Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1181: Crossing the ranks to deal with the true immortal [two-in-one] (1/2)


Twelve Heavenly Kings.

The news that Xiao Sansheng was attacked has been known to many people.

There are still not many people who know the details, but as the Twelve Heavenly Kings, they have already known the specific situation.

In the central sea area, ten water columns appeared.

Ten figures then appeared.

Tao Muxiu frowned: "It is well known that King Wood Dragon Jade went to the south, so where did Hailuo go?"

"Probably looking for Xiao Sansheng, or looking for the Five Demons." Meng Lanling said.

The five demons attacked Xiao Sansheng, and Xiao Sansheng was defeated.

Everyone has got the news about this matter, so if you want to find Xiao Sansheng, you can go to the Five Demons.

Maybe you can find it.

Even if you can't find [, there is still a possibility of getting [information].

"What do you think?" A dull voice suddenly came.

Everyone understood that it was about the five demons besieging Xiao Sansheng.

"It stands to reason that we can't just sit back and watch, but if we leave the sea, we are no match for the five demons." Another female king said.

"It is true. After the Five Demons become immortals, they will not go near the Twelve Sea Areas." Meng Lanling said.

The five demons escaped from the twelve heavenly kings and finally succeeded in becoming immortals.

The price paid was so high and the method used was extremely strange.

They can't do it.

If there is really no hope of becoming an immortal, they can only leave the King of Heaven alone.

Then become an immortal alone.

At least that's what Meng Lanling planned, and she also asked Mingyue Zong Xubai for help.

It was only because he was lucky enough to become an immortal in the end that he stopped following the path of the Five Demons.

“You can inform Xiao Sansheng to introduce people to the Twelve Sea Areas, and the twelve of us will join forces with him and we should be able to keep them.

"At least half of it can be kept." Tao Muxiu said softly: "After doing this, we have paid some price, and it is still the price that the other party extremely hopes for."

At this time, a bright voice came: "Aren't you curious?"

"What are you curious about?" Meng Lanling asked.

"What the five demons want." Bright voice said.

Everyone was silent.


A low voice broke the silence: "Sometimes it's better not to be too curious. Some people are desperate, but we have great things coming.

"Don't give up all hope because of some speculation."

A bright voice said with a smile:

"I'm just asking if such a stupid thing would be done."

Among the Twelve Heavenly Kings and the Five Demons, there are too many people to offend, so no one comes.

They also learned about this news recently.

There is nothing we can do if people don’t appear in the world.

If it appears, Tianxialou will know the news soon.

"A lot of news comes from Tianxialou. Do you think the Five Demons will go to Tianxialou?" Tao Muxiu suddenly asked with a smile.

Others shrugged.

This has nothing to do with them.

"Get ready, first pass the news to the Wood Dragon Jade King, and then be ready to fight against the Five Demons at any time.

“Some costs are better to be paid as soon as possible. Even if you can’t pay them, you should pay some.

"Don't be restrained." A low voice warned.


There are four protruding peaks on the deserted island.

Surrounded by immortal energy, Taoism is manifested.

One of the Taoist intentions is the most obvious.

Almost taking shape.

Once you have the prototype of the avenue, you can glimpse the corner of the avenue, and you can become an immortal.

"No one wants to take risks. It seems that it is too difficult to catch [Laughter Sansheng]." The old man sighed helplessly.

"Do you want to go now?" the young man asked.

If no one is willing to take action, it will be almost impossible to capture Xiao Sansheng.

Unless a sneak attack catches him off guard.

"It's not hopeless." The bald man sneered:

"He must have a gap if he wants to escape. What he used to create this gap was that amazing shield. Now that the shield has collapsed, he can no longer resist our joint efforts.

"As long as it shows up again there is hope."

As he spoke, he took out a fragment of the shield and said:

"This shield is extremely extraordinary, but it's strange why it broke."

"Even if there is hope, the other party must be willing to come. Will he still come after we are surrounded and suppressed?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Yes." The bald man said seriously:

"Now everyone overseas already knows that Xiao Sansheng is besieged by us. Do you think why they knew it so quickly?"

"Did you do it?" The middle-aged man was not surprised.

"Yes, this is the only way to force Xiao Sansheng." The bald man chuckled: "According to rumors, Xiao Sansheng is unscrupulous, fearless of all powerful enemies, and must avenge himself, and the sooner the better.

"You said that when the world comes, will he have a chance to run around?

“How many people will be staring at him then?

"So if he wants to take revenge, he must do it before the great world comes.

“This is also our hope.

"What we need to do now is to find a place, then set up a dragnet, spread the news, and wait for Xiao Sansheng to come to our door.

"In addition, some people who have ideas but cannot agree directly will definitely observe in secret.

"I will definitely take action if it's appropriate."

Everyone nodded, this is indeed feasible.

But what if you don’t come?

"It's just a gamble. If you don't come, you will lose the gamble. If you can defect to other forces, then defect to other forces." The bald man said.

Others were silent.

"No problem, let's start preparing.

"Perhaps Xiao Sansheng can't wait to come to us for revenge." The bald man's laughter was cold.

Now, no matter what they say, they will kill and laugh three lives.

Otherwise, you may walk into the endless abyss at any time.

Past efforts turned into ashes.


After leaving Jiji, Jiang Hao entered the long woods.

There is only a crude road here.

Monsters often appear on the road.

But there was no one else.

Don't worry too much about anything.

After all, I am in the late stage of Yuan Shen cultivation, and I have few opponents in the first level.

㱗The journey here is smooth and reasonable.

When there is no one around, even under the True Immortal, I can jump over the ranks and fight with them.

There are many chances of winning in the early stage of True Immortal. After the early stage of True Immortal, you must deal with them carefully and avoid them if you can.

Although with Tao Qi, I feel like I can have a chance to compete with the mid-level True Immortal, but this idea is too exaggerated.

When he has time recently, he wants to use the immortal power and energy to nourish the Taichu Heavenly Sword.

It will be much more powerful.

Entering the woods, everyone else became wary.

Jiang Hao jumped onto the carriage and said softly: "Thank you, senior brother and senior sister, please be alert to the surrounding areas."

Zheng Shijiu nodded.

Then Jiang Hao took out the Heavenly Sword and put it on his lap.

Others can only see it for half a month at most. After becoming a true immortal, many things have become much more convenient.

The Hongmeng Heart Sutra surged and began to resonate with the Heavenly Sword.

Then continue to comprehend the sixth form of the Heavenly Sword.

The so-called stars are not real stars, but rivers of stars condensed by the sword's will.

Like a piece of sky.

To use this sword, you need to gain momentum, which is similar to the second form of the Heavenly Sword.

But the second move is to suppress and kill, and the sixth move is to attack endlessly.

If the sixth form is fused with the fourth form, the power will be as terrifying as ever.

"I wonder if Xinghe can add the mark of mountains and seas. If it can..."

Jiang Hao was quite looking forward to it.

But don’t worry, just continue to comprehend.

To understand the sword technique of Heavenly Sword, the most important thing is to maintain the state of mind.

Once your mind is confused, you will not be able to understand the core power.

It will be very difficult to get into the state after that.

But for a while, Jiang Hao felt empty-headed.

In the uninhabited woods, he saw himself wielding the Heavenly Sword in every move, and there was a sense of saber intent appearing around him.

The sword intent is like a spark of fire that accumulates around him, but the spark of the sword intent soon disappears.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao stood still, pondered for a moment and started practicing his sword again.

I don’t know how much time passed before the sparks appeared and disappeared.

But there are some sparks that are always there.

As time passed, the sword intent in Jiang Hao's hand became larger, and more and more sparks appeared.

There are also many sparks left behind.

When he sheathed the knife, a large amount of sparks poured into his body.

At this moment, he sensed his surroundings.

Senior Brother Zheng Jiu and Senior Sister Xin Yuyue are fighting monsters.

Senior sister Leyou is guarding the area around the carriage.

Behind the demonic beast were two monks in the early stages of the soul. They had evil smiles on their faces, as if they were deliberately leading Zheng Shijiu and others away.

The final killing move was already aimed at him.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao turned his head and opened his eyes.

The two early Yuanshen who originally used the formation to observe the team were suddenly startled.

"He saw us? How is that possible?"

They are convinced that they are beyond the perception of the late Yuan Shen.

What answered them was nothing but the meaning of walking through the woods.

In their astonishment, the sky was full of meanings like sparks of fire.



㥕 means like the wind blowing.

Afterwards, the bodies of the two fell into pieces and fell to the ground, becoming part of the forest.

Only then did Jiang Hao look back.

Since the distance is far enough, there is no need to get up.

He did not kill the monsters that Senior Brother Zheng and Senior Sister Xin dealt with.

After a hard fight between the two, the monster was killed.

Jiang Hao looked at Xin Yuyue and felt that the reason why Xin Yuyue had not been able to advance to the middle stage of the Golden Elixir was because of a lack of physical strength.

Either he was injured or some secret technique was used.

"Senior Sister Xin, you can sit on the edge of the box and rest." Jiang Hao reminded.

The box does not completely block the internal engine.

Xin Yuyue hesitated for a moment, but still sat cross-legged in the carriage.

She sat in the back and Jiang Hao sat in the front.

"Junior brother, please be careful. I feel that these monsters are not simple." Zheng Shijiu reminded.

Jiang Hao nodded.

No more problems on the road after that.

It was so quiet that Zheng Shijiu was surprised.

Seven days passed.

Early November.

There haven't been any problems in the past few days.

In fact, it's not that there is nothing, it's just that the problems are not the golden elixir, so Jiang Hao made the person who caused the problem disappear.

You can also practice 㥕.

It was also on this day that Xin Yuyue's aura burst out.

Leyou was surprised, it was the aura of promotion.

"You can't be promoted near the box." Jiang Hao reminded.

Hearing this, Xin Yuyue woke up immediately.

Jiang Hao marked an open space for her and asked her to sit there for promotion.

The latter did not hesitate. At the critical moment, she had no time to think too much.

Seeing Xin Yuyue's promotion, Zheng Shijiu asked, "What does Junior Brother Jiang plan to do?"

Wait or Q?

Waiting is actually extremely dangerous.

"Wait a minute, we can just take turns guarding here." Jiang Hao replied.

There were no accidents between the two of them.

This pause lasted another seven days.

In these seven days, besides studying the Heaven, Jiang Hao spent the rest of his time explaining chain repair to Zheng Shijiu and Le You.

These seven days are also seven days of peace.

There were no surprises and no one disturbed me.

Zheng Jiu gradually made a guess.

But Yixin is still focused on understanding.

Xin Yuyue woke up that day, and she looked at Jiang Hao with a complicated look.

Then he bowed respectfully: "Thank you, junior brother."

"Senior sister was joking. It's just a few days of waiting, so it won't delay anything." Jiang Hao shook his head slightly.

Sometimes Xin Yuyue really doubts whether Jiang Hao is really cultivating the blood path.

Invisibly, he is too kind to people.

Of course, he is talking about people who are not his enemies.

Then they set off.

The next day we saw a caravan.

It seems that a foundation builder is leading a group of chain energy to go out.

This is leaving the mines and heading into the outside world.

It's just that many people were seriously injured, and the remaining people were either slightly injured or had tired eyes.

This road is too dangerous for them. They can only get here thanks to the powerful monsters on this road.

Seeing Jiang Hao and the others, the mid-level Foundation Establishment Master immediately came over and bowed respectfully: "I've met a few fellow Taoists."

"What's wrong, fellow Taoist?" Jiang Hao asked politely.

"I wonder if some of my Taoist friends want to go out?" the old man asked softly in the middle stage of foundation building.

The other party's attitude made him feel that these four people were not very strong monks, and were likely to be in the late stages of foundation building or perfect cultivation.

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded.

After hesitating, the old man took out a storage magic weapon and handed it over: "I wonder if we can ask fellow Taoist to take us for a ride?"

Four thousand spirit stones.

Jiang Hao was slightly surprised when he checked the stored magic weapon.

There are so many places to live.

It's so rare to have four thousand in one mid-stage foundation building.

Only when foundation building is complete will you save spiritual stones and buy the Heavenly Returning Pill, in order to advance to the Golden Pill.

The person in front of me is only in the middle stage of foundation building, and he still comes from the gathering inside.

There are so many spiritual stones in Juyi.

"Follow me." Jiang Hao sighed and said calmly.

Then the spirit stones were divided, giving each person a thousand.

A thousand is not a lot for them.

Because of the caravan, their journey was slower.

But fortunately, it's an uninhabited forest, so no matter how slow it is, it doesn't matter.

With the addition of four people, the old man found that he had not encountered any monsters again.

Ten days later, they successfully escaped from the uninhabited forest.

No problem.

For a moment, the foundation-building old man felt that he had given away four thousand spiritual stones.

"Thank you all four." The old man outside the woods said with a smile: "Where are you four going?"

"Tianyin Sect." Jiang Hao replied.

"Then it's a pity that we don't have the road." The old man said with regret.

Seeing that the old man was about to speak but hesitated, Jiang Hao said curiously:

"Senior, are you thinking about the spiritual stone?"

"No, no." The old man waved his hands quickly, then hesitated and asked, "I wonder what the four of you are?"

Jiang Hao didn't answer, just said goodbye.

Watching a few people go away, the old man sighed.

Finally left.

Four thousand spirit stones. At that time, he had a thousand in one coin, so he gave almost all of them.

He never got the answer as to whether he had given it to him or not.

Maybe you won't get it in this life.

But he finally came out alive.

You can't be too greedy.

Jiang Hao sat on the carriage and recalled the past ten days.

Ten days was not long. The reason why he wanted to take these people with him was not only for the spirit stones, but also because he wanted to see the caravan.

There are old people, children, women, good people, evil people, and hypocrites.

They experienced joys and sorrows. For Jiang Hao, the short journey was only a few days, but for many people, it was a day.

It's all on that road.

It will never come out.

Sometimes parting is not about resentment and hatred, sometimes it is about letting the other person live.

Some people's death is the eternal end, and some people's death is for the continuation of others.

In just ten days, Jiang Hao felt that he had seen the boundary between love and death.

Make him want to keep going on this road.

Although the reincarnation of love and death is a continuation, it is not the way to grow.


Jiang Hao felt that Changguo seemed to sense something.

Fog begins to appear.


Flower Lake.

Zhi Zhi landed on the edge of the pavilion.

He lowered his head to the red figure and said respectfully:

"I've met the headmaster."

"What happened?" Hong Yuye poured herself a cup of tea and asked.

"A treasure related to the machine was found in the mine outside." Qizhi gave the general situation.

"Ji Yi has returned with the core items. He will arrive today and others will pick them up." Qi Zhi said.

After a pause, she added: "But this time, Jiang Hao is included in the bait. I wonder if it will lead to the person behind him.

“In addition, there is news coming back from overseas.

"I heard that Xiaosan was besieged and seriously injured.

"Now those people have released the news, saying that they will come and avenge their shame."

Hong Yuye lowered her eyebrows, sipped the tea in her hand, and said casually: "Who brought the news?"

"The Twelve Heavenly Kings, Mu Longyu, came to us from overseas and said he came to see his wife." Qi Zhi replied.

Hong Yuye casually said "hmm" and stopped talking.

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