Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1175 Xiao Sansheng can’t wait hundreds of years for revenge? 【2-in-1】 (1/2)

The solemn and solemn hall is surrounded by fairy spirit.

In the center of the hall, there is a huge screen with peach blossom fairies painted on it, blooming with gorgeous and charming petals.

㵔The fairyland that makes people forget to leave is permeated here.

Jiang Hao sat by the screen and sighed at how extraordinary this place was.

He was surprised that a middle-stage Yuan Shen was so extravagant.

When I was a soul, not to mention such a huge mansion, I didn't even have many spiritual stones.

After a moment of sighing, someone brought tea.

He picked it up and tasted it. The tea was good, but only good.

One dollar cannot exceed two hundred spirit stones.

The taste is okay.

He found that Hong Yuye didn't like some of the expensive tea leaves, but she had no objection to the cheap tea leaves.

It seems that the other party also attaches great importance to the taste.

So after smelling the aroma of tea, he just gave it a try.

You must know that although this tea is not poisonous, it is poisonous when combined with the floral fragrance of the screen.

Chang 㹓 has endured Dong Ye's poison and has some understanding of it.

Besides, my current eyesight is pretty good.

It's so obvious that you can see it naturally.

Seeing Jiang Hao drinking tea, Dongye picked up the tea and tasted it.

Duantian City remained unmoved.

He doesn't think the food here can be drunk casually.

After just waiting for an hour, the other party didn't come.

For a while, everyone was extremely dissatisfied.

Why have I been waiting for someone these past two days? Everyone dares to be late.

"Senior Brother Duan, would you like some tea?" At this time, Dongye said.

"Why?" Duantiancheng asked.

He didn't dare to look down on Qin Ye at all. Qin Ye was stronger than him back then.

Today's Dongye is not simple either.

"Perhaps after drinking tea, people will come." Dong Ye said with a smile.

Duantiancheng frowned.

"It's okay, senior brother Duan, feel free to drink." Dong Ye said with a smile.

Hearing this, Duan Tiancheng sighed in his heart, and finally picked up the tea and drank it in one gulp.

A few moments.

There were urgent footsteps outside, and the visitor seemed to dare not waste time.

Huang Hongyang quickly came to the hall, stopped in front of Jiang Hao and said respectfully:

"You immortals have been waiting for a long time, mainly because they were delayed in finding a place to bathe and change clothes. Please forgive me now."

"Fellow Taoist's residence is unusual. Isn't there a place to bathe and change clothes?" Jiang Hao asked softly.

"Yes, but several immortals were not satisfied, so there was another delay." Huang Hongyang explained.

"That's why." Jiang Hao nodded, and then said:

"Tell me about the mine."

"This..." Huang Hongyang hesitated and said: "The first few fairies said that they couldn't say anything more before they came out.

"This junior is just a caretaker. I can't afford to offend them. I hope the immortals can be more tolerant."

Jiang Hao nodded, feeling that the poison on his body would probably stay in his body in another hour or two. It would take a few days to become poisonous, and he would most likely lose his cultivation level.

Nice poison.

"Does anyone here know about the mine besides you?" Jiang Hao suddenly asked.

"Except for me, no one else can access the secrets of the mine." Huang Hongyang explained.


Jiang Hao felt strange. This person's spiritual cultivation had no need to offend him.

Why do they need to poison, lie, and at the same time keep causing more conflicts between them and Luoyue Palace.

Soon, the identification results appeared.

[Huang Hongyang: inner disciple of Fenglei Sect, guardian of Baichuan Mine, mid-level cultivation of Yuanshen. He was very excited about finding treasures in the mine, but unexpectedly you came for the competition, and he sensed the danger. Now, if we want to plot against all of you, it would be best for you to kill each other. After seven days of poisoning, the Yuanshen monks will lose three days of their cultivation. Then it will be the best opportunity to kill you. He is the only one who is familiar with every part of the mine, and he is sure that you will not kill anyone. I feel like both parties have to win over him in order to compete. 】

Just found a treasure?

Jiang Hao was a little surprised, but what kind of treasure was worth risking?

In the middle stage of Yuanshen, I want to kill two mid-stage Yuanshen, and two in the late stage of Yuanshen.

It was simply a death wish.

Didn't he notice?

All the spirits present were aware of it.

He is not interested in treasures, and it is impossible for the other party to believe him.

After reading the feedback on his magical powers, Jiang Hao slowly stood up.

This sudden move surprised others.

Duantian City could only stand up.

At this time, Jiang Hao stepped up to Huang Hongyang and said:

"Lead the way to the mine."


Huang Hongyang knelt directly on the ground and begged: "Chief Immortal, the fairy over there said that if I dare to lead the way, he will kill me. Please forgive me, Chief Immortal."

As he spoke, he kowtowed heavily.

If you move the other person out and then plead, normal people will think that he is the victim.

I won't care.

He knelt down and kowtowed, which meant he must be innocent.

The road to cultivating immortality is long, and it can be stretched or bent for the sake of sufficient benefits.

If you kneel on the ground and beg today, you can light incense for these people to see them off tomorrow.

Jiang Hao looked at the person in front of him and felt that there was no need to cause harm.

Since the other party is determined not to lead the way, let’s not lead the way.

At this time, he smelled a fresh fragrance. It was a bead-like hand toy that appeared on Qianye's hand at some point.

Yantou looked at Huang Hongyang again and found that the other person had also been poisoned at some point.

Seeing the other person's pleading look, Jiang Hao helped him up, patted his shoulder and said, "Then you have a good rest."

Afterwards Jiang Hao turned and left.

Others didn't know why and could only follow and leave.

Watching Jiang Hao leave, Huang Hongyang frowned slightly, feeling strange.

Someone was called immediately.

"Master of the Palace." A young man knelt down on one knee.

Huang Hongyang said coldly: "Go and follow...huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Huang Hongyang suddenly felt some pain in his chest.

Then there were bubbles on his body that grew in size and size, stretching his skin open.

Then the knife intention wandered through his body, sweeping through his flesh and blood.


Huang Hongyang spat out a mouthful of blood, and then felt the knife intent spreading.

A sign of death is coming.

Huang Hongyang fell to his knees, with fear in his eyes.

For a moment, he thought that Jiang Hao had just patted his shoulder twice.

How could it be?

If you have already performed perfectly, why do you still kill people?

No, it shouldn't be like this.

When he asked for help, a knife burst out of his body.


puff! !

Blood spilled on the ground.

Screams came.

The young man next to him was stunned to the ground.

At this time, all he could see was a body lying in a pool of blood.

I don't know how long it took, but some fairies came in.

When they saw the bodies on the ground, they frowned.

"Where are the people from the Tianyin Sect?"

they asked.

"Li, left." The frightened young man replied.

"You trash thing. He even swore that he had a way to stop people. He dared to poison us and thought he was a bit capable. Unexpectedly, he was killed in the blink of an eye." At this time, Fairy Yiyi snorted coldly, then turned and left.

No one cares about Huang Hongyang's death.

Watching everyone leave, the young man's eyes were full of fear.

These people...

Kill without blinking an eye.

Mine location.

Jiang Hao and others stood on the edge. The mine here was huge, much larger than the Tianyin Sect.

Some of the miners here were captured from outside, and some were from the market.

Mining every day to earn some meager spiritual stones.

"Where is the Tianyin Sect guard?" Duantian City's voice came out.

When he left the mansion, he knew that the man would not survive.

He wanted to take action, but the methods he left behind didn't work.

In other words, that person is already dead.

For a moment, I couldn't tell who made the move, the team leader or...

He glanced at Dongye.

"Brother Duan, please don't look at me. My poison cannot kill a middle-stage soul in a short time." Dong Ye said with a smile.

Duantian City lowered his eyebrows, it was the leader who killed him.

The opponent's purpose should be very clear, which is to win this competition.

Anyone who obstructs it is seeking death.

They could fail the mission every other time, but not this time.

Especially as a team leader, whoever dares to cause trouble will not survive.

Jiang Hao stood still and looked at the mine below. There was a force surrounding the mine, and there was a kind of vitality buried deep underground.

It doesn't seem to be a serious problem, but it can be easily detected by underground monsters, so guard the surrounding area.

In addition to this extraordinary vitality, it is easy to breed other powerful things.

From this point of view, there is great danger down here, but although the miners will bear the fluctuations of spiritual energy in the mine, there is also a looming life, but it will not shorten their lifespan too much.

Mining is very harmful to the body.

Ordinary people can't dig it for long.

Otherwise, those with advanced skills would not be allowed to mine, and the Tianyin Sect would not allow miners to repair the chain.

At this time, several people appeared in front of them.

Two men and one woman.

They were a little surprised when they saw [Jiang Hao and others.

"Senior Brother Duan?" the man among them asked in surprise.

"We are here under orders, and you should have received the news." Duantian City said.

"Yes." The man nodded.

"Where is the mine we need to go to?" Duantian City didn't intend to waste words.

"Isn't this matter arranged by Senior Huang with full authority?"

"You can ask him if he won't let you interfere."

"Don't dare, senior brother, come with me."

The other party lowered his head, and then led Jiang Hao and others to the mine.

There are ten mines, twelve of which have strong aura coming out.

But the atmosphere coming from inside is quite different.

"The strength is marked 佗. You must leave your breath before entering, so that you can only enter this one later, and no one else can enter." The man explained.

Jiang Haolai marked the entrance of the foundation building cave, inspected it, looked at the four people building the foundation, and said, "You go ahead."

The four of them did not dare to hesitate at all.

Leave your breath behind and begin to advance.

"Don't be in a hurry, slow down." Jiang Hao reminded.

He wanted to take a look at the mine later to see if there was a way for them to improve their progress.

If you can win completely, you will naturally win completely.

After that is the mouth of the golden elixir breath.

"Senior Sister Lianqin has the highest cultivation level. It depends on her." Jiang Hao looked at Fairy Lianqin behind Baiye.

"Junior brother, don't worry, we will go all out." Fairy Lianqin lowered her head and said politely.

Afterwards, Jiang Hao warned Senior Brother Zheng and the others again.

In this way, they leave their breath to enter.

The last one is the god level.

Only three of the ten mines are god-level.

Jiang Hao felt that all three were similar, so he planned to enter any one at will.

Just when I was at the door, I heard a voice coming from behind.

"Stay." A female voice came.

Jiang Hao turned around and found that the person coming was the Twelve Fairies of Luoyue Palace.

"Junior brother Tuosheng went too far and actually sneaked here by himself. This is fraud." The leader of the fairy said slightly coquettishly.

"Why did the fairy say this?" Jiang Hao asked as he looked at them.

"Junior brother, if you have a clear conscience, why did you kill Daoist Huang?" A late-stage fairy from behind looked angry:

"We were just taking a bath and changing clothes, and my junior brother found Huang Daoyou, used torture to get information from him, and then killed him to silence him."

After the words fell, the three people who followed were shocked.

Senior Huang is dead?

The man leading the way was afraid. If he had just refused, he was afraid...

He died on the spot.

No wonder Brother Duan asked him to ask the other party if he disagreed. How could a dead person disagree?

"Fellow Daoist Huang is dead?" Jiang Hao looked at the person in front of him and frowned, saying:

"Fairy, don't talk nonsense without any evidence."

The person who killed Fenglei Sect disciples in the mine was also a guard. If he was suspected, he would be somewhat involved.

He doesn't want to cause trouble.

Come quietly and go back quietly.

Without evidence, no one can leave him here.

Hui [Tianyin Sect] will be somewhat safer in the Great World.

"Junior brother came out from over there, and Daoyou Huang died. How can we say that he is not a junior brother?" The fairy in the late stage of the Goddess said loudly:

"If he is not his junior brother, why don't we doubt others?

"Although we have no evidence, doubting the junior brother means that the junior brother has enough reasons to kill. There is just insufficient evidence, but the lack of evidence does not mean that the junior brother has not done it."

Jiang Hao looked at the person in front of him and sighed inwardly: "Then what does the fairy think?"

"Since it is fraud for personal gain, then at least one of the foundation builders and golden elixirs in front must admit defeat. In addition, the junior brother has learned more inside information. We are too far behind. All of you have to bear our three palms. This will restore fairness." The late-stage fairy said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Duan Tiancheng and others frowned.

Jiang Hao looked at the other party and said softly: "Fairy, don't you think it's too much?"

"Why didn't Junior Brother feel that it was too much when we killed Huang Dao's friend to trap the news?" the late-stage fairy said coldly.

Others echoed: "Yes, and you came one step ahead, so we should have picked first."

Jiang Hao looked at them and thought, is the sect blind?

What's the use of winning such a person back?

Maybe they don't treat stronger people like this.

"I heard that Junior Brother Jiang is just a person who cultivates the blood path. His cultivation is accumulated and his strength is low, so he knows that he will lose, so he takes the wrong approach.

"It's a pity that we noticed it.

"If all is fair, my subordinates, junior brother, can't take more than three moves." The late-stage fairy sneered.

"Senior sister is not from the Tianyin Sect, right?" Jiang Hao took a step forward.

The magic sound is thousands of miles away.

The latter frowned and said disdainfully: "Tell me about [Junior Brother's] sore spot and become angry from embarrassment?"

That being said, her charm and mind-affecting spells began to cover Jiang Hao's body.

However, before the technique was formed, Jiang Hao suddenly appeared in front of her.

Then kicked out.

In the late stage of the god, the fairy activates defense.



This kick kicked away the defense, shattered the magic weapon, and then landed heavily on the opponent's abdomen.


In the late stage of the god, the fairy flew out in pain.

The moment she fell, Jiang Hao stepped on her with one foot, and with a clang, Ban Yue was unsheathed.

Swing the sword and chop it down.

The late-stage fairy looked horrified. She never thought that the other party would kill her after easily breaking through the defense.

"Sister, help~"


A slash of the sword swept across like the moonlight.

With a thud, the head flew up and fell to the ground. It rolled a few times and stopped moving.

In this way, Jiang Hao slowly put away his sword and looked at the two fairies who were about to come to rescue him. His eyes showed no emotion at all: "A disciple of your sect framed our Tianyin Sect and killed them for the sake of our sect's reputation. Do you think it is reasonable?"

Nalandanyan took a deep breath and looked at the other party in shock.

You must know that no one can resist their charm in the past. Their trick is that the longer they stay together, the less likely they are to do anything to them, and the longer they stay together, the less likely they are to obey their words.

But the other party did not hesitate to kill, which horrified them.

With that cold look in his eyes, it seemed that if he dared to say something unreasonable, he would be dead and elsewhere.

Finally, Nalandan Yan nodded: "It was our people who were impulsive."

So Jiang Hao walked to the mine in front of you and looked at Nalandan Yan: "We don't have to wait for your faction, right?"

"No need." The latter gritted his teeth.

Duan Tiancheng looked at Jiang Hao with some surprise. Just for a moment, he even felt his heart palpitating. It was too fast.

When Jiang Hao and others entered, Nalandan Yan's eyes were covered with haze.

"Since you want to die, I will make it happen for you."

Then some spiritual beasts were released and dispersed.

Only then did she find a mine to enter.


sea ​​area.

A bead sparkled.

Wanwu finally walked out of it with an elegant posture: "Is there any news about Xiao Sansheng?"

"There are some rumors about him," the attendant said.

"Tell me about it." Wan Wan finally spoke softly.

Later, the attendant informed Wanwuji of the news of the siege by the five demons.

Hearing this, the end of all things nodded:

"It seems that there are always people who can't wait any longer. Xiao Sansheng is too conspicuous, so there is nothing wrong with being targeted.

"But it doesn't mean anything at the beginning. Being a human emperor and becoming an immortal is far inferior to the ancestral dragon, but what about the end?

“Ancestral Dragon is far from a match for the Human Emperor.

"But it's much easier to laugh this way."

"Easy?" The attendant was puzzled.

"Xiao Sansheng is an arrogant person and a vengeful person.

"Keep an eye on the five demons, Xiao Sansheng will look for them." Wan Wanzhi said with a smile.

"Xiao Sansheng must be looking for them to seek revenge, but it is impossible for a true immortal to kill the five demons in the early stage. Does he need to find helpers? Or wait a few hundred pounds?" the attendant asked.

Wu Wanwu finally shook his head: "I don't know how much, but this is the only way to find Xiao Sansheng.

"Now that he's like a 㫇, he can't find his breath at all.

"Perhaps the Five Demons can surprise us?"


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