Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 805 The Hidden Grandpa

"The princess is not happy?"

Aunt Qiao frowned when she saw Bizhu holding the prize.

"Aunt Qiao, my luck has suddenly changed." Bizhu said, looking at the prize in her hand.

"Isn't this a stupid thing?" Aunt Qiao was puzzled.

"It's not a big deal, this sudden luck made me think of a word." Bizhu looked at the people close to him and said:

"Call back the light."

Aunt Qiao felt that the princess thought too much.

"I'm serious," Bizhu said.

"Isn't the princess the number one genius in the royal family? How could something go wrong when she is only over 300 years old?" Aunt Qiao said.

"I have just grown up." Bizhu corrected, and then she tried her luck again, as usual:

"I shouldn't have such bad luck. This is totally against me."

"Princess has seen saints and sages become immortals. She is also the number one genius in the royal family. She is also one of the richest people in the south. She also promoted the birth of the Earth Emperor. Isn't it right for such a person to have good luck?" Aunt Qiao asked .

Hearing this, Bizhu began to doubt herself. She thought for a moment and said:

"That's right. I also contributed to building the foundation of Heavenly Dao. I also contributed to the sealing of the Tianji Bead of Misfortune and the Heavenly Silence Bead. For a person like me, it is natural that I have little luck."

But no matter how she thought about it, she still felt dangerous.

This kind of luck is not normal.

"No, I have to retreat and find out the cause." Bizhu said.

Then I thought about it, I still had to rush to report the news.

If you delay, you will die.

For a moment, Bizhu felt that it was so difficult for her. There was nothing wrong with staying in the south. She had to come to the west.

In the end, she decided to go to Tianwen Academy first.

Solve the external problems first, and then solve your own problems.

I'm just on my way, I don't have to do much.


Jiang Hao felt the wall, not sure if there was a mine on the other side.

If so, it will make your cultivation level improve very quickly.

If not, then handle it with caution.

Prevent problems from arising.

In short, the closer you get, the more clearly you need to feel it.

Once the various forces are involved, stop.

This time Jiang Hao was the only one left to mine.

Others were out exploring other situations in the mine.

As for the tree, no one dared to approach it.

Three days later, Jiang Hao walked out of the mine and was almost digging to that place.

Now we need to recover and cope with various situations.

The tree can still be seen here.

"A tree full of curses." Jiang Hao was quite concerned.

He actually wanted to get closer to examine it, and if possible, he wanted to rub it.

If it were a real plant, if you water it and take care of it, you should be able to get something out of it.

But don't rush through it now, let's take a look at what's here first.

If it is a mine, then there is no need to take care of the cursed tree.

Mining with peace of mind is better than anything else.

It takes eleven days for Tianxiang Daosong to produce blue bubbles.

This cursed tree may not be as good as Tianxiang Daosun.

Not to mention that the tree has matured, while Tianxiang Daoyun is still growing.

After resting, Jiang Hao entered the mine again and started swinging the pickaxe.

Three days later.

Jiang Hao stood in front of a wall, and with a slight push, he could see what was behind it.

There is no special power around, so breaking this wall should have no impact.

The Immortality of Mountains and Seas was taken out, and Yin-Yang bracelets were also placed around it.

In this way, Jiang Hao used half a moon to push the wall gently, and the stones fell little by little.

A faint light spread from inside.

When the light dissipated, the destination was a cave. There was a spring in the center of the cave, and a piece of wood was rooted in the water.

Jiang Hao felt surprised that there was only a piece of wood in the center of the situation.

After putting away the bracelet, he gradually approached.

There is something strange about this piece of wood, with the aura of life surrounding it.


He didn't dare to hesitate and activated his magical power immediately.

[Chang㳓mu: The broken branches of the Chang㳓 tree have the effect of nourishing the soul. There is a remnant soul hidden in it, which can be gradually restored by borrowing the general trend of the mountain. 】

Jiang Hao was quite surprised and found what Liu Xingchen was looking for.

Sure enough, there are many opportunities in the mine.

For others, this long tree and the remaining souls within it are treasures on the road to growth.

The same goes for Jiang Hao.

This long wood is a kind of magic weapon. Maybe you can try to wipe it.

As for the remnant soul inside, regardless of whether he is sleeping or not, Jiang Hao has no intention of contacting him.

Just finish wiping and leave.

Don't bother him either.

Then take a look at the Cursed Tree.

Arriving at the spring, Jiang Hao flew to the edge of the long tree.

He is over two meters tall and about as thick as an arm.

There is indeed dust when touched lightly.

He took out the rag for wiping the Heavenly Sword, and then wiped it gently.

Sure enough, a bubble fell.

[Spirit Sword +1]

There will be green bubbles in one click, and there should be quite a harvest later.

As the rag wipes, bubbles fall out one by one.

【Strength +1】

[Spirit +1]

[Cultivation +1]

[Qi and blood +1]

The long wood was only a little tall, and it didn't take long for Jiang Hao to finish wiping it.

Finally get eleven blue bubbles.

It’s comparable to three or four months outside.

With a sigh, he turned away.

I planned to come to mine.

Who knew I could wipe treasure.

It’s true that the willows that are deliberately planted will not bloom, but the willows that are unintentionally planted will be shaded.

After packing his things, Jiang Hao walked out of the cave.

In the long wood, Canhun, who was planning to greet this person, looked surprised.

The other party just left like this?

He didn't do anything, no, he should have come in specifically to wipe Nagamu.

It can’t be that you don’t know what this piece of wood is, right?

After hesitating for a long time, he decided to call this person.

If you meet a rare person, you may be able to develop more.

The other party looks unusual.

Especially that shield.

"Young man, please wait a moment."

Jiang Hao had already reached the entrance of the cave.

As if he didn't hear the sound, he waved his hand and sealed the entrance of the cave.

Take a step away.

Remnant Soul: "???"

Called down?

He doubted himself for a moment.

Jiang Hao walked out of the cave, glanced at the peaceful mine, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

The remnant soul is awake, and it’s unknown how long it took to recover.

The strength is hard to say, but there must be a lot of trouble.

I don't need such an opportunity, and taking it away will only add trouble.

It's better to leave it here.

Then he looked at the cursed tree and decided to identify the tree.

If this isn't a real tree, why bother mining?

Just wipe the tree clean.

He was very fast and reached the edge of the woods in just a short time.

At this time, you can hear the sound of water flowing. The black water is at the edge of the woods, and some of it has even flowed into it.

The water was strange and always reminded him of the endless black sea.

After making sure that no one was around, Jiang Hao took out the Tianji Bead of Bad Luck and walked in.

Not to mention the attack from branches this time, everything in the forest seemed to be retreating, fearing that it would not be able to escape.

Any curse can only bow its head in front of the Tianji Bead of Misfortune.

other side.

Shangguan Qingsu suddenly felt something in his heart when he came to the south, and the curse on his forehead began to flash.

This frightened her.

Attacked early?

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