Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1046 Dedicate the entire sect’s strength [two-in-one] (1/2)

"I have received the items from overseas and will be able to deliver them in a while."

Zhang Xianzi looked at Gui Xianzi and said.

The latter nodded.

It's better to end this matter as soon as possible.

Those people are not easy to mess with. Once you are done, there will be nothing to do.

The ghost fairy also got something, and the deal with Xing was over.

Then she asked the Holy Thief again.

"Recently, some holy thieves have gone to the south, and they came out of the Dragon Cave.

"There should be a lot of gains." Liu thought for a moment:

"Through people from the Haotian Sect, I got a way to contact you, which may be useful."

Hearing this, the ghost fairy was overjoyed:

"What does Liu Yuyou need?"

"Don't be in a hurry." Liu whispered:

"There are many things that cannot be rushed. We can wait until we find out the Tianji Dream Bead."

"Indeed." Xing agreed:

"You didn't participate. Do you know what happened to me?"

"My knowledge is limited." Gui Xianzi sighed.

Then he talked about the two seniors:

"When the Emperor's Palace came, the two seniors immediately noticed that a third person had taken action.

"In the moment of suppressing our world, that person should have played a huge role, so the Houtianji Dream Bead did not explode.

"After a day or two, the two seniors discovered something, which is related to the life and death of the South."

"What is it?" Zhang Xianzi asked Yu.

"They say that when the purple star dims, a great disaster is coming." Guixian said.

She only knew this, and she didn't know anything else.

Several people present were quite surprised.

Purple star dim?

Everyone knows that the Purple Qi is related to the Well. Does the dimming of the Purple Star mean that the Well will no longer be able to be sealed?

The last one to take action was Jing?

That makes sense.

But judging from these news, the situation is still very bad.

Xing thought for a moment and suddenly remembered the commission mentioned by Senior Danyuan.

In other words, Senior Danyuan may have known about this matter in advance?

In other words, the people that Senior Danyuan knew had already known about it in advance and responded.

Xing thought about it, and the others also realized it, and all looked to the top.

Senior Danyuan smiled and said:

"It's not a matter of knowing it, it's just that some people have made speculations and just made a commission.

"It's just the right amount to accept."

"What kind of speculation is this?" Guixianzi asked Yu.

Others are waiting too.

"瘓Guo." Dan Yuan whispered:

"Thinking about it this way, it was not without reason that Jing Xiaoyou handed over the Tianji Doom Bead to others.

"It's just that something unexpected happened this time, and the ultimate creatures in the world resonated.

"This makes Jing Xiaoyou unable to escape."

"The gift..." The ghost fairy became nervous for a moment.

Senior Danyuan laughed:

“Theoretically, it can determine everything, but in practice, the effect is not as good as expected.

"And not sure if the guess is correct."

"What if the four major immortal sects join forces?" Xing asked Yu.

"It depends on Gui Xianzi." Dan Yuan looked at Gui Xianzi.

Why me again? The ghost fairy's scalp was numb.

Because no one has any news about the well, only she is in the south.

And it may pass after a while, which means that we can get news from Tianyin Zong Jiang Hao.

But everyone is not optimistic.

Three beads.....

Let alone the Four Great Immortal Sects, no matter how many people there are, it will be in vain.

Especially those without great luck.


Beside the Tianxiang Yanhua, Jiang Hao looked at the Secret Words Slate and sighed in his heart.

He wanted to go in and have a look.

But even if he recovers, he still can't enter.

My situation was extremely bad.

Not much can be done.

However, it is possible to identify the inheritance of talismans.

[Half Shadow Inheritance Talisman: Dip the brush in water and start to draw the upper half of the rune when your mind is empty at midnight. You can receive the inheritance and understand the simple Shadow Inheritance Talisman. This thing is a treasure obtained by Leng Tian and his senior brothers and sisters after nine deaths. 】

A simple shadow inheritance talisman?

Jiang Hao was a little surprised.

Juyi can still be used.

He thought this was the inheritance of scrapping, but he never thought of saying it in a simple way.


It seems that he cannot accept the inheritance.

Then the rabbit turned over in the tree.

It fell to the ground with a thud.

Yiyi fell into a deep sleep.

For a while, Jiang Hao had other thoughts. He couldn't accept the inheritance, but Rabbit should be able to.

I just don’t know if it will fit my hand.

In addition, whether it is possible to empty the mind and purify it.

Rabbits have a lot of magical powers, so they should be able to do it.

After waking up the rabbit, Jiang Hao asked him to pick up the talisman and keep...

Keep listening to your friends above.

Then he began to draw.

The first time I failed.

Jiang Hao guided him several times based on his past experience. Before the time passed completely, he successfully allowed the rabbit to receive the inheritance.

The next step is to make the talisman.

He was defeated for seven days in a row.

Rabbit has no friends here.

Jiang Hao asked him to try to make friends.

Another seven days passed.

Jiang Hao's face turned pale.

But the rabbit still had no success.

Jiang Hao was not in a hurry, he seemed to have a lot of time.

A few days passed.

Early July.

Jiang Hao calculated that he still had thirty days.

This day he was sitting against the wall and could no longer sit cross-legged.

But he was still coaching the rabbit.

The rabbit is in good condition at this time.

It should be worth the effort.

Just when it was about to put the last stroke, the sudden rabbit fell to the ground, redness and swelling appeared on his face.

This was followed by a cold laugh: "It seems that you are very leisurely and relaxed."

Hong Yuye appeared in front of Jiang Hao.

The latter was slightly surprised and struggled to stand up.

After a long time, he stood up and made a greeting: "I've met my senior."

At this time, Hong Yuye was wearing a red fairy dress and her eyes were cold.

It can be seen that he is very dissatisfied.

"Has anyone said that you are getting more and more unlucky?" Hong Yuye asked you while sitting under the peach tree.

"Not really." Jiang Hao lowered his head and said.

He hasn't seen anyone.

Hong Yuye chuckled.

Then he flicked his fingers.

Suddenly, a terrifying power struck, and Jiang Hao felt that his whole body was blown to pieces.

I thought I would be blown away, but luckily I just took a step back and managed to stand still.

If the wind was any stronger, he would fall to the ground.

"I hope I can be a little cleaner next time I come here." After saying that, Hong Yuye disappeared.


Jiang Hao thought for a while, probably just to make himself less unlucky.

But he felt better again.

Out of curiosity, I checked my status again.

[Status: The body is filled with the poison of Tianjue Gu and the concentric palm of Hongyuye, and is simultaneously involved in the fruit vortex of Tianji Bead of Misfortune, Tianji Silence Bead, and Tianji Dream Bead. If you do nothing, your body will be completely unable to bear it after ten days, but the divine object holding the Hongmeng Purple Qi can withstand it for forty-four days. 】

"Forty-four days, fourteen more days, but five days less than before."

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows and thought for a moment, then began to rest.

By the way, circulate the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Three days later.

Rabbit finally made the Phantom Talisman.

And Jiang Hao's complexion also improved a lot.

"Master, please give me some respect from your friends. When you make this thing from now on, you just need to tell me my name to Lord Rabbit, and it will be done in one go." Rabbit promised you.

Jiang Hao looked at the other party without speaking.

Instead, he took the talisman.

This is a talisman of extremely average quality.

The worst he can do is not that bad.

For a moment, he felt that his talent for talismans was really good.


It was the first time I saw this talisman and I didn't know its function.

[Inferior Shadow Talisman: It can record the state of one's own aura. When the state of oneself reaches the record after use, the longer the aura circulates, the easier it is to destroy the state. It can be maintained for up to one day after use. A ray of spiritual energy or blood can directly open it. 】

Looking at the feedback from magical powers, Jiang Hao always felt that Senior Sister Leng Tian was his lucky star.

Most of the time, if you need something, Senior Sister Leng Tian can bring it to you.

It's just that there were a lot of narrow escapes.

Now that I am in pretty good shape, I can record it.

Of course, the most important thing is that Rabbit needs to make more talismans as soon as possible and record the current status.

After that, Jiang Hao's face was no longer as weak as before.

Two weeks later.

Mid July.

Jiang Hao feels physically weaker than before. Recently, he has started reading.

Ask Rabbit to borrow it for him, as long as it is an ancient book, he wants it.

Wanted to see if I could find anything out of it.

It's just a pity that it's simply impossible.

Not to mention that Rabbit borrowed it, even the entire Tianyin Sect had no way to deal with it.

However, I seem to have lived for sixty-three days, which can be considered a beginning.

This day the red rain leaves appeared again.

This time I looked at him with quite a bit of interest:

"Have you made a fortune lately?"

"Sell some spiritual stones and buy tea for seniors." Jiang Hao stood leaning against the wall.

Although there are still thirty days left, the situation is not as good as the last thirty days.

"The quality of your talisman is really poor." Hong Yuye pointed to the table and asked Jiang Hao to make tea.

The latter did not dare to hesitate. He used the half moon as a crutch and came to the table and sat down.

Without hesitation, I spent September Spring.

"The condition is a bit lacking, so the quality is a bit worse." Jiang Hao said while making tea.

"Although you are full of bad luck, you are still sober." Hong Yuye said with a smile:

"What is your cultivation level?"

"The golden elixir is perfect." Jiang Hao answered immediately.

Hong Yuye nodded.

Maybe I feel really awake.

"When will you get rid of the bad luck?" Hong Yuye asked.

"Senior is in trouble." Jiang Hao poured the tea and pushed it over:

"Junior will try his best."

After that, he prepared a cup for himself, and while drinking tea, he looked at the red rain leaves.

The other party's expression was indifferent, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry, but his face was not rosy.

"What are you looking at?" Hong Yuye suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked over.

Jiang Hao looked away and said respectfully:

"Observe whether senior is satisfied with the tea."

Hong Yuye said with a smile: "What if I'm not satisfied?"

"That's junior's fault." Jiang Hao said.

"Then what price do you have to pay?" Hong Yuye said and raised his hand.

In an instant, vast power exploded.

Jiang Hao felt like the power of an endless wave was drowning him.

Can't breathe.

It was even difficult to open my eyes.

When the pressure disappeared, Jiang Hao found that the red shadow in front of him had disappeared.

In this way, Jiang Hao identified himself again.

[Status: The body is infused with the poison of Tianjue Gu and the concentric palm of Hongyuye, and is simultaneously involved in the cause and effect vortex of Tianji Bead of Misfortune, Tianji Silence Bead, and Tianji Dream Bead. If you do nothing for 15 days, your body will be completely unable to bear it. If you use the Hongmeng Purple Qi to hold the divine object, it can withstand it for 38 days. 】

"Nine days added."

Jiang Hao laughed softly.

I didn’t think much about it.

Instead, he took out three beads and began to seal.

He couldn't find a way at this time, so he could only hope after death.

If the beads don't explode, there may be a turning point.

Although he has a feeling that as soon as he dies, the vortex of cause and effect will explode...

Baiyun Lake.

Hong Yuye sits in the pavilion.

He coughed lightly.

A hint of bright red appeared on the back of the hand.

His face became even paler.

It's just that Jian quickly returned to normal.


A white shadow fell outside the pavilion.

"What's wrong?" Hong Yuye asked softly.

"We have some news." Bai Zhi lowered her head and said respectfully.

"Where?" came a plain voice.

"North, the specific location is not available yet." Bai Zhi lowered her head and replied.

The headmaster's routine was different from before, and his sudden fate made her pay no attention to him.

"North?" Hong Yuye repeated.

"Yes." Bai Zhi nodded.

Hong Yuye lowered his eyebrows and remained silent for a long time.

Bai Zhi didn't dare to raise her head.

When the wind blew from afar, the voice of Hong Yuye sounded again:

"What's one more thing?"

"Still looking." Bai Zhi replied immediately.

Hong Yuye nodded slightly, and then said:

"Put everything aside and summon everyone in the south from Jin Dan to find out the relevant information."

"Yes." Bai Zhi said respectfully.

"Go." Hong Yuye said.

Bai Zhi left.

When she arrived at Baiyue Lake, she felt a hint of coldness.

The headmaster asked her to put down everything and find those two things.

One piece is too far north, so focus on the other.

Although she didn't know why, she had to find it as soon as possible.

After hesitating for a moment, she decided to pursue it from two aspects.

On the one hand, everyone is asked to put down their tasks and search for the divine object.

On the other hand, it is convenient to summon powerful people and resources to activate the Tianyuan Shaping Mirror again.

Find a divine object with a divine object.

When her order was announced in the highest form, the entire sect was in an uproar.

But the impact is not that big.

After all, he is a strong person above the Golden Core level, and he is just looking for something.

It's nothing.

But Gu Maimai was a little shocked.

Because the Tianyuan Shaping Mirror needs to be used again.

This is undoubtedly bad news.

If it were not an urgent matter, it would not be activated at all.

It has been used twice recently, and each time it was extremely dangerous.

"Elder Bai, why is it happening this time?" Fairy Yanyunfeng asked.

Bai Zhi looked at the other party and said calmly:

"Something is killing us."

After hearing this, others began to make assumptions, just like last time.

Seemingly ordinary problems can completely devour them.

If Elder Bai hadn't decisively activated the Tianyuan Shaping Mirror, the Tianyin Sect might have disappeared.

Now, Elder Bai may have surpassed the headmaster.

"Let's get started, don't waste time." Bai Zhi said.

other side.

Bizhu is waiting for the treasure to arrive.

But after waiting for a long time, it never came.

We can only do the previous transaction first.

Well, two transactions.

One is to send a letter.

The second is to find someone.

Sending a letter is a bit difficult. After all, you have to find it first. Fortunately, I have some information.

It's easy.

As for finding someone, this person may not be in the south, so it will be difficult to find him.

I always deliver the letter first.

Within a few days, she had news, and it was not Yuanyuan.

"Aunt Qiao, let's go."

"Why have you been so energetic these days?"

"We are all teenagers, we just want to ride the waves."

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