Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 874 The thing that destroys the sect

King Hailuo, who had just been so high-spirited and proud of the world, suddenly handed over the book with a smile, which surprised Jiang Hao.

King Hailuo is really capable of bending and stretching.

"The King of Heaven wants to send me away?" Jiang Hao was a little curious after receiving Ni Daqian's spiritual method.

Not only curious about the gift from the king, but also curious about this book.

Can we really see the Great Thousand Spiritual Dharma?

The King of Heaven winked, but Jiang Hao didn't understand what he meant.

In fact, King Hailuo has nothing to do with him.

So much, Miaoanxian is basically dead.

It's not like He Luo Tianwang can't leave if he wants to, and there's nothing wrong with staying.

Just learn to look for the Spirit Moon Flower Spirit Stone.

After all, he can't really control the Lawless Tower, and he can let anyone go if he can't.

"This book must be fake. There is no such thing in this world."

Wenzhu didn't believe it.

I heard about this from 㮽.

Mi Lingyue didn't quite believe it either.

How could the Daqian Shenzong allow this thing to appear?

It was a fatal blow to them.

But King Hai Luo's words made her a little worried.

Jiang Hao looked at the book and found that the handwriting on it was quite sloppy, as if it was written on the fly.

Perhaps it was written in the Lawless Tower.

Because you need to be searched before entering the cell.

It is impossible for such an important thing to be left behind by the other party.

Then he read a book, which contained the origin of the Great Thousand Spiritual Dharma.

Three thousand dharma, three thousand wonderful dharma, and three thousand magic dharma condense the great thousand spiritual dharma.

The spiritual clone can be divided into Tao Dharma clone, Miao Dharma clone, and Magical clone.

Every mental state is different.

As long as you understand the operation of magic, the wonderful process, and the way of Taoism, you can try to perceive it.

This is just the beginning, then combine it with yourself, run special methods, and try to peek into the spirit of the universe.

Jiang Hao looked at these words and felt the power of them.

More trying to run.

Mi Lingyue, who was waiting for Jiang Hao to finish reading, suddenly noticed that the other person's aura had changed.

Somewhat ethereal and some mysterious.

The breath and spirit seemed to be superimposed, making it difficult to figure out.

After a long time, Mi Lingyue saw Jiang Hao closing the book, and it was at this moment that the other party's body completely solidified.

The moment she raised her eyes and looked over, she actually felt that Daqian's spirit was being targeted.

A fleeting feeling.

For a moment, she felt that the person in front of her was very dangerous.

After closing the book, they saw Jiang Hao turn and leave.

After everyone left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know why, but they felt an inexplicable pressure.

"Heavenly King, what did you give your King? Why do you feel so uneasy?" Mi Lingyue asked, looking in the direction Jiang Hao was leaving.

"I seem to have understood it on the spot. Is this thing so easy to learn?" Nangong Yue asked.

The situation just now was not normal.

I always feel that there is something extraordinary, as if the other person has everything I need.

King Hailuo snorted coldly and said nothing.

Wen Zhu stared blankly, feeling extremely real.

It is really aimed at the Daqian Spiritual Law.

For a moment, he thought of a way to spread the news. If what King Hailuo said was true, then this thing could overturn their Great Thousand Divine Sect.

The thing must be taken away, and then the person who knows it must be killed.

Even if it is the King of Heaven, they have to find a way to deal with it.

Not being able to kill them will also prevent the other party from spreading.


Jiang Hao walked out of the first floor step by step and stopped at the stairs.

King Hailuo didn't lie to him, he could indeed see the spirit of Daqian.

It's really something awesome.

㱗When reading this book, both Suo Tian and Wuming Secret Book were instantly attracted.

Because of these two, he instantly learned the method of countering the great thousand.

Probably because of the Hongmeng Zi Qi, everything went smoothly.

I originally wanted to find Fenghua Taoist, but now it’s much more convenient.

It's just that he hesitated to give the things to Senior Sister Yinsha.

This thing was too targeted, and he was a little worried.

Once the news leaks out, the Tianyin Sect will encounter a catastrophe.

But if Wenzhu is not handed over, once he is ransomed, the danger will fall directly on him.

It affects the foundation of the Great Thousand Divine Sect, and he will definitely be doomed.

Tianyin Sect couldn't guard him either.

Therefore, the danger should be transferred to Tianyin Sect and let them find a solution.

"The Heavenly King is worthy of being the Heavenly King. He will destroy the sect as soon as he takes action."

Jiang Hao was quite emotional.

This will really destroy the sect.

The Tianyin Sect is still not enough to see in front of the entire Daqian Shenzong.

There was no gap before, but now it can be said to be a fight to the death.

late at night.

Baiyue Lake.

Bai Zhi also consolidated her cultivation level, and she has been in this state since she was promoted.

Now that she is different from what she used to be, she naturally wants to make steady progress in her cultivation.

So don't be impatient.

Take your time.

But at this time Yinsha suddenly wanted to see her.

Although he was confused, he still disappeared into the yard and came to the lake.

It didn't take long for Yinsha to fly over.

"Master." Fairy Yinsha said respectfully.

There was a little urgency in his eyes.

"What's so important?" Bai Zhi asked softly.

Ru Yinsha saw that Elder Bai was no longer the same as before. The immortal power made her feel insignificant.

Now no one in the entire sect can refute Elder Bai.

A well-deserved leader.

"Yitian got something from the Lawless Tower. This thing may bring disaster to the sect." Fairy Yinsha said seriously.

She never dreamed that she would get this thing.

"What?" Bai Zhi was a little surprised.


When they get Suotian, they won't be in danger.

"This is it." Yinsha said as she handed over the worn book.

Bai Zhi took it and frowned after briefly reading it.

"Where did it come from?" she asked.

This can indeed bring disaster.

Although Suotian is great, very few people know about it, and its contents are even less accessible.

But this method of countering the Great Thousand is different.

Once the news is leaked, Daqian Shenzong will definitely take action.

"The King of Heaven took it out. Kang Hao went to the Lawless Tower, and the King of Heaven gave it to him.

Jiang Hao then handed it over to me. "Yinsha Fairy said.

"King Hailuo?" Bai Zhi was quite surprised.

I thought it would be difficult for these people to get any news out, but who knew it would be so troublesome once it came out.

"Has anyone seen it?" Bai Zhi asked again.

"Apart from Junior Brother Jiang, there are only subordinates." Fairy Yinsha paused and said:

"But I'm not sure if the content is true."

Bai Zhi lowered her eyebrows in thought.

This thing is beneficial to them. They can try to find Fenghua Taoist.

But the disadvantages are too obvious to let outsiders know.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the sect to survive peacefully.

"Is it coming from the first floor?" Bai Zhi asked.

"Yes." Yinsha Fairy nodded.

"Go there. Those who cooperate will be disappointed. Those who don't cooperate will wait for my news." Bai Zhi said.

Fairy Yinsha nodded and asked what to do.

This matter must not be spread externally. Once the people on the first floor leave, the problem will be huge.

So either you can be sure that the person leaving won't tell, or it's safest to be dead.

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