Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1034 The energy of the first genius of the royal family

This gathering is very close to the last one.

Jiang Hao has been waiting. If he can't wait any longer, he will try to get Senior Dan to start the party.

Because the Tianji Dream Bead is right in front of you.

If you don’t go in, you won’t be allowed to go in.

Not for others, just for myself.

He didn't want to die, let alone die now.

Tianji Dream Beads will appear and are related to the surrounding environment.

You can't hide from it.

Now he only hopes that Xian Zong will take action.

If there is no other way, he will try to escape.

In the end, he has no choice but to enter the corpse world.

I just don’t know if I can avoid the world of the Dream Bead.

The world of 䜥㰱 is like a pervasive net. Wherever it is covered, it is the entrance of the world of 䜥㰱.

Now that the party has begun, it is extremely important for him.

When you come in.

I found that Senior Dan was still not there.

I don’t know what I’ve been busy with recently.

Everyone else is here.

The ghost fairy spoke first:

"I have news here. Those two seniors should have left their means and can take action at any time.

"But it can only assist. If no one takes action internally, their preparations can only be used for defense."

As she spoke, she looked at the others:

"In the past two days, they plan to repair the Human Emperor's Palace. The two of them use their great supernatural powers to activate the stars of heaven and earth and the power of all things.

"It seems that I want to make the Imperial Palace more powerful.

"According to what they said, if we really want to suppress the Tianji Dream Bead, the Human Emperor Palace will definitely need to take action."

After saying that, she said: "What about you?"

"The people from the Immortal Sect passed by, but they were too late.

"But I heard that people from Mingyue Sect can intervene, but I don't know exactly how."

“I heard that people from the Haotian Sect are also in the south, and they may also take action.

"The exact details are not certain, but it is said that a rapist just left for the Heart of the Sage.

"Now someone has informed him." Liu followed.

Xing thought for a moment and said:

"I don't have any more news from my side, but I can be sure that the All Things will not interfere in the end. They have spied the location of the ancient place in the deep sea.

"Nowadays, everyone is looking for the missing being.

“Perhaps it won’t be long before that person appears.

"The people of the Daqian Shen Sect went to the south. It is said that they had two purposes. One was to find the Taoist Holding the Lamp, and the other was to find a battlefield.

"If we can use it, we can let them contribute."

Except for the end of all things, no one wants the world to be covered with the ultimate thing.

Fortunately, there are not many forces like All Things End, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

Of course, it is said that there were many such forces in the past, but as time went by, they all joined forces.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

People from the Immortal Sect will take action.

People from Mingyue Sect can intervene, probably the two people Guixianzi mentioned.

Sicheng is Mingyue Zongqiang.

He was here just now, so Mingyue Sect could intervene.

That's right.

This is also true.

At least it can have an impact. There is still a big difference with or without them.

This world needs people like Xian Zong.

Because there is danger, as a true immortal sect strongman, he has absolute faith and will not back down.

Neither the Demon Sect nor him are such people.

It was because of this that Jiang Hao was willing to give the dragon egg to Xuanyuan Tai instead of holding the Xuanyuan Sword.

Whether it is the dragon egg or the Xuanyuan Sword, they are both necessary items for Xuanyuan Taishou.

He is determined to face everything for this land.

What is lacking is strength.

And Jiang Hao happened to have it, so he happened to be able to help.

So, there is no need to be stingy.

Not everything must be owned by one person, as this would deprive other geniuses of their strengths.

The gain outweighs the loss.

Now with the help of the Immortal Sect, all things are finally unaware of the situation here.

The situation doesn't look too bad.

Of course, if someone from the End of All Things intervened, no one would be a match for Sicheng and Wanxiu.

"What's going on over there, Fellow Taoist Master Jing?" Gui Xianzi asked.

Others also looked over.

Just wait for the ghost fairy to ask a question.

Jiang Hao was silent for a moment and said in a low voice:

"I should be planning to enter it."

It is recorded in the Human Emperor's Palace that the method of suppression is deep inside, so we have to go in.

Everyone was surprised, but not surprised.

It’s just that everyone doesn’t know what will happen if they go in.

"Do you have confidence, fellow Taoist Jing?" Liu asked.

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows and did not answer the question.

Everyone knows the answer.

Where does the confidence come from for such a thing?

"Will there be any strange phenomena after entering?" asked the ghost fairy.

If there is progress and assistance is needed, the two people around her can take action.

Jiang Hao was silent for a while and then said:

"Human Emperor Palace."

The Palace of the Human Emperor?

Everyone was surprised.

But it is certain that the Human Emperor Palace must be very important.

The ghost fairy suddenly understood that the two seniors must have known more things after entering the depths.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the power of the Human Emperor Palace, and the many means prepared must also be related to the news given by the Human Emperor Palace.

"How can we know if we are not near the Human Emperor's Palace?" Liu asked.

The person Guixianzi met was in the Human Emperor's Palace, but he was in the Haotian Sect in the south, so he didn't know the situation.

"Yan Sheng." Gui Xianzi said:

“If I detect any changes in the Palace of the Human Emperor and need assistance, all the big cities in the south will burst into smoke.

"That's the signal I'm giving."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao was shocked. The ghost fairy actually had such energy?

The south is so big, how can ghosts and fairies bloom all at once?

After thinking about it, Jiang Hao could only think of one possibility, and that was that everything was prepared in advance.

There is a necessary switch, in the hands of the ghost fairy.

How exactly, he didn't know.

But there is no doubt about the strength of Ghost Fairy.

After that, we talked about some relevant details.

The party has just ended.

When he came out, Jiang Hao looked up at the stars. He didn't want to enter the 㣉䜥㰱 world.

There must be something special there.

You may never come back if you go in.

With a sigh, he found Senior Brother Zheng who was keeping vigil and sat down.

"Junior brother Jiang, don't you want to rest?" Zheng Shijiu asked in front of the bonfire.

"Yeah." Jiang Hao nodded and said:

"Senior Brother Zheng is as charming as ever."

"Junior brother, what are you saying? Compared with you, I am really too ordinary." Zheng Jiu said with a smile.

At this time, he was roasting a chicken, and after a while he tore off half of it and gave it to Jiang Hao.

The queen happily took it and took a bite without hesitation.

This move surprised Zheng Shijiu. He didn't say anything and started eating.

"I don't eat much." Jiang Hao said after eating.

Zheng Shijiu laughed twice: "Seeing my junior brother eating with his head covered, I thought it was very embarrassing."

Jiang Hao looked at the lake and said:

"The retreat will continue tomorrow."

"Will you be blamed?" Zheng Jiu asked.

"It's not safe here anymore." Jiang Hao replied.

If there had been no accident, it would have been unsafe here.

In the days to come, the lake will erupt again.

Zheng Jiujiu didn't have the slightest doubt and just nodded: "Listen to junior brother."

"In addition, I will be going near the lake starting tomorrow. Keep an eye on the lake and retreat if necessary. The consequences may be huge." Jiang Hao reminded.

This time he wasn't going to use seclusion as an excuse.

"Junior brother, who do you want to find?" Zheng Jiu asked.

Jiang Hao nodded without explaining too much.

Just go find those people.


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