Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 803 Didn’t Junior Brother ask me to kill someone?

Jiang Hao looked at the senior sister in front of him, but he didn't expect that he could speak in such a tone at this time.

If such a person can survive for such a long time in the Tianyin Sect, he must be hiding away like him.

While he was still thinking, a breath suddenly appeared behind him.

Then a figure passed by him.

At this moment, the fairy sitting on the ground was still planning to get angry, but before she could say anything, a long sword passed through her neck.


In an instant, blood was scattered all over the ground.

The fairy in blue looked stunned, and finally felt her eyes rolling a few times.

I didn’t even know what happened before I died, and why things were so good ended up like this.

Jiang Hao stood there and looked at Senior Sister Li Min in front of him, quite surprised.

Why did the other party suddenly take action?

At this time, Li Min took the fairy's stored magic weapon and handed it to Jiang Hao.

Seeing that the other party did not take it immediately, he said:

"Junior brother, if you don't move, don't you want me to kill her directly and take away the stored magic weapon?"

Jiang Hao was silent for a moment.

This was something he had never thought about.

But he still reached out and took the storage magic weapon. After a brief inspection, he found that the other party had a lot of spiritual stones.

Up to more than 700.

It's not easy anymore.

In the promotion stage, gold 㫡 consumes a lot of spiritual stones.

After all, all medicines need to be purchased with spiritual stones, and the sect's distribution is too limited.

Not only that, the magic weapon is Feiling Stone.

Only when a certain bottleneck is reached will spiritual stones not be consumed too much.

Because I need to accumulate spiritual stones and buy better things.

Only in this way can a breakthrough be possible.

Finally, he handed the other things to Senior Sister Li Min. He only wanted the spirit stone.

The other party also accepted it unceremoniously, looking like he was looking at other people's things.

Maybe she was thinking that I would kill her and then her things would be mine. Jiang Hao thought to himself.

Without saying anything else, Jiang Hao continued mining.

No mineral veins have been dug, resulting in not a single bubble in the past two days.

It would be a hundred times more painful to come to the mine and not find the mine than to not let him come.

Li Min looked at Jiang Hao, who was still digging a hole, and frowned.

It seems that he doesn't know why the other party doesn't do anything to him.

Jiang Hao was digging, not in a hurry to do anything.

There was something strange about the branches just now. It shouldn't be as peaceful as I thought.

Five days passed in a row.

Jiang Hao still didn't dig the mine, and the stones here became stronger and stronger, and the spiritual energy was consumed more than expected.

I always feel like there is something extraordinary here.

"No wonder several sects joined forces and could only break a hole here."

㦳Several sects of the former Xuantian Sect joined forces to target the Tianyin Sect for the treasures from the mine.

They had gained a lot of benefits at that time, but the mine was still a mine, and it still had many secrets.

Those people took away at most the tip of the iceberg.

Not even a dime.

The closer Jiang Hao got, the more he felt that even if he became a feather, he couldn't shake it at all.

He understood again how terrible the mine was.

Jiang Hao was still thinking of ways to find minerals that day, when suddenly a man flew up from the waterfall.

"Come on, something happened." It was Haiyun.

The weakest of them all.

The early days of gold.

Jiang Hao came out of the mine and saw many injuries on his body.

Like a tree branch strangling it.

"What happened?" he said as he put away his pickaxe.

Haiyun was a little surprised when he saw this pickaxe.

This senior brother seems to have prepared something specially.

But he didn't think much and said quickly: "Senior brother and sister, something happened down there. I escaped because I was far away."

"What happened?" Jiang Hao asked.

As a team leader, he usually does everything within his capabilities.

No more can be done.

On the path of spiritual practice, everyone must be responsible for their own actions.

Danger will come at any time, and if you can't avoid it, you will have to fall down.

Everyone knows this, but not many people accept it calmly.

“Down below we encountered a large tree that seemed to penetrate the mountain, making it difficult to peek higher up.

So we started observing from a distance.

㰴 planned to bypass 䗙, but the tree suddenly started to attack us.

Now the senior brothers and sisters are trapped in the tree and cannot escape. "Hai Yun said.

"Does the tree have fruit?" Jiang Hao asked.

Haiyun shook his head: "No."

Jiang Hao looked at the other party and nodded slightly.


[Hai Yun: A disciple of the Tianyin Sect’s Ice Moon Valley inner sect, with excellent talent and early-stage cultivation of Jin. He keeps his thoughts introspective, knowing that you are quite capable, and wants to lure you down to participate in it and open the way. Four people are enough to attract most of the attacks, so that he can take advantage of the magic weapon to pick the fruits from the tree. 】

Looking at the feedback from the supernatural power, Jiang Hao was not surprised.

Such results are identified from time to time.

Many demon sects are like this, and there is nothing to worry about.

Even the Immortal Sect should have a lot of them.

But whether we can save those two people or not, we have to wait and see.

Because there are really no mines, there is nothing to gain from staying here.

Maybe there are veins of minerals underneath.

"Let's go and take a look." Jiang Hao stepped forward.

Li Min glanced at Haiyun, hesitated for a moment and followed him.

Haiyun said gratefully: "Thank you, senior brother and sister."

Then they went all the way down, Jiang Hao was alert to the surroundings and observed the river water.

But the further down I feel, the more strange the river becomes, as if it is gradually coming to life and becoming deeper.

After a while, when he landed on the ground, he found that the river water had turned into black water.

Looking up, I saw that the waterfall was Black Water Falls.

"We also discovered water problems when we first came down, but there was nothing more than color changes." Haiyun explained.

Jiang Hao looked at it for a while and didn't say anything more.

Although it looks like it, it shouldn't be the endless black sea of ​​the corpse world.

"Right ahead." Haiyun led the way.

A few moments.

Black water began to collect, like a lake.

Opposite the lake, there is a big tree in the sky. The tree reaches the mountain and has no height.

䀴Under the tree, there is a forest.

"Senior brother and sister are in the woods." Haiyun said.

Jiang Hao came to the woods and frowned for a moment.


This forest is actually full of curses.

When he raised his head again, the sky was locked.

This towering tree has become different, as if an endless curse has taken root and grown here.

You can't climb a tree, at least you can't climb a tree in your current state. This is the answer you get instantly.

"Where are they?" Jiang Hao asked.

Haiyun leads the way.

Walk all the way inside.

Jiang Hao followed Jin Hao and saw the fight as expected.

At this time, Liu Xin and Wei Zhixiang's feet were restrained, and they could only resist attacks from tree branches.

Not only that, they also have a cursed aura on them, and their flesh, flesh, and cultivation are loosening.

The two of them felt everything deeply, and they knew that they were greedy.

You shouldn't come in just for the fruit.

Now I can only die here.

At this time they heard the sound and saw Jiang Hao and Li Min coming this way.

Haiyun was at the back, and he stopped walking.

"You can't get close to this area." Wei Zhixiang immediately shouted: "Once you get close, you will be restrained. There is a strange aura covering it."

Hearing this, Li Min stopped subconsciously, but Jiang Hao still moved forward: "Waiting here to pick someone up."

Li Min was a little surprised for a moment.

Not sure why.

Wei Zhixiang was a little anxious. Even if Qin Ni died, he wouldn't be able to save them.

If they don't come in, they can still be saved.

However, it was too late, and Jiang Hao entered the weakened range.

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