Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1140 Female Devil: You want me to follow you for twenty years? 【2-in-1】 (1/2)


"Bizhu Fairy's place is not bad either."

In front of a valley, Jing Dajiang looked at the birds and flowers below and said with a smile.

"That's right." Bizhu nodded heavily: "Senior is Jin, he will definitely not lie to me. Do you want me to show him some kindness this time?"

Bizhu was also very excited at this time.

Because she was definitely not the one who did it, so what does she have to worry about?

As long as you don't have any problems, anywhere is fine.

Whatever the strong man says is what he says.

Aunt Yuan Shen Qiao beside her also nodded.

She just nodded and didn't have to do anything.

Any questions would be answered first by Jin Hao. As a soul, she didn't need to do anything.

Fairy Lanqian on the other side frowned.

She felt a little strange during this time, as if there was something extra about her.

But I didn’t realize how it appeared.

However, in just a few months, she felt that she had become more diligent in cultivation.

But this change was a bit strange, and she didn't dare to ask rashly.

"As a great philanthropist, how can the little girl not express her gratitude?" Jing Dajiang said with a smile.

Bizhu nodded, then took out a bag of spiritual stones and handed them to Lanqian: "Senior sister, it's up to you. Let the people in the valley feel our goodwill."

Fairy Lanqian took it easily. She had been doing this for a long time.

She couldn't understand.

But you can also know that this spiritual stone is not normal.

I don’t know since when, the matter of losing the spirit stone became her problem.

Fortunately, it has no impact.

After throwing away the spirit stone, Jing Dajiang said:

"It seems we are not welcome here either. Let's move on to another place. Speaking of which, what kind of valley is this?"

"The cliff valley." Aunt Qiao said.

"What a great place." Jing Dajiang sighed, then turned and left.

They then visited several more places.

Fairy Lanqian often hears about the chaos in the north and wants to go back to help.

But he had to follow.

Sometimes I feel a little irritable.

Fortunately, after a while, strange insights came to me.

Let her feel stronger, so she can get stronger first.

One month later.

Jing Dajiang raised his head and looked at Yuan above Bizhu:

"The fairy is blessed with good luck."

"Ah?" Bizhu was a little worried: "Senior, don't scare me."

Being lucky is not a good thing.

"This time it's really good luck. It's time for you to leave." Jing Dajiang said kindly:

"You can't stay in the north any longer. If you continue to stay here, your good fortune may disappear."

Bizhu looked surprised: "Senior, what is my good fortune?"

"Who knows?" Jing Dajiang shrugged: "I am just a golden boy. Although I am better than you, I am still better than you."

"Then what should I do?" Bizhu asked Yu immediately.

"This..." Jing Dajiang rubbed his hands and coughed twice: "It's a bit difficult to handle."

The two old men behind him also nodded: "It's really not easy to handle."

Bizhu did not hesitate to take out a storage magic weapon and handed it out: "This is a small tribute, senior, please don't refuse."

"We are Jin 㫡, and Jin 㫡 doesn't look down on these things." Jing Dajiang pretended to postpone.

"Senior, why don't you take a look?" Bizhu tried to say.

Jing Dajiang tried to take a look.

As soon as he glanced over, his troubled expression disappeared.

A serious person is like a hidden master:

“It is true that good fortune comes first, but it is also true that it is difficult to grasp.

"The fairy's kindness is enough, but it is not sincere enough."

"Not sincere enough?" Bizhu frowned slightly.

"Yes, not sincere enough. The three of us are all gold, how can we deceive you?

"If there's nothing else, we'll leave first." Jing Dajiang said, pulling the two old men behind him and leaving quickly.

He was afraid that the other party would want something back.

Fairy Lanqian frowned: "Do you want me to catch them back?"

Hearing this, Aunt Qiao on the side was frightened.

Bizhu woke up from the silence.

But what does sincerity mean?

Late October, it’s almost time.

You can ask Gu Changsheng.

What exactly is good luck? She didn't even think about it.

But she did realize that when she left, she had been delayed for a long time and it was time to go back to the south first.

Everything I wanted to do in the north has been done.

I took the eggshell, kept the writing, and got what I wanted.

Just go back and give it a try to verify your guess.

After having an idea, Bizhu said to Fairy Lanqian:

"Sister, you should go back."

Hearing this, Fairy Lanqian was slightly surprised.

She had wanted to go back for a long time, but being asked to go back suddenly made her feel strange.

"You can go to the south when you have time, and I'll treat you to dinner." Bizhu said with a smile.

"You have helped me so much, don't you ask me to do anything?" Fairy Lanqian asked Yu.

Bizhu tilted her head and asked Yu, "What do you want to do?"

Fairy Lanqian frowned slightly.

"You are my senior sister, shouldn't I help you?" Bizhu said with a smile.

As innocent as a young girl.

Fairy Lanqian nodded slightly: "I understand."

"We'll see you later. Remember to come to the south to see me when you have time." Bizhu said expectantly.

"Okay." Fairy Lanqian nodded.

Bizhu will leave after that.

Aunt Qiao looked at Fairy Lanqian and said, "The fairy seemed a little dissatisfied along the way."

Fairy Lanqian lowered her eyebrows.

Aunt Qiao sighed: "I've seen the route. We are going all the way forward. If you want to know why we are going all the way, you can try to go back.

"Although I'm not sure, a strong man named Jin will not deceive me."

"Golden Man?" Fairy Lanqian frowned slightly.

"We are just soul monks and god-refining monks." Aunt Qiao didn't say much.

He left with Bizhu.

Fairy Lanqian couldn't open her brows, and she didn't understand for a moment.

Think for a moment.

She decided to go back.

One day later, she came to the cliff valley as quickly as possible.

The moment she came over, she smelled the rancid smell.

His pupils shrank when he got closer.

She saw that the beautiful valley before was already filled with stinking corpses, and the breath of death overflowed from it.

Some monks nearby were looking for something.

"What happened here?" Fairy Lanqian immediately asked some monks nearby.

The strong man's inquiry frightened some monks.

Answer now:

"This is a source of trouble. Last month, someone destroyed this place. The source inside was dead, so we are looking for an opportunity."

The source of the trouble?

a month ago?

Fairy Lanqian was a little surprised.

"This source of trouble is so great that even some powerful people can't remove it." The monk said.

Fairy Lanqian couldn't believe it, and then continued to go to the previous place.

The next place is equally full of terrible atmosphere.

But the chaos inside was also killed when they came.

After that, she spent more than ten days and visited many places.

It turns out that every place they visited was no ordinary place.

"Golden strong man?"

For a moment, she was a little confused, why was Jin Er the strong man, while Yuanshen and Lian Shen were just monks.

Also, why does Fairy Bizhu call herself a junior and say that she has no cultivation level.

It turns out that the three people who look like Jin are not existences that she can guess at all.

"It turns out that Kim is so dangerous."

Then she noticed changes in herself again.

So it's not a sudden change, but these people are paving the way for themselves?


She could not imagine the strength of a strong man.

Late October.

Bizhu finally waited for Gu Changsheng.

Without any hesitation, I asked what sincerity was.

Gu Changsheng looked surprised, what kind of sincerity?

"An eighteen-year-old girl is innocent and innocent. Isn't this sincere enough?"

"Senior is not like this."

Bizhu immediately told what happened to him.

Hearing this, Gu Changsheng was silent for a moment:

"It is said that you are kind by doing bad things, but doesn't it mean that you are not bad enough if you are not sincere?

"To put it simply, you are too weak, let's make you stronger as soon as possible."

Bizhu sighed, what does this have to do with his good fortune?

She works hard every day.

But now I have to go and meet the young prince of the royal family.

After so many years, he should have grown up.


The Black Dragon matter has been initially understood, and Lin Zhi's matter has also been resolved.

Jiang Hao had nothing to worry about.

He has very little to do.

Then continue to give the seal of mountains and seas to the merit cauldron.

The sect also followed his wishes and completely entered into recuperation.

Nothing happened, everything went smoothly for him.

Work as the sun rises and rest as the sun sets.

Day and night change, spring passes and autumn comes.

Jiang Hao even felt like he had forgotten time. Every day he just went back and forth between the elixir garden and the courtyard.

Two years passed like this.

During this period, Jiang Hao attended two gatherings, but they did not bring about much change.

The only thing that surprised him was that someone strong from the Haotian Sect took action and suppressed the Fallen Immortal Clan.

The Fallen Immortals had no choice but to deal with them.

In this way, Jiang Hao would have more time.

Although I don’t know who the other party is, I did help him.

If you have the opportunity in the future, I can thank you.

Seeing that it was almost time, Jiang Hao went overseas.

I'm going to wipe the treasures in the warehouse.

Six months later.

At the beginning of the month.

Jiang Haoyuan is here.

He looked at the eye panel.

[Name: Jiang Hao]

[Age: Thirteen]

[Cultivation: Ninth level of immortality]

[Exercise: Tianyin Hundred Turns, Hongmeng Heart Sutra]

[Supernatural power: nine turns to replace death (the only one), one lesson every day, empty space to purify the heart, hidden spirit to reappear, divine power, dead wood to spring, sun, moon and pot to sky, vajra to be indestructible, all things are dense and dense]

[Qi and blood: 100/100 (chain can be repaired)]

[Cultivation: 100/100 (chain can be repaired)]

[Supernatural power: 1/3 (unobtainable)]

"Unknowingly, I am thirteen years old, half a century old."

Jiang Hao sighed.

He hasn't done much in the past two years.

Hong Yuye came three times.

It is worth mentioning that spring is gone in September.

In order to take over the task, he sold the remaining parts.

Now I have to find a way to buy some.

Because he planned to ask Hong Yuye if he wanted to go overseas to meet Qianlong.

There was news from Liu that there was a man standing under the handwriting "㱗" for a long time.

There is a possibility that he is looking for someone.

"It's almost ready."

The formation has been learned, and there are enough imprints of the Mountain and Sea Merit Cauldron.

The status shows that he still has twenty-three years left.

Three years have passed and only one year has been deducted.

In other words, Shanhai Seal has been fighting for him for more than a year.

This is enough.

Two years of learning formations, and more than two years of applying the Mountain and Sea Seal.

It's time to start.

Make some arrangements before leaving.

Gu Tian wants to meet, Lawless Tower needs to go, Cheng Chou and the others also need to explain, and Sheng Jie also needs to look for it.

Also, a shout out to the party.

In these years, he will devote himself to being on the road and may not attend gatherings.

Improve your state of mind and temper your body.

He must do these things, otherwise becoming an immortal will easily fail.

Normally, it would be enough for him to improve his cultivation level, but things were different now.

Do not use the luck of the Twelve Heavenly Kings or rely on others.

Perhaps before he could improve, he would have exhausted all his merits and then be sucked into the whirlpool and die completely.

He still remembered that feeling.

No luck.

Sitting under the peach tree, Jiang Hao looked at the Tianxiang Yanhua and breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that Tianxiang Yanhua is gone, she won't be able to take care of her.

Thinking about the past, without this flower, there would be no present self.

This flower gave me great help.

Although it also involved him in the endless storm, the benefits cannot be ignored.

"What are you sighing for?" came a voice from across the table.

Hong Yuye's figure slowly appeared.

Jiang Hao quickly stood up and said respectfully:

"I've met senior."

After that, he answered the question: "Junior just feels that he has to go out for a trip, and he is quite reluctant to leave senior."

"Are you going out?" Hong Yuye asked with interest.

"Yes, the junior decided to go overseas to find news for the senior." Jiang Hao looked serious.

Hearing this, Hong Yuye chuckled: "You're really thoughtful, so how much time do you plan to spend on this trip?"

"As little as twenty years, as much as..." At this point, Jiang Hao suddenly stopped and finally said:

"Juniors will try their best to come."

Try your best to come...

Hong Yuye's joking expression disappeared quietly: "It seems like this is a big clue."

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded and hesitated:

"Senior, do you want to go together? Maybe we can meet Qilong. There is news that Qilong may also be overseas."

If possible, he would like to go overseas alone.

But he didn't know when the Fallen Immortals would appear, and the south was also starting to be in chaos. He didn't know if his cultivation would make it overseas.

If there were red rain leaves, it might be smoother.

He has no choice.

"Twenty years, you want me to follow you for twenty years?" Hong Yuye asked Yu.

Jiang Hao lowered his head, this was indeed a bit outrageous.

"What can you give me?" Hong Yuye asked Yu, staring at the person in front of him.

"What do you need, senior?" Jiang Hao asked Yu.

"How many things do you owe me?" Hong Yuye asked.

"Three?" Jiang Hao was not sure.

"Both of these, I can consider it." Hong Yuye sneered.

Jiang Hao did not hesitate and lowered his head in agreement.

"Twenty years are not over yet, I am going to take something from you. Do you have any objections?" Hong Yuye looked serious.

Jiang Hao lowered his head and said respectfully: "No."

Twenty years should be enough.

"Then when do you want to set off?" Hong Yuye asked Yu.

"You have to make preparations first." Jiang Haoqi replied.

It would take him a few months to arrange it before he could leave.

Also need to wait for a party.

It should be soon.

Hong Yuye didn't say anything, just asked Jiang Hao to make tea.

This time I brewed 200 pieces of spiritual tea.

Hong Yuye glanced at him.

Faced with such a look, Jiang Hao could only bite the bullet and continue soaking.

There is no way, there is no September spring anymore.

He also sold Baier Ling Tea.

So the best thing is these two hundred pieces.

This situation really made him a little embarrassed.

"Haha." Hong Yuye sneered.


The month is coming soon. If you have a monthly ticket, I hope you can vote for it.

Thank you for your strong support.

This book can reach this level entirely because of your support.

I can't thank you enough.

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