Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1016 Senior Danyuan is not here

The party begins.

Jiang Hao sat cross-legged, with a plain face and deep eyes.

But we can't see each other clearly here.

So the expression requires some speculation.

For now, it seems that the ghost fairy has something to say.

Everyone else remained calm.

I think Gui Xianzi has encountered a lot of love.

Of all the people present, she seems to be the most capable of encountering love.

Whether it is the Tianji Bead of Misfortune or the Tianji Bead of Silence in the south, or the luck vortex in the west, they all have something to do with each other.

The current situation may be related to the Emperor.

Tianyu's foundation building is also related to the other party. Even if it is the opportunity to go to Anwen, the other party also has a share.

Even the good ones seem to absorb less.

It's just that this gathering is different from the previous one.

Senior Danyuan did not appear.

Although this situation is rare, it is not uncommon.

"It seems that Senior Dan Yuan is not here." Gui Xianzi sighed.

Of course, there will definitely be no surprises on the other side.

Because the party was able to proceed because of the influence exerted by senior Tan Yuan.

"No one has any problems with their cultivation, right?" Gui Xianzi asked Yu.

"Can the fairy answer it?" Liu Hanxiao asked Yu.

"Liu Yuyou has a problem? Let's talk about it and we can discuss it." Zhang Xianzi said.

If Zhang Xianzi becomes an immortal, her understanding will be higher than those in the party.

Of course, it's just a discussion.

After all, everyone present knew that everyone was just missing an opportunity.

"I don't have any problems for the time being." Liu shook his head and said.

Then he looked at everyone:

"Has the ghost fairy collected my magic weapon?"

"Not yet, mainly because I don't have time to get it now." Ghost Fairy sighed:

"I'm trapped and can't get out of the Human Emperor's Palace."

Then she looked at the well and said:

"I'm not in yet, so the deal is still going on."

Jiang Hao nodded, not in a hurry.

"I went to the dragon's lair and successfully entered a special place using a secret method.

"I found something inside." Zhang Xianzi said:

"There is a paragraph of "㫧" in it, as well as some eggshells, which are quite extraordinary.

“It should be from the Dragon Clan.

"The specific content is because it is a dragon, so I don't know what it means at the moment."

"Okay, just give me the word "㫧" and part of the eggshell." Jiang Hao's voice was low.

"How can I give it to you?" Zhang Xianzi asked.

Jiang Hao has already thought about this:

"Put it on Man Gu. He will go back to the south and someone will take it away from him."

Fairy Zhang nodded.

Didn't say much.

You don’t need to be taught how to do it yourself.

Everyone in the party has their own way of talking.

It can usually be done safely.

"Are there any holy thieves in the south?" Ghost Fairy asked Yu.

Others shook their heads.

This is not easy.

Jiang Hao also did not encounter the Holy Thief in the south.

There were many Tianyin Sects before, but now there are no foundations.

Even Nangong Yue went overseas, not to mention the other members.

As for whether there are still undercover agents, no one can tell.

Not encountered.

Seeing that no one had a mission, Jiang Hao slowly spoke:

"Is there anything else the ghost fairy can do when he comes out of the Human Emperor's Palace?"

"Not too busy." Ghost Fairy replied.

"Help me deliver a letter and find someone." Jiang Hao's voice was low.

These two are considered to be a moderate reward, so it should be enough.

"Okay, but it depends on who it is." Gui Xianzi said.

Jiang Hao entered the content on the slate beside him.

This is what Senior Danyuan left behind.

The purpose is to facilitate transactions.

After getting the news, Gui Xianzi nodded: "No problem."

Because it was very simple, she agreed without hesitation.

In this way, the well and the well will not owe each other anything.

After the transaction session is over, we start to communicate with others around us.

Liu was the first to speak: "What did the Ghost Fairy encounter in the Human Emperor's Palace?"

"Meet two seniors, and find the core of the Human Emperor Palace.

"These two seniors were led deep into the Human Emperor's Palace, so I was looking for them outside.

"I took a look at some secrets by the way." Ghost Fairy said with emotion:

"Unfortunately, this secret ton happened to be related to the Tianji Dream Bead. After I saw the content clearly, a protective mechanism appeared in the Human Emperor Palace and trapped me.

"It seems that I am not allowed to send the message out.

"Now I'm still thinking of ways to get [Human Emperor's approval]."

Get the approval of the Human Emperor?

Everyone took a breath.

It's not easy.

Although the people in the party are not simple, it is undoubtedly difficult to get the approval of the Human Emperor.

"But the secret method seems to work. I'm going to try it in the next few days. I should be able to get the answer." Ghost Fairy said.

Jiang Hao nodded.

But he was more curious about the Tianji Dream Bead.

I don’t know what Fairy Yu Gui saw.

"Are you curious about the Tianji Dream Bead?" Gui Xianzi spoke first.

Good question, Jiang Hao was filled with emotions.

I was still thinking about who would take the initiative to ask, but without thinking, [Gui Xianzi] directly asked.

"Can the fairy tell you?" Xing asked Yu.

After all, someone has the means of the Imperial Palace.

"It's not that I'm worried, but if I'm in the south, I might be affected by the Human Emperor's Palace once I know about it.

"There should be some tests. If you fail, there will be forbidden troubles." Gui Xianzi explained.

"The Human Emperor's methods are extraordinary." Liu exclaimed.

But everyone looked at Xiang Jing for a moment.

Because only the well will be in the south.

Even if you are not here now, you will be here later.

"No problem." Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows and said.

What else could he say?

Only in this way can the seal left behind be stabilized.

I just don’t know how big the influence of the Hanren Imperial Palace will be.

In this way, the ghost fairy has nothing to worry about. "The Tianji Dream Bead will appear in a dark way. It is hidden on the opposite side of the darkness, and the dreams inside will flow out like water."

“Once the river appears, it means there are cracks in the dark depths.

“It’s okay if the river water is stable, but once it is diverted by people to form a lake, the lake water will expand infinitely.

“It will flood everything and plunge everything into darkness.

"The dreamland will be opened."

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows, which meant that the river water, which was originally unstable, might be aroused by any stimulus.

Once it becomes a lake, then the danger begins?

"Is there any record of how to prevent it?" Xing asked Yu.

"According to records, there is a method of suppression deep in the river, but they didn't say how to cross the river." The ghost fairy shook her head helplessly.

Darkness is coming? Jiang Hao suddenly remembered what the man holding the lantern said.

We can only hold up a lantern and point forward...

In other words, in the dark, people with lanterns may be able to walk forward.

And the lantern-carrying man relies on that lamp.

I also have it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao sighed inwardly.

Bad luck.

My own residence has a certain connection with these things.

No wonder Hong Yuye said that he was destined to these things.

They discussed it and found that this kind of situation needs to be observed. Once something is discovered, people from the Immortal Sect should be allowed to intervene.

This will be much safer.

"I'll go say hello to them first." Zhang Xianzi said.

So far, she is the only one who can contact the Immortal Sect.

As a member of the Mingyue Sect, Xing is not in the east.

It would be much more convenient to do nothing.

It is because of this that Fairy Zhang needs to say hello in advance.

"I wonder what their expressions are." Gui Xianzi was a little curious.

Jiang Hao is more concerned about the situation around Tianyin Sect, and of course there is still a test from the Human Emperor Palace.

You should feel it when you go out. I hope there won't be any problems.


Still writing, will be as soon as possible.

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