Sect for a long time, I wouldn't have planned to come to this remote place."

"I remember that there was a powerful man in your sect who was very powerful. Does he have any companions?" Bai Zhi asked casually.

"That's not true. Are you familiar with each other?" Zhuang Dongyun seemed curious.

"We had a chance encounter." Bai Zhi said with a smile.

After sending the people to the resting place, Bai Zhi returned to Baiyue Lake.

Jiang Hao looked at the people in the sky in the distance.

Now the first game has a winner.

Hu Zhongtian narrowly won.

Game two.

It starts in an hour.

What he faced was the severely damaged Hemu.

There is no doubt that we won.

The other party was quite unwilling, but this was the rule.

Luck is also important sometimes.

It's just that many people are dissatisfied with Jiang Hao and feel that he is not worthy.

However, Jiang Hao didn't care at all when faced with such remarks.

When he returned to his residence, he began to groom Tianxiang Daohua.

Use purple gas.

That night, while he was resting on the balcony, he suddenly felt a light of power rising into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a roar came from Fang Yan at the Law Enforcement Peak: "Tian Shengjiao, you dare to attack at night? Shameless! Die to me!!!"


The war broke out instantly.

Jiang Hao stood up in shock.

The war lasted for a long time and finally subsided before dawn.

Then he heard the news that the disciples of the Daqian Shen Sect who arrived yesterday were attacked by the Tiansheng Sect at night and were completely wiped out.

The Tianyin Sect tried its best to rescue them, but countless powerful people from the Tiansheng Sect died to break the situation.

In the end, he could only watch his friends from the Daqian Shen Sect being killed.

Now it seems that Tianyin Sect and Tiansheng Sect are at odds with each other.

The news spread quickly, and it spread to Tianyin Sect in an instant.

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