Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 921 I wonder if I can buy the Immortal Sect identity

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows as he watched the meal.

Because he didn't see the whole thing, he wasn't sure what kind of chicken it was.

If you can get here, someone should be raising you.

I hope the rightful owner won't come looking for me, it will cause some trouble.

It is still suitable to release the rabbit and Xiaoli, find a suitable time.

But we have to find a way to let them know not to mention his name after birth.

You have to grow up after all.

More than ten years.

Afterwards, he returned to his room and began to sort out the news he had received that day.

The Great Thousand Divine Sect's command surprised him.

It stands to reason that there is no obvious gap between the Daqian Shen Sect and him, but Taoist Fenghua is the Daqian Shen Sect, and the Secret Word Slate also has some relationship with the Daqian Shen Sect.

In addition, you should not pay attention to the creation of immortals, but you need to use the dragon cave to trap and kill overseas people.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, which can easily lead to turmoil.

If the involvement is too big, it will affect his time to continue to take care of the elixir, so he should be reminded overseas.

How long it will last is unknown.

You must seize the time to become stronger.

Later, Jiang Hao found that Xiaoli and the others had finished eating and looked like they were still unsatisfied.

When the moon comes out, Xiao Li leaves the yard and goes home.

The rabbit lay dozing in front of Tianxiang Road.

It seems that I dreamed of flying chickens.

I hope I can meet such a friend tomorrow.

late at night.

Jiang Hao listened to the chirping of insects around him and felt peaceful inside.

He had everything ready and was just waiting for the party to begin.

He didn't know exactly what news he could get from the party, but he just needed to maintain the impression that he was at the party.

This is what he needs to do.

Maybe in a few years, I won't have to be so careful.

After the strength keeps up, many people don't have to worry.

But everything is not that simple.

Because of several major incidents, he gave people an extremely mysterious impression.

It's still inappropriate to fall back to normal all of a sudden.

After all, it is with the help of Hong Yuye's power, which means that if you want to be yourself in the party, it is best to reach Hong Yuye's level.

When it was time, Jiang Hao began to read the Secret Words Slate.

See what these people are doing and whether it affects him.

There has been a lot of love overseas recently, so you should pay attention to one or two.

On the contrary, there is nothing in the north.

If you think about it carefully, it's not necessarily that there is no one, but that no one in the party is in the north, and there is no way to know whether there is one because there is no good information.

After entering, Jiang Hao appeared at his location.

Others also arrived one after another.

It depends on them.

Senior Yuan Yuan is always there at the front.

After meeting senior Yuan, he sat cross-legged.

Ayuan was the first to ask whether it was 㱕 or cultivation level 㱕䛍.

No one spoke.

"Then let's talk about what you care about." Yuan looked at Guixianzi and said:

"Are you ready, little ghost friend? I should be here."

"We're almost ready." Ghost Fairy said immediately:

"I can start the Tianyin Sect with the pages of the sages, but I don't know if the old man in the sea of ​​corpses will have any impact."

There has been no news from the Tianyin Sect recently, and Gui Xianzi doesn't know what the corpse sea old man has done and what impact it will have.

Jiang Hao reminded: "The old man in the sea of ​​corpses has entered the Lawless Tower."

This time, Senior Yuan had no mission, which surprised him.

Enter the transaction link directly.

"Entered the Lawless Tower?" Ghost Fairy was surprised: "Entered quietly?"

Jiang Hao didn't explain. It was difficult to let him in in the past. It was a sea of ​​corpses and the old man was not in a pool of blood, so he couldn't blame others.

There is Gu Yutian there, and Gu Yutian is not in good condition.

It is very rare to come out alive.

"The book pages of the sages or Xiaoyou Jing?" Yuan asked.

The old man in the sea of ​​corpses didn't take it to heart, and it seemed that he had already done his best.

In the end, it still ends like this, so there is no need to care too much.

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded.

"Want to see what kind of price we have to pay?" Yuan asked.

Jiang Hao knew that it was Senior Yuan who wanted to see it.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "I haven't thought about it yet, just stay behind."

Ayuan nodded.

Then he looked at the ghost fairy.

The latter understood: "I will give him the pages when I meet him."

"What is the content of the book page?" Liu curiously asked.

The ghost fairy looked at the star.

Xingpo said helplessly:

"A strange feeling."

The ghost fairy followed:

"I saw the four characters "Tiandao rewards those who work hard."

"Queen?" Zhang Xianzi was a little curious.

"I should have finished reading it, but...I forgot." Gui Xianzi was also quite confused.

Jiang Hao was surprised, this was the same feeling as him.

Just forgotten, can't seem to be remembered.

According to Hong Yuye, the pages of the sages' books have been taken away in advance.

Everyone was surprised for a moment.

㰴They were not so curious about the pages of the sages before, but now they are becoming curious.

Can't remember?

However, everyone did not stay too long and continued trading.

"Do you, fellow Taoist Master Jing, have any other arrangements?" Zhang Xianzi asked.

She pointed to those two people.

"Are they in the academy?" Jiang Hao asked.

Zhang Xianzi nodded: "I'm helping with logistics, and the child is studying. He has a big problem, and it will cost a lot to cure it."

"That's it." Jiang Hao said.

There was no need for him to do more.

There will eventually be a chance at a high cost, and they will work hard on their own.

Just give it a chance.

If you don't work hard when given the opportunity, why should you bother?

"The deal is over, because it's not difficult, just offset it from last time." Zhang Xianzi looked at Jiang Hao.

Seems to be waiting for confirmation.

"Okay." Jiang Hao nodded.

In fact, I still make money.

After all, this job is much more difficult than sweeping a grave.

Liu followed and said, "The things that fellow well fellows want are ready."

Later, with the help of Senior Yuan, Jiang Hao saw the information on the slate.

Just jotting it down, not thinking deeply about it.

After all, the party goes on.

Xing looked at Liu Kaikai and said:

"I need an overseas identity, preferably from the Tianling clan."

"When do you want it?" Liu asked.

"In the past two years," Xing said.

Everyone knows that Xing is going overseas, probably because it is very important.

Liu thought for a moment and nodded in agreement:

"Maybe just a fringe person."

I feel very good about this.

He then asked Liu what he needed.

Liu asked for a secret technique from Mingyue Sect, the light of fireflies.

It is a technique to accumulate strength.

Once you start accumulating, you can't do it.

Only if you want to break through, you need to accumulate like this.

But it's impossible without taking action.

As soon as he moved his hand, all his strength was gone.

It can be said that it is a waste of time, because you cannot consolidate your cultivation during the period of accumulation.

Hearing their conversation, Jiang Hao was a little moved. It turned out that identity could be bought and sold in this way.

I originally lived in the west, so I could actually buy it.

It's just that the influence of Gu Yutian was too great, and it was useless to buy it.


There are three lives of laughter.

Maybe I can try to buy it in the east or north sometime.

I don’t know if Xianzong can buy it.

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