Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 906: Does the master like Xiaoli’s senior sister?

When Jiang Hao came to his residence, he was planning the cost of the high-grade elixir.

Rabbit said around him that it is a big demon and has a good reputation.

Jiang Hao didn't listen carefully, it was all trivial matters anyway.

If it's something special, the Rabbit won't wait for it to happen.

Occasionally, I would talk about Lin Zhi.

He said that although Lin Zhi was still beaten, he started to have sex with some people.

In other words, you know how to make your situation worse.

Now he is trying hard to survive.

Some of them he understood by himself, and some of them were taught by Rabbit.

Jiang Hao just listened to this, and then started thinking about the elixir again.

Planting the elixir this time is a bit special and difficult.

Spend more.

It cost more than 30,000 yuan before. This time, the best time was postponed, but it still cost more than 30,000 yuan.

But he has 440,000 spiritual stones.

A mere 30,000 spirit stones are nothing to mention.

As my cultivation level gets higher and higher, I have more and more spiritual stones.

There is simply no way to spend it all.

Just when he was thinking that 440,000 would be enough for several batches, he suddenly felt the secret speech slate vibrate.

Looks like there's going to be a party.

Jiang Hao exhaled and finally came.

Nowadays, he has a lot of things that need to be done through gatherings.

Because of the wooden dragon jade, he could not question the Shangguan clan openly.

Now we can only know it from the party.

"Master." Rabbit suddenly shouted: "Did Xiaoli find a mistress for you?"

Um? Jiang Hao was quite confused.

What did the rabbit say?

"She talks about a senior sister. Is this senior sister looking for a mistress for her master?

The master is interested in it? asked the rabbit.

Fancy it? Jiang Hao subconsciously thought of Hong Yuye, who was unparalleled in beauty, with no flaws in his body and temperament, perfect.

Faced with such a person, he usually has no idea.

Because it's too dangerous.

Especially Hong Yuye's strength is difficult to predict.

It is simply rude to use the word "fancy" with someone else.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

"Didn't you like it?" Rabbit asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao shook his head again.

It feels even more rude not to take notice.

"So you're interested in it?" Rabbit was a little confused:

"The master is vacillating. Friends on the road are generally very experienced, so if you don't like them, you won't like them.

It would be embarrassing if he took a fancy to it, so the master took a fancy to it. "

Hou Rabbit frowned: "Master, let me look for one for you too, and see if you don't like it."

Jiang Hao: "..."

"Master, a mistress is not enough. You are majestic and strong, and you are the king of males.

There should be many females. "Rabbit said seriously.

Jiang Hao glanced at the other party and smiled.

Then he walked to the yard to get ready and then start the party.

There should be more things to do next.

"Master, please wait for me. All my friends on the road will give Master Rabbit a face. They know many people who are suitable to be hostesses, and they will definitely have a better job than Xiaoli in finding one." Rabbit said forcefully.

One after another, they walked towards the setting sun, and their shadows were stretched very long.



Jiang Hao entered the Whispering Slate.

He prepared for a while and planned to find a way to tell him everything he could say.

This time there is still one person, and the number of people has not changed.

After the meeting ceremony, Jiang Hao and others sat down.

Danyuan looked at the crowd and said:

"Is there any problem with repairing the chain?"

"Senior Danyuan, what will be the consequences if the four God-given skills are practiced together?" Ghost Fairy asked.

"Some people have thought about it this way, and some people have done it before." Dan Yuan said with a smile:

"He failed and exploded to death. Later, someone found a balance.

Auxiliary exercises were created. "

"Senior, are there any?" Ghost Fairy asked.

"No." Dan Yuan shook his head and said, "If you want it, you can try to find the holy thief. They may have it."

The ghost fairy nodded.

Danyuan asked the old man in the sea of ​​corpses as he had no problem with repairing the chain.

"In the south, on the way to Tianyin Sect, the normal journey is about Youyun Mansion." Xing said.

Ghost Fairy: "???"

She couldn't figure out for a while whether she was lucky or bad.

Why did you meet such a person again?

We are already in the southern part of the country, and it still needs to be like this.

"You went to Tianyin Sect?" Dan Yuan was quite surprised.

"Yes, he went to the south, and then asked the Tianmen Sect about the special place in the south. The Tianmen Sect pointed to the Tianyin Sect." Xingyi replied.

Since he came to the south, he had naturally been to Tianmen Sect.

Danyuan nodded: "Which one of you is from the south?"

"Me." Xing said.

"Me too." Ghost Fairy followed.

Jiang Hao said in a low voice: "Me too."

The ghost fairy felt a little numb.

Why does everyone go to the west when she goes to the west, and why does everyone go to the south when she goes to the south?

She became more and more convinced that wherever she went, there would be great things happening.

"Which of you has time to give him a message?" Danyuan thought for a moment and said:

"His current strength should not lead to immortality. The danger is that he will open a sea of ​​corpses."

"I'll go." Ghost Fairy said.

Neither Xing nor Jing was interested.

"What do you want to bring?" asked the ghost fairy.

In fact, it is not dangerous to talk. She has a solution.

"Tell him that he should stay away from Tianyin Sect for the time being." Dan Yuan said.

This is not surprising to others.

Because the Tianyin Sect has the Tianji Bead of Misfortune and the Tianji Bead of Silence, which are not normal no matter how you look at them.

The Holy Thief is also sealed over there.

It can be said that this place is weird and it is very dangerous to go there rashly.

"What do you need, little friend Xing?" Dan Yuan asked.

"This junior is going to go overseas. If necessary, I would like the help of an immortal person. It would be enough at last." Xing said.

"嗽." Dan Yuan nodded.

Then he looked at the ghost fairy.

"It's enough to wait and ask for the Snow God Pill." Ghost Fairy said.

Only then did Danyuan ask the second question:

"Is there any specific news about the reverse flow of the Abyssal Sea?"

Liu, who knows best, shook his head.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao slowly spoke:

"It's a sign of opportunity for the Twelve Heavenly Kings."

"Twelve Heavenly Kings and Immortals?" Ghost Fairy said in surprise:

"How is it possible? Even the king who opened the path to immortality has failed."

"They are twelve immortals." Jiang Hao said calmly.

"How is it possible? The Twelve Heavenly Kings want to be immortal together?" Ghost Fairy was shocked.

Xing, Liu and Zhang were very happy to have a ghost fairy at the party.

"It was an opportunity, but they couldn't seize it," Jiang Hao said.

"It turns out that this is a sign that the Twelve Heavenly Kings want to be immortals." Dan Yuan nodded:

"In the records, the twelve heavenly kings have appeared several times by chance, but no one has succeeded or failed.

I don’t know if it is possible for the Twelve Heavenly Kings to succeed this time. "

Then he looked at Xiang Jing: "Jing Xiaoyou can ask for a reward."

Jiang Hao was not in a hurry, but waited for the next time.

Soon we will enter the transaction process.

This time Jiang Hao wants to trade with many people here, and many people just told him that they owed him a reward.

Whether you can find [Fenghua Taoist] also has something to do with this gathering.

The reason why he hasn't gone to Lawless Tower yet is to wait.

Waiting for something to be sent over.

As for the other two towers, they are not in a hurry.

"Do you have a deal?" Ghost Fairy asked.

"I do." Jiang Hao said.

This surprised the ghost.

It is still rare for Jing to take the initiative to speak.

It just made her a little uneasy, so taking the initiative meant that something was serious.


I recommended a new book to a friend, "We've already subdued demons, so why talk about martial ethics?"

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