Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1170 The whole sect knows that you are looking for a Taoist companion (1/2)

In the courtyard, many elixirs swayed on the branches and leaves.


The wind was a bit heavy, making the branches and leaves rustle.

Three people stood in the courtyard, the leader of whom looked downcast.

The woman next to her had doubts in her eyes.

Jiang Hao, who bowed his head respectfully, was surprised.

The master's question surprised him, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart.

Although you have become a true immortal, you don't know why, but you still feel like you are being seen through when being questioned like this by your master.

It is absolutely impossible to see through Master's cultivation level.

If I really saw through it, I wouldn't ask here.

Most likely I feel like I'm hiding something.

That's why I asked.

As soon as I thought about it, my thoughts came to me.

Finally, he lowered his head and sighed: "I can't hide it from Master."

The aura changed after 㦳, from the middle stage of 㨾神 to the late stage of 㨾神.

In this way, he is better than Junior Brother Han.

Seeing this, Fairy Ning Xuan was shocked.

God's late stage.

On par with her, no, the aura should be stronger than hers.

She had seen Jiang Hao's growth and knew that one day he would surpass her.

But being surpassed so quickly made me feel somewhat sad.

Many people think that Junior Brother Han Ming is the most dazzling disciple in Duanqing Cliff.

But most people have never looked directly at Jiang Hao, who is willing to bleed.

Han Ming seemed unable to catch up with this guy.

There were several times when she thought Junior Brother Han Ming should catch up, but the opponent broke through again.

It seems that he is also trying to distance himself from the back.

Seeing this, Ku Wu Chang's expression did not change: "Are you planning to challenge?"

Naturally, it refers to the chief preselection.

"I plan to go there." Jiang Hao answered Yu.

Now that he is known and wants to receive the sect mission, he naturally has to go there.

"Do you want to make arrangements for the teacher?" Ku Wu often asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

The master's move was too loud, which was not what he wanted.

"Han Ming will be back soon." Ku Wu often reminded.

Jiang Hao nodded.

Han Ming will definitely challenge him when he comes back. Most people in Duanqingya don't know that Han Ming will challenge him when he gets promoted, but the master must know it.

After all, I always go to the master to repair my chain.

If you fail, you will also be notified and asked for more experience.

The master suddenly mentioned it, wondering if he was asking himself to be merciful.

Come to think of it, Jian hasn't had more than ten moves with Junior Brother Han in a long time.

This time, I first compared it with my junior brother. After ten moves, he showed weakness. After thirty moves, he showed a flaw. After forty moves, he was defeated and retreated. After ten moves, he was forced to use his later power.

This builds up enough confidence for Junior Brother Han. As long as he reaches the highest level, he can defeat the enemy in ten moves.

I think Master will feel that he did the right thing when he learns about this.

They are all gatekeepers. If you give in, it will be convenient for you to do things by yourself.

After talking about Han Ming's affairs, Ku Wuchang asked Yu: "The sect thinks you want to find a lover."


Jiang Hao was stunned.

Somewhat unexpected.

He understood that the master was looking for him this time just to compare with Luoyue Palace.

But I didn't expect that the first sentence that came up would be this.

"Is there some misunderstanding?" Jiang Hao asked Yu.

"No misunderstanding, Miaotinglian is looking for a partner for you everywhere, and most of the fairies in the sect already know about it.

"Not only that, but her cultivation has reached the advanced stage of the Goddess from Jindan Perfection all the way, just to find you a wife.

"This matter has already become a sensation among some fairies." Ku Wuchang's expression did not change, and he remained depressed.

As for Miao Tinglian's behavior, he just recounted it.

Didn't show his emotions.

I can't tell whether I support or oppose it.

"Senior Sister Miao felt that it was the disciple's behavior that helped her.

"So I feel that finding a wife for my disciple is the best way to repay me, but my disciple has already refused.

"I never thought that Senior Sister Miao could not listen to her advice." Jiang Hao told the truth.

Fairy Ning Xuan on the side felt strange.

Jiang Hao's reputation in Duanqingya is strange.

Many people looked dismissive, but they secretly went over to listen to the other party's explanation.

On the surface, I look down on him, but in my heart, I want to be such a person.

㦳The reason why this happens is because Jiang Hao's reputation lacks confirmation.

Even if someone confirms it, they don't want to believe it.

May the blood be worthy of its name, this is their idea.

Why should others wish that their blood would eventually return to dust, while he really had to rise.

Shameless people show real violence, and they cannot be recognized unless they do something.

Regarding Jiang Hao's excuse, Ku Wuchang didn't show any concern, and just told:

"Because of Miao Tinglian, you can't change the fact that you want to find a partner.

"That's why we have this sect mission."

Jiang Hao: "......"

It turned out to be thanks to Senior Sister Miao.

"Is the comparison the arena?" Jiang Hao asked Yu.

"It's a mission. There are three teams of foundation building, golden elixir, and god, ten people.

"It's all under your control," Ku Wu often said.

"The disciple is only in the late stage of God, so shouldn't God Consummate do this?" Jiang Hao asked Yu.

"Yes, you are the true successor, and you are also the chief preselection.

"Although it is not the case at the moment, you are the chief qualifier who was deprived after leaving, rather than losing, and it is not something that others can compare to.

"Unless the gap in cultivation is huge.

“In the later stage, it’s enough for you to be the team leader.

"In addition, your achievements are very high, and there is basically no chance of failure in the mission, so I must choose you as the team leader this time.

"May Xue You always bring good results." Ku Wu often said to him.

May Xueyan be good at controlling people's hearts.

Therefore, the task hall believes that Jiang Hao can make a good decision.

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows and didn't think much about it.

Every time the task hall gives out tasks, he just executes them.

Fortunately, they can all be completed with the current cultivation level.

Otherwise, it is simply embarrassing.

Although such things happen, they are usually targeted by some outstanding people.

As a true disciple, he was pre-selected as the chief. Ordinary people would not be able to face such an embarrassment against him.

If his identity changes, others' attitudes towards him will also change.

"This sect mission is very important. We can only win but not lose." Ku Wu Chang said seriously:

"This is a bet between the sect and Luoyue Palace. If there is no chief among the gods, they might send a chief."

"What will happen if you lose?" Jiang Hao asked Yu.

"It means you lost to Luoyue Palace." Ku Wu Chang said flatly.

Lost to Luoyue Palace.

This is about leaving Tianyin Sect, what does this mean?

Expelling the Tianyin Sect or rebelling against the Tianyin Sect.

If it is an insignificant person, it should be expelled; if it is an important person, it may be a rebellion.

It’s a matter of one sentence from the Law Enforcement Hall.

So if he loses, it doesn’t matter whether the others are in danger or not, he must be in danger.

However, with his true immortal cultivation, as long as the master does not take action, no one should be his opponent.

It’s just that the Tianyin Sect won’t be able to stay in the future.

If the headmaster is still alive, then she might be waiting for the big one to arrive if she doesn't show up at all.

Most of these powerful people are hidden, blending into the surrounding world of Tianyin Sect, waiting for great opportunities.

The more immobile a person is, the more amazing opportunities he will get.

He sensed this type of people in Xuantian Sect and Zhuanlun Shen Sect.

"This mission is in a mine not too far away from Tianyin Sect. It was discovered recently. Tian Qingshan discovered it first. They called Xuantian Sect, Luoxia Sect, and Fenglei Sect to develop it together.

“So when we find it, we can’t get it back.

“But the good thing is that I can join in and get some back.

"A few days later, the land there should have been cleared, but there are many monsters and other things in the mine.

“It’s not easy to mine normally.

“We have to make a trip every few years, and this time it’s very dangerous for you to lead people to clean up three mines.

"The same goes for people from Luoyue Palace.

"Whoever cleans up well will win this time."

"Is it just a comparison of cultivation levels?" Jiang Hao asked.

"The situation inside is not that simple, you will know later.

"If you win, you can choose any one of the twelve people on the opposite side to be your spouse.

"If you don't want a lover but just need a maid, that's fine.

"Whether it's foundation building or god-building, it all depends on you." Ku Wu often said to Yu.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao was a little surprised.

In other words, the two major sects are betting against each other, and the gamblers are the people participating.

Whoever loses is gone.

Others want people, and Tianyin Sect also wants people.

And it's definitely not just his team.

I don’t know how big the gambling between the two sects is.

However, this task should not be difficult. The only thing that needs to be considered is how long it will take.

There should be no other dangers in the prologue to the great world.

There is no need to worry as the Immortal below, as the Immortal above will not take action.

Even the fallen immortals shouldn't be able to cause chaos.

They didn't realize it before, but now they must be hiding in the clan.

Since he won't come out, there's no point in counting him.

When the great age comes, it's time for them to take action.

From this point of view, this period is the safest and most invincible time.

"Disciple, can I not want it?" Jiang Hao asked Yu.

He doesn't need a maid or a concubine.

One more person in the yard will only cause more trouble.

"No problem, but you can bring one directly to Duanqing Cliff." Ku Wu Chang said.

Jiang Hao nodded: "I will find a disciple with great potential for Master."

After saying this, Ku Wu Chang nodded slightly.

You should know that Wan Jianghao said he was looking for someone with great potential, not that he should win as much as possible.

"In addition, I need your help with something." Ku Wu Chang said and looked at Ning Xuan:

"Your senior sister saw what you said in the spiritual medicine garden, and wanted to ask if you lack the god-level wish blood."

Jiang Hao was a little surprised to see him.

Senior Sister Ning Xuan knew that she was responsible for many things in the elixir garden at the beginning, and he had to handle everything under her.

It's pretty stable.

But we rarely saw each other later.

I never thought that the other party would suddenly ask such a question.

"I wonder why Senior Sister Yu asked like this?" Jiang Hao asked Yu.

Fairy Ning Xuan bowed her head and asked Yu:

"Junior brother seems to have many opinions on chain repair, and I have naturally heard a lot of them.

"There are some insights that are very useful to me. I wonder if Junior Brother Yu can explain about the golden elixir and the God of God.

"Wish for blood or other things, I can pay for it if your junior brother needs it."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao lowered his head and said seriously: "Senior sister, you're welcome. If you have any questions, just ask me directly. They are just opinions that cannot be put on the table."

Fairy Ning Xuan shook her head and bowed politely: "Junior brother is being humble. Although I don't want to admit it, there are some things that I am far inferior to.

"I hope junior brother can clarify my doubts."

The other party was so polite and put down his posture.

Jiang Haojian couldn't refuse.

After that, the other party asked some questions about the golden elixir.

This is a common problem after forming a pill.

Jiang Hao did not hide his clumsiness and explained everything one by one.

After the explanation was finished, the other party didn't ask any more questions. It seemed that this was enough for the time being.

However, she did ask for his explanation later.

It is said that Junior Brother Cheng Chou already has the Golden Elixir. Do you want to explain the Golden Elixir?

Jiang Hao nodded.


Cheng Chou has obtained the golden elixir, and it is too difficult to be promoted to God.

He needs to explain it from time to time, hoping to improve the opponent's chances.

Many things are convenient if you have Cheng Chou.

There are people watching the elixir garden, there are people keeping an eye on Xiaoli, and Cheng Chou has made arrangements for going out.

You can save a lot of money yourself.

"Junior brother, do you have any requests that no one is allowed to listen to?" Senior Sister Ning Xuan asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

Fairy Ning Xuan thanked her.

Afterwards, Jiang Hao bid farewell to his master.

The same is true for Fairy Ning Xuan.

When Fairy Ning Xuan came out, some people appeared around her.

"Senior sister, do you really want to think that he is willing to give blood?" A fairy was a little puzzled:

"It's just a wish for blood. He won't live long."

Fairy Ning Xuan smiled:

"Sometimes you have to learn to accept it. There is no need to exclude others, otherwise you will definitely not be the one who suffers.

"Your exclusion will not bring any change to him."

Saying this, Fairy Ning Xuan turned and left.

On the road to immortality, there will be all kinds of people, as well as strong men and women who subvert cognition and crush the heart.

Learn to accept and learn.

It would be great to surpass it.

Improving yourself and getting benefits is what you need to do.

Returning to the elixir garden, Jiang Hao immediately greeted Xiao Li and asked.

"Senior brother, senior brother Cheng Chou said that you are looking for a partner." Xiao Li asked you seriously.

"Looking for a lover?" Jiang Hao looked at Cheng Chou beside him with some doubts.

"Junior sister Xiao Li misunderstood. She just said it was about the couple's mission." Cheng Chou explained.

"It's a task, comparison." Jiang Hao simply answered Xiao Li.

The queen suddenly realized: "I'm not looking for a spouse."

Then he took Rabbit to find Bingqing.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao was not satisfied.

The mission starts in early October.

There is still one month left.

But I didn't have anything to prepare, I just had to go to the mission hall.

The next day.

He found the mission sister.

The other party learned that Jiang Hao was going to challenge the God's post-stage chief preliminaries, and started making arrangements without saying a word.

That afternoon, Jiang Hao faced off against a senior brother.

The opponent used Fang Tianji, which was extremely domineering.

The strength is so strong that the hand holding the knife trembles.

Somewhat overwhelming.

After three hundred and twenty moves, Jiang Hao luckily found the opponent's flaw. The knife passed through the opponent's defensive magic weapon and landed between the opponent's eyebrows.

And the opponent's square Tianji is located on his shoulder.

If you give the other person some time, you may get closer to the neck.

A narrow victory.

The opponent was defeated, sighed, and finally took back Fang Tianji.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao reminded him that there was a book in the library that was similar to the 㱕㰜法, but it felt completely different.

After hearing this, the other party's eyes were a little surprised, and then he left.

Not long after, I came back to express my gratitude.

He said that he was convinced after losing this time.

Jiang Hao could tell that it was not that the other party was truly convinced, but that he had found other parts of the method that could be completed.

Gained benefits and lost again.

He wants to say that he will not lose, so he can do something.

Of course, he also gave Jiang Hao ten thousand spirit stones to express his gratitude.

This surprised Jiang Hao that God actually had so many spiritual stones.


Tianyin Sect's guest house.

Luoyue Palace also received a mission.

At this time, a beautiful fairy with an indifferent expression looked at the famous lady and smiled charmingly:

"Jiang Hao of Broken Love Cliff?

"I hope he is worthy of my charm, so I agree to let him kneel under my skirt."

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