Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 794 I hope to meet the senior

Astronomical Academy.

Jing Dajiang sat under the tree, enjoying the cool breeze and drinking tea.

There are two old men on the side, including the white-bearded old man:

"That little girl is in danger."

"I asked specifically. She has been in the Astronomical Academy since she was a child, and she seems to be a bit out of place." Jing Dajiang laughed after eating a flower:

"But the problem isn't that big. She still lacks the opportunity she needs, and it's not that easy to find.

It may not be possible to take another step forward in ten or a hundred years.

When you think about it later, help her again. "

"Speaking of which, what if you hand her the astronomical scroll and start a war with other sects?" the beardless old man asked Yu.

"Starting a war with other sects?" Jing Dajiang laughed:

"Do we look like soft persimmons? Do they look like tough persimmons?

They dare to do it, what can we not dare to do?

We don’t dare anymore. Where did they get the courage?

So as long as that little girl is tough enough, let alone the Western Sect.

Even the Haotian Sect and the Mingyue Sect have to think carefully before their elders come out to be peacemakers.

So don't worry too much, no one really dares to fight us.

It’s hard to say except Shanhai Jianzong. "

The two old men nodded, thinking about it.

After a while, a student came in from outside.

Wearing a blue and white hospital uniform, he has three-dimensional facial features.

Holding a folding fan, he is a scholar.

"Good morning, you three." He bowed respectfully.

"What's going on?" Jing Dajiang asked Yu.

"Junior sister Yan is possessed by a demon." The visitor said directly.

Hearing this, Jing Dajiang and the other three were a little surprised.

"So fast? Where did she get the opportunity?" the bearded old man asked Yu.

"It seems that he is gradually lost in anger, and then the fairy spirit appears." The visitor said.

"Immortal intention appears?" Jing Dajiang frowned slightly: "What is her choice?"

"Trying to become an immortal amidst inner demons."


"Actually, there is no possibility of success."

"You know better than me?"

The visitor lowered his head and said, "Don't dare," and then continued:

"Junior sister Yan did something that ordinary people can't do.

She enters her inner demons with a golden elixir, and this person will be the fuel for her success.

Although the junior sister simply wanted to protect her, she didn't know that her actions would build a high ladder for her to become an immortal.

This is also the great opportunity for that golden elixir. "

"She also leads people into inner demons? She is really big-hearted." Jing Dajiang laughed.

"He is a man named Dole, with average talent, good formation skills, some minor flaws in his character, and quite a bit of low self-esteem.

It's because he has something that others don't have.

The purer kindness.

The junior sister brought the astronomical scroll to protect him.

This is also an opportunity for Junior Sister. "The person who came here is gentle and elegant.

"Is the situation dangerous?"

"Danger, our people did not take action, this is the path they chose, and it is also a disaster they need to go through.

With external stimulation, you may be more successful.

It is also easier to lose. "

Jing Dajiang was silent for a moment and didn't say anything.

Then he began to ask about the pages of the sages.

"It seems to be in the west. According to the speculation of some seniors, Tianhuan may have come to build the foundation, which also attracted the pages of the sages."

"Haha, Mingyue Sect has Tian Yu to build its foundation, Haotian Sect has the appearance of saints, what does our Astronomical Academy have?"

The visitor bowed his head and said nothing.

Jing Dajiang didn't ask any more questions. He was retired and these had nothing to do with him.

The only thing he cared about was the senior. Unfortunately, apart from the previous book title, no other news came.

I don’t know when I will be able to meet him.

After the visitor left, the three of them ate for a while.

The more he ate, the more boring he became. Finally, Jing Dajiang stood up and asked, "Have you not been out for a long time?"

"What, you want to go out?" the old man with a beard asked Yu.

"Let's go out for a walk." Jing Dajiang stood up.

Wandering around, it’s so boring to stay here all day long.



Bizhu brought Auntie to Tianyin Sect again.

"Princess, I come here a lot recently." Auntie asked curiously.

"Bah, bah~" Bizhu said quickly: "Auntie, don't say such unlucky words.

This is our last visit. "

Auntie was a little confused: "Why is the princess afraid to come every time, and why does she have to come every time?"

"Because I'm in the south, I plan to go to the west after coming here.

Go there to see the world and build the foundation.

Just in case she is found. "Bizhu smiled.

"Princess, are you happy?"

"Damn it, it is a great good thing to leave the south. If we are used to living in the west, we will no longer go to the south."

"What if your two highnesses want to see the princess?"

"Let them come to the west, and my life span is about to end. In a hundred years or so, I will die. They don't have to worry about me outside."

If your lifespan is gone, you don’t have to worry.

Listening to these words, Auntie didn't know what to say for a while.

But it probably won’t really have no lifespan.

Princesses are not ordinary people.

Although I still haven't seen her take action, it is not simple no matter how I look at it.

As for whether he is the number one genius in the royal family, it remains to be verified.

I don't know why, but I still can't see the princess taking action, which makes her helpless.

After entering Tianyin Sect, Bizhu said to the guard:

"Bizhu, Xuantian Sect, came to pay homage to Duanqingya Jianghao.

Brother, please help me check the recommendation posts. "

This is a post given by Xuantianzong, allowing her to come as a guest.

In order to make things smooth, Bizhu also gave a few spiritual stones.

She doesn't have much else, she just has many spiritual stones.

A few bucks will make you happier as a guest, so there is no reason to be unhappy.

"Yes, Fairy, please come here." The monk who received the spirit stone was very polite.

Then she came to the reception area and asked someone to help Jiang Hao.

It's still the spiritual stone that opens the way.

Everyone is happy and polite.

If there is any problem, Bizhu will be alerted as soon as possible.

In the cliff of love.

Jiang Hao waited for more than half a month, and finally the ghost fairy came.

Once you hand something over to the other person, there's nothing else to worry about.

As for Dole, it all depends on luck.

This time I have offended too many people, and no matter how great Xianzi Zhang is, she is still just one person.

It may not be possible to keep Dole.

Not to mention Fairy Zhang, even the stars in the east are like this.

The large sect is so powerful that it cannot be protected by the entire Tianwen Academy or the Mingyue Sect.

This requires too much energy.

Even the number one chief of the Tianyin Sect cannot do this.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for Dole to live as steadily as before.

It is no longer easy to survive.

With a sigh, Jiang Hao stopped thinking about it.

This road is not easy for everyone.

After that, he came to the reception area. This was the second time he had a face-to-face transaction with the other party. I wonder if it will have any impact.

Fortunately not often.

"Long time no see, friend Jiang Yu." Bizhu smiled.

Jiang Hao said politely: "I have seen a fairy."

After the other party made it clear that he was here to get something, Jiang Hao handed the box containing ancient and modern books to the other party.

"You don't want to go to the west, right?" Bizhu suddenly asked you.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

"That's such a pity." Bizhu said with a smile on her face, but it was a pity that she didn't.

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