Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 11 I'll Wait Here Quietly

The next day, Xu Che received a text message from He Bo early in the morning.

[Already arranged, the address is the An Ning Mental Institute on the outskirts of the North District. If you are free today, you can go there. When you arrive, tell the security guard to "clean up", and someone will take you to meet the dean. 】

After seeing the news, Xu Che went out without any delay.

The destination was about 40 kilometers away from where Xu Che lived, so he took a taxi and went there without saying a word.

When passing by the North District, Xu Che couldn't help being in a daze. When he was relatively young, he came to this city for the first time and lived under many bridge holes in the North District.

At that time, I didn’t have enough meals, and sometimes I couldn’t even find a place to live when it was windy and rainy.

In summer, he slept under the bridge at night and was bitten by mosquitoes. In winter, he huddled up in the bridge hole with only a thin coat on.

It's just that the day he walked out of the village, he made up his mind that he must make a name for himself before going back, even if no one lived there anymore.

With this thought in mind, he walked a lot in the North District, picked up a lot of empty bottles, and supported himself through the most difficult and most needy years.

The current North District is a relatively prosperous area in Yanhong City. There are a large number of construction sites, electronics factories, clothing factories, and chemical factories here. It is the source of the annual 30 gdp contribution of the entire Yanhong City.

When Xu Che's eyes flicked to familiar places, he recalled that young boy with ragged clothes many years ago, standing alone on the vast land at night, looking at the lights of thousands of houses, day and night It was the first time in his life that he felt such a thorough loneliness and bewilderment in the face of this noisy and crowded steel city in the endless factory, and his mind changed accordingly.

Because of his young age, others do not want him when recruiting, for fear of causing trouble.

He remembers it better than anyone else. During those few years, he picked up a total of 125,832 plastic bottles, each sold for 8 cents, totaling 10,067 yuan. After more than three years, he was only 17 years old.

After all the things I experienced later, five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and things have changed, which is really embarrassing.

Time passed quickly, and before Xu Che could recall more details about the past, the taxi had already stopped at the gate of Anning Mental Hospital.

After paying the fare, the taxi drove away, and he began to observe the surrounding environment, spiritual consciousness quietly enveloped the entire hospital.

In an instant, all the scenes in the hospital appeared in Xu Che's mind, and he saw many different patients.

Some look crazy, some are eerily quiet, and some are laughing and playing. The doctors in the hospital were busy with their work, everything looked normal, and Xu Che didn't detect anything weird.

This private psychiatric hospital is not very big, and its architectural style tends to be Western-style, a bit similar to a church. It is backed by a hill, with lush vegetation in front of the gate, and only one young man is on duty in the security booth.

Xu Che walked over slowly, only to see the young man suddenly blocked the way and said, "Hi, please register your personal information before going in."

Seeing this, Xu Che followed He Bo's instructions. He said, "I'm here to clean up. Please take me to see Dean Huang."

Hearing this, the young man was startled, as if he remembered something, he told Xu Che to wait for a while, then took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Director Zhang? You and the person who mentioned me have arrived at the door."

"Ah, yes, yes, it's a young man. Are you coming here now? Yes, yes, I will tell him."

After hanging up the phone, the young man said to Xu Che: "Master, our director will come out immediately and take you in. It will take a few minutes."

Sure enough, a short while later, a fat and short figure rushed over while running and panting all the way.

After seeing Xu Che, the stone in Zhang Chengyi's heart also fell, and he said weakly: "Let's go, the dean is waiting for you up there."

Apparently, running all the way here made him so bloated that it was really hard to bear.

Xu Che looked at the Mediterranean man in front of him, and found it interesting, so he said, "Then I'll be fine, take me to see him."

So Director Zhang took Xu Che out of the security booth and went to the office building, 402 on the 6th floor, where the dean's office is.

When he came to the door, Director Zhang wiped off his sweat, and said with a smirk to Xu Che, "I have other things to do, so I won't go in with you. The dean will be waiting for you inside."

Xu Che looked at him with a smile and didn't say anything, while the latter was inexplicably flustered, as if his whole being had been seen through, he left in a hurry.

Pushing open the office door in front of him, Xu Che walked in, and saw a young and beautiful woman in a white robe, holding a medical report in her hand.

Sensing someone walking in, the woman slowly raised her head, pointed to the sofa on the side, and said, "Sit down, I'll pour you coffee."

Xu Che was not polite, sat down directly, and said slowly: "Dean Huang, please tell me about the specific situation."

Huang Qiuyu went straight to the coffee machine, poured two cups of coffee, then sat on a sofa, opposite Xu Che, and passed the coffee over.

Looking at the coffee handed over, Xu Che smiled lightly, no one knew what he was thinking.

"In the past month, many patients have had strange bluish-purple marks on their bodies. According to the descriptions of the patients, they are sometimes disturbed by "people" at night."

"Some have eerie cries in their ears, and some have inexplicable pain in their backs. When they wake up, their bodies are already covered with bloody scratches. The wards are all for one person, and there are everywhere in the hospital. The monitoring works 24 hours a day, and there is no outside personnel to break into the patient's ward."

"At the beginning, we also thought that the patient started to have delusions again, maybe it was caused by unconscious self-injury in sleep and self-conjuration after waking up, but until this happened more and more, we felt It’s wrong, but there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Huang Qiuyu took a sip of coffee lightly, her voice was powerful and her tone was serious and firm.

Then, she handed many photos to Xu Che, all of which were the wounds of some patients.

Xu Che still smiled and didn't make a statement, he still wanted to continue listening.

"People in the hospital are panicking now. Several doctors have already submitted applications for resignation. Guess why?" Huang Qiuyu stared at this point, and then said coldly: "Even they have scratches on their bodies!"

"Even they themselves don't know when they got infected. They were obviously just on duty in the office all night, and they didn't even fall asleep, but they were caught."

"I've finished what I should say. Do you have any clues? If you have doubts, you can continue to ask, and I will add." Huang Qiuyu quietly waited for Xu Che's reply.

Xu Che put down the photo in his hand, picked up the coffee, drank it in one gulp, put it on the table, and said, "Dean Huang, I already have a certain guess, I don't know if you are convenient to take me to meet Those patients with scratch marks on their bodies?"

Huang Qiuyu also drank the coffee in one gulp, then put it on the table, and said unhurriedly: "I can inform the doctor and ask them to bring some patients over. You might as well wait here for a while."

Xu Che smiled when he heard this, and said, "Okay, I'll be right here, waiting quietly."

Huang Qiuyu got up, walked to the desk, picked up the phone, and dialed: "Hello? Is it Dr. Wang? Now you find two colleagues and bring some patients to my office. Remember to take the sedative."

After that, she immediately hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

At this time, Xu Che wanted to get up to open the door, but with a "bang", his body lost control, he fell to the ground, and passed out.

The door was pushed open, and a girl in red walked in. Huang Qiuyu was not surprised at her arrival, and even smiled.

Looking at the unconscious Xu Che, the girl in red said softly, "I told you before, if I meet you again, I will definitely kill you! Of course, it will be the cruelest kind."

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