Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 807 The female devil: You don’t want to do things for me anymore?

September spring.

The most expensive tea in Jiang Hao's mind.

One drink costs 20,000 spirit stones, which is prohibitive.

But if you want to ask some seniors for help, using this tea reception is the easiest way to succeed.

Tea is not that difficult to buy. If you don’t have it here, you can always find it somewhere else.

The problem is that it's expensive.

Twenty thousand spiritual stones.

For a golden elixir, it is better to buy a magic weapon.

Tea can bring temporary relief, but the magic weapon can be used for a long time.

And improve your combat power even more.

Who would be willing to spend 20,000 spiritual stones to drink tea?

After pouring the tea, Jiang Hao sat down.

"What does it feel like to learn to lock the sky?" Hong Yuye suddenly asked.

"I feel like I can see some people's talents, even their talents." Jiang Hao said truthfully.

It's incredible how powerful Suotian is.

However, Suotian cannot be used casually, as it will have a great impact on oneself.

If it weren't for the Hongmeng Heart Sutra, if he used it twice, there might be irreversible problems.

"What did you give her?" Hong Yuye looked into the distance.

At this time, Li Min was still lying on the ground, and no one helped her to get up.

"Charming body." Jiang Hao said.

Hearing this, Hong Yuye looked at Jiang Hao and said jokingly:

"Then your charm skills have been in vain?"

Jiang Hao was stunned, remembering the scene when he was caught reading a book on enchantment.

He lowered his head and drank tea without speaking.

He had forgotten about this matter, but he didn't expect Hong Yuye to still remember it.

As his cultivation level improved, he had not read any books on enchantment for a long time.

Of course, the appearance of Hong Yuye did give him some psychological shadow.

As a result, I dare not take it out to read.

When Tuo Qi was in trouble, he could only read the unknown secret book.

Hong Yuye didn't ask any more questions, but looked into the distance with some disgust: "Why do you always like to run to unlucky places?"

Jiang Hao didn't know how to answer for a while.

I don’t want to come, but sometimes I just don’t want to come.

His original intention was to come here for the mineral vein, but now he has found the mineral vein but cannot mine.

It's quite a pity.

"Senior, do you know the origin of that tree?" Jiang Hao asked.

Hong Yuye was silent for a moment and said: "According to legend, the Eternal Life Tree supports a clan, called the Eternal Life Clan. Later, the Eternal Life Tree was integrated into the curse, and the clan also changed accordingly."

Immortal clan? Jiang Hao had never heard of it.

"Besides immortality, is there anything special about this clan?"

Hong Yuye thought for a moment and said: "It has a huge life breath."

Jiang Hao was a little confused, what is this?

Don't live forever?

Jiang Hao asked again, but got no answer.

I can only continue drinking tea.

With the entrance of Yue Yue Chun, he felt much more comfortable, and the influence of Suo Tian was gradually dissipating.

It's just that this time it costs 20,000 spirit stones, which is a bit expensive.

His condition can slowly recover, and the growth of dead wood can heal most of his injuries.

Then he told the gathering that the pages of the sages might be in the west.

Mi Lingyue and Mu Longyu also talked about things smoothly.

"The pages of the sages' books are in the west?" Hong Yuye thought for a moment and said, "Are you sure where they are?"

Jiang Hao shook his head.

Hong Yuye asked him to continue paying attention, and he was probably also interested in the pages.

Also, as long as you are a strong person, there is nothing you need to pay attention to in the Qi era.

Once obtained, it may be possible to characterize the era as another era.

There is nothing wrong with having the power of prophecy.

Everyone wants the initiative.

"Senior, do you want to go to the west?" Jiang Hao said seriously: "Junior will definitely take care of the Tianxiang Daohua, senior, please rest assured."

Hong Yuye picked up the tea cup, raised her eyebrows slightly, and said coldly in her words: "You mean, you don't want to do things for me anymore?"

"I am willing to devote my whole life to my predecessors, through fire and water." Jiang Hao bowed his head and said respectfully.

"Who wants the West?"

"I am a junior."

Hong Yuye drank tea and said nothing.

After waiting for a moment, he said:

"Mu Longyu and Mi Lingyue are husband and wife?"

"Yes, they seem to want to escape from the control of the Daqian Shenzong." Jiang Haoqi replied.

"The love between husband and wife? Hasn't it been discovered by the Great Thousand Divine Sect?"

"The love between husband and wife should be true. As for whether Daqian Shenzong has discovered it, I don't know."

Hong Yuye smiled and said:

"The Daqian Spiritual Law is not simple. Maybe it won't take long before the secrets they hide will be dug out."

Jiang Hao was a little surprised: "Mu Longyu is the King of Heaven after all. With his location in the sea, can the Daqian Shenzong do anything to him?"

You must know that in the sea area, dealing with one heavenly king is equivalent to dealing with ten heavenly kings.

How difficult it is.

Even though Daqian Shenzong is very good, it is not obvious.

Hong Yuye glanced at him, and that look made people feel a little weird.

Jiang Hao could only change the topic.

"Senior, what do you think will appear deep in this cave?"

"You'll know when you get down and take a look."

Xia? This is by no means something he can touch at will, but there is a high probability that there is a treasure.

Whether it is a cursed tree or a remnant soul, it shows that this place is not simple.

Not to mention Blackwater.

Confused, he asked about the source of the black water.

Hongyuye didn’t answer.

Jiang Hao couldn't say anything.

He could only continue to drink tea. As the amount of tea decreased, Jiang Hao felt that his body was gradually recovering.

The whole person seemed to be in a strange state.

Meditation and emptiness.

When he recovered, he found that Hong Yuye was no longer around.

He sat cross-legged and was almost back to his peak.

Senior Sister Li Min had already gotten up. She was seriously injured and leaning there.

Know that you are saved.

Soon others arrived.

Seeing that both of them seemed to be in a bad state, I was a little stunned for a moment.

They were worried that it wasn't the monster that was attacking, but the two of them.

Now comes the critical moment.

They bumped into each other, obviously unhappy.

Jiang Hao saw that they looked wrong and knew that they might be overthinking it, so he spoke out and told the whole story.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Hao's strength is not weak. If he really wants to take action, he always feels that it is dangerous.

The people gathered together again and explained the surrounding situation.

The mine seems to be surprisingly large, and there are many monsters in some places.

They marked all of these.

About two months passed.

Early March.

Jiang Hao stopped mining.

He dug here for two months and found that the progress was much slower than before.

About one bubble every three days and ten blue bubbles every two months.

In about three months, more than thirty blue bubbles were obtained.

That day they had enough harvest and left the mine.

There were no twists and turns this time.

Outside the cave entrance, Jiang Hao saw the senior brother who was hiding his cultivation level.

Of the ten people who entered before, he was the only one who came out alive.

Wei Zhixiang and others were shocked.

There are so many fewer people here, but they are still here.

In comparison, it's a bit weird.

After handing in the mission at the Law Enforcement Peak, everyone went their separate ways.

Li Min sighed inwardly, it was her first time contacting Jiang Hao.

I find that the other person is definitely not something I can handle.

I can only let go of the resentment in my heart.

When passing by the lake, she looked at herself in the lake. She thought she was still bloated, but when she saw clearly, she found something strange.

My face shape is not quite right, just like my own face before I was sixteen years old.

After looking at his figure, he was even more shocked.

She is so graceful and graceful that even a woman would be surprised to see her.

Is this her?

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