Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1161 This is the knife from life

With a palm of Hu Yuexian's hand, the surrounding wind and clouds surged, the branches below swayed, and the dead leaves flew.

The surrounding space also felt the oppressive force, and it seemed to become cold.

Jiang Hao felt the space around him shrink, and the powerful force made it difficult to breathe.

This sudden blow may decide the outcome.

At least Hu Yuexian thinks so.

It's just that Jiang Hao is smiling, so he can't avoid it, but there is no need to avoid it.

Facing this palm, he also extended a palm.

In an instant, three mountains appeared.

It counterattacked like a huge palm.

Mountain and sea seal.

This is the mountain and sea seal that has absorbed the four holy masters, and has a strong mountain and sea trend.


The two forces collided together, and the roar was deafening.

The power of breaking through the sky swept in all directions, the branches below shattered, and the earth sank.

At this time, Hu Yuexian, who originally thought she could take the initiative with one strike, was a little surprised. Soon she found that her offensive was being disintegrated.


The power was crushed by the opponent's mountain peak, and it broke open and rushed towards her.


The mountain peak hit her, sending her flying far away.

Jiang Hao took advantage of the victory and pursued the opponent with a punch.


Hu Yuexian spat out a mouthful of blood and tried to stabilize her body, but Jiang Hao's kick swept across her face.



The beautiful cheeks were twisted one after another, and the teeth flew out.

How is that possible?

She was in such a state of disbelief that she couldn't believe it.

She was obviously in the same realm, so why could the other party's fists and kicks hurt her so hard?

Hu Yuexian was shocked.

At this time, she felt the other party appear behind her.

"Are you confused? Why am I so strong?"

Jiang Hao's voice was filled with a smile, and then with a pop, a long sword pierced Hu Yuexian.

The other party never expected that she, who was wearing life-protecting soft armor, would be pierced by a hole like this.

"What kind of cultivation level do you have?"

Hearing this, Jiang Hao smiled, and his breath burst out.

The late stage of human immortality.

"Later stage? Impossible, absolutely impossible. Why were you, Immortal, stronger than me just now?"

Jiang Hao pushed Hu Yuexian away and pulled out the Tian㥕 inserted into the other person's body.

At this time, Hu Yuexian's body began to fall. Jiang Hao looked at her and reminded her kindly:

"Who said that the Immortal who was just now can't be the Immortal in the later stage?

"The Immortal and the Immortal are different. You are in the early stage of human immortality, and I am in the late stage of human immortality.

“That’s the difference between us.

"You can't even think of me smiling like a fairy."

After the words fell, Jiang Hao raised his head.

Hundreds of thousands of mountains appear, and endless trends are revealed.

The second form of Tian㥕 is to hold down the mountain.


Cut it off with one 㥕.

The speed is as fast as the moonlight falling.


Tian 㥕 slashed through Hu Yuexian and fell to the ground, causing endless wind and sand.

At this time, Hu Yuexian felt that her body was broken and her power was cut off.

And at the last moment, she received a message.

Comes from the spiritual core of Daqian Shenzong.

"Don't provoke Xiao San㳓. Don't provoke Xiao San㳓 for the time being. The person who transcends ancient and modern times, creates a path to immortality, and leads the twelve heavenly kings and immortals with one person is Xiao San㳓. Stay away from him, and don't cause any conflict!"

Hu Yuexian was a little unbelievable when he got the news.

She finally knew why the other party dared to come.

He also understood why the other party was in the late stage of human immortality.

The first person in history.

It was not unjust to die at his hands.


He grows up too fast.

Daqian Shenzong is in trouble.

Thinking of this, Hu Yuexian closed her eyes and had no more thoughts.

Then her body turned into powder and floated away.

Jiang Hao looked at Hu Yuexian and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that she was completely dead.

"It's too difficult to kill people from the Daqian Shen Sect."

Not only is it hard to find, but even if you find it, it's still a clone.

"Really, Fellow Taoist Fenghua?" Jiang Hao changed his head and looked at the person next to him.

At this time, Taoist Fenghua no longer hesitated, turned around and ran away very fast.

Jiang Hao looked at Fang Tan leaving, held his hand in the air, a spear appeared, and then threw it out.


The spear shot through the air, and immediately pierced Taoist Fenghua in the high hollow with a bang, nailing him in the void.

Only then did Jiang Hao take a step forward.

"Fellow Taoist, there isn't much of a gap between us." Taoist Fenghua was a middle-aged man, with a grim expression on his face.

Jiang Hao stood in front of the other party and said with a smile: "Isn't there a big gap? Fellow Taoist Fenghua is such a noble person who forgets everything. What did he do to me and he just forgets it?"

"Killing me and threatening me should be commonplace for fellow Taoists."

"That was a misunderstanding." Taoist Fenghua explained.

However, Jiang Hao did not wait for him to continue, and grabbed the other person's neck with one hand: "I know this is your clone, but if I catch the clone, do you think I can find your body?"

"Fellow Taoist, when will we repay grievances?" Taoist Fenghua said loudly: "Maybe it was my fault in the beginning, but we can have more cooperation. Killing me means that we will lose the channels to know about overseas and the end of all things.

"And my body is hard to find. It won't do you any good to go to all the trouble to kill me."

"Are you in poor health?" Jiang Hao hugged Taoist Fenghua's neck tightly and said, "That was in the past."

After the words fell, a bright red bead rose from in front of Jiang Hao.

"Do you know him?" Seeing the other party's confusion, Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "You don't even know this person. It seems you don't know enough."

At this time, the red bead emits a ray of light and pierces into the center of Taoist Fenghua's eyebrows.

At this moment, he felt like he was recalling the past, disasters, sufferings, and curses.

For a moment he felt inextricably connected to his true self.

What he had disconnected was connected again.

"This, what is this?"

"The Tianji Bead of Misfortune, a magic weapon of luck, your luck will be entangled with its bad luck."

Hearing this, Taoist Fenghua was stunned.

For a moment, I felt like hundreds of auras appeared on my body, connecting to all parts of the world.

Seeing this scene, his face became distorted and he began to struggle wildly.

"No, absolutely not."

He never dreamed that the person in front of him would actually use such a terrifying object in order to kill him.

"This thing must have backlash, and you will die too."

"Yes, it has backlash. Even if it can kill you completely, it's worth it."

"No, no, how could there be such a crazy person in this world?"

He really didn't expect that there could be such a crazy person here, because some little guy actually went to such trouble to kill him.

"Struggle, it's useless." Jiang Hao had a smile in his eyes.

At this time, he took out the Tian 㥕, placed it on his shoulder, and started to cut off the red beads bit by bit.

The sky 㥕 and the beads of misfortune are ringing, and misfortune, disaster, and luck are entwined on the 㥕 front.

It also blends with the luck of Fenghua Taoist people.

"What I'm cutting this time is not your body, but your 'life'." Jiang Hao's movement didn't stop, and he continued to kill the person in front of him:

"Come and see, this is the 㥕 from Mingli."

Then he cut it with a 㥕.

In an instant, the Fenghua Taoist's life was cut off in front of him.

At the same time, countless 㥕 were chopped out in front of countless people.

This weapon appears in ordinary families, cultivating families, and sects of all sizes.

That is the 㥕 from fate, which is strange and unpredictable.

For a time, a large number of people were wailing. The people in the cultivator family begged their family for help, the disciples of the sect begged their master to save their lives, and most of the disciples were crying and shouting that someone wanted to kill him.

However, regardless of the cultivator family, sect elders, or seniors, they could only watch the person in front of them being slashed by a dagger.

They are unstoppable in destiny.

No means can compare with the luck of the Tianji Bad Luck Bead.

One person falls, one person dies.

㥕 runs through the south, sweeps across the four regions, and leads to overseas.

Finally, he landed in a mountain village and appeared in front of a woman whose appearance was completely ruined.

She looked at this scene in despair, never dreaming that she would have such a day.

"I don't want to die yet."

She spoke slowly.

However, 㥕㮽 once stopped.

Cut off the path.

At this moment, the curse on her body disappeared, and the ulcerated cheek was actually recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ichi's curse turned out to be nothing in front of Yu.

But between breaths, a face that was not absolutely beautiful, but looked childish, appeared.

She seemed to have noticed it too.

Even feel happy.

At the same time, the 㥕 in the life was cut.

In an instant, the opponent fell down and there was no more sound.


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