Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 819 I laugh for three lifetimes and am invincible in the world [Thanks to the leader of Xiao

The hidden spirit reappears.

Jiang Hao felt unprecedented strength.

He took one step forward and waved the heavenly sword in his hand.

The moonlight slanted down.

The first move of the Heavenly Sword is to cut the moon.

Jiang Hao's figure flashed past like a ray of moonlight.

The Holy Lord sneered, his long hair moved with the wind, and a square halberd condensed in his hand.

He waved the Square Heavenly Halberd, and the mountains and rivers shook.

Jiang Hao even felt like he was about to be broken open by the sun, moon, and pot.

But there was no retreat.


The swords and halberds clashed together, and the light flickered.

Their figures moved quickly in the air, the light of their swords flashed across the area, and their halberds shook the ground to pieces.

Cracks appeared in the sun and moon pot sky, but they quickly recovered.

Golden light shines in all directions, and Jiang Hao's heavenly sword sweeps across.

There was a bang.

The two of them retreated in the air.

Jiang Hao took eight steps back, and the Holy Master took twelve steps back.

Only the clothes in front of Jiang Hao were torn.

Fang Tianji slashed through there, but was blocked by the magical Vajra Indestructible.

Feeling defeated, Jiang Hao couldn't help but smile as he touched his clothes.

At this time, the pressure of the divine soul came to suppress him, and he held the heavenly sword to fight against it.

"No wonder you are so arrogant. It turns out that you have enough capital and your cultivation level can actually display such combat power. It is simply unbelievable.

Unfortunately, it appeared too early and appeared before my eyes.

what a pity. "

The Holy Lord burst out with endless power of soul to completely crush and kill Jiang Hao.

The soul is suppressed like a mountain, and like endless sand hindering the pace, consuming the power of the opponent's soul.

"You have been tired enough along the way, there is no need to go any further.

Stay here, I'll save a place for you. "The Holy Lord said.

For a moment, Jiang Hao felt that the other person's words were the sound of nature, with gentleness surrounding him.

I just want him to rest with these words. He was tired before, but now he can have a good rest. He will take care of everything.

There is a mark in Jiang Hao's eyebrows, like a third eye.

His magical power and divine power help him resist the influence of all divine souls.

Jiang Hao held the Heavenly Sword in his hand and walked forward step by step, his eyes bursting with light.

He crossed the desert of his mind and faced the endless mountains:

“Traveling through mountains and rivers, never change and move forward.”

The heavenly sword waved, cutting through the obstacles, and carrying the pressure, he stepped to the Shenhun Mountain: "The mountain is high and the road is far, but the scenery is infinite."

At this time, he was looking down at the Holy Lord, and waved the heavenly sword in his hand again.

The second form of the Heavenly Sword is to suppress the mountain.

Use the power of the heavenly sword to kill the soul of a god.

The light of the sword touched the halberd, and the aftermath swept across the surrounding area.

The Holy Master's brows turned cold, his hair began to change, and his body shape gradually became distorted.

For a moment he seemed to assume the form of a woman.

At this moment, the cold power burst out from deep within the core.

The soul storm surged and swept through the surrounding area.



Sun Moon Hu Tian was directly blasted away, Jiang Hao was even repelled by the Soul Storm, and hit the Yin Yang Bracelet.

This terrifying blow caused him serious injuries.

Jian hasn't been so hurt in a long time.

But I don't know why, there is no fear, no worry.

The knife in his hand was held tighter, and the fighting spirit in his heart was burning.

At this time, the Holy Lord stood in the sky, looking like a beautiful woman, looking at Jiang Hao with lowered eyebrows.

The soul storm began to wreak havoc in the surrounding area.

It won't take long before everything around it will be destroyed.

"Forcing me like this, you must die." The Holy Master's voice was cold and had a feminine tone.

Jiang Hao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Gao Tian, ​​and said with a smile:

"You alone can kill me Xiao Sansheng?"

"Tough talk." The storm surged.

The cold soul crushes the surroundings.

Jiang Hao did not retreat but advanced, and his energy and spirit improved accordingly.

Purple energy appeared around him, and all his power was mobilized.

He rose into the sky and rushed towards the divine soul storm.

"Looking for death, you actually dare to face my soul storm." The Holy Lord said coldly.

Xiao Sansheng laughed loudly, as if he was crazy, with no fear in his eyes: "Even if a strong wind rises from the ground, I will ride on the wind to travel thousands of miles, and asked in the fifth form of the Heavenly Sword."

The soul is integrated, the state of mind is blessed, and the heavenly sword resonates.

In an instant, a bright long knife slashed towards the storm.

Fight against the spirit.

The Holy Lord, who felt the sword, laughed:

"You actually killed me with your soul, state of mind, and Taoist heart? You are so arrogant that it is unbelievable.

Seeking death. "

Jiang Hao had madness in his eyes and a wanton smile on his lips:

"You are no more than the afterglow of the setting sun, and I am just like the rising sun. My way and my heart have no upper limit and will never end.

I don't believe I can't kill you. "

At this moment the knife collided with the storm.

The invisible force crushes everything. If either side of the sword or the storm retreats, they will be doomed.

Countless phantoms appeared in Jiang Hao's mind, and no one could shake his mind.

The future is promising, and he firmly believes that he can reach endless peaks.

His sword became more powerful, but the storm became more powerful and began to bombard his soul.

The Nine Heavens Armor loomed, blocking the storm.

The immortal shield of mountains and seas protects the surrounding area.

The supernatural power intimidates all directions.

Surrounded by purple energy, it is endless.

Dead trees meet spring, nourishing all things.

Feeling everything, Jiang Hao grasped the Heavenly Sword tightly and took a step forward. The Heavenly Sword vibrated, and resonated with Jiang Hao like never before.

In the meaning of Taichu, Hongmeng aura bloomed, and countless imprints of mountains and seas around it gathered together and merged into the heavenly sword.

All things are compatible, the soul is cut off, the state of mind, and the heart of the Tao.

"How could I, Xiao Sansheng, be defeated?"

Such arrogance shocked the Holy Lord.

What happened to this person?

Why are you so confident?

And why does it have such a terrifying aura?


One slash.

The color of heaven and earth changes.

It seemed as if the heaven and earth were split open.

After the storm dissipated, the Holy Lord's thoughts remained unwilling.

If the main body's mind is here, the other party will definitely die.

At this time, the storm collapsed, and the Holy Lord's soul was cut into two pieces.

Jiang Hao stood in the air, his body became weak and his sword power wasted away.

At this time, he looked down and said softly:

"On the top of the mountains, you can see the rushing river, and above the mountains, you can feel the mighty wind."

He slowly landed in front of Murong Yulei and the others, with a smile on his face: "Xiao is quite trustworthy, right? It's nothing special for you to see the Holy Lord with your own eyes.

As long as you have a knife, you can kill him. "

Murong Yulei looked at Xiao Sansheng in fear and anger, but could not speak.

Xiao Sansheng, who killed the Holy Lord, was still in that strange state, with an unparalleled heaviness.

Everyone was speechless.

"Looking at your expressions, I know you appreciate what I said." Xiao Sansheng said with a smile.

Then the knife rose and fell.

Everyone was killed by him with a single blow.

He was extremely weak like this, but he still had the power to strike.

Just waiting for the one in the secret to come out and attack.

Unfortunately, he never showed up, leaving him no chance to counterattack.

If this goes on, I won't be able to bear it anymore.

We can only take the initiative and escape from here.

On the other side, the man in black robe hiding in the dark noticed Xiao Sansheng's weakness.

He wanted to make a sneak attack.

But he still couldn't move.

Because at some point, a red figure appeared beside him.

"Don't you find it strange? Is he pretending, or is he really like this?" A clear voice sounded.


Thanks to the leader of the book friend [Xiaoyu Biu].

I can't add any updates now, I'm very sorry.

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