Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 903 King Hai Luo: What’s his level?

The fifth floor of the Lawless Tower.

Jiang Hao is quite familiar with this place, and he knows everyone there.

Occasionally, there would be people he didn't know, and most of these people would be a little familiar with him.

There are also some people who just met each other, and after a long time, the other party left.

Not everyone needs him to play.

It’s not that the Lawless Tower people don’t do things.

Not only not, they even do it every day.

There should be no sect law enforcement department as busy as them.

It’s either arresting people or interrogating people, or it’s arresting people and interrogating people on the way.

When I entered, I heard some voices. It was the voice of King Hailuo:

"I can do whatever I want, what can you do to me?

㱗No one can control me overseas, and it is still the same here. "

Jiang Hao felt that Hailuo Tianwang's bones were hard, but he softened once he met Miaoanxian.

As long as it concerns her, Hailuo will choose to compromise.

How good is that girl?


As a king of heaven, he has already half-stepped into the realm of immortals. Why would he be influenced by his children's affair?

In such a realm, the state of mind is relatively good. How can you like someone so much?

It's not like we all came from a weak place.

And the other party also betrayed.

"I don't understand, and maybe I will never understand."

Jiang Hao sighed inwardly.

He doesn't understand, and he doesn't want to understand.

When you walk in, see King Mulongyu standing in front of cell number 㱗㟧, and talk to King Hailuo.

In the third cell, Nangong Yue disappeared and was replaced by Mi Ling Yue.

The fourth one is a white-haired fairy with a silent expression, as if there is no hope.

The fifth is a middle-aged man looking around provocatively, not caring about his situation at all.


Jiang Hao was a little surprised when he looked at him. He was a blindfolded man holding a lantern in his hand.

At this time, he was sitting there, seemingly unaware of the surrounding situation.

Maybe he was just blindfolded before, but now he is really blind.

It is difficult to feel inside the Lawless Tower.

Enemies meet.

Jiang Hao sighed in his heart.

So far, the Law Enforcement Hall has not responded to his achievements.

I don’t know if he will be sent off the list.

In addition to this, what surprised him was that Nangong Yue was missing.

When he came here, he often looked at the four people, but the sudden absence of one made him quite uncomfortable.

In the past tense, after greeting the Wood Dragon Jade King, he asked about Nangong Yue.

"She found someone from the Lawless Tower and used some secret to get out of here." Mi Lingyue replied.

Secret? Jiang Hao nodded.

Nowadays, the Saint Thief is becoming more and more active, so it is normal that she does not want to stay here.

As for what secret could impress the people of Lawless Tower, Jiang Hao didn't know.

It’s just that there’s no point in leaving. Maybe we’ll meet somewhere else when we come.

They shouldn't be enemies.

Zhuang Yuzhen, King Hailuo, Nangong Yue, Mi Lingyue, none of them have any hostility towards him.

There was no hatred or resentment in his eyes.

As long as there are no other factors affecting them, they will not become enemies.

Then he turned his attention to the other three.

These three are all members of the Daqian Shenzong.

After reading the books, the first one is called Bingqing, who is from the overseas Ice Spirit tribe.

The blood on my body is cold.

The third Barbarian Bone, one of the three thousand members of the Great Thousand Divine Sect, has a perverse personality and is fearless.

The third lantern-carrying Taoist is the most mysterious and special.

He may not be the strongest, but he is the most difficult to deal with. Ordinary inquiries are of no use to him. He will neither die nor will his cultivation level decline.

As for the Holy Lord's soul, he knew it best, and he closed the book after roughly flipping through it.

"Fellow Taoist, are you here for them?" Mu Longyu ignored King Hailuo and came to Jiang Hao's side.

"Sorry to bother senior." Jiang Hao apologized.

If he hadn't come in, King Mulongyu might still be chatting with King Hailuo.

After he arrived, King Hailuo didn't like to talk.

Jiang Hao came to make Zhuang Yuzhen and others look forward to it. They wanted to see what would happen to these three people.

At this time, Taoist Lantern suddenly spoke: "Junior Brother Jiang?"

Lantern opened his mouth and everyone else looked over, quite surprised.

The other party has been silent since he arrived. Why did he speak as soon as Jiang Hao arrived?

And he took the initiative to say hello.

Call me Junior Brother?

Mi Lingyue and others looked at Jiang Hao, wondering what was going on.

After all, Taoist Lantern is not ranked highly in terms of strength, but he is so special that people abroad pay attention to him.

Especially some people from Daqian Shenzong.

Many people want to know what happened to Taoist Master Lantern.

"Meet Senior Brother [Senior Brother] again." Jiang Hao responded politely.

He has no psychological burden.

If the other party is willing to call him Junior Brother, he will naturally be willing to call him Senior Brother.

People in the Lawless Tower will not care, and neither will the sect.

As for why the other party knew his surname was Jiang, there was nothing to ask.

Because someone from the Law Enforcement Hall came to ask, I think it was them who told me.

"This place shouldn't be simple. It's a bit unexpected for me that Junior Brother came in." The lantern-carrying Taoist raised the lamp and said, "It's too dark here. I couldn't see [Junior Brother], so I couldn't recognize it right away.

Junior brother won't blame me, right? "

"Senior brother is joking. I didn't say hello to him right away." Jiang Hao lowered his head and said softly.

"Junior brother, are you here for interrogation?" Taoist Lantern asked.

"There is a task in this regard." Jiang Hao did not conceal it.

"You? A golden elixir?" Man Gu laughed loudly:

"Don't talk about it before, now you are nothing in front of us, dogs are more valuable than you.

See what I do? Kill me, you useless Golden Pill, how dare a mere Tianyin Sect imprison so many people.

It's just a matter of life and death.

And you Mi Lingyue, it turns out you are hiding here, so I asked you why Mu Longyu wanted you.

It turns out you all had a conspiracy. "

Mu Longyu turned to look at Man Gu.

"What? You want to silence me?" Hou Yan said without fear, "Come on, kill me.

I'll stand here to see if you dare to kill me.

Are you afraid of the Tianyin Sect?

Or do you want to pay the price to let them kill me?

As you wish. "

Mi Lingyue was not angry, but curiously asked King Hailuo: "King, was it you who was as arrogant as him last time?"

"What level is he? Can he compare with this Heavenly King?" King Hailuo said disdainfully: "He is only in the middle stage of God."

"Yes, Hailuo Tianwang, God Perfect, is the king of the fifth level..." Just after Mi Lingyue finished speaking, Zhuang Yuzhen continued:

"He's a bitch."

King Hailuo chuckled: "Two rubbish."

There is something strange about Wood Dragon Jade.

Mi Lingyue smiled and said: "Don't worry, just watch.

㳔Who on the fifth floor is not allowed to speak politely?

I have never seen anyone on the fifth floor who is more arrogant than King Hai Luo.

In the end, no one turned out better than King Hailuo. "

In fact, Mu Longyu still didn't understand it very well, but he knew that Jiang Hao's status on the fifth level was high.

Even higher than the others in Lawless Tower.

No one here gives face to anyone, but gives face to Jiang Hao.

No one dared to make a mistake.

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