Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1178 Corpses everywhere

After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he walked straight outside.

Nothing more was said.

Duantian City also wants to talk about the situation outside, and God also needs to introduce it in the later stage.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win.

In addition, there are formation restrictions and poisonous gas outside.

It's very dangerous to venture out.

However, the other party didn't give him a chance to say anything, so he set off.

He wanted to speak but was stopped by Dong Ye.

"It's very dangerous to go out rashly like this." Duan Tiancheng said.

"Junior Brother Jiang is a measured person, so he will naturally be confident when he goes out." Dongye said.

"Should we go out and take a look?" Lu Qiye was a little curious.

Duantian City also wanted to go out and see if the other party had a way to deal with it, and also wanted to see what kind of way it was.

If the other party wants to take action against them, they are prepared.

However, Dongye shook his head: "Let's just rest. Sometimes there is no point in watching too much."

He has a deep fear of Jiang Haoye.

As long as you know enough about it, you can tell how quickly Jiang Hao can be promoted.

And although every time he was promoted was related to Yuan Xueyan, he could still become the chief preselection as soon as he was promoted.

Even wishing for blood is by no means simple.

It's far more than anything I've ever known.

No matter what, the other party is completely different from them.

Not on the same level.

Duantian City hesitated for a moment before starting to heal, but still left a trace of his mind focused on the entrance of the cave.

Find out when that person will come back.

The same goes for Deer Leaf.

Don't dare to mess around.

He is the weakest in the team, so naturally he should learn from his two senior brothers.

Especially Senior Brother Bai Ye, even though he was only in the early stage of God, he was in the late stage of God, and he dared to challenge the Chief God.

Almost succeeded.

Such a person is still strong even if he is weak.

Otherwise, why were all of them seriously injured, except Senior Brother Yi Ye?


Jiang Hao walked out of the mine.

He is aware of the formation poisonous gas outside.

The moment he came out, the formation surged and sealed his location.

Feng 㱕 is spiritual energy and body.

Not only that, the surrounding poisonous gas poured into his body.

As long as you breathe, the poison will rot your internal organs.

His arrival immediately aroused many people's reactions.

The three 㨾gods appeared perfectly outside the formation, followed by the six 㨾gods in the later stage.

There are also some mid- and early-stage gods.

There are also some golden elixirs.

Jiang Hao even saw that the Tianyin Sect disciple was among them.

"Junior brother Jiang, you are finally willing to come out." Nalandan Yan stroked her beautiful hair and smiled:

"You can't hide anymore after hiding for so long?"

"Yes, I was discovered by senior sister." Jiang Hao nodded with a calm expression:

"Senior sister, are you going to war to kill me or for the treasure?"

"Junior brother should have known about this when he killed my junior sister." Nalandan Yan sneered:

"We just wanted our junior brother to kneel under our skirts and become our cauldron, but he was too fierce.

"It's not suitable. If it's not suitable, it will naturally be destroyed."

Jiang Hao nodded, understanding.

Then he looked at the man in the middle with a tiger and leopard swimming around on his upper body: "Where are you friends? Are you watching the fun or are you trying to kill me?"

"You killed Fairy Nalan, who I admired, so I will naturally avenge her. If I kill you, I will also comfort Fairy Nalan's heart. I have been waiting for you for a long time." The strong man laughed loudly: "If you want to blame me, blame you. Messed with the wrong person.”

At this time, the woman in black covered her mouth and smiled softly: "Don't look at me, I just saw that someone is dying here. Come and give me a gift. It's just that you are unlucky. It was this person just now."

Jiang Hao nodded and said yes.

These people don't mention treasures, and don't even want to let people know that they covet treasures.

But it doesn't matter whether it's a treasure or not.

These people seemed to have no intention of letting him go.

Then there is no need to waste your breath.

Jiang Hao took steps.

"There's no need to exert any effort. You can't get out of this formation. Let alone you, even the God of Perfection can't be shaken for a while..." Nalandan Yan'er looked proud.

But before he finished speaking, there was a click and the formation shattered.

Jiang Hao stepped towards her.

Without daring to hesitate, she immediately started her defense.

However, the demonic sound was rolling, and Jiang Hao came to her very quickly.

Come at him with the hilt of the knife.


The air wave surged, the defensive magic weapon shattered, and the handle of the knife hit Nalandan Yan's face.


Nalandanyan's face was distorted, her teeth fell out, and then she flew out.

But before she landed, the demonic sound came rolling in again.

She squeezed the technique with her hand and blasted it out with huge power.


A knife was slashed at Shufa, and Shufa was split into two halves. A figure suddenly came in front of her and stabbed out with a knife.


The knife penetrated Nalandanyan's stomach.

“What can’t be shaken?”

Jiang Hao's calm voice came.

Nalandan Yan opened her mouth to ask for help, when the sword light swept across.

Jiang Hao waved his sword with his other hand.

Nalandan Yan's eyes rolled, and then a long sword flew out.

With a bang, it was fixed on the mountain wall of the mine.

The moment happened too quickly, the strong man roared and waved his fist, attacking.

Jiang Hao pulled out the half-moon from Nalandan Yan's body and brandished his sword to meet the enemy.


Boom! !

The sword and fist kept clashing, and then both sides struck a stronger blow.

There was a roar, the knife and the fist collided, the energy surged, and the sand and rocks flew.

"Do you think you want to break my body?" The strong man yelled: "Die!"

A burst of power.

To destroy the half moon.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao did not fight head-on. Instead, he slid the handle of the knife, causing the knife to rotate in a strange way.

Spin along the opponent's arm.

Seeing this, the other party was shocked, but the sword turned around.

When he was about to fight back, Jiang Hao came in front of him at some point, holding the handle of the knife with his left hand.

The knife was right in front of his neck.


Demonic sound slashes with a thousand heavy blows.

The knife cut across the man's neck and separated his head.

Then the spear was thrown out and nailed to Nalandan Yan's side with a bang.

Then chop the opponent's body into pieces, just in case.

After doing this, he turned his attention to the woman in black.

The other party looked frightened and forced a smile: "You are really amazing, my friend. I just came close to you for a moment and have no intention of becoming your enemy."

Jiang Hao looked at the other party with a dull expression: "Is this so?"

Then Ban Yue lifted up.

"No, I surrender. I am willing to be a slave. Let me go." The woman in black begged for mercy.

"You're not very lucky." As the words fell, the devil's voice rolled.

Demonic sound slashes with a thousand heavy blows.


In the cave, Yi Ye and others waited for some time, unable to calm down.

"What's going on outside?" Duantian City sighed:

"Can Junior Brother Jiang solve it? In what form does he want to solve it?"

"What will be the result if we take action?" Lu and Ye asked Yu.

Duantian City thought for a moment:

"Those God Perfect people are not very strong. As long as they can avoid what they are good at, Junior Brother Jiang is capable of fighting.

"As the chief pre-selector, he is definitely not comparable to those people."

"But it's hard for two fists to beat four hands. With so many people, Junior Brother Jiang will be beaten to death."

"Will Senior Brother Jiang die outside?" Lu Qiye was a little concerned.

Just when Duantian City was about to speak, footsteps appeared again, coming from outside.

The three of them immediately turned around and looked.

Sure enough, I am familiar with 㱕's figure, familiar with 㱕's breath, and familiar with 㱕's demeanor.

Jiang Hao slowly walked in from the outside with half a moon in his hand.

There were no bloodstains or creases on his clothing.

This left everyone confused as to what Jiang Hao was doing out there.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time." Jiang Hao looked at the three of them and said politely:

"It's been resolved."

Has it been resolved?

How to solve it?

What price was paid?

It stands to reason that there is treasure here, and they cannot let it go.

"Can I go out and take a look?" Duantian City asked Yu.

Jiang Hao nodded: "Of course."

The moment they came out, the three people's expressions were grim, and they immediately wondered how to solve the problem.

The perfect 㨾神, the late 㨾神, the middle 㨾神, all died.

Corpses littered the fields.


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