Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 901: Repaying kindness with vengeance to the Taoist who holds the lamp


Jiang Hao never figured out where he had made any meritorious service.

This time he went out and restrained himself very much.

Don't do too much, just do what you need.

How can you achieve meritorious service?

Nothing of importance was done during the whole process, and even if it was done, it was done with a smile.

So it shouldn't be targeted.

Seeing Jiang Haobang, Liu Xingchen smiled and explained:

"Junior brother, have you ever seen the Taoist holding the lantern?"

"The one holding the lantern?" Jiang Hao tried to ask.

I don't understand what it has to do with the other party.

"It's him." Liu Xingchen nodded: "Does the junior brother know that he has been arrested?"

"I know." Jiang Hao nodded. Someone had asked him before.

He is truthful.

We were still on patrol at that time.

"Yes, Taoist Lantern said you led him into the dragnet, and you can catch him this time, Junior Brother Gong." Liu Xingchen replied with a smile.

Jiang Hao: "..."

He was a little confused.

There shouldn't be a dragnet in the direction I pointed at. How could the other party get there?

Or is it that there are dragnets everywhere inside and outside the sect?

Even if this is the case, why would Taoist Lantern mention himself?

What does his arrest have to do with him?

For a moment, Jiang Hao remembered that Fang Qian had said before that he wanted to give him a gift.

Is this gift an achievement?

Repaying kindness with hatred, Jiang Hao sighed in his heart.

I sincerely pointed out the way to leave for the other party, but who knew that the other party was not grateful and would stab him.

Having too much merit is not a good thing.

Now it is very easy for him to end up in the law enforcement court.

"Is it possible that he ran into it by himself, and for the sake of his own face, he insists on saying that I guided him?" Jiang Hao asked.

"We really haven't thought about this." Liu Xingchen was slightly surprised:

"But no matter what, for meritorious service, I have to find my junior brother.

But it's a bit strange for such a strong person to name your merits.

So Junior Brother has to come with us and accept some of our inquiries.

If there is no problem, the merit will be passed on to the junior brother smoothly, but if there is a problem, the junior brother will be in trouble. "

Jiang Hao was quite confused. What was the so-called trouble?

“Either you receive merit with suspicion, or you are investigated deeply and your behavior is restricted.

Of course, it is not to restrict the behavior within the sect, but to restrict the law enforcement peak. Liu Xingchen said.

Jiang Hao understood that it was easy to be imprisoned.

In other words, it is best to receive merit and receive it with a little suspicion.

"Let's do that." Liu Xingchen said.

Arriving at the Law Enforcement Hall, Jiang Hao faced two middle-aged men, one in the late stage of divine refining and the other in the perfect stage of divine refining.

The strength is very impressive.

Return to deficiency and above are rare in ordinary times. They seem to have their own things and are quite busy.

After all, there are few people with this level of cultivation, but the Tianyin Sect has many things.

There may not be enough manpower.

So Lian Shen is already very strong.

"Some minor questions." The middle-aged man sat down and said with a smile, "It's about the Taoist who holds the lantern.

I wonder how many times my junior brother has seen him? "

Jiang Hao didn't hide anything from the first meeting to the subsequent meeting.

All answered.

There were witnesses to the first meeting, but not to the second.

Because everyone else is asleep.

That's what makes him very suspicious, and it also makes him realize his achievements.

As long as someone proves that everything is fabricated by Taoist Lantern, the matter will be over.

After asking for a long time, the two of them took a sip of tea and said:

"That's it."

"Junior brother can leave, there is no problem for the time being, but we may send junior brother over at any time to inquire about the situation.

I hope that junior brother will not leave the sect casually.

Of course, if there is a guarantee from the mission hall, then junior brother does not have to worry. " said one of the younger men.

Jiang Hao: "..."

Is this person an undercover agent sent from the mission hall?

Ju Yi asked him to go to the task hall to receive the task.

"Then can I leave?" Jiang Hao asked.

"It's true that Junior Brother comes here not only once or twice, but we still understand how much pressure it is to detain Junior Brother.

So if nothing happens, junior brother, please leave as soon as possible.

It’s okay to come over for tea when you have time. "The middle-aged man said with a smile.

When Jiang Hao stood up and wanted to leave, a younger senior brother suddenly said: "Junior brother, wait a moment."

"Senior brother, do you have any orders?" Jiang Hao looked at the two of them.

Before coming in, he had actually handed over the spirit stone.

Both of them accepted it, and it stands to reason that they would not deliberately embarrass him.

The questioning for half a day was quite relaxed, not as serious as when I first came.

"It's some personal matters." The younger senior brother said a little embarrassedly:

"I heard that junior brother has different experiences in growing high-grade elixirs?"

"A little bit, but not all high-grade elixirs can be grown." Jiang Hao responded politely.

Planting high-grade elixirs is a good thing for him. It seems that this senior brother wants his help.

This is a good thing, you can't miss it.

"Damn it." Senior brother said with a smile:

"Actually, she's a good friend of mine from Zhuhuo Danting. If it's convenient, I'll let her find her junior brother in person."

"Senior brother, you're welcome." Jiang Hao shook his head quickly:

"It doesn't have to be like this. Where can I tell you? Junior Brother, I will go there myself."

"No, no, we should let her find you in person." The senior brother was very polite.

After a few polite words to each other, Jiang Hao left.

I didn't see Liu Xingchen when I went out this time. I think it was because he was too busy.

Jiang Hao sighed and stepped forward. This time, he was put in a way by the Taoist priest. Fortunately, he met someone who wanted to plant the seeds of high-grade elixir.

Not too bad.

I just don’t know if it will affect the roster.

Later, when his cultivation level got higher, the list could not accommodate him.

It was already getting late when we arrived at the Spiritual Medicine Garden. Everyone was very busy now, and it was hard for him to rest.

Senior Brother Muqi and Senior Sister Miaotinglian were also around to help, so it seemed that neither Daqian Shenzong nor Tiansheng Sect got what they wanted.

Now it has stabilized first, and then I started to come into contact with Shangguanqingsu.

On the way, I need to go to the Lawless Tower to meet King Hailuo and ask about the Shangguan clan.

But before he could rest, the summons came.

Go to Lawless Tower.



Xu Bai walked in the air, his speed was extremely fast.

Every step is like a movement.

After almost two years, he finally got close to Xuantian Sect.

This journey is not easy either.

On the way he saw a fight below.

It's one person fighting with a group of people.

Looks like he's been defeated.

"There's something strange about this guy."

Xu Bai lowered his eyebrows and could see clearly that the young man's body had obviously been seriously injured, but a will supported him and kept draining his body of strength.

He has a good knife and good knife skills.

"After I came down from the mountain, everything I did came from my heart. No matter whether it was right or wrong, you are not qualified to condemn me.

I am worthy of heaven and earth.

Since you want to kill me, I will kill you all. "

A roar came from below, and powerful power exploded.

The sword light swept across.

Like blooming in desperate situation.

Even if you die, you will not be willing to die.

Boom boom!

The power continued to explode, and finally everyone fell to the ground.

Xu Bai couldn't help but be surprised:

“This person’s talent is pretty good, especially since he is somewhat special.

The sword technique does not match, but the artistic conception does.

It looks familiar. "

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