There is no way to know about Nirvana for the time being, and Jiang Hao is not in a hurry.

Now let’s see what magical powers will appear first.

After pouring water, Jiang Hao walked around in a circle.

Then he returned to the room and sat cross-legged.

Rabbit asked him if he wanted to go to the elixir garden. After saying not to go for the time being, Rabbit left alone.

He said he wanted to find a woman, and if his friends on the road gave him face, he could find any woman.

It seemed that just because Xiaoli had found a senior sister, she had to find one too.

Jiang Hao shook his head and ignored their competition.

Senior Sister Miao also joined in.

She has a lot of experience.

A headache.

Putting aside these thoughts, Jiang Hao glanced at the panel and finally chose to extract.

The number instantly clears to zero.

He felt that he was covered by a force, the edges around him became overlapping, and his eyes and palms felt a little hot.

Supernatural powers related to eyes and hands?

But the most obvious feeling is the surroundings. What supernatural powers are related to the surroundings?

Jiang Hao didn't think much and continued to feel.

The surrounding surroundings disappeared immediately, and all kinds of superimposed feelings also faded away.

After waking up, Jiang Hao seemed to be separated.

I looked at the sky, it was still bright, and not too long had passed.

Then he looked at the Qian panel, wanting to see the name of the magical power first.

[Supernatural power: Nine transformations to replace death (the only one), one lesson every day, empty and clear mind, hidden spirit reappears, divine power, dead wood springs, sun, moon, pot and sky, vajra is indestructible, ten thousand towers and dense mountains]

There is one last one, Wanliao Senluo.

"What kind of magical power is this?"

Jiang Hao was a little surprised and did not understand the meaning of this magical power.

Then he began to sense the magical power and see how it worked.

A few moments.

He opened his eyes and walked out of the room, came to the yard and stopped at the snowdrops.

At this time, mysterious runes appeared in his eyes, and finally turned into a snow lotus.

Only then did Jiang Hao stretch out his hand and move it towards the snow lotus. Suddenly, an identical snow lotus appeared, but with a hint of illusion, but in other aspects it was indeed a snow lotus.

I took the flower and looked at it, and found that it was indeed a snowdrop, and that it was separated from the real snowdrop.

Now the smell of snowdrops in the yard is obviously weaker.

With a casual wave of his hand, the snow lotus flower in his hand turned into stars and shimmered into the snow lotus.

"This magical power is a bit strange."

Jiang Hao thought for a moment and felt that it was somewhat similar to the amulet, but completely different.

The body talisman is the power of the talisman, but its appearance can be used by others.

And Wanliao Senluo is stripping away the breath and power.

"I don't know what it would be like to use 㳎 on people."

While thinking about it, he used Wanliao Senluo on himself.

For a moment, he felt like his body was being stripped away, and then a more illusory version of him appeared next to him. His aura and appearance were all his, but it didn't feel like he was him.

To destroy illusions, there is only spiritual cultivation.

There is nothing more than these, and I can't even control it.

It seems that there is no other connection except that it was peeled off from his own body.

There is no self-action.

No consciousness at all.

"What's the point?"

Not as good as a talisman.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Hao took out the Holy Spirit and had an idea.

If the sacred soul is released, will it be better absorbed?

A few moments.

The result remains unchanged.

But it can be absorbed, which means that the separated body can directly affect the main body.


Even more useless.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Hao took out the Tianji Bead of Bad Luck again.

If this thing could be separated, that would be incredible.

Don't dare to try it, need to ask.

At least ask Hong Yuye.

I tried other magic weapons first and found that they worked, which means that the Tianji Luck Beads also work essentially.

Now just wait for Hong Yuye to come over and find a suitable reason to ask.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out the Tian 㥕, since the Tian 㥕 would not be in danger.

After some time.

Jiang Hao gave up and couldn't do anything.

The first step failed.

The sky cannot appear in the eyes, which means that it cannot be understood.

Then the same problem may occur with the Tianji Bad Luck Bead.

The specific situation will need to be discussed at that time.

Afterwards Jiang Hao left the yard and went around to find some monsters and ordinary animals.

I tried it, but no one with self-awareness can separate it.

But the monster that can beat unconsciously will also beat unconsciously after being separated.

Finally Jiang Hao found Xiao Li.

The other person is having dinner.

Seeing him coming, he hesitated and picked out a piece of meat for him.

"Senior brother, I'll give it to you." Xiao Li said reluctantly.

Looking at the meat, Jiang Hao shook his head slightly and said, "You can eat it."

Hearing this, Xiaoli became happy.

Eating happily.

It seems that the happiest thing is to be able to eat without any distractions.

After some time, she asked curiously: "Why is senior brother here?"

"Coming to find you." Jiang Hao said.

He came here specifically to ask for something, and maybe there will be different changes if he cooperates with the magical power.

Wanliao Senluo can peel off a part of all things, but cannot peel off consciousness.

But what about the unconscious and chaotic stuff?

That's what Jiuyou is.

It has no consciousness of its own.

What is stripped away is also the existence of chaos and unconsciousness.

And there is a certain possibility that consciousness will form.

"Senior brother, why are you looking for me?" Xiao Li was a little surprised.

"I want beads." Jiang Hao said.

"Xiao Wang?" Xiao Li took out Jiuyou and handed it to Jiang Hao.

At this time, Jiuyou still looks like a dog.

"There are also Dragon Balls." Jiang Hao said.

To be on the safe side, he planned to make all preparations.

Then he made an attempt on Jiuyou.

Of course, the most important person is missing.

After getting the things, Jiang Hao went to the elixir garden and started taking care of the elixirs.

Time passed day by day, more than a month later.


Today is the day when three hundred high-grade elixir seeds will germinate.

When I came over, I saw a lot of bubbles.

Jiang Hao did not hesitate and came to the middle of the bubbles, waiting for all the bubbles to merge into his body.

[Cultivation +1]

[Qi and blood +1]

[Spirit Sword +1]

【Strength +1】

[Spirit +1]


When all the bubbles merged into his body, Jiang Hao looked at the blue bubbles.

Forty-five bubbles were found in one tube.

There were too many, but still not half.

Coupled with the elixir given by Senior Sister Ye after four months, she was still unable to be promoted.

However, there is still a moment or two, and there may be a chance to be promoted to Yuka Perfection.

On this day, Jiang Hao heard some rumors that the sect was going to start a competition.

It is extremely rare to have the opportunity to select some outstanding disciples to meet a senior and listen to his sermons.

This time the competition is held in each channel, and the people of the last twelve channels are ranked according to their strength and weakness.

The farther ahead you are, the more guidance you are likely to receive.

However, some people are determined by the sect.

After Jiang Hao knew what happened, he didn't care.

He knew that the sect wanted to send the disciple to see Kendo Xian, which was indeed a good thing.

But Jiang Hao didn't care and didn't want to go.

Now he wants to find channels to see if he can continue to plant high-grade elixir seeds.

Forget about mining.

Kendo first and they were easily targeted in the mine in the past.

It's just that the quota designated by the Jie Kuai Sect has come down.

Cheng Chou told him excitedly: "Good news, senior brother, great news.

Among the quotas designated by the sect, one of them is the senior brother. "

Jiang Hao: "..."

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