Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 941 What are these things [2-in-1] (1/2)

Xiaoli sat in her seat and glanced left and right.

Only then did she realize that she was not in Master's courtyard.

It was her senior brother who asked her to be more careful.

Everyone was looking at her now, which worried her.

Is the food going to be gone tonight?

Are you there for dinner that day?

Is the other person a friend on the rabbit trail? If it is 㱕, will it be fine?

Various thoughts appeared in Xiaoli's mind, and finally merged into one word: "Huh?"

Kendo first looked down at Xiaoli, a little unbelievable:

"What is your cultivation level?"

"Middle stage of foundation building." Xiao Liyi answered.

"Don't you understand what I said?" Kendo asked first.

But he felt that this sentence was wrong, so he changed the question: "Do you think it's boring for me to say "㱕歼"?

Don't worry, tell the truth. "

"It's not boring." Xiao Liyi replied.

"Then why are you sleeping?" Kendo hesitated.

"I'm sleepy." Xiao Li replied in a low voice.

"Don't you want to learn? Don't you want to improve your cultivation?" Kendo Xian's voice was soft.

Xiao Li shook her head after hearing this.

Don't want to study.

Then he nodded reflexively.

It seemed that just shaking his head was a mistake.

Kendo first: "..."

I felt a little insulted.

"Whose disciple are you?" he asked.

"My master is Ku Wu Chang." Xiao Liyi replied.

"Ku Wu Chang?" Kendao first glanced at the place where the sword intent was covering in the distance. He felt that it might not be easy for the other party. After thinking for a while, he said:

"Then let me ask you, do you want to be promoted to the late stage of foundation building?"

"I don't want to." Xiao Liyi replied.

"Okay, since you want to..." As soon as he said the words, Kendo paused. He looked at the child in front of him in disbelief and said:

"Are you here to cause trouble?"

Xiaoli shook her head like a drummer.

Kendo frowned and said, "Tell me your wish."

"Wish?" Xiaoli's eyes widened: "Can you make grandma and grandpa come back to life?"

"No, tell me what you want." Kendo said first.

"Then..." Xiaoli secretly looked behind her.

"Don't look at others, speak boldly." Kendo stopped him first.

"Then what I said?" Seeing the other party nodding, Xiao Li said seriously: "Don't be angry."

"Don't be angry, just say it boldly." Kendo was in a good mood. He just wanted to satisfy the other person. The harder something was, the more he liked it.

"Should I take something out to eat? I'm a little hungry." Xiao Li tried to ask.

After the words fell, the whole place was silent.

Xiaoli's words made the surrounding air freeze.

Kendo first stood in mid-air as if he was stuck.

"You see you are angry. Master is the same. He always says he is not angry." Xiao Li said as if he had experience.

Kendo thought it was his fault at first, so why did he insist on asking to send some people with ideas?

"You can eat it." He gritted his teeth and said.

However, he felt that this little guy was unusual, but it was a pity that he couldn't show his body, otherwise he could see it more clearly.

Of course, what surprised him even more was that there was a mist on this little guy, and someone was helping to cover it up.

He wouldn't go out of his way to investigate.

But being her master would definitely relieve her headache.

After taking care of Xiao Li, Kendo first looked at Jiang Hao. He had seen him before and always felt something was a little unusual.

Perception is strong.

"Which disciple is my little friend?" His sword intent surrounded Jiang Hao.

"Junior Duanqingya Jiang Hao." Jiang Hao stood up and said respectfully.

"Are you in the late stage of Golden Core?" Kendao asked first.

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded.

"Want to be promoted? I'll teach you."

"I think, thank you senior."

Jiang Hao said gratefully.

OK, this is normal.

"Then come on, let me open up the path to the perfection of the Golden Elixir for you." Kendo said excitedly.

Jiang Hao then showed off his own cultivation, told him where he was confused, and also expressed his understanding of the late stage of Jindan.

Kendo nodded first, and then put forward his own idea.

Jiang Hao was greatly shocked, and insights burst out in his heart.

He was about to be promoted to Golden Elixir Perfection on the spot.

Kendo first: "..."

Isn't this too fast?

Afterwards, Jiang Hao expressed his gratitude and left quickly, asking Yu to get promoted.

Others were very excited for a while, and some were even envious.

They looked at Kendo first with longing.

Who wouldn’t want the opportunity to be promoted on the spot?

Kendo felt unsatisfied at first, and then he set his sights on a man.

He was stunned at this sight.

There are at least four long-lasting auras on his body.

What the hell is this?


In the courtyard, Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

When I came here, I thought that Xue Dao would complete his promotion, but I didn't expect that Ken Dao would help him first.

Although I didn’t listen to the follow-up explanation, I gained a lot this time.

This promotion is reasonable.

Han Zi's junior brother Yu Lai was probably in the late Jindan stage.

You will still be defeated by him.

Junior Brother Han didn't know how to feel about missing this opportunity.


When he just mentioned his master, Kendo glanced at the area covered by sword intent.

That is, the Master may be there.

"Is it almost one? Why is Master always there?"

Without thinking much, he closed his eyes and began to repair the chain.

After a few days, the cultivation level can be modified to perfect golden elixir.

The distance to Yuanshenni is getting closer.

However, reaching perfection at the age of forty-one is indeed a bit fast.

I should keep a low profile recently and quietly explain how to repair my chain.

Let people know that there is an urgent period for the blood path.

In this way, many people will feel that everything is bought in exchange for life span, and he may not have much time left.

Just wait a while and he'll die and no one will care.

The master of Kendo preached the sermon not in one day, but in one month.

Jiang Hao went there again after he was promoted.

There are indeed many gains.

Xiaoli also went there every day, but she just slept every day.

Kendo would wake her up every time.

Don’t ask, just 㳍.

Xiaoli cooperated time and time again, trying to listen carefully, but fell asleep again after taking a few breaths.

"This is the first time I've seen someone who sleeps so well." Kendo said this several times.

How big of a heart can you fall asleep in such a situation?

Jiang Hao came over and took a look at Liu Xingchen. He felt that Liu Xingchen had four auras on his body.

Who did this attract?

Because the swordsmanship was already there, he didn't dare to make an appraisal.

A strong person might be able to notice it.

October passed quickly, and during the period of Kendo's first sermon, many people were making breakthroughs.

Explanation of Chain Qi [Feathering].

Many people have benefited greatly.

When it was over, Jian Yu also knocked on Xiao Li: "Get up, you can go back to sleep."

"Senior, this is for you to eat." Xiao Li hesitated and gave out a flat peach.

"I'm interested. I really like you more and more, but I also feel more and more that you are wasting your talent." Jian Yu sighed first, feeling that this little girl was completely unteachable.

No desires, no superfluous thoughts.

All I can think about is eating.

Let her understand the method of repairing the chain, either running away or sleeping.

Can't stand it.

Wait for the day to end.

Jian Yu returned to the cursed tree of immortality with his sword intention first.

Pantao followed back.

At this time, he was sitting in the air and took a bite of the flat peach, a little surprised: "This tastes really good."

"Senior, won't you give us something to eat?" Bizhu asked Yu, holding her stomach.

For more than a year, she has been staying here to repair her chain, and Jian Yunxian often guided her.

Her realm has also been strengthened a lot. In a few decades, as long as she meets the opportunity of the path to immortality, she will definitely become an immortal.

"This is a gift from someone else." Jian Yu said first.

"Senior, let me ask you a question. Do you think the Twelve Heavenly Kings can become immortals?" Bizhu asked curiously.

"Twelve Heavenly Kings?" Jian Yu thought for a moment and said:

"Is the fairy fate coming again? In fact, the sea area is very good to the Twelve Heavenly Kings. There will always be fairy fate appearing to help them.

But no matter which era, the twelve heavenly kings have never been immortals.

It's not that they are incompetent, but that the luck of the Twelve Heavenly Kings is too heavy.

If there is no accident this time, the Twelve Heavenly Kings will still fail.

No matter how hard you try, it's useless. "

"Why?" Bizhu asked Yu curiously.

She knew that Yu was responsible for the luck of the Twelve Heavenly Kings, but she didn't know the specific reason.

"The Twelve Heavenly Kings and Immortals are not just people, but also the luck on them, which is the sea behind them." Jian Yu smiled first:

"They need to take the sea area with them to become immortals. In other words, their sea area of ​​​​immortals will become an immortal area."

"Why is this happening? Doesn't the Emperor of Earth want to bring the Immortal of the Earth with him? When Tian Yu builds the foundation, he will bring the Immortal of Heaven and Earth with him?" Bizhu asked Yu.

It doesn't feel normal.

Jian Yu thought for a moment and explained:

"The foundation of Heaven and Earth is based on the general trend of heaven and earth. The emperors of earth are favored by mountains and seas. They are not like the twelve heavenly kings who can bless their combat power.

In other words, the foundation of Tianyu is at the Climbing Immortal Platform. It is always the Climbing Immortal Platform. The limitation lies here.

But the limit of the Twelve Heavenly Kings is to ascend to the Immortal Platform. This is the blessing of the Heavenly Kings' luck.

They can compete with the immortals at the Immortal Platform. The twelve people join forces to take their strength to a higher level, and they are not easy to mess with at all.

It can be understood that Tianyu Foundation Establishment and the Emperor of Earth are talents condensed from one body, especially Tianyu Foundation Establishment, which is a part of her body, and she can't do without it even if she wants to. The Twelve Heavens Sea is the source of their power. If they leave it, they will not be able to compete with the immortals.

completely different. "

"Then they have no hope at all?" Bizhu didn't believe it.

"Of course, they say they need someone to help them.

It's a pity that there are only a few people in this world who can open up the path to immortality, let alone those who can help the Twelve Heavenly Kings?

This method only exists in theory, and no one can do it since ancient times.

Not to mention that I was just met by the Twelve Heavenly Kings.

They were both on the Immortal Platform, and both were in the Immortal Period.

You think about probability.

This method was said by the sword god, and he also heard it. "Jian Yu said Yu first.

Bizhu nodded, this news is very profitable.

You have to find a way to sell it.

But this is not good news. The Twelve Heavenly Kings have never succeeded before, and this time the Nine Kings also failed.

"It is said that the opportunity of the Heavenly King and the Immortal can only last for a hundred years. After a hundred years, even if this person appears, he will not be able to bring them the Immortal." Jian Yu said first.

Bizhu: "..."

The conditions of the Heavenly King Immortal are too harsh.

No wonder they say there is no hope for immortality.


Early November.

Jiang Hao was thinking about how to get the last bubbles for himself.

It has been more than a year, and Shangguan Qingsu should have been overseas. By the time she opens the door, she will be almost gone.

And the Dragon Cave may also be opened.

I never thought that after so many years, I would need to go overseas.

There are four regions: east, west, north and south, but the north seems to have never been there.

㹏If there is no news over there, there is no need to pass 䗙.

"I wonder if there have been people from the north in Yu's party before." Jiang Hao was a little curious.

When we participated for the first time, judging from some of the words of Yuan-senpai, there were more than a few of them.

Later, Zhang Xianzi was added.

As for whether there is anyone else besides Zhang Xianzi, it is difficult to determine.

Jiang Hao stopped thinking about this and looked at the peach tree. At this time, there was only one fruit on the tree.

It is already the maturity stage, and you can try to identify how to achieve nirvana.

Magical powers operate.

[Peach tree: related to the ancient sacred tree, the flat peach tree, with a hint of the characteristics of the sacred tree, and the fruit is sweet. Leave a fruit on the tree and use nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine spiritual stones to build a spirit gathering array around it. This can activate a trace of the divine tree's characteristics, initiate Nirvana in Fire, and withstand the Thunder Tempering Chain for seventy-seven forty times. Nine days, with the intervention of powerful external forces, the fusion of the characteristics of the sacred tree is completed within nine days, and there is a probability that Nirvana will become the sacred tree, the peach tree. If Nirvana fails, it disappears. It is easier to achieve Nirvana by staying with the divine objects. The more divine objects, the higher the chance of Nirvana. 】

Looking at the feedback from the supernatural power, Jiang Hao was a little unbelievable.

This time you don’t have to wait three years to reach nirvana.

But the conditions for nirvana are extremely harsh.

The first one, one million spiritual stones.


How many years do you have to save?

Even if I sell everything, I still don’t have a million.

Although somewhat difficult, this condition can be said to be the simplest of all conditions.

The second one is to withstand the thunder quenching chain for seventy-seven forty-nine days.

What kind of thunder Jiang Hao is is unknown, but this peach tree seems to be unable to withstand the thunder quenching chain at all.

The third article is to use strong external force to intervene and complete the fusion of the characteristics of the sacred tree within nine days.

How powerful is a powerful external force? How to interfere? These are all unknowns.

Even if you do all three, there is only one chance.

And this tree only has one chance to achieve nirvana.

It is much more difficult to build the sacred tree than expected.

Jiang Hao sighed, having no thoughts of nirvana for the time being.

Of course, there is no way to achieve nirvana, so let’s save spiritual stones first.

There are more than 200,000 left, which is indeed not enough...

The sacred tree cannot reach Nirvana, and the sacred soul seems to be in vain.

With a sigh, Jiang Hao stopped thinking about this.

Let’s continue to improve our cultivation.

But within a few days, the Nine Rings of Qiankun had a reaction.

It is the sub-ring of Shangguan Qingsu.

"It seems that she is overseas. I just don't know if you have communicated with the official clan." Jiang Hao planned to wait for some more time.

However, there has been no gathering for a long time. Without contact with them, I will have no news about the Dragon Cave.

But there is one thing that needs to be implemented as soon as possible.

If the Tianji Doom Bead cannot be separated, then you have to try to separate other things.


Hong Yuye appeared in the yard, looking at the peach tree, as if curious about the last nirvana.

Seeing someone coming, Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief and found an opportunity to ask a question.

Hearing this, Hong Yuye frowned slightly and remained silent for a moment before saying:

"It is indeed possible, but it may not work."

"You should try it, but this junior is not strong enough." Jiang Hao lowered his head and said.

Hong Yuye stretched out her hand and pressed it on Jiang Hao's chest. For a moment, the palm mark on his chest suddenly moved with strength.

Jiang Hao just breathed a sigh of relief.

Then go to the Demon Cave.

He wanted to visit the blood pool, trying to use the Tianji Bead of Bad Luck to intimidate the blood pool and separate it.


It’s the last day, it’s almost the beginning of the month.

Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !

thank! ! !

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