Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1117 Juniors are good at persuading people, and they are good at persuading people to let go

Many people are concerned about the whereabouts of Shang'an Taoist.

Like in the past, everyone wanted to know where he was.

But now many people have too much time to take care of themselves.

Such as ghost fairies.

She sighed and said:

“When I first came to the north, it wasn’t that chaotic, but the further back it got, the more chaotic it became.

"There is still no trouble in all things. If there is, it will be difficult to stabilize the north. The Shanhai Sword Sect has actually lost a lot of people. Unfortunately, there are too many things in the north.

"I wanted to spread the word about the method of suppressing the evil corpse, but unfortunately I couldn't do it.

“Are any of you coming to the north?

"But this secret method can only be used by people from the Corpse God Sect, or in other words, it can only be used by people who have experienced it at Ancient Sword Cliff."

Others frowned, because it was not easy to find people from the Corpse God Sect now.

Jiang Hao thought of Qu Zhong.

It might be good for them.

But Xing still needs help.

He thought briefly and said:

"A group of people from the Corpse God Sect went to Mingyue Sect."

"Ming Yue Sect?" Xing smiled and said, "Then I may have a way to contact you, but it will take some time."

"Then I will tell you the method of suppression." Gui Xianzi immediately said the method of suppression.

Jiang Hao began to think as he listened.

Should Xing tell Qu Zhong or not?

With Qu Zhong's strength, can he get in and out of Tian Shui Han?

Then he asked: "How far can fellow Taoist Star achieve in the east?"

After thinking for a while, Xing said: "What happened before, it should be possible now."

These words surprised Jiang Hao.

Without hesitation, he planned to use his previous reward.

I don't have much time, and since there is a road to becoming an immortal, it may not be difficult to attract people with good luck to come and become immortals together.

In this case, try to get the Dragon Clan inheritance as much as possible.

Some things left behind by the Human Emperor and the Dragon Clan may be of benefit to him.

Not only that, it can be used to do business with the Xuanyuan Clan, and it can also be used if there are people from the Dragon Clan.

"I need help from fellow Taoist star for something." Jiang Hao slowly said:

"Tian Shuihan, I hope fellow Taoists can use secret methods to find the deep space and bring out the dragon eggshells.

"Then he gave it to Qu Zhong of the Corpse God Sect and brought it to the Tianyin Sect.

"They should be able to tell Tiandao Foundation Establishment to go to the north when they go to the Mingyue Sect."

Xing was slightly surprised:

"Similar to the place where the ghost fairy Zhang Xianzi went?"

Jiang Hao nodded.

Everyone was surprised.

The sky is cold in the east, the Ancient Sword Cliff in the north, the Human Emperor's Palace in the south, and the Dragon's Nest in the west.

Every place has secrets and dragon eggs.


It’s not simple no matter how you look at it.

And everything inside is extraordinary.

Xing didn't think much, nodded and said:

"Okay, the Corpse God Sect and the Tianyin Sect should only be able to let them stay for a short time."

Jiang Hao nodded.

There was no mention of letting Jiang Hao from the Tianyin Sect take over.

People who are not part of the party, some people have things that they don’t want others to have access to.

Unless the other party is willing.

Jing didn't nod, so the explanation wouldn't work.

"I know Tian Shuihan, maybe it's not very difficult. Is there anything else you need, fellow Taoist Jing?" Xing asked.

Jiang Hao thought for a while and said: "When the twelve heavenly kings become immortals, they will divide some directions, and Taoist friends will occupy one. As for whether anything needs to be done, it is entirely up to the Taoist friends' free will."

"Okay." Xing nodded.

He has to stand by and watch when the Twelve Heavenly Kings become immortals.

It is a good thing to have a special position to pave the way for yourself.

As for what the well was talking about, it is unknown exactly what it was.

You will know when the time comes.

"How long will it take for the Twelve Heavenly Kings to become immortals?" Ghost Fairy asked curiously.

Others aren't sure either.

Jiang Hao said nonchalantly: "About twenty kilograms."

"So urgent?" Liu was surprised: "No wonder we need the help of the Saint Thief. It is said that the Twelve Heavenly Kings will invite the other party at all costs.

"I thought they wanted more time, but now it seems they don't have enough time."

However, they were still curious about who became an immortal.

It's a pity that the well doesn't tell.

Maybe we'll know then.

After that we talked about a lot of things.

At present, it is certain that there is no chaos in the west or overseas.

There are figures of the End of All Things in the north, but they did nothing but conquer the strange beasts.

In addition, the ghost fairy suddenly mentioned a Tianchen Tower.

Ask who knows more about this tower.

Liu Gan coughed and said he didn't understand.

Hoshiya mildly said that he had never heard of it.

Jiang Hao sounded a little strange.

It seems that they all know something about it, but they are not easy to talk about it.

It seems that you have to ask the Lawless Tower.

Later, Daqian Shenzong was also mentioned.

Jiang Hao hesitated for a moment and then spoke:

"The Great Thousand Divine Sect may have tried a plan near the Dragon Cave recently."

"What's the plan?" asked the ghost fairy.

Jiang Hao said directly: "Create an immortal."

Everyone was stunned upon hearing this.

They were all a little shocked.

They subconsciously looked at Senior Yuan.

The latter chuckled: "The Daqian Shenzong does have ideas in this regard. I didn't expect to take action so quickly. You can check it out when you have time, but they are willing to reveal that most of them are traps."

"I'm free, I can take a look." Liu said.

Xing is busy with things in the east, so naturally he has no time.

After chatting for a while, the party ended.


Xu Bai slowly opened his eyes in the deep sea.

He looked at the deep sea and sighed with emotion:

"It seems that we can use the methods we left behind."

After that, he left some letters and closed his eyes.

At this moment, he was surrounded by starlight.

The magic appeared, but the complete magic seemed to take several days to complete.


When Jiang Hao woke up, Hong Yuye had not left. She sat at the desk drinking tea.

"It seems that the party is over."

Hong Yuye smiled.

"Yes." Jiang Hao stood up and said respectfully:

"The junior will sort out the general events of the party for the senior."

As he said, he picked up the book and started writing.

The first point of the party was related to the senior Yuan.

This time it was still to find the alien beast.

In addition to the north, there was news overseas.

After that, it was a change. The ghost fairy entered the ancient sword cliff and got the eggshell, but she couldn't get out.

The Tianchen Tower has not been occupied yet, but the people in the gathering have a slightly strange attitude towards the Tianchen Tower, so we need to pay attention to it.

In addition, the Corpse Ancestor Tower has gone to the north.

The other transactions were between him and Xing.

The ghost fairy told him how to suppress the evil corpse, and Xing passed the message to Qu Zhong for him, and helped him get the eggshell.

In addition, the Twelve Heavenly Kings need to occupy a place to become immortals.

The previous big reward was consumed.

The Twelve Heavenly Kings gave the news that the token can be used to see the warehouse, and also told the Great Thousand God Sect about the creation of immortals. According to the predecessors of the Yuan Dynasty, when they knew this, they might fall into a trap.

Jiang Hao also recorded Shang'an's departure from the Haotian Sect, and the matter of the Twelve Heavenly Kings becoming immortals around the age of twenty.

As for the others, there is no record.

After writing almost everything, I gave it to Hong Yuye.

The other party took a look and was not very interested.

It seems that these things are useless.

"These things are all your business." Hong Yuye looked at Jiang Hao and said.

"They are all paving the way for the things of the predecessors." Jiang Hao lowered his head and said.

"You are good at talking." Hong Yuye laughed.

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows and did not speak.

"Pick two peaches." Hong Yuye said.

Jiang Hao did not dare to hesitate.

After picking them up, Hong Yuye picked up one of them and said:

"You don't seem to plan to achieve Nirvana for the Peach Tree."

"The risk is too great." Jiang Hao said truthfully:

"Once the last Nirvana fails, the tree will disappear, and it will be very noisy.

"Once it is discovered, the tree will be coveted. "Are you thinking about my tree?" Hong Yuye looked at Jiang Hao and asked. "The younger generation should do it." Jiang Hao nodded. Hong Yuye took a bite of the peach and said softly: "There are indeed many people coveting you here." Jiang Hao was a little surprised, and then he felt someone approaching the yard. He came to the balcony. It stands to reason that no one could get close to Hong Yuye when she was in the garden. It seems that she was deliberately put in. Hong Yuye followed and they looked out at once. They saw a young man setting up a formation on the other side of the river. It was a bit mysterious. Jiang Hao couldn't understand it. "He is only in the late Jin Dynasty. You Jin Yuanman can't understand it? "Hong Yuye looked slightly surprised.

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows, a little embarrassed.

Dengxian couldn't understand it either.

"It seems that your cultivation level has improved too quickly, and you know too little about formations.

"You can't become an immortal this way. If you want to become an immortal by borrowing the Twelve Heavenly Kings, you need to know something other than just using power to break the immortal path.

"You also need to learn to use the power of the sea and the fluctuations of the formation.

"Although these are all auxiliary, they can buy you time at critical moments." Hong Yuye said casually.

After a pause, she said:

"But you are only a golden child, and it's still a long way from becoming an immortal, so there's no need to rush."

Jiang Hao was shocked. He didn't expect that he had to comprehend these.

"Apart from these, is there anything else?" Jiang Hao asked.

"Do you have your own way?" Hong Yuye asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

He didn't understand.

Even if he felt something, he still didn't understand.

"The road to immortality is difficult. For those without a solid foundation, it is extremely dangerous to face the road to immortality.

"Cultivation, state of mind, knowledge, and understanding are all important factors." Hong Yuye looked at the person opposite and said:

"If you want to become an immortal, you must come out of the dust."

"Is everyone like this?" Jiang Hao asked.

He didn't care about the person opposite and let him set up the formation.

It looks like he is from Tianqing Mountain.

I don't know what Tianqing Mountain, the defeated party, is going to do.

It's only been a few years, and he dared to come to Tianyin Sect again.

"Does everyone become an immortal like you? "Hong Yuye asked back.

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows and sighed. It turned out that not everyone has to walk out of the dusty world. After all, becoming an immortal seems to be the most difficult thing in history.

A lot of things need to be prepared, such as cultivation, state of mind, and luck.

At this time, the other party's formation is completed.

A faint light appeared.

Jiang Hao felt the breath of the Holy Dog.

This surprised him.

Why did the Holy Dog suddenly target him?

It's a joke to offend the Holy Dog. Why would he look for me for no reason?

"It seems that you are still in trouble even if you hide here." Hong Yuye said with a smile.

"It should be a misunderstanding." Jiang Hao lowered his head and said seriously:

"When the Holy Dog comes to me, I will ask him. If the misunderstanding is resolved, it will be gone.

"The younger generation has experience in this kind of thing and can handle it well." Hong Yuye turned to look at Jiang Hao and remained silent. She seemed a little surprised by this remark.

Jiang Hao waited for a while and found that the saint had not come over. This was a gaze formation.

The moment his eyes appeared, something seemed to startle him.

Someone quickly appeared around him, wiped out the formation, and took the man away.

Jiang Hao was not surprised. People from the sect always kept an eye on their surroundings.

There are powerful power fluctuations, which can easily lead them away.

He waited for the sight of Sheng Yu to appear before taking action. He must have just discovered it.

That kind of power is roughly at the level of a god.

In other words, people below the level of Refining God will not attract people’s attention.

Because of the formation in the courtyard, they felt that they could not shake the formation under the spirit of refining.

"It seems that your sect is very concerned about your safety." Hong Yuye said with a smile.

Jiang Hao didn't say anything. These people came to stare at Tianxiang Daohua, but they only stared superficially.

There is no constant surveillance here.

And using 㱕 seems to be a magic weapon.

As people say, they are always there only when there is danger.

However, since the disciples of Tianqingshan brought the holy formation, there was something to be said.

I have to find a way to ask who is the saint of Tianqingshan Sect.

Of course, Hong Yuye said, becoming an immortal is far from simple, and he needs to make more preparations.

Twenty-three years.

Compared with Hai Luo's, it was just right, but I was still two times short of promotion.

It will also reduce time.

I won’t be able to wait for Hai Luo then.

When I went to the Lawless Tower, if I wanted to learn, I could only rely on Mi Ling Yue.

Also go find Mu Yin and ask him what he wants to learn.

Since he is looking for the Lingyue Sect, he will not learn it in vain.


other side.

Senior sister Ming Yi met two Jin 㫡 disciples.

"Holy law?" Fairy Mingyi was a little surprised:

"How did you find me?"

"The saint is joking, even though the person who connected you is dead, we can still get news about the fairy from them.

"Of course, apart from us, there are other people who know the truth." A fairy said with a smile.

They were a man and a woman, smiling.

It seems certain that the other party will cooperate.

"What do you need me to do?" Fairy Mingyi seemed to compromise.

"I heard that Tianxiang Daohua is at Duanqing Cliff, I hope the fairy can help us get it as much as possible.

"Is he an inner disciple named Jiang Hao?

"He seems to have some good relationships with people. Cheng Chou and the others are out, but Miao Tinglian seems to be here.

"Do you know her, junior sister?"

"I know." Fairy Mingyi nodded.

"That's the best. Give this to the Saint." The young man handed over a bottle of medicine and said:

"This is the heart-challenging poison. As long as it is placed near Miao Tinglian's residence, she will be poisoned over time.

“Then life and death will be in our hands.

“She can do whatever she wants.

"Whether you can get the flower depends on whether the saint succeeds."

After taking the medicine, Fairy Mingyi nodded and said:

"Leave it to me, I will make her live and die."

"With the saint's words, we feel relieved." The two of them laughed.

"The Tianyin Sect has been under martial law recently, so it would be safer for you two to return to your own peak.

"By the way, which peak are you two on? It's easy for me to contact you now." Fairy Ming Yi said.

"We will just find you then." The fairy replied.

"Okay." Fairy Mingyi nodded: "Then I won't send it to you."

The two nodded and turned to leave. After just a few steps, Fairy Mingyi stopped them: "Wait a moment."

Hearing this, the two turned around.

Just the moment I turned around, I heard two pops.

Two long swords pierced their bodies, and then the sword light swept across.

In shock, the two men were beheaded with one sword.

Seeing the two people's stunned eyes as they fell to the ground, Fairy Mingyi smoothed her hair and said with a smile:

"I forgot to mention it. It's better not to flirt with Miao Tinglian and his wife in the future.

"I won't be happy about that.

“I promised them back then that I would never let them regret saving me.

"So I can only ask you to die."

As for why I dare to kill...

If you don't even dare to say which peak, are you still a disciple of the Tianyin Sect?

To tell which peak exactly, the Chief No. 1 would have to consider the appropriate way to kill it.

I dare not say that Ba Cheng is not a disciple of the Tianyin Sect.

If you kill, you will kill.

No one will stand up for them.

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