Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 915 Jiang Hao: The headmaster must be dead

Bai Zhi took the people and set off.

She also got the news that there will be one more person on duty after the Lawless Tower.

It seems that he is loyal and willing to go through fire and water, even to the death.

As for why the headmaster would speak, she did not delve into it.

Since the other party nodded, he was a member of the Lawless Tower.

Just do what you have to do, and be how you should be.

Maybe it was just the headmaster's temporary kindness and he didn't care about anything else, so just follow her arrangements.

Same day.

Jiang Hao came to Lawless Tower

I didn't see Man Gu when I arrived, and I don't know where he was taken. It's also unknown whether he is alive.

No questions asked.

But I really wanted to know the progress.

You should know a lot about the Fenghua people, but I don’t know what kind of reaction you will have from the Lawless Tower.

If we want to arrest such a person, what level of people would be needed?

He cannot know.

Elder Bai Zhi, just don’t go out.

The old man in the sea of ​​corpses is coming, and Bai Zhi should be the only one who can confront him head-on.

As for the head teacher.

I have been here for so long and have never seen him in person.

All the elders Bai Zhi hold the position of acting head.

Maybe the headmaster is dead just to scare the outside world and not dare to reveal it.

Now that Elder Bai Zhi has become stronger quickly, he can gradually replace the influence of the leader.

At that time, it was also reasonable to say that the headmaster would give up his position and travel around the world.

Not to mention that the headmaster was really in seclusion and nothing happened, he didn't believe it.

Arriving at the first floor, Jiang Hao brought wine and meat to Zhuang Yuzhen.

He found that the wooden dragon jade was still there.

Why are you trying to persuade King Hailuo like this?

At this time, Mu Longyu hesitated:

"Young friend Jiang Yan, can you lend me a moment to speak?"

Jiang Hao was a little surprised.

King Hailuo seemed to be nervous.

Jiang Hao looked at it, but he didn't care.

Since the Wood Dragon Jade Heavenly King wanted to take a step to speak, he could only agree.

Such a senior cannot afford to offend.

There is no need to offend.

After all, our relationship is pretty good.

A few moments.

Jiang Hao and King Mulongyu came to the side: "Does the King want to ask something?"

"I want Hailuo to go back overseas with me. Is there anything you can do?" Mu Longyu asked Yu.

Jiang Hao was a little surprised. Why did he take King Hailuo back?

"It's a big deal, and we can't do it without Hailuo." Mu Longyu gave a rough explanation.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao was a little confused.

In order to become an immortal.

But he knew that even if King Hailuo returned and the twelve heavenly kings gathered together, they would not be able to become immortals.

Jiang Hao shook his head: "There is nothing this junior can do."

Letting King Hailuo go out means that he can no longer threaten King Hailuo. What he worries about is getting out.

So asking him to do this will fail from the start.

"Is there really no way?" Mu Longyu asked Yu.

Jiang Hao nodded:

"Letting King Hailuo leave means that there is no other way."

Mu Longyu was a little unbelievable. He heard some other meanings.

The reason why King Hailuo is obedient is to stay here.

Let him go and he won't listen again.

So there is no way for him to leave the Lawless Tower except voluntarily.

Mu Longyu lowered his eyebrows, hesitated, and asked:

"Youyou are well-informed. You should know something about Waihai, right?"

Jiang Hao just shook his head and did not admit it.

Mu Longyu was not surprised, but he said: "Before, the sage's appearance opened up the path to immortality, but I tried once and it was difficult to become an immortal.

Do you think it will be easy to become an immortal in the future? "

Finally, Mu Longyu explained:

"I'm just asking casually, you can say whatever you want."

Jiang Hao sighed inwardly, and then said:

"The things of immortality are too far away from the younger generation, so they cannot understand them."

Mu Longyu felt helpless. He felt that Jiang Hao was not telling the truth.

But it was impossible to ask more questions.

Then he thought of something:

"Man Gusi has joined the Tianyin Sect and is currently working on the Lawless Tower.

In addition, Sect Leader Bai left the sect. "

Jiang Hao was a little surprised.

Mangu joined the Tianyin Sect?

This kind of thing has never happened before, at least there was no recruitment incident after he came to Lawless Tower.

Why is Barbarian Bone different from others?

Jiang Hao never figured it out. Judging from the identification results, there was nothing special about him.

He thought about this question for a while, focusing more on the next thing.

Elder Bai left.


If the old man in the sea of ​​corpses summons corpses, who can resist?

Elder Bai left, and the other pulse masters were hurt.

It should be quite troublesome if you really encounter it.

Jiang Hao sighed inwardly if he had known that Yu should have found an opportunity to tell the old man about the corpse sea.

The old man from the sea of ​​corpses came from the west without making a sound. It was impossible for the Tianyin Sect to notice him.

Now I can only hope that Elder Bai can come back as soon as possible.

I also hope that the old man in the sea of ​​corpses can come later.

Afterwards Jiang Hao came to Zhuang Yuzhen and the others.

Finally, I set my sights on Bingqing.

Everyone needs to be interrogated, so we still need to see the details of these people.

Hailuo Tianwang was quite nervous at first, but when he saw Jiang Hao ignored him, he began to feel proud again.

It looks like someone can do anything to me.

Mu Longyu sighed inwardly.

If Jiang Hao had not lied to him, it would have been impossible for King Hailuo to leave the Lawless Tower.

How to become an immortal?

The great opportunity has appeared, and they need to work together. This effort will not happen overnight, at least it will take dozens of years.

Because this is a hundred opportunities.

Becoming an immortal is not a trivial matter, let alone the twelve heavenly kings becoming immortals together.

There are so many things that need to be prepared, and the unit itself needs to be determined accordingly.

Now that King Hailuo is missing, they are born with a missing link.

Great impact.

It seems that we need to think of another way.

After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly looked at Jiang Hao again.

He felt that Jiang Hao himself was powerful, but the person behind him should be even more powerful.

Maybe you can ask a question.

There was no rush, he hadn't gone back yet and had a chance to speak.

"You also want to threaten me?" Bingqing looked at Jiang Hao and asked.

She looked downcast and a little desperate.

The whole person could not lift his spirits.

It seems like this will be the case for the rest of his life.

"No need to threaten me. You have nothing to threaten me. I don't want to live anymore if my cultivation is gone." Bingqing said.

Jiang Hao didn't speak, he just started the appraisal.

Magical powers operate.

[Bingqing: A member of the Ice Spirit Tribe, his cultivation was disintegrated and absorbed by the Lawless Tower, leaving only the initial power of God. She has been alone since she was a child. No one played with her, no one asked her how she was doing, no one knew she was suffering, and no one extended a helping hand. After Xiu Lian, she grew up with Xiu Wei, and regarded Xiu Wei as her best friend. She would live and die together and never betray her. After entering the Lawless Tower, her perception was subverted, and her cultivation power quickly disappeared. It's like watching a friend die little by little, helpless and helpless. She cried, crying very sadly, as if her life had entered the final despair. But no one can understand, no one knows. No one understands her. 】

Jiang Hao was a little surprised to see these.

Juyi did not mention any secrets, nor did he mention what the Daqian Shenzong did.

It just emphasizes who she is.

At this time, Bingqing looked up at Yan Jianghao and said, "Do you understand me?"

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