Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1165 I can’t spend all my spiritual stones [two-in-one] (1/2)

Hiro-senpai's third mission.

Talk to Saint.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao thought of his wise brother Li Qi.

If you have other tasks, you may be hesitant, but talk to Saint.

Not a problem.

As for the ghost fairy, he can actually solve it.

One is that he has the Tianji Bead of Bad Luck on him, and the other is that he has dragon blood.

As for Gu Changsheng, this depends on the ghost fairy himself.

After all, she was the only one who could fall in love with Gu Changsheng.

As for the strange beasts, he didn't want to mention it for the time being. All four great strange beasts could not be accepted by all things.

As for Dongjitian, he didn't know.

There is no news yet.

"Talk to Saint?" Gui Xianzi asked curiously:

“Are you going to provide people, or are you going to bring messages?”

Jiang Hao asked, and Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he didn't know the specific situation, he didn't dare to accept it rashly.

"Anything is fine, as long as we can get answers to some things." He said.

"I do know where the Saint is, but I don't know if it's possible to have a conversation." Ghost Fairy said.

"I know a few holy places overseas." Liu thought for a while and said:

"But the other party should not accept the dialogue."

Xing and Zhang did not speak.

There is always someone who knows about the sanctuary, but they can talk to them as equals.

Very few people can do it.

The other party may not be able to take a fancy to someone with advanced strength.

The fact that senior Yue asked this is enough to show that this matter is not easy.

Jiang Hao thought for a moment and said in a low voice:

"Maybe I can try."

He looked at Jiang Hao and said with a smile:

"Young friend Jing, do you want a question, or do you want to give Shengyu some news?"

"Problem." Jiang Hao said.

Even if the news about Li Qi is sent out, it may not be useful.

You can only try it yourself.

He didn't shy away from it and said:

"Ask the Holy One if you can make a deal with the Shanhai Sword Sect. They can provide sword power and improve the general situation of Shanhai.

"If you are willing, for the sake of sincerity, you can take a look at the Shan Hai Sword Power in advance."

Jiang Hao was quite surprised: "How do you view the power of the mountain and sea sword?"

"It will be sent to the Tianyin Sect in a while. Little friend Gui is not available. The people from the Shanhai Sword Sect will go to the Tianyin Sect." He looked at Jiang Hao: "What do you think, little friend Jing?"

Jiang Hao nodded.

He also wanted to see the sword power of Shan Hai.

But I don’t know who will send it.

When seniors do things, they don't act haphazardly.

This person should be fine.

He didn't ask any more questions.

"If it comes to pass, what does Jing Xiaoyou want?" 㫡㨾 asked.

"I want to know the whereabouts of the Tiandao Foundation." Jiang Hao said immediately.

This is what he needs to inquire about this time. He needs to know his whereabouts first.

If it was close, he would like to go there himself.

If it's too far, just ask the people from the Shanhai Sword Sect for help.

When Tiandao Foundation Establishment sent the Flower of Luck, he naturally needed to reciprocate the gift.

The Emperor of the Earth also wants to send something to him.

As for what it is, I have never thought about it.

"Building the foundation of Heavenly Dao?" He looked at the ghost fairy with a smile:

"Does the ghost fairy know?"

The Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment cultivation level is not strong, but behind her is the Mingyue Sect.

Strong people really can't find each other.

Even if you know the location, it is difficult to find.

Sometimes a word of fate is needed.

"The West." Ghost Fairy said:

"It should be near the academy."

"Can you arrange to meet me?" He asked again.

"A noodle shop in the ancient city." Ghost Fairy said again.

This is how I look forward to Jiang Hao.

The latter nodded and said nothing else.

This sutra is very rare. You must know that after becoming an immortal, you will basically not see the foundation of heaven.

Now the seniors of 㱗㫡㨾 arranged a meeting directly, and the one who matched asked the saint 㹏.

However, 㫡㨾 did not pay the ghost fairy's reward.

If Jiang Hao's questioning fails, Jiang Hao will need to pay most of the reward.

This is inevitable.

After that comes the transaction phase.

We have just become immortals, and the great age is about to come, so we have many needs.

"Do you have any magic weapon like teleportation? Or do you have a way to get to the south as quickly as possible?" Ghost Fairy asked first.

Now that she has become an immortal, she has to go back to the south.

We must keep the imperial city.

Opportunities are not available elsewhere.

Those who gave birth to her, raised her and made her a success were all from the southern imperial city.

You have to go there, and you are not allowed to go out for the rest of the time.

"I also need the fastest way back to the east." Xing followed.

They were the only two people living abroad.

Yanagimoto is from overseas and has never had such troubles.

But he knows the most overseas.

“There is a special passage to the south, related to the ancient teleportation array.

"It's safe, but the price is high," Liu said.

The ghost fairy wants it.

After the two of them finished talking, Liu looked at Yan Xing again:

"There has never been an ancient teleportation in the east, but the Sea Clan has a treasure that can cross the sea very quickly. It should be able to reduce a small amount of time."

I want the stars too.

"Are you going to pass through the west?" Zhang Xianzi asked.

"Yes." Xing nodded.

"I have a quick way to get from the west to the east." Zhang Xianzi said.

Star took it without hesitation.

He also needs to come back as soon as possible.

The overseas matter has been completely resolved.

Then the ghost fairy asked again: "I want to know how to condense the flowers of luck as quickly as possible."

"The flower of luck?" Fairy Zhang was quite surprised: "Is it the flower of luck that the foundation of heaven is building?"

The ghost fairy nodded.

Zhang Xianzi shook her head: "We know very little about this."

Then let’s look at 妣㫡㨾senpai.

This is true for everyone.

Seeing this, he looked at the well with a smile:

"Do you have anything to say, Mr. Jing?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

What does this have to do with wells?

Immediately they thought that they wanted to find the Heavenly Way to build a foundation. Is this the reason?

㱗While everyone was guessing, Jiang Hao said in a low voice: "After a while, a treasure will be delivered to the Tiandao Foundation to help her gather the flowers of luck."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

What can help build the foundation of heaven and gather the flowers of luck?

"Does the flower of luck represent great luck?" Liu asked.

He nodded incredulously.

This shocked everyone even more.

For a while, no one understood why Jing wanted to help Tiandao build the foundation.

Jiang Hao understands everyone's confusion.

Because when someone helps him, the immortal person below doesn't notice much.

Because he was surrounded by purple energy, distortion and chaos raged around him.

I couldn't even see his face clearly, let alone anything else.

Anyone who can detect something is not an ordinary person.

"There must be a lot of chaos in the west recently, right?" 㫡㨾 suddenly asked.

"Yes." Fairy Zhang nodded.

"There is an extremely chaotic road in the north. Legend has it that a girl walked through that road and the road returned to normal, and countless people were saved because of her.

"When the road was cleared, the girl disappeared.

"It seems like she will take the chaotic road to the west." He said with a smile.

"I understand." Fairy Zhang nodded.

The Chaos Road in the West is where Tiandao will build its foundation. Their people should pay attention to it if they have time.

To prevent someone from wanting to make the foundation of Heavenly Dao fail.

Although the possibility is not high, paying attention to that side will make Tiandao foundation building much more convenient.

Jiang Hao didn't speak.

The foundation of heaven is established, and the heaven and earth exist here.

Everyone in the party hopes that the other person will grow up as soon as possible.

In the great world war, it is not just the human race, but also all races.

The Heavenly Dao Foundation represents all living things, but it mainly represents the human race.

The human race is great, and its disadvantages must outweigh its disadvantages.

If something appears in the future, there will be very few people who can suppress it.

䀴Tiandao Jiji is one of them.

The ghost fairy was silent for a while, and then spoke again:

"Do you have any news about the dragon?"

Liu nodded: "I do."

"If you want his blood, what price will you have to pay? Or does he have such a wish?" Ghost Fairy asked.

Liu was silent for a while and just said that he could help with inquiries.

Jiang Hao thinks the possibility is very high.

Chitian needs spiritual stones.

Just give me the spirit stone.

But he didn't want to find the other party. This kind of dragon would disappear if he didn't see it.

They are all good brothers, so it can be seen that Chi Tian and meeting the Holy Lord are completely two different outcomes.

One is sincere towards him, the other just wants to kill him.

So the former makes him lose money, and the latter makes him gain.

In troubled times, people like the Holy Lord still get along with each other.

But he thought about something and said:

"Has the Ghost Fairy been to Shangguan's house?"

"I'm going there in the next few days." Gui Xianzi said.

Jiang Hao nodded and said no more.

This confused the other party.

Danyuan said with a smile:

"Young ghost friend, if you are not in a hurry to find the dragon, you should visit the Shangguan clan first."

The ghost fairy realized something clearly.

There may be a solution there.

The trading session is over.

It's just a chat session.

The ghost fairy spoke first:

"Xiao San has become an immortal and has become the first person in history. What do you think he will do next?"

Everyone looked towards the well.

The latter lowered his eyebrows and just shook his head.

As for whether they don't know or don't want to say it, it's up to them to guess.

For a moment, Jiang Hao understood Hong Yuye's shaking head.

"What is the cultivation level of the first person from ancient times to the present after he becomes an immortal?" Ghost Fairy asked again.

Everyone also looked at Xiangjing.

"You are in the late stage of human immortality." Jiang Hao said.

Everyone was shocked after hearing this.

"If there's anything I need to ask Xiao Sansheng to take action, can you please do it?" Gui Xianzi asked again.

As soon as this question came up, everyone became energetic.

This question is wrong.

Jiang Hao was silent, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

Seeing this, everyone understood.

Anyway, just ask if you need it.

It doesn't matter to them whether the bottom of the well is Xiao Sansheng or not.

"I heard an explanation." Zhang Xianzi slowly said:

"I heard that Xiao Sansheng, who became an immortal, is an ancient senior."

"I heard about it too." Liu followed.

"I heard about it too." Gui Xianzi said seriously:

"I heard he is a very important senior in the academy."

"Senior of the academy?" Xing's tone was a little weird.

"It's not that kind of senior, maybe it's a real academy senior." Gui Xianzi said.

Zhang Xianzi nodded: "It may indeed be true."

"Who is it?" Xing asked.

Zhang Xianzi was silent for a moment and glanced secretly at the shaft: "The most legendary figure in the academy, ancient and today."

Everyone was shocked and looked at the well again.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao didn't hide anything, he just said:

"Xiao Sansheng could also be him."

This matter cannot be hidden, there is no need to cover it up.

He inherited the destiny, name, and influence of ancient and modern times.

There were a lot of people at that time, and there were also a lot of people who knew the past and present.

After getting it confirmed, everyone just felt that the academy was going to go against the grain.

I am still alive today, as if I have lived my second life.

In his first life, he was good enough to suppress him for the rest of his life.

This time he became the first person in history.

It's so amazing, it's so sad.

But everyone just asked [here, no matter how deep it is, it’s not suitable.

At this time, a chuckle came from the top: "The great age is about to come. When you return to your own power, it is best to let go of yourself and integrate yourself into the world to gain more opportunities.

in addition....."

Danyuan said softly:

“For some treasures, many people will take action.

"Especially a strange beast that some people are paying attention to and Tianxiang Daosun.

"The same is true for people. The emperor of the earth is the foundation of heaven and the heart of the sage.

"The ancient beings will also gain more power. People like Lou Mantian, Gu Changsheng, Holy Thief, The End of All Things, and Holy Lord will gradually regain their power.

“Be careful with it.

"In addition, the Dragon Clan will return, the Immortal Clan will be completely restored, the Tianling Clan will reach the sky in one step, and the Tiansheng Clan will also take over the general trend of the mountains and rivers.

“The aquarium overseas will also demonstrate its power.

"The Ten Heavenly Kings will naturally become the dazzling ones.

"In addition, there are some treasures that will show their power, and the same is true for objects.

"You have to make adequate preparations.

"The great world will come to a maximum of ten days. Anyone who cannot comprehend it can try to comprehend it on that day.

“You should realize instantly that the first day is extremely important and should not be missed.

"The beginning of the great age is the beginning of opportunity, and it is also the beginning of danger and troubled times."

Jiang Hao was shocked when he heard this.

It seems that he is in danger.

When the great age begins, Tianxiang Daosun is targeted, and many of Tianyin Sect’s treasures must also be targeted.

In this way, there may be new changes in Tianji objects.

There is another important point, that is the Tongue Slate.

The master behind the Tonyu Slate can look for treasures through the slate.

Now the other party can't find his treasure because of Hong Yuye.

When the great times come, I don’t know if the red rain leaves will be able to break through.

It seems that it is not easy to achieve stability in this world.

Need to prepare.

Now that he has cultivated enough, there are few people walking in the south who can rival him.

But when the world comes, let’s not talk about it.

It's still too slow to get promoted once.

“By the way, I heard that some people have gone to Tianyin Sect.

"Many people feel that the Tianyin Sect has many treasures but lacks the foundation, so they want to share some of them in advance." Liu thought for a while and said:

"You shouldn't dare to touch the treasure yet, but there is a possibility of recruiting disciples."

Afterwards, we talked a lot more, and the party just ended due to Danyuan-senpai’s reminder.

This gathering lasted for a long time, and Senior Danyuan also had many friends.

The world is not as simple as they thought.

Jiang Hao thought he could just wait quietly.

Now it seems that it is more dangerous than I thought before.

"The party is over?" came a sweet and sweet voice.

Jiang Hao turned around and found a red and white figure sitting at the desk, making runes.

The runes are surrounded by a mysterious aura.

If it were sold, it would cost at least 100,000 spirit stones.

The higher your cultivation level, the easier it is to earn spiritual stones.


The unit price is too high and not many people can buy it.

Too expensive.

"I've met senior." Jiang Hao stood up and saluted respectfully.

Hong Yuye said without raising his head:

"This party seems like a long time."

"Yes, after talking about the world, it seems that I have a lot of troubles.

"It has a great influence on people who become immortals." Jiang Hao said truthfully.

Hearing this, Hong Yuye raised his eyebrows: "You are in the middle stage of Yuanshen, but you care about the immortals."

"Mainly for the sake of seniors." Jiang Hao replied.

Hong Yuye chuckled and said:

"Xiao Li just said that you asked Rabbit to find you a Taoist companion with spiritual stones?"

"Senior Ming Jian." Jiang Hao lowered his head and his expression remained unchanged:

"This junior has endless spiritual stones, how could he let Rabbit do such outrageous things?"


I recommend a friend's new book "Building the Immortal Sect of Immortality from Low Martial Arts".

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