Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1102 When the merits are exhausted, the world will be in chaos

The Ghost Fairy asked the Snow God Pill again.

She seems to have everything she needs, and she just likes this magical elixir.

Maybe after eating it, you will feel great joy when you look at your talents.

Jiang Hao sighed and wanted to eat a few more.

Maybe some good supernatural powers will appear as well.

I haven’t even encountered purple bubbles recently [.

No new magical powers appeared.

It is also extremely difficult to obtain purple bubbles.

In fact, flat peach trees can also be used as a last resort.

If there is no hope of becoming an immortal, then try your best to reach Nirvana and attain the peach tree.

If you are lucky enough to successfully prevent the disaster, you may get the Purple Gold Legend.

Maybe there is something that can change your destiny.

But now there is still hope, and we will not rush into nirvana.

The biggest problem with Nirvana is disaster.

There was no more news about the four strange beasts, so they entered the transaction process.

Jiang Hao was the first to speak: "I've already taken what the ghost fairy wants."

Gui Xianzi was surprised, so fast?

Later, she obtained the secret technique through Senior Danyuan's slate.

The third secret technique of Jiuji Corpse Extraction Method.

"It's indeed quite impressive. What else do you need me to do?" Gui Xianzi asked Yu.

Jiang Hao thought for a moment: "Where is the approximate location of the fairy?"

"The southern edge is close to the north." Ghost Fairy said.

Hearing this, everyone was surprised. Are you going to the north?

What are you going to do with the chaotic ghost fairy over there?

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows. He wanted the ghost fairy to go to the Emperor of the Earth and ask for the egg shells.

Now there is no telling when the other party will come to Nannan.

However, there are things he wants to do in the north.

But it's no small matter.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Hao suddenly thought about something and said in a low voice, "Ghost Fairy wants to go to the Corpse God Sect?"

"Yes." The ghost fairy didn't hide it either.

Her previous questions and what she needed all represented one thing.

She came into contact with people from the Corpse God Sect.

Now that I want to go to the north, I naturally want to go to the Corpse God Sect.

"Maybe there is a place where the evil corpses of the Corpse God Sect can be suppressed." Jiang Hao said.

"What do you want, friend Jing Yu?" Gui Xianzi was surprised.

If possible, she would of course want to find someone to suppress them, so that it would be easier to get things.

Jiang Hao thought about it for a moment and said, "There is a place in the Corpse God Sect called Ancient Sword Cliff.

“There is a place inside that requires a secret recipe to enter.

"The method of suppression may be inside, and I want the eggshell inside."

Hearing this, the Ghost Fairy was startled: "Is it similar to the Human Emperor's Palace?"

Jiang Hao nodded.

This time everyone was surprised.

In other words, it is still related to the dragon clan.

Not to mention the dragon's nest, the Emperor of the People found a dragon egg.

The Ancient Sword Cliff is also a similar place. Does that mean there are still dragon eggs?

Gui Xianzi was shocked. Sure enough, the well was related to the dragon clan.

The overseas ancestral dragon's heart was shaken, and it had a lot to do with Jing.

I just don’t know what his purpose is.

But she still agreed. There are usually big opportunities in places like this.

It would be a shame not to go.

Of course, just don’t be too lucky.

It comes as usual.

"You may get the Heavenly Corpse Pill in a few days. As for the Corpse Ancestor, it depends on your luck." Fairy Zhang said.

The ghost fairy nodded.

"Is there a place overseas that contains fairy tales? It would be weird if it has something to do with the stars." Xing said.

Hearing this, everyone was a little surprised.

It's time for the stars to come out.

"Yes." Liu said.

Then inform the other party of the location through the stone slab.

Xing nodded, Yu:

"What does Liu Yuyou need? Or is it the dragon clan's secret technique for physical skills?"

"Maybe it's the magic weapon of Confucianism." Liu Zhenwen.

"I have this." Xing smiled and nodded.

There was no deal after that.

What follows is the chat session that everyone is most looking forward to.

As everyone's cultivation improves, transactions become less and less.

It's just a matter of having high cultivation and having few things to do.

The main thing is that everyone is preparing to become an immortal, so they don't have the energy to worry about anything else.

"I'll come first." Ghost Fairy said seriously:

"There seems to be a lot of evil corpses causing chaos in the north, and there are also some races buried underground that are now rampant in the north.

"Not only that, this impact has the potential to affect other places."

"Other places?" Liu Po ​​was curious: "The other three parts and overseas?"

"Yes, it is said that the treasure does not belong to the north alone, but to the entire world. If it is gone, the impact will only become greater and greater." The ghost fairy sighed, then turned to look at Xiangjing:

"What is the bottom?"

When asked about Tuo, everyone's heart was full of excitement.

Jiang Hao sighed quite a bit. Sometimes the ghost fairy was unfriendly to him, but not so much now.

But I can't hide it.

After a moment of silence, his deep voice came out: "The Cauldron of Merit from the Mountains and Seas."

"Mountain and Sea Merit Cauldron?" Xing was shocked.

"Do you know about Xing Yu?" Liu asked Yu.

Xing nodded slightly: "It is rumored that the Shanhai Merit Cauldron has a very long history. It was a divine object created by a great man, a great senior, with great luck and great courage.

“The purpose is to stabilize the world.

"The Cauldron of Merit can gather merit and suppress all directions.

"According to legend, those with great luck or advanced cultivation may hold the Mountain and Sea Merit Cauldron, for no other reason than to inherit the ancient inheritance and collect merit.

"It has never been mentioned so far that the departure of the Shanhai Merit Cauldron will cause chaos in the world."

The more Xing talked, the more strange he felt.

This thing is not normal.

It stands to reason that once the Merit Cauldron leaves, it will leave. Why is there chaos?

Hearing this, the others were also surprised. They looked at the well and then at Senior Dan Yuan at the top.

The latter smiled slightly:

"Why is the Shanhai Merit Cauldron capable of suppressing all directions?"

"Because of merit?" Ghost Fairy was the first to answer.

Senior Danyuan nodded: "Yes, because of merit.

"So the great chaos in the north is naturally due to the lack of merit in the Shanhai Merit Cauldron."

Less merit?


Everyone was confused for a moment, but Jian quickly thought of a question.

"Does it mean that the less the merit, the greater the impact? [At the time, there may be problems in all four countries overseas?" Liu asked Yu.

"Problems will naturally arise where there are hidden dangers." Dan Yuan smiled.

Everyone was surprised that the chaos was not just in the north, but also in other places.

You have to prepare as soon as possible.

"Did you forget something?" Zhang Xianzi looked at everyone and reminded you:

"Why did the Shanhai Merit Cauldron leave the north?"

Why did you leave the North?

The moment this question appeared in their minds, they had an answer.

Because the Tianji Dream Bead resonated with other Tianji Beads, a crisis came.

I think everyone here is stunned.

So the current crisis is actually a waste of merit to suppress?

If the merit is exhausted then...

In an instant, cold sweat broke out from behind everyone.

When the merit is exhausted, it is very likely to cause the Tianji Pearl to explode?

For a moment, everyone suddenly felt that if the north was in chaos, it would be chaos.

The problem is not to destroy the big one.

"So..." Guixianzi looked at Senior Dan Yuan:

"When the four departments were in trouble with overseas countries, what happened before?"

Dan Yuan nodded slightly but did not speak.

Mom, the ghost fairy is in despair. What kind of human suffering is this?

I'm only eighteen years old.


Happy National Day!

Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !

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