Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1172 The female devil: Seriously injured? 【2-in-1】 (1/2)

Somewhere in the sea seems to be hollowed out.

The sea water is rolling and surging, trying to fill up the hollows.

It's just that the sea water will be evaporated by the force.

Blood dripped and screams were heard.

Jiang Hao stood above the girl with a heavenly sword in his hand, and his eyes glowed with magical power.

A daily lesson.

The moment the magical power appeared, four people around him arrived in an instant, and the powerful force overwhelmed him, leaving him no time to escape.

Also prevent him from killing again.


Suddenly three big mountains appeared.

The huge shield blocked the attack.

The immortal shield of mountains and seas.

"The magic weapon of Qiang." The bald man's eyes moved slightly, and his strongest power burst out: "Break it with all your strength."


The giant sword slashed on the shield, and the power fluctuated like a violent wind shaking all directions.

Other attacks soon followed.

After just a few breaths, a clicking sound came.

Several cracks appeared on the shield.

Then with a bang, the Immortal Shield of Mountains and Seas disintegrated into dozens of pieces, falling in all directions.

At this time, the place being defended was revealed.

However, when they saw the scene inside, the four of them stopped, their eyes cold.

In mid-air, a shriveled corpse was nailed there with a spear.

The void figure stood in front of him and sneered:

"We will meet again, and then you will know me deeply, Xiao Sansheng."

The words fell and the figure disappeared.

The bodies also fell.

The faces of the four people were gloomy, and their murderous intentions were burning like fire.

The setting sun rolled over the sky, and the sky was dyed red with the murderous intent of the four people.

"He ran away. It's really not easy to catch him. I thought he was just a human being and we would be safe together, but we still underestimated him." The bald head said in a low voice.

"What should I do?" the white-haired old man asked Yu.

The young man holding a spear frowned: "It will be difficult to catch him if he fails, and if he can escape once, he can escape a second time.

"With four of us, it will be even harder to keep him."

It was previously expected that Xiao Sansheng's cultivation was judged by the perfection of human immortals. They were real immortals and had no initial stage, so they started together.

He already had a high opinion of the other party, but no matter what he thought, he still let people escape.

Ordinary true immortals, let alone the early stage, the middle stage or even the late stage, cannot last long and will die in their hands.

"Find someone and continue waiting." The bald man said in a low voice.

"Going back?" Lao Yu asked Yu.

"It's too late. The impact of coming out this time will be too great. If we fail to kill Xiao Sansheng, we will die in a few years after the death. Let's find some strong men to see if they are willing to join us." The bald man said.

The only hope is to catch Xiao Sansheng, otherwise they will be unable to fight back under the siege.

Unless someone is willing to keep them.

After hesitating for a while, he still said: "Be prepared first-hand. If we fail to catch Xiao Sansheng, we will add other powerful forces. If we are desperate, we will add All Things End. They should accept us.

"With the Great Opening up, no one will take the initiative to provoke the End of All Things.

"It's just that from now on I have to rely on others, look at other people's faces, and even do the most dangerous things."

The other three thought for a moment and finally nodded.

There is no turning back now.

Today they are more or less aware of how difficult it is to be the first in history.

Under such circumstances, he actually killed one person.

Still in the middle stage of true immortality.


Tianyin Sect.

A figure appeared in Jiang Hao's yard.

The moment he appeared, blood dripped to the ground.

Dark red blood stains fell like water.

Jiang Hao stood there, his face pale.

Then there was a shock in the chest.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body became sluggish.

A true immortal besieged him and severely injured him.

He was already injured at the beginning, and the subsequent attack made him more seriously injured.

If it wasn't for the last stab, he wouldn't have been injured so badly.

But we must know the information from the other party, so a single blow is necessary.

Without daring to hesitate, Jiang Hao sat cross-legged. The hand holding the knife began to wither and his flesh and blood was disappearing.

He took out the Huanghai Pearl and began to suppress the silent aura in his hand.

Then the Mozun Divine Pill appeared and he swallowed it in one gulp.

At this time, the elixir melted in his body and began to repair the injuries on his body.

The Mozun Divine Pill is integrated with the immortal power, and then flows through the body like a stream. Then the stream grows stronger, like a river, like a river, like a sea, quickly finding loopholes and then repairing them.

Feeling everything, Jiang Hao felt more and more that this elixir was amazing.

You must know that now he is not a mortal body, but an immortal body quenched with immortal power.

But he was still cured as before.

Three days later.

Jiang Hao slowly opened his eyes.

Looking around, nothing had changed, and the rabbit didn't bother him.

Looking at the blood on his body, he couldn't help but sigh.

Immediately activating his power, the blood stains disappeared.

The ground also becomes tidy.

Only then did Jiang Hao sigh heavily.

"I couldn't bring back the Immortal Shield of Mountains and Seas."

In order to have time to communicate with the Qiankun Sub-Huan, he had to use the Mountain and Sea Immortal Shield to block the attack.

Otherwise there won’t be enough time.

The immortal shield of mountains and seas cannot withstand it for long, and it should be shattered now.

Those people are not fools and the fragments of the Immortal Shield will definitely be taken away.

So he can only interrupt the healing of the Immortal Shield.

The shield is still his for the time being, but I don’t know who he is in the future.

"The losses are heavy."

This time I have all my trump cards, but I am no match for him.

Even if you use it without regrets, it will be difficult to kill them all.

At that time, death will be your own.

With a sigh, he reviewed the identification results.

It was too dangerous at the time, and I had no choice but to flee as soon as the appraisal was over.

[Evergreen Autumn Plum: One of the demons in the Tianhe sea area, who is in the middle stage of True Immortal cultivation. He has a breath of the Heavenly Silence Pearl in his body. If he does not suppress it within his breath, he will definitely die. The purpose of this ambush is to capture you. After Xiao Sansheng became the number one person in ancient and modern times, they began to investigate and found that Xiao Sansheng often appeared overseas, and his cultivation level increased little by little, returning to the void, becoming immortal, ascending to immortality, and becoming an immortal. The whole process. It had only been a few decades, and the unheard-of speed aroused their suspicion. They speculated that Xiao Sansheng had a great secret. For this reason, they specially studied Xiao Sansheng's whereabouts, and finally locked the only way to pass, and began to wait. Bet on a bright future. You know very well that whatever the secret of heaven is will have no effect on you, and this method can catch you off guard. 】

"One of the demons."

Jiang Hao sighed.

He originally thought that the other party would use some clever method to find him.

It never occurred to me that it was just the most common thing to do and wait for the rabbit.

And he jumped in.

"Not careful enough."

The higher your cultivation level, the easier it is to overlook such small details.

This is the disadvantage of rapidly improving one's cultivation level. Of course, it is also because we take it too much for granted, because after opening up, there is basically no one who can match it.

Still expanded.

I have long thought that Xiao Sansheng has improved too quickly and is destined to be noticed.

The first person in history is completely worth the risk of those strongmen.

Especially great opportunities may not be fulfilled and may be in danger.

Gu had reminded him today, and he thought that if the secret was not leaked, there would be no danger.

Now not only was he seriously injured, but the Immortal Shield of Mountains and Seas was also lost.


Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows. He wanted to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

The identity of Xiao Sansheng should not be discarded. In this case, the devil's behavior has touched the bottom line of Xiao Sansheng.

I have to improve my cultivation as soon as possible and then find him.

Even if it wasn't Xiao Sansheng, he still had to go and get the Mountain and Sea Immortal Shield.

However, it is indeed dangerous outside. Xiao Sansheng will be targeted for encirclement and suppression for unknown reasons and will come and go without a trace, so he will be even more like this.

It should be more low-key.

Danger fills every corner of the world.

I am too lucky and my improvement speed is too fast.

Whether it's a demon sect or a fairy sect, some people are willing to watch him grow, but more people will definitely want to replace him.

As long as the opportunity is great enough, people who want to kill him can line up from the south to overseas.

Although there are only a small number of people who want to and dare to take action, for the Fourth Department and overseas, the small number is also a dense crowd.

There were people overseas who were like this, and he doubted whether there were people in the Fallen Immortal clan who were like this too, so he had to be well prepared.

It's not strong enough, but it still needs to be improved as soon as possible.

It's just that after becoming an immortal, I was impatient and couldn't improve quickly.

Sighing slightly, Jiang Hao regained his composure.

When he walked out of the hall, he saw a red figure in the courtyard sitting under the peach tree making tea from the corner of his eye.

The fragrance of tea overflows, and the immortal power in the body is jumping for joy.


Jiang Hao smelled the tea and made sure he had never drank it.

I don’t know how many spiritual stones I got.

"Injured?" Hong Yuye raised his eyebrows and glanced at Jiang Hao.

"A little injury." Jiang Haoying greeted him as a greeting, and then came to the table to help Hong Yuye pour tea.

Then he poured himself another glass.

Just by smelling the aroma of tea, he knew that this tea could make up for his shortcomings.

Let him return to his peak as soon as possible.

Although the injury is serious, if you want to regain your peak strength, you need to practice some training.

Hong Yuye drank tea and chuckled: "The treasure on your body seems to be broken."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao just remembered the Nine Heavens Armor.

At this time, the armor appeared on him, already worn out.

If it weren't for the Nine Heavens Armor, he would have suffered a lot of injuries.

This is also a treasure.

It's a pity that there are still a few pieces left to reach the immortal level.

"This is a gift from your sect? It's not that good." Hong Yuye put down the tea cup and laughed.

"It's just a few pieces missing." Jiang Hao explained.

The Nine Heavens Armor is very powerful, but the set is incomplete, which makes it look inferior.

If it is complete, it will be of great help to him this time.

"Why are there a few missing items?" Hong Yuye asked.

Jiang Hao didn't know how to speak for a while.

There is a high probability that Tianxiang Daosun has not made any progress in these years.

In this way, no reward was given.

"Senior, don't you need a great opportunity?" Jiang Hao asked, sitting on his knees.

He had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

The other party seemed to be walking alone, not caring about the opportunity at all.

Hearing this, Hong Yuye lowered his eyebrows and drank tea, and finally said softly: "It doesn't matter, any immortal will accept the opportunity of the great world, and this opportunity is not just about improving one's cultivation.

“Under the opportunity, even Dao injuries can be cured.

“Even if your life span is approaching, you can still get a life extension.

“Not to mention being stuck with inner demons and bottlenecks.

“Even if some people have no obstacles to their cultivation, they still need such an opportunity.

"Because others get it but you don't, then you are going backwards."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows but did not speak.

He also couldn't get a chance, so if he didn't improve enough, he would lose at the starting line.

"Senior, do you have any enemies?" Jiang Hao asked.

"Didn't I ask you to check?" Hong Yuye asked.

Jiang Hao felt relieved.

Is there only one like this?

The danger is half and half. If there are many enemies, you will definitely not be spared.

Time, he needs enough stable time.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to withstand the many dangers in the future.

"Junior will do his best." Jiang Hao promised and took a sip of tea.

The tea is integrated into the body, and every part of the body is active, quickly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy and repairing its own losses.

A few moments.

Jiang Hao recovered from that state.

"How about this tea?" Hong Yuye poured another cup for Jiang Hao.

"Tea." Jiang Hao nodded quickly.

Hong Yuye smiled, put down the teapot and lightly opened her lips: "This tea is called Chuyang Dew, and we will drink this from now on."


Jiang Hao was stunned.


He had never heard of the name of tea before, and his first thought was, how much does it cost?

It must be higher than 20,000.

But I have millions, so I’m not afraid, I can afford it.

Just thinking about the effect of tea on myself makes me feel a little nervous.

"Raise Tianxiang Daosun, it will also get a chance when the great age comes." Hong Yuye reminded him and then gradually faded away.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao was a little surprised.

He had thought about it before, would all elixirs change, or would only these rare things change?

If all elixirs undergo changes, can they be attributed to those grown by oneself?

If only...

Can bubbles appear at that moment?

Jiang Hao's mind suddenly became active.

He wants to become stronger as soon as possible, and then go overseas to retrieve the Immortal Shield of Mountains and Seas.

The great age has finally begun, and the gangsters will be found.

It is almost impossible to get back the Immortal Shield of Mountains and Seas.

Jiang Hao then took out a blindfold to block the exploration.

If the fallen immortals start searching again, he will be in danger.

Also, we have to ask, who on earth stopped the fallen immortals from finding laughter in Sansheng.

If that person is still suppressing the Fallen Immortal Clan now, he has completely given up on the opportunity of the great world.

Thank the other person.

In the following time, Jiang Hao restored his cultivation and planted elixirs.

And he discovered something else.

After he was promoted to a True Immortal, the few points of cultivation he had accumulated were wiped out.

In other words, after improving the cultivation level, the cultivation points are still consumed?

But he was not aware of the external force, and the points could not even be extracted. Logically speaking, there was no possibility of consumption.

Maybe it's because of being promoted to a great realm.

The cultivation points of human immortals are no longer applicable to real immortals, so they will disappear and return to heaven and earth.


During these days, Jiang Hao's cultivation level recovered, and he finally checked Jiutian's wrist.

Because of the use of true immortal power, the wrist could not withstand the damage.

I have to find a way to find someone to fix it.

The five demons' encirclement and suppression caused him great losses.

Time passes day by day.

Early October.

It's time to go out.

Due to the sect's mission, he had to go out.

I was quite confident before, but now I feel like the outside is full of danger.

Once the five true immortals come again to encircle and suppress them in the mid-to-late stage, I will not be able to escape like before.

After shaking his head and giving up these unrealistic thoughts, Jiang Hao headed to the Law Enforcement Peak.

Take people out.

For safety reasons, he stopped by the mission hall.

The mission sister explained: "Junior brother can take on a mission. If he can come back within a month, it doesn't matter if the mission is completed or not.

"Success is naturally a matter of course, and failure will not be punished.

“After all, your lineage gives you fifteen days, and our lineage also gives junior brother fifteen days.

“This is the trust in my junior brother.

"Of course, I can also take it for three months. Out of trust in my junior brother, even if it exceeds three months, I can take one more time to make up for it."

Jiang Hao: "..."

These conveniences also seem to make it easier for the other party to earn their own spiritual stones.

But he couldn't refute it.

It doesn't matter, as long as you have many spiritual stones.

As for Chu Yanglu, he asked, but Tianyin Sect didn't have it.

You can't buy it even if you have spiritual stones.

I don’t know how many spiritual stones it is.

The people from the Shanhai Sword Sect haven't arrived yet, otherwise you can ask.

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