Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1050 The female devil takes a bath again

Tianyin Sect.

Jiang Hao removed the phantom talisman. At this time, the status recorded by the phantom talisman was far worse than that of his own body.

Now he saw that his face was a little pale, but it was just normal paleness.

The body basically recovers.

The strength is still lacking, but it is much better than before, a huge difference.

At this time, he thought of the rusty merit cauldron.

After sensing it, he found that the cauldron was somewhere between his eyebrows, and a huge aura of merit kept pouring into his body.

Reach a balance with the cause and effect vortex.

This also allowed him to gradually return to normal.


What about the rust?

Hong Yuye appeared too quickly before, without thinking or doing anything.

But now it seems I can’t do it even if I want to.

But I haven't taken it out yet, maybe there is still a chance.

"What kind of treasure is this?" Jiang Hao asked.

At this time, Hong Yuye was drinking tea and regained his previous calmness.

Although it doesn't look like it has changed, it feels like it has.

"Mountain and Sea Merit Cauldron." Hong Yuye took a sip of tea and said:

"It is rumored that it was cast by a great senior. He received the highest blessing from heaven and earth. No one knew what he did on the day he received the blessing.

“I just suddenly made a decision to do something for this world.

"Prevent catastrophe from happening.

“Although no one knows what the Great Tribulation is, no one among all creatures at that time distrusts him.

"The Mountains and Seas Merit Cauldron came into being."

As she spoke, Hong Yuye looked at Jiang Hao and said:

"There are huge merits in it, but for you, this hugeness is not enough.

"Your time is still limited, and the accumulation of countless 㹓 may be consumed in less than 20 㹓.

"The three most ferocious creatures in the world are no joke."

One person can seal three big beads. A mere merit cauldron cannot compare to these three beads.

"Twenty pounds?" Jiang Hao repeated.

Twenty years is a long time.

Twenty-one, he can improve his cultivation many times, which should buy him more time.

As long as you are strong enough, you can break up the vortex of cause and effect.

In addition, he has the mark of mountains and seas, so I don’t know if he can hold it for meritorious deeds.

If you can, you can buy more time.

If it is useful, then the top priority is to digest the Holy Lord's soul, and then find Senior Sister Ming Yi and take away the Holy Lord's soul from her.

Digestion requires a lot of spiritual stones, and I have to sell some of the things I have on my body, so I should be able to get some.

"Is twenty kilograms enough for you to be promoted to Yuanshen?" Hong Yuye asked.

"It should be enough." Jiang Hao nodded.

Hong Yuye chuckled:

"With such a talent, your sect doesn't seem to value you very much."

"Senior is joking, junior is now the sect's chief preselector, so he should be taken seriously." Jiang Hao lowered his head and said.

Then they drank tea.

Hong Yuye glanced at the person in front of him, then looked at the peach tree:

"Nirvana is almost over?"

"Yes, it's the last time." Jiang Hao nodded.

"When can I achieve nirvana?"

"It will take some time."

The Nirvana of a flat peach tree is extremely complicated and may fail.

If you have enough magical objects, the success rate of the flat peach tree will be high.

Even if it succeeds, there is still a problem to face.

That is to say, there will be no closure in the short term, and Xiaoli should be very disappointed.

Hong Yuye drank tea, with no emotion in her eyes.

After a while, he slowly put down the teacup:

"Prepare the bath water."

Jiang Hao did not dare to hesitate.

I no longer feel that heaviness when I get up.

After he put the water and the cockle flaps, he came out.

Xiao Li is no longer here at this time, and must have been sent back to the hospital.

When Hong Yuye saw the person coming out, he got up and walked to the bathing room.

Let Jiang Hao wait outside.

Jiang Hao, who was sitting at the door, waited for a while and felt that the other party should have entered the water, so he identified himself.

It depends on the specific situation.

[Status: The body is infused with the poison of Tian Jue Gu and the concentric palm of Hong Yuye, and is simultaneously involved in the vortex of the Tianji Bead of Misfortune, the Tianji Silence Pearl, and the Tianji Dream Bead. At the same time, there is the vast merit cauldron of mountains and seas, which is kept in balance with the vortex of cause and effect. If the twenty-three merits are exhausted by inaction, holding the merit cauldron with the mark of mountains and seas can strengthen the power. 】

Twenty-three 㹓.

After a brief sense, Jiang Hao felt that the merits in the merit cauldron were like water falling from the sky.

With such a huge consumption, he was worried that it would end soon.

I didn’t expect that I could still consume twenty-three 㹓.

But thankfully, the Mountain and Sea Mark is really useful.

"That is to say, I am still plagued by bad luck, but my merit has consumed the consequences of bad luck for me."

"It can form a balance with the three heavenly beads, which shows that the merit cauldron is very good."

But he didn't wipe it, which was a pity.

With a sigh, Jiang Hao was not in a hurry.

Instead, he decided to try the aura of power to see what the upper limit of the power he could use was.

He reached the first level of immortality, with only a small part of his strength left.

Gathering a ball of power in the palm of his hand, he finally reached the early stage of feathering.

"Fortunately, I can still fight the Holy Lord."

With the imprint of the mountains and seas on the Celestial Dream Bead, it should be no problem to become a person.

I just don’t know how to restore myself.

Maybe if you get promoted.

Jiang Hao then checked the panel.

[Name: Jiang Hao]

[age: forty-three]

[Cultivation: First level of immortality]

[Exercise: Tianyin Hundred Turns, Hongmeng Heart Sutra]

[Supernatural power: nine turns to replace death (the only one), one lesson every day, empty and clear mind, hidden spirit reappears, divine power, dead wood springs, sun, moon, pot and sky, vajra is indestructible, all things are dense and dense]

[Qi and blood: 24/100 (chain repairable)]

[Cultivation: 24/100 (chain can be repaired)]

[Supernatural power: 0/3 (unobtainable)]

"We are still far away from promotion."

"The top priority is to improve the mountain and sea mark. After digesting the two holy master souls, it should be able to extend the time a lot."

If it is just a simple mark of mountains and seas, it will definitely be useless, but it is different if there is a merit cauldron.

It can be a great source of merit and virtue.

There may be a few.

This gives you more time.

Improving your cultivation should also delay time.

Once you become an immortal, it will be easier.

It's just that it will be much more difficult to become an immortal in this situation.

But don’t rush it yet.

Afterwards, Jiang Hao began to calculate the things for storing the magic weapon and see how much he would have to sell off to collect 1.25 million.

Most likely, selling them all won’t be enough.

Unless the important things are sold in some nice places.

For example, a mine pickaxe after being crafted.

I should be able to sell a lot of them, but I don’t know if anyone wants them.

I just searched and found something.

I was a little curious for a moment.

If someone takes away the current bad luck, will it break the balance?

If it can be broken, can the merit cauldron reduce consumption?

After a long hesitation he knocked on the door.

"What's going on?" came the voice inside.

It's a little bit small and hard to hear clearly.

"Junior has a question. If there is a magic weapon that can take away a trace of luck from the body, then is it bad luck that is taken away by the bad luck? And will it be beneficial to the merit cauldron?" Jiang Hao asked.

There was silence for a moment and he said, "Come in."


Recommend an old book to a friend: "I am a late bloomer and will never die"

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