Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1155 Opening the Immortal Gate with One Sword [Two in One] (1/2)

In the Lawless Tower, Mi Lingyue and others felt the state of the tower.

The tower seemed to have a flame, burning the surrounding area crazily.

And the suppression belonging to the tower is also loosening a little bit.

"What happened?"

Mi Lingyue asked.

Zhuang Yuzhen felt something: "Is the tower going to collapse?"

The Taoist holding the lantern could not see his surroundings, but he had an inexplicable feeling that light was shining through.

This was the weirdest feeling he had ever encountered, as if it was possible to get out of the abyss.

The old man in the sea of ​​corpses was the most knowledgeable. He looked at the fiery aura around him and said, "It's luck. The Lawless Tower is absorbing the luck and trying to convey it. Something extremely terrible must have happened in the outside world, so that Tianyin Zong Jin is on the verge of life and death."

"It's a matter of life and death? How is it possible?" Zhuang Yuzhen didn't believe it.

The way others come in is somewhat different from his.

How he was defeated when he first came, these people have no way of knowing.

But he was certain that those people were different from him.

"It's really impossible." The old man in the sea of ​​corpses was also surprised.

He was even more different from the others. That look completely defeated him. Judging from the king on the fifth floor, that person might also be from the Tianyin Sect.

With such people here, who would dare to be so arrogant here?

But if it wasn't a matter of life and death, why would the Lawless Tower need to be like this?

Mi Lingyue counted the time and found that he had just missed it.

It can't be...

She didn't dare to think about it.

What would happen if things overseas directly affected us here?

Outside, Bai Zhi stood in front of the Lawless Tower and could clearly sense that the tower had given up its other powers.

He is constantly replenishing the strength and luck of the Tianyuan Magic Mirror.

Where exactly it was sent to, she had no way of knowing.

Looking in the direction of Baihua Lake, she wanted to ask, but she couldn't enter.

But these changes must have been caused by the headmaster. Such terrible changes, even now, she cannot touch the threshold.

At Duanqing Cliff, Xiaoli looked at the sky in a daze.

Finally, she buried the dragon ball around her neck in front of the white jujube tree, clasped her hands together and said obediently: "Grandpa and grandma, you must keep senior brother safe. Senior brother gave the pearl to Xiao Li. You must recognize senior brother."

"We can't make another mistake."

Grandpa and grandma often look at flowers and things.

At this time, Cangyuan Dragon Pearl has a weak luck that separates and heads towards the direction of Lawless Tower.

But an invisible dragon's power was hovering underground.



The purple energy is like the sea, and purple footprints are carved in the distortion and chaos.

Jiang Hao stood in front of the hundred-foot pole and moved forward step by step, his thin figure carrying the entire sea area on his shoulders.

Take the twelve heavenly kings to become immortals.

At the same time, the luck of the twelve heavenly kings is maintained.

However, the luck seems to be shaking and a little unstable.

The three huge fortunes around them inject power into the fortune of the twelve heavenly kings, but it seems that the situation has not been reversed.

Jiang Hao walked on the road, his eyes only looking upward.

At this time, he doesn't think about what will happen if he fails, he just wants to take steps and walk out of this road.

Even if there is no end, he still has to get off.

Till he falls.


Clang! !

The sound of iron striking appeared in his mind. At this time, the power in his body boiled and severe pain hit him.

This is a sudden change in the merit cauldron, and the forging never stops.

Luck is being consumed crazily, and if it continues to decline, the vortex of luck on his body will be unable to balance.

There are already three parties in the four major directions, and now he only has the last trump card.

With this in mind, he took out a head from the storage magic weapon.

It is the black dragon.

The black dragon appeared, still at a loss, and after letting the other party understand for a moment, Jiang Hao said:

"Senior, I haven't seen you for many years."

"You, human, let your son kill me." Black Dragon said immediately.

"It's not possible now. If this junior wants to become an immortal, he needs the help of his seniors." Jiang Hao said seriously: "I hope seniors can help this junior."

"Become an immortal?" Heilong was stunned and said: "You just became an immortal, but I didn't expect that you actually need help from others?

"It seems you are much worse than I thought."

At this time, there was a little contempt in Black Dragon's eyes.

However, in order to free himself, he still said: "Tuo, I will help you become an immortal, but you have to let me free myself."

"嗽, during the process of becoming an immortal or after becoming an immortal, the senior will definitely be freed from it." Jiang Hao nodded and said seriously.

Black Dragon breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then what do you need me to do?"

"You don't need to do anything, just go into my formation and lend me some luck." Jiang Hao said before spreading the purple energy around him.

Then the black dragon head was thrown out.

Go to the fourth direction.

Only then did the thrown black dragon see the surrounding scene.

For a moment, his pupils vibrated, and his face was full of horror.

The collapsed fairy road, the rejection of heaven and earth, and the road that was broken open.

Everything was unseen and unheard.

He said loudly to Jiang Hao:

"What's going on? How can anyone become an immortal like this?"

"There is no immortal path for juniors in this world, so juniors have to find a new immortal path between heaven and earth." Jiang Hao replied softly.

"New Immortal Road? How is this possible? There has never been such a thing since ancient times." Black Dragon said in shock.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao chuckled and said: "There is no need to live in the past, today is the first."

Black Dragon was speechless for a moment.

His eyes kept falling in the distance, and the height he saw that person was turned out to be a height that was difficult for him to reach.

Is this a human being?

When did people become so awesome?

Only then did he realize how powerful the person he was talking to was.

The immortal road was shattered under his feet, and luck was burning around him.

There is also the looming sword intention, which seems to be boiling.


He landed on the sea, and the luck in his body began to be pulled away, integrating into the formation, fighting against chaos for the people above.

Black Dragon felt that his knowledge had been subverted.

With the Black Dragon Luck, Jiang Hao felt that he could hold on for longer and longer.

His pace was not fast, and even the pressure of luck threatened to overwhelm his physical body.

But the sound of forging kept coming, and the body was being forged, burning like fire.

Jiang Hao's eyes were firm and he had no intention of stopping.

The Taichu Heavenly Sword was still vibrating, as if it was about to request a fight.

However, Jiang Hao still suppressed it and never thought of drawing out his sword.

It's just that setting a precedent was easier said than done, but it took up almost all of his preparations.

The path to immortality had been completely trampled by him, but chaos and distortion blocked the way.

Even if there is purple energy, it is difficult to move forward.

He lowered his head and glanced at the Heavenly Sword, and finally gave up on drawing the sword.

Jiang Hao touched his eyebrows, his eyes were calm, and he continued to move forward.

And luck is being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If you have accumulated enough luck, maybe it won't be like this.

Unfortunately there is no if.

The world is big, and his luck may be able to help him, but it is a pity that he is a person who lives in the sect and refuses to come out.

He cannot carry all living beings on his back, so how can all living beings lend a helping hand to him?

This is inevitable.

"The world is unfair!"

Suddenly a roar spread in all directions.

"Heaven and earth have turned their backs on me, the great senior of the academy, depriving him of his luck and squandering his opportunities.

"Since Heaven and Earth won't give it to you, then I, the Astronomical Academy, will give it to you."

At this time, Jing Dajiang's voice shook the sea: "Our college is willing to support the future fortune of the college and continue the path forward for the seniors of our college."

At this time, an iron book fell into the sea, and the awe-inspiring righteousness surged, invisibly condensing into a dragon of luck, soaring into the sky.

Jiang Hao was moved by this sudden scene.

He couldn't even tell whether they knew they were ancient or today?

But his steps did become lighter.

Without hesitation, the purple energy surged upstream.

He had to race against time. He didn't expect that the academy could help him. Apart from the academy, there should be no one else.

He tightly covered the knife in his hand and headed towards the end of the road.

At this moment, he felt that the sound of iron was hitting his ears, which consumed far more luck than he imagined.

Just when his luck was about to be exhausted, a ray of light shone on Jiang Hao.

This light brings great luck.

The mist appeared in the destiny, and the distortion between heaven and earth became more and more obvious, but it could not stop the mist from holding on for Jiang Hao.

There was even a dragon roar surrounding Jiang Hao.

Who is it?

Jiang Hao was shocked. Who on earth sent him such great luck to help him?


When the light shines out, Xuantian Sect's Xuanyuan Sword seems to feel something.

Xuanyuan Tai also covered Xuanyuan Sword at this moment.

He looked into the distance and felt for some reason that there was something he needed to do.

"You feel it too, right?" Xuanyuan Tai held the Xuanyuan Sword and chuckled: "Although my feeling is very weak, I know how to do it."

He did not hesitate, put a hand between his eyebrows, and instantly the majestic earth's energy left his body and flew into the endless sky.


A flower was condensed between the eyebrows of a girl dressed in white. This flower had an indescribable emanation.

This is the lucky flower.

"It's just the last step to completely solidify."

Chu Jie was quite happy.

From now on she will be the lucky one.

The troubled times have made others miserable, but they have made her successful.

But suddenly, she turned her head and looked at Fang Yan overseas.

Frowning slightly.

"It seems that something happened overseas, and that feeling appeared." Chu Jie was slightly confused.

Then he closed his eyes and felt it.

There is a clear understanding in the eyes:

"It's purple energy, no wonder I can feel it so clearly."

Then she raised her hand, and the luck flower vibrated in an instant, then left the center of her eyebrows and landed on the palm of her hand.

Then she stretched out her hand and pushed, and the luck flower disappeared into the void, spanning endless distances in a special way.

The moon wheel flew up, a little puzzled.

Chu Jie smiled and said:


“Because I am the foundation builder of Heavenly Dao.

“Of course, also because I want to do it.

"Those who give up their great fortune?

“Becoming a lucky person is just to make my future journey smoother.

“It’s done when it’s done, don’t force it if it’s done.

“I’m still going to be who I imagined I would be.”



On the top of the mountain, Taoist Shang'an, who had been silent for a long time, slowly opened his eyes and looked out over the sea.

He was quite surprised: "Is the time up? The light appeared.

"It seems like it needs something, but unfortunately I can't help this light."


Astronomical Academy.

Yan Yuezhi stood on the balcony of the attic, looking out over the sea. Through some things, she could sense the general situation overseas.


The Saint of Wuyu Island who was originally guarding was also attracted by the changes in the world.

Heading over there.

"Who caused such a change?"

"That's it for becoming an immortal, and what about the future? Is he trying to subvert everyone's previous understanding of the strong?"

At this time, when Jiang Hao felt the good luck, he suddenly noticed a strong good luck blessing him.

He is the Emperor of the Earth.

Almost at the same time, a flower condensed from the void, fell at his feet, and lifted him up.

This is the lucky flower.

A lucky flower that only those with great luck can possess.

This luck is transcendent.

The foundation of heaven is established.

Jiang Hao was a little surprised.

Many people came to help him.

At this time, his body felt more stable than ever before.

However, the sound of hammering became more and more obvious, and each hammer struck him with great luck.

He had to find his way out before the consumption was over.

He resonates with the sea, and the waves rise into the sky and follow him to the nine heavens.

The higher you go, an illusory door begins to appear high in the sky.

Immortal gate.

At the same time, some powerful people arrived. Seeing that Jiang Hao was about to go to the Immortal Sect, someone took action to stop him.

The strong men of the Tianling Clan secretly used magic weapons to do it.

A person who knows the end of all things will not even intend to let such a person live.

People from the Tiansheng Sect are not willing to let such people live.

However, even if they start taking action, they cannot touch the central location.

To the south, a red figure appeared, and any power was covered by red power.

No more sound.

To the west, the auras of Jing Dajiang and the two old men were suppressed here.

Aunt Qiao behind her felt deeply how terrifying the powerful Jin Dan was.

To the north, Chi Tian stood, glanced behind him, and shouted angrily: "Get out!"

The power of the true dragon covers everything.

He is also quite excited now and is about to reach that door.


Lou Mantian came step by step, followed by evil corpses in the sea.

All things end up here.

They looked at each other, then looked back.

The people who were approaching disappeared instantly.

They never spoke.

But there are strong people standing on all four sides. They are happy to see the person in the middle become an immortal, and no one can disturb them here.

At this time, Jiang Hao's steps had stopped. There was a closed door above him. That door had endless mountains and seas. If he wanted to become an immortal, he had to open this door.

But no matter how you look at it, this door cannot be opened.

Jiang Hao stood there.

Listening quietly to the sound of forging, the knife in your hand is also vibrating.

"What a joke, who are you? You just got here with the help of some strong men, Yu Zeqi.

"You won't succeed even if this door gives you a chance." A voice came from the darkness, full of disdain.

"It's ridiculous. Do the mere humans really think they can change anything? The power of heaven is vast and the immortal will is majestic. How can you break through it? Do you think this is one person becoming an immortal? It is an endless mountain and sea, and it is simply self-destruction." There was a sound coming from an extremely distant place.

Jiang Hao looked calm and turned a blind eye.

After a while, the sound of hammering disappeared in his ears.

Then a faint voice came in his mind: "The sword is forged."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao silently replied in his heart: "Thank you, senior."

At this time, the fate of Gu Tian's name began to extend, completely covering him.

He was going to try to take the last step.

He looked at the door that occupied half of the sky and said softly: "Let me see the wind blowing in my life."

"Arrogant, who do you think you are, trying to fight against the power of heaven and the immortal will?" A voice with domineering immortal will came from the secret.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao smiled slightly:

"How is the power of Heaven? How is the will of the immortals?

"Even if there is no way out, I can still rely on the knife in my hand...

"Cut a way out!"

At this time, the heavenly sword in Jiang Hao's hand kept vibrating, but he was holding it tightly.

At this time, Jiang Hao's hand was already holding the handle of the knife as he spoke.

In an instant, the Heavenly Sword was silent.

Or the ultimate excitement.


The sound of the sword spread throughout the sky, and an extreme sword intent crushed the surrounding chaos, twisted, and pierced the void.

Then he slashed out with his sword.


The sword's light is simple, not gorgeous.

In the blink of an eye, the light of the sword appeared, and the world shook, and the sea surged. This sword broke through the void, broke through the sky, passed through the fairy gate, and crushed the gate of nothingness with one sword.


Click! !

The Immortal Sect disintegrated and shattered high in the sky, and light fell from above, shining on Jiang Hao.

Open the fairy gate with one knife.

The vortex of luck was also destroyed together.

This is the art of Tianji.

Heaven and earth are silent.


Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !

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