Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1137. How is my brother treating you well?

[Name: Jiang Hao]

[Age: forty-nine]

[Cultivation: eighth level of immortality]

[Exercise: Tianyin Zhuan, Hongmeng Heart Sutra]

[Supernatural power: nine turns to replace death (the only one), one lesson every day, empty and clear mind, hidden spirit reappears, divine power, dead wood springs, sun, moon, pot and sky, vajra is indestructible, all things are dense and dense]

[Qi and blood: 100/100 (chain can be repaired)]

[Cultivation: 100/100 (chain can be repaired)]

[Supernatural power: 1/3 (unobtainable)]

Looking at his age, Jiang Hao was a little confused.

I still remember that summer, I was nineteen years old.

The turning point of fate began at that time.

It turns out that thirty years have passed unknowingly.

Now, even if he has accumulated enough cultivation and energy, Jiang Hao is not in a hurry to improve his cultivation.

It will take another month or two for the final understanding of the formation.

The second step is to meet Chu Qi.


Chu Qi, who originally taught his disciples with a beautiful mood, suddenly turned dark after hearing Jiang Hao's introduction.

Here we go again.

Something that lingers.

How long has it been and how many times have you been here?

"How about you call me brother from now on, and I'll call you worthy brother, and then I'll answer your requests. If you refuse, how about I blow myself up on the spot to cheer you up?" Chu Qi said.

Rao Shixiao San was a little surprised by this statement.

"My good brother is joking. Once you are a brother, you will always be a father. This is a reversal of ethics and treason." Jiang Hao said sternly.

"Ethical reversal?" Chu Qi sneered:

"Why are you so shameless?"

In the era when he was born, not to mention the smiling person in front of him, his father, and even his ancestors may not have been born.

How dare such a person call him brother?

Not only insulted him, but also trampled on him.

Back then, no one from the Tianling Clan dared to humiliate himself like this.

The Human Emperor would not even ask him to call him brother.

This person.....

Shameless, arrogant and extremely arrogant.

It's okay to be arrogant to others, but to be arrogant to him is a huge insult.

Why doesn't anyone deal with this kind of person?

If there is such a person, he must be his holy friend.

"Brother, I want to bring you four items this time." Jiang Hao said slowly.

Chu Qi: "......"

There used to be one piece, but now there are four pieces.

"You really think highly of me." Chu Qi sneered.

He had already made up his mind. This person pushed him hard and blew himself up on the spot.

Give this man hell.

If one is found, explode one yourself.

It's so humiliating, it's better not to come back.

Look who is ruthless.

Jiang Hao shook his head and sighed:

"Xiandi is not an ordinary person, and those who can compare with him in the past, present and future can only be compared with five fingers.

"Which of these people is as powerful as my virtuous brother, with eyes all over the sky and the earth?

"Who else has the endless power of a wise brother, the leader of mountains and seas?"

"Since I'm so great, do you want to give me a favor and turn four items into two items?" Chu Qi asked.

"Brother, let me tell you the first thing." Jiang Hao said with a smile on his face:

"First, if the black dragon is no longer an immortal, it can be redeemed."

Chu Qiqi threw out the black dragon's head.

It's been taken out a long time ago.

After all, there are spiritual stones inside every day.

He is determined to seize the day.

Jiang Hao took the black dragon's head and couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Xian is really amazing."

"You talk and listen, I like it.

“You are more shameless than the one from the Tianling Clan and the Human Emperor.

"But the words are easier to listen to than them." Sheng Yu said.

"Then let me tell you the second thing. I hope my dear brother will help me deliver something to the ninth floor of Biyun Pavilion. Just leave the words I left behind." Jiang Hao paused and added: "It will be sent to Wuyu Island in a while."

"What else?" Sheng Yu asked.

This is easy too.

"Then I need a soul for my brother, along with a million spiritual stones." Jiang Hao said.

Hearing this, Sheng Yu stared at the person in front of him, slightly angry.

Forget about the soul, why do you need the spirit stone?

You have no hands or feet, can't you earn spiritual stones by yourself?

Can you survive by robbing?

Even if it lasts for a long time, catching someone robbed is not a long-term solution.

"You don't understand business." Chu Qi said.

"You don't know how to be a brother." Jiang Hao slowly said: "Hurry up for a brother..."

"I'm about to die, I know." Chu Qiqi answered quickly.

I wonder when will you die?

After all these years, why haven’t you died yet?

After that, he gritted his teeth and threw out a divine soul with a Ten Thousand Spirit Stones: "Where's the fourth item?"

"No more." Jiang Hao shook his head.

"No more?" Chu Qi was quite surprised.

"Is it an accident? Is it a surprise? Do you think you've made a profit?" Jiang Hao closed his fan and said gently: "I'm sorry for you, brother?"

Chu Qi: "......"

Thank you so much.

After confirming that the situation was stable, Jiang Hao disappeared.

Sheng Yu frowned.

That's it again.

As soon as the other party came, he felt like he couldn't escape.

Not only that, I have prepared a lot and want to keep the other party.

But it doesn't matter every time.

Not only that, but it's impossible to figure out how the other person left.

"What treasure did this man get?"

"This treasure is not simple, it is just like his face."



"This yard is not good." Jing Dajiang frowned.

The front yard is located on the edge of the street, surrounded by green trees, and walking in it feels like being in the mountains. A small bridge spans the pond, with clear water rippling and birds singing and flowers fragrant.

The small building in the courtyard is exquisite and elegant, and the appliances in the house are exquisite.

There is even more rich spiritual energy permeating the air.

"Is there anything not interesting about this courtyard?" Fairy Lanqian asked curiously.

"The spiritual energy is too strong. There is something wrong with it at first glance. Let's move to another place and continue looking." Jing Dajiang said seriously.

"Senior, we have been watching for more than a year, how about this?" Bizhu tried to ask.

I was led everywhere by these three people to look around the yard.

This city sees that city.

They are all far away from Tianchen Tower.

But there was nothing we could do.

The power of the golden elixir is so terrifying.

"We have higher Jindan cultivation than you, so we won't lie to you." The bearded old man said seriously.

"I think so too." Bizhu nodded with a smile.

For a moment, she felt helpless in the West.

Of course, all the ministries are good everywhere, but they are not as good as those in the south of my hometown.

"But this house still needs some fairy kindness." Jing Dajiang looked at Bizhu and said.

Aunt Qiao and Fairy Lanqian were a little confused.

Bizhu smiled awkwardly, and then threw two spiritual stones into the pit.

All come with a terrible curse.

"The little girl is really kind-hearted." The bearded old man said with emotion.

Jing Dajiang also nodded: "Even more kind-hearted than before."

Bizhu: "..."

"Let's go then, let's go to the next place." said the old man without a beard.

After a few people left, miserable sounds of pain could be heard in the yard.

Finally disappeared.

After leaving, Bizhu felt that her luck might have lost a little bit.

But don't, if you keep going, you'll be done for.

What she fears most is bad luck.

I can't bear it anymore.

Then his eyes fell on Fairy Lanqian beside him.

I feel wronged to you, my senior sister Tuo.

Let all kinds of disasters feel your kindness.

The North cannot live without you.

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