Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 844 The golden elixir that makes newborn calves not afraid of tigers

Mid July.

Jiang Hao walked all the way to Qianquan River.

After a few days, I finally saw the outline of the river.

From a distance, there are mountains here and there are rivers flowing from top to bottom.

Each layer has several springs.

Many springs are connected together, and finally converge into a river, flowing in the distance.

This is Qianquan River.

Upon closer inspection, Jiang Hao discovered that every spring actually had spring water gushing from the bottom up.

It's like Tianba Hot Spring.

"It's a pity that there is no inn here." Jiang Hao said with emotion.

At this time, Hong Yuye glanced at him, seeming to be thinking about the possibility.

Jiang Hao said no more, but looked ahead, trying to find clues about the pages of the sages' book.

No matter how he looked, there were no relevant clues.

I don’t know if this clue is true or false.

The road leading to the springs is not rugged. There are stone steps leading to each spring. Someone built the road here.

Jiang Hao and Hong Yuye walked together to the highest point.

Usually there are good things in the center, so there is nothing wrong with taking a look.

"Friends." Someone suddenly shouted from the side.

Jiang Hao turned his head and saw a young man sitting under a tree on the roadside.

Cultivation of God.

It looks quite familiar.

"Senior, do you care about me?" Jiang Hao said with a hint of respect.

"Senior?" The man smiled and said:

"My generation is not high, so my cultivation level is higher than yours. I would like to advise you not to go down the path.

This road is full of curses. It's okay now, but it's hard to say if I will take the road. "

"Curse?" Jiang Hao looked at it. It was just a faint breath of curse and could not get close to them, so there was nothing to worry about.

"Yes." He Du nodded:

"This road is cursed by Granny with Withered Hair. If you get on it, you may suffer disaster.

It is said that she is waiting for an enemy. "

"Grandma with withered hair?" Jiang Hao was slightly surprised.

The curse disappeared these days, and he thought Granny withered hair had given up.

I didn’t expect to be waiting for him here.

But the other party is fine, Ju Yi will know that he is coming here.

I don’t know if you guessed it or something else.

"Yes, do you know about your withered-haired mother-in-law?" He Du asked you.

A golden elixir and foundation building, you may not necessarily know this kind of character.

Jiang Hao nodded slightly: "I've heard it once or twice, senior, who do you think she is?"

"A man who possesses a special magic weapon of his own and is unscrupulous.

It is said that some bosses tried to kill her, but she escaped every time, and then she would start to take revenge.

Specially select some disciples with good potential to take revenge.

Hard to guard against.

The most serious one was when a strong man chased her for a hundred years, but he still didn't kill her in the end.

You couldn't stop, and the other party would retaliate once you stopped. Finally, a senior came forward and put an end to this matter. "Why talk about Yu alone?"

"What magic weapon makes her so unscrupulous?" Jiang Hao was a little curious.

"It's something related to curses and life-saving." He Du thought for a moment: "According to the guesses of some of my seniors, it may be related to the Changsheng clan.

He didn't say much in detail.

The withered-haired mother-in-law is indeed difficult to deal with. It is said that she is very likely to be involved in some kind of existence, so no one who can kill her is willing to do it.

That's why she was so unscrupulous.

Of course, she didn't dare to offend him even if he shouldn't be offended.

In recent years, my wife has gained a grandson and has become more restrained.

Unfortunately, her grandson was killed some time ago, and now she is going crazy.

Do everything.

Youyou better not offend her. "

"If it's so scary, why do you still stay here, senior?" Jiang Hao asked Yu.

"Because she still gives my teacher face. This was the case in the past, but now I don't know. After all, a crazy person will not care about the background of the person in front of him." He Du explained.

"Senior, do you think her grandson should die?" Jiang Hao asked Yu after thinking for a moment.

"I've never seen it, but from some rumors, it can be concluded that her grandson is even more unscrupulous than she was when he was young. It would be a good thing to die and take care of himself." He Du was thinking about Bian Yu.

"Then this withered-haired granny is really a headache." Jiang Hao sighed with emotion. Everyone thought that the withered-haired granny and her grandson deserved to die, but no one took action.

It's a matter of the withered-haired granny's success in cultivation. Others are worried about her going crazy.

It is better to keep a respectful distance and not interfere with each other.

It can be seen how difficult the other party is.

"Senior, are you from the Astronomical Academy?" Jiang Hao suddenly asked.

He had just been wondering where he had seen this person.

Now I just remembered that I met this person when I was in Mingyue Sect.

It seems that I have also seen myself using Heguang Tongchen.

"Youyou have such sharp eyes?" He Du was quite surprised.

Jiang Hao didn't say much else, but walked up the mountain.

This move surprised He Du. He should have said that he understood very well.

Just as he opened his mouth, he suddenly swallowed what he was going to say and chose to follow him instead.

Jiang Hao and Hong Yuye walked on the stone steps, observing the surroundings, taking their time, as if strolling in a garden.

As for the hidden curse, you can't get close at all.

Even if Jiang Hao doesn't use the Tianji Doom Bead, he can fight against these things at will.

Originally, no one was walking on the road, but suddenly someone was walking on it, which surprised many people around.

They gathered around for a while.

Just seeing the two people's cultivation, everyone sighed again.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

Just two ignorant people.

I thought someone strong was coming.

It was just that He Du followed behind, which surprised them.

Some people think it is to protect these two people.

"Jin Dan, he doesn't really think he's getting a lot, does he?"

There were some branches on the roadside, and many people were talking about them.

As soon as you step into Jindan, everyone will have the feeling that the future is at your feet.

But as time passed, they discovered that the golden elixir was nothing but a beginning.

Jiang Hao didn't pay attention to the people around him, but continued to observe the spring water all the way to the highest point.

At this time, he hadn't noticed the special aura yet, but he felt that the curse was starting to pile up on him and put pressure on him.

This time it was not as scattered as before, but like a giant pressing down on them.

In addition to Jiang Hao, people around him also felt that the power of the curse was coming like a huge wave, pervasive.

"Friend Yu, the curse is coming." He Du reminded Yu.

Jiang Hao didn't pay attention to the curse, but whispered: "Don't you dare to come out, Granny with Withered Hair?"

Although we know where the other party is, we can't identify it without seeing it.

It is still necessary to find out the details of the other party and solve the problem once and for all.

Since the other party is determined to be difficult to deal with, let's settle it once and for all.

He Du was surprised, but he also felt that it made sense, that the other party was here to target the withered-haired mother-in-law.

The onlookers were also surprised.

Is this person provoking the withered-haired mother-in-law?

I originally thought that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but now it seems that the opponent relies on his own ability, so he has to confront the opponent head-on.

At this time, the power of the curse struck, but the person behind it didn't show the slightest thought.

Probably waiting and watching.

Test his strength.

Reluctantly, Jiang Hao took out the golden wheel.

For a moment, he felt the power of the curse erupting like a strong wind and huge waves, and then a figure appeared from the void.

This is a concealment method.

"It's you, it's you who killed my grandson." The withered-haired mother-in-law's eyes were full of hatred:

"Executioner, my grandson is obedient and obedient. He is not willing to hurt an ant, so he will die like this under the knife of you, the executioner."

Jiang Hao looked at the other party with a calm expression.

Identify first.

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