Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1111 The Holy Thief will do everything he can to help King Heluo

There is a fog surrounding a huge island overseas.

This mist can cut off people's vision and perception.

It can even mess up the secrets of the people inside.

Nangong Yue was too weak, and it took a lot of effort and hardship to cross the south to get here.

There are still too few of them.

Not enough help along the way.

There are very few forces related to them, let alone those who interact with them.

The Holy Thief is not likeable.

It's pretty bad now, but it was even worse before.

Being targeted by many people, the Human Emperor would take action to suppress them.

But finally here.

There are still more than twenty years left, so there is still time.

She walked all the way inside.

Soon he was stopped.

"It's me." Nangong Yue immediately identified herself.

"Fairy Nangong? Where is Senior Duanmu?" a man asked.

"He has gone somewhere else. I need to see Senior Chuan Yue." Nangong Yue said seriously.

"If there is nothing big, senior, I don't know anyone. I wonder what Fairy Nangong has?" the man asked.

"I would like to ask Senior Chuan Yue to take action regarding the Twelve Heavenly Kings." Nangong Yue explained his intention.

"Twelve heavenly kings? Hailuo heavenly king?" the man asked.


"This doesn't matter. Senior Chuanyue said specifically that there is no need to discuss it. He will not do this kind of thing."

Nangong Yue stretched out her hand, spread her palm and said:

"Is this enough?"

A stolen character appeared slowly. The moment he saw it, the man's face changed drastically and he immediately said:

"Fairy, follow me."

No one hesitated, and the two of them headed to the depths of the island.

some time.

Nangong Yue saw a middle-aged man with blond hair before he could speak.

Nangong Yue stretched out her hand, and the stolen words appeared again, her tone was non-negotiable:

"Senior Kawazuki, within twenty-three years, I will use my all to bring King Hailuo back to his peak."

The moment the words fell, the stolen word cracked under everyone's gaze, and then shattered with a bang.

disappear completely.

This stolen word was just for an order.

Seeing this scene, Chuanyue's expression did not change at all. He stood with his hands behind his back and walked outside.

Then his voice spread everywhere:

"All those who have mastered the method of restoring cultivation, come with me."

There were no questions, no questions asked.

Give everything you have to help the King of Heaven, whether it is for the King of Heaven or for others.

None of them asked.

But they know that this matter will definitely have a significant impact.

No need to spend time exploring.

Just take the time to finish it.

Twenty-three years.

They are willing to give everything.

Right or wrong is not important, what is important is to be perfect.

Even if they can't see that day, they believe that day will definitely come.

The credit does not have to be mine.

At this moment, many people began to appear on the island.

That afternoon.

Kawazuki heads to the sea area where Mu Longyu is.

Mu Longyu came to see them at first, but they did not agree.

Now the movement is coming.

Don't ask for reward, don't care about face.

Now whoever stops them from restoring cultivation for King Hai Luo will be the enemy of the entire Holy Thief.


After Mu Longyu finished the meeting, he sighed.

Hero's problem is bigger than expected, and now the other kings are trying to figure it out.

Naturally, he would not just resign himself to fate.

Something must be done.

However, the warehouses of the Twelve Heavenly Kings have been opened.

Just wait for the person Jiang Hao said to go see it.

But so far, no one has asked this question, and no one has gone to the warehouse.

He didn't know whether that person was no longer needed or that person didn't know the news.

Maybe I don’t know, so I can only find a way to get the news out.

Tuo let the other party know that he could enter all warehouses with the previous jade pendant.

This is one of the sincerities of their Twelve Heavenly Kings.

While he was still distressed, there was a commotion outside.

The hurried footsteps let people know that the other person was not at peace.

"The King of Heaven is here."

People 㮽㳔, sound first 㳔.

Mu Longyu frowned, what happened?

Soon a man stood in front of the King. He said slightly nervously:

"King of Heaven, there are many people from the Holy Thief outside, and they want to see you."

"People from the Holy Thief?" Mu Longyu was a little confused: "How many people make you panic like this?"

He stopped once and walked quickly outside.

But when he walked outside, he found that a large number of holy thieves had come to his house, standing quietly, and they were extremely powerful.

Among them, the middle-aged man Yifa, who is the leader, is even more impressive.

The moment he looked at him, Mu Longyu recognized him. This person was the senior Kawazuki they had always wanted to invite.

But didn’t the other party refuse?

Why are you here now?

"Senior Chuanyue?" Mu Longyu walked over and said politely.

"I've met King Mu Tian." Chuanyue was equally polite.

"Senior, why are you here?" Mu Longyu was a little curious.

"I'm here for King Hailuo." Chuan Yue said and looked at Nangong Yue beside her.

"Someone asked us to help King Hailuo, so we came." Nangong Yue said.

"It is said that there are only twenty-three years, so I hope the King will not waste time.

"Twenty-three years later, the Holy Thief will devote everything he has to restoring King Hailuo to his peak." Chuanyue said seriously.

Hearing this, Mu Longyu was stunned.

He instantly thought of Jiang Hao.

So that person is Jiang Hao?

The other party didn't say his name, so naturally he couldn't.

"Please, please, we shouldn't delay." Mu Longyu didn't ask or think too much.

How Jiang Hao did it didn't matter at all.

It doesn’t matter if it’s him or the person behind him.

What matters is that the person who is trying is anything but ordinary.

The Holy Thief's words shocked him.

Give it your all.

Being so aware is no weaker than them.

It seems that there is hope for Hero's recovery.

"Senior, there is no need to be polite to us. If you need any help, the Twelve Heavenly Kings will fully cooperate." Mu Longyu said.

"That's convenient." Chuanyue nodded.

None of them asked each other anything.

No matter what the other party's purpose is, so far they are all for the recovery of King Hiero.

All subsequent relationships will have to wait until this one ends.


early morning.

Jiang Hao opened his eyes, and the power of his body became huge.

But I don't know why, but there is a trace of sadness on his face.

Jiang Hao also noticed something strange.

Without hesitation, he identified himself.

[Status: The body is filled with the poison of Tianjue Gu and the concentric palm of Hongyuye, and is simultaneously involved in the fruit vortex of Tianji Bead of Misfortune, Tianji Silence Bead, and Tianji Dream Bead. The vast merits of the Mountains and Seas Merit Cauldron are added to the body to maintain balance with the fruit vortex. If the merits are exhausted after 23 years of inaction, blessing the merits cauldron with the Mountains and Seas mark can strengthen the power. 】

The moment he saw this, Jiang Hao was stunned.

He has twenty-six years left.

After two years there should still be twenty-four years.

Nowadays, if you are promoted, not to mention one more year, but it should remain the same.

For a moment Jiang Hao thought about 㳔before.

There was an extra time for promotion at the beginning, but later the time remained the same.

Now the number of people has been reduced by one year.

In other words, the fluctuations caused by his promotion have exceeded the time caused by his promotion.

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