Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 930 I have a way to suppress Gu Changsheng

This time the gathering came a little faster than before.

It stands to reason that nothing happened now and everyone is relatively stable.

The party won't start too soon.

It seems that something happened and it had to be turned on.


When Jiang Hao entered the stone slab, he found that the ghost fairy was quite depressed.

I think something happened.

And senior Yuan didn't ask about his cultivation.

In other words, it's not a regular gathering.

"This gathering is at the request of little friend Gui." Yuan Yuan said with a smile:

"At this time, the ghost boy is the Tianyin Sect?"

"Yes." The ghost fairy nodded.

"Have you already started dealing with Gu Chang?" Xing asked.

"Yes." Ghost Fairy nodded again.

"It's not going well?" Liu saw it.

"The battle didn't go well." Ghost Fairy sighed rather:

"The cursed tree is stronger than expected. Not only that, the other party is also more stubborn than expected, and we are temporarily unable to communicate.

I want to know how to get Mr. Gu to compromise.

According to what the senior said, the competition between them may last for decades.

Even so, the other party doesn't seem to be willing to compromise and needs to find another way. "

"Even he can't take advantage?" Yuan was quite surprised.

"There is an advantage, but it cannot really suppress that being, so it is impossible for the other party to compromise, and they are not even willing to talk." Gui Xianzi said.

Tianyin Sect is such a dangerous place, but she has spent her time living here.

Kendo first told her to be mentally prepared, as it might take more than ten or twenty years.

The reality is that we either have to find another way or give up.

Not only is it wasted, but it may not be solved.

"Gu Chang is not simple. It is almost impossible to make him compromise if you can't suppress him. I asked specifically. According to what the senior said, Gu Chang is in a desperate situation even if he is still alive. Nothing can make him come back. That's bad." Zhang Xianzi said.

At this time, Gui Xianzi looked at Xiang Jing: "Do you have any idea, Taoist friend Jing?"

Gu Changyi was discovered by Jing, and there is a lot of relevant information. He may be able to help point the way.

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows.

In fact, you can try asking Gu today, he should have more ideas.

But Qian Gu has already said a way today, which is to block Gu Chang's retreat.

Suppress and curse Hyakuya.

This method will not be successful in the short term.

We have to wait for Shangguan Qingsu to return overseas, and then overseas will give conditions.

Not only that, he also had to arrange a suitable formation and then try to suppress it.

The complexity is extraordinary, and it may be delayed due to something in the middle.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"There is a way."

Hearing this, everyone else looked over.

"Really?" Gui Xianzi looked surprised.

He didn't think there was a solution.

Xing and others were also curious.

"I need to go overseas. The specific time is not sure, maybe two or three years." Jiang Hao's voice was low.

"Two or three years?" Ghost Fairy frowned.

"If you are overseas, do you need help?" Liu asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

I don't need any help this time.

After all, it is the Shangguan clan's own business.

"Overseas? Two or three years?" Xing looked at the shaft:

"Are fellow Jingdao friends interested in divine objects?"

Jiang Hao was a little surprised, and then asked: "The divine artifact of the Tianling Clan suppressing the Fallen Immortal Clan?"

"Yes." Xing was neither surprised nor worried about being found out.

Jiang Hao was silent, he didn't want to get involved.

But fetishes can indeed be found.

"Other fellow Taoists don't have to worry. You can go there as soon as possible. Even if you don't get a divine object, I can still give you a decent treasure." Xing said.

"I need to see if I have time." Jiang Hao replied.

"Tian Ling Clan?" Ghost Fairy said:

"Fellow Taoist Xing wants to enter? I have a way to enter a special place, and I want fellow Taoist to help me get something."

Xing was not surprised by Jing's words, and he nodded in agreement to what the ghost fairy wanted.

The special place may be of some help to him.

"By the way, let me remind you that the rumors about the Dragon Cave have come out." Liu said softly:

"It will probably be fully opened in two years."

Everyone was a little surprised.

In other words, there will be a lot of things happening overseas in two years.

Gui Xianzi breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that if he didn't go overseas, there would be chaos overseas.

If she was just unlucky, it didn't mean that there was something wrong with her.

The party ended quickly.

When Jiang Hao woke up, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Xing spoke up, he was having some difficulty with the deal."

Jiang Hao asked Gu today about this matter. Although he was interested in divine objects, if it was too dangerous, it would be better not to participate.

As for when he will leave overseas, it depends on Shangguan Qingsu.

More than a year is certain.

"If you want to participate in the matter of the stars, you need a strong level of cultivation, and my current level of cultivation is definitely not enough."

In the middle period of Yuga, there was a special place within the Tianling Clan that was not safe enough.

If it's just overseas, Yu's cultivation base is enough.

"It seems that we need to improve our strength as soon as possible."

While thinking, Jiang Hao glanced at the panel.

[Name: Jiang Hao]

[Age: forty]

[Cultivation: Mid-level Yuka]

[Exercise: Tianyin Hundred Turns, Hongmeng Heart Sutra]

[Supernatural power: Nine transformations to replace death (the only one), one lesson every day, empty and clear mind, hidden spirit reappears, divine power, dead wood springs back to life, sun, moon, pot and sky, Vajra is indestructible]

[Qi and blood: 55/100 (chain can be repaired)]

[Cultivation: 55/100 (chain can be repaired)]

[Supernatural power: 2/3 (unobtainable)]

"Only half."

"Even if the subsequent elixir sprouts, it will not be enough. Even if there is still elixir, it will not be available until the end of the year at the earliest."

It was the late stage of Yuka at that time.

Jiang Hao shook his head. It seemed that it was impossible to escape from Yuka realm in the past few years.

All we can do is try our best.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to let Senior Sister Duanmu's elixir sprout in July.

Temporary adjustment can only be made in one month, and there will be no damage.

Whether he can be promoted in the future depends entirely on whether Senior Sister Duanmu can provide more elixir seeds.

The next step is to increase the combat power as much as possible. The only way is to eliminate the Holy Lord's soul.

It is conceivable that 700,000 spiritual stones are needed to eliminate it.


The whole body combined is not enough.

The good peach tree is about to reach nirvana, and the third purple bubble is about to come out.

There will be one more magical power.

The other is the Dragon Cave.

Maybe you need to go in.


After the break, Bizhu came to the big tree.

At this time, Kendo was sitting cross-legged in the sky, the cursed tree had begun to twist, and the surrounding space was constantly being broken and reorganized.

The sword intent covers everything.

The distortion and sword intent collide and consume, and no one can do anything to anyone.

Aunt Qiao felt pressured and even fell into chain repair. For her, this house was an excellent environment for chain repair.

"Senior has a solution." Bizhu said immediately.

"What can we do?" Kendo looked ahead leisurely.

This would have to last for decades. How could he maintain the stalemate if he didn't take it easy?

"After a while, someone will take action to help deal with the other party." Bizhu said.

"What can I do?"

"I didn't ask."

"Don't you have a lot of questions? Why don't you ask any more?"

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