Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 849 No one can repair the chain more smoothly than me

On a flat ground.

The sky is full of buildings on the road, heading all the way to the front.

He looked around, as if he was looking for something, and seemed to be experiencing something.

At this time, he took out a spiritual stone, took a bite of it, and swallowed it.

At this time, there was a roar in the sky.

Looking up, I saw a white light roaring high in the sky.

After seeing it clearly, it was a white jade pendant.

Lou Mantian watched the jade pendant fly into the sky, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Then continue to move forward.

other side.

Mountain God Village.

After Bizhu and Chu Jie went down the mountain, they ate the dinner prepared by the villagers.

Looking at these villagers, Bizhu suddenly discovered a problem.

I never seemed to care whether these people were good or evil.

Because whether it is good or evil, it has nothing to do with her.

I passed by here and just wanted to stay overnight.

Good or evil, she neither sees nor cares.

And the most direct reason is that no matter whether they are good or evil, they can't hurt her.

This is the inner change.

So what is left behind helps good people or encourages evil people.

Never a problem.

"It's my fault. It seems that I'm not suitable for the Four Elements."

Bizhu smiled and shook his head, not taking this matter to heart.

At night, she and Chu Jie sat in the yard, looking at the stars in the sky, enjoying the peace now.

"Did your chain repair go well?" Bizhu suddenly asked.

"There should be no one in this world who is more successful than me." Chu Jie said with a smile:

“But I think whatever people gain, they lose.

I can more or less understand what I need to lose.

But this is also my choice. "

"Isn't it too abrupt? You are still so young." Bizhu sighed with emotion.

"How old is Sister Bizhu?"

"I was just eighteen last year."

"Huh? I'm in my twenties."

Aunt Qiao next to her looked confused.

It's not because the father-in-law is eighteen years old, but because Chu Jie is in her twenties.

The other person doesn't look like he's lying.

So 20-year-old God?

There is no such person in this world.

At this time, a bright light suddenly flashed in the sky.

The three of them looked into the distance and saw two rays of light whizzing past.

"What is this?" Bizhu asked in surprise.

Light comes and goes very quickly.

Bizhu wanted to sigh, but the light that flew past flew back again.

Come straight towards them.

But between breaths, a piece of pure white jade pendant fell in front of Chu Jie.

There is another piece that circles Bizhu twice, as if he is not sure whether it is this person.

Bizhu frowned slightly, not wanting this jade pendant for a moment.

There are things that Tiandao Foundation Establishment has that she doesn’t have under normal circumstances.

If so, it's definitely not a good thing.

Good things don't come to her.

Suddenly, the white jade pendant paused, and then landed in front of Bizhu.

It seems that it has been confirmed.

"What is this?" Chu Jie looked curious.

Bizhu thought of something, which Liu Ying had said before.

The foundation of heaven is in the vortex of luck, and she is also there.


Qianquan River.

Jiang Hao looked at the three of them and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Gu Tian's name cannot be spoken, otherwise it will cause intellectual changes.

"My ancient Taoist friend has obtained the jade pendant of luck. It seems that he is in danger of disaster this time." Jing Dajiang said seriously:

“This kind of thing doesn’t usually happen, but every time it does, it means something big has happened.

Maybe it has something to do with the sage pages. "

"Can you guide me to find the pages of the sage's book?" Jiang Hao asked curiously.

He couldn't figure out why these three people couldn't catch what he could catch.

"Maybe. We haven't gotten it before, so we don't know." Jing Dajiang replied.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Hao finally asked the question in his mind: "Can't the three seniors catch it?"

"Yes." Jing Dajiang said while thinking:

“Every major event will drive the entire western region, which is the so-called whirlpool of luck.

Only those who are deep in the center of the vortex can catch this thing. "

Hearing this, Jiang Hao understood a little. It seemed that there were four people in the whirlpool, and it was very difficult to get out.

Nodding slightly and thanking him, he said nothing more.

Now we can only take one step at a time.

It's basically impossible to go back, so just do it as normal.

As long as you try not to encounter corpses, there shouldn't be any big problems.

After finishing the work and leaving the west, the other party wanted to come over, but it didn't happen overnight.

Moreover, corpses can be active in the west, but not necessarily in the south.

"What are your future plans, fellow Taoist Gu?" Jing Dajiang asked.

"I want to go to Shanshui Valley." Jiang Hao said truthfully.

Jing Dajiang was overjoyed: "It seems that we are all students who are interested in the academy, and the three of us also plan to go there.

Then let’s go together. "

Jiang Hao always felt that the other party kept claiming that he was from the academy.

Because Gu Yutian was from the academy, he didn't stop him.

Afterwards, he left with Hongyuye Yujian.

Jing Dajiang and the others followed.

The people below were very surprised.

Suddenly, word spread that the ancient senior of the academy had killed the withered-haired old woman, and people who were so unwilling to believe it finally believed it.

Some people who felt that they had lost all face felt that their face had become much greater.

Granny withered hair was not killed by an unknown person, but by a senior of the academy.

This shows that it is nothing if they did not kill a large number of them.

After all, Immortal Sect needs to take action.

Originally, there was only one Immortal Sect in the west, and it was natural to suppress everyone.

Everyone is happy.

Three days later.

Late July.

Outside the mountains and rivers valley.

The astronomical scrolls surround the black ball, with a depraved aura emanating from it.

It’s been a few months.

Many people felt that the people inside were going to die.

Because the dead air keeps coming out.

Not only that, depravity and darkness almost occupied the whole place.

Even if there are astronomical books, there are no works.

Not only that, there were people attacking from time to time.

There was no intention to leave a way for the people inside to survive.

"It's been so long, and so many people have taken action. It seems that Dole has offended a lot of people." Senior Sister Lin said with emotion.

Some people around him didn't feel much at all.

An ordinary disciple like Dole is dead when he dies.

This is the result of having a relationship with Astronomical Academy.

Without that kind of strength, you can't contact people like that.

Otherwise it will definitely lead to death.

Jiang Hao came with his sword and landed on the hillside in the distance. Looking at the aura of corruption, he couldn't help but sigh: "The aura of the inner demon is so serious."

Even if his cultivation is not enough to see through the immortal mind, he can still understand the aura of the inner demon.

Zhang Xianzi has reached her last moment and will sink under such a breath at any time.

Is there really a turning point?

"I remember there was someone here trying to peek inside, and he seemed to be trapped." Jing Dajiang said.

Then he took Jiang Hao to the nearby woods.

There was a man there with a frown on his face and in trouble.

Guan Zhongfei.

The moment he saw him, Jiang Hao was quite emotional.

We met again.

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