Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 23 Ye Yu Appears! Slay Martial Arts Evil Cultivators

When the light gradually faded, everyone present finally saw clearly what happened there.

The Thundering Sword dissipated in smoke, but the phantom figure behind the old man was still there.

The sick young man slumped on the ground weakly, with a complicated expression, as if tired and depressed, more like numb and desperate.

He laughed at himself. He thought that a blow with all his strength could at least injure the old man, but now it seems that it is not as easy as he imagined. The gap between the two is too big.

"Young man, your skills are really good. If this old man was ten years younger, I wouldn't dare to say that he is better than you." The old man said quietly, dispelling the phantom of his fists.

The glamorous young woman didn't care about the meteorite anymore, she hurried over to help the sick young man, and looked at the old man warily.

"Well, what a wonderful performance!" A hearty voice sounded, and someone came out from the shadows.

It was Ye Yu and others from the Yanhong branch of the Chixia Security Bureau who came, and beside her was a weird blue-haired girl and a young man in black with an indifferent expression.

When they saw Ye Yu, the warriors present couldn't help but feel a shivers down their spines. She is a well-known existence among Yanhong's law enforcement officers.

There are no fewer than dozens of martial artists who have been killed with one hand, ranging from blood masters to tempered realms. It is said that there are very few warriors in the same realm who can compete with them.

"Mr. Ye, long time no see." The old man in Tang suit greeted warmly, he was not surprised at Ye Yu's arrival.

Hundreds of warriors gathered here tonight, as a law enforcer, Ye Yu would definitely not miss this opportunity.

The glamorous young woman and the sick young man were startled, and then fear spread all over their bodies, and they trembled in unison: "It's her?!"

Unlike the old man, who is getting older and his blood is declining, Ye Yu is young, his blood is at its peak, and he is an elite powerhouse in the late stage of tempering.

The two had acted many times before, and when they encountered Ye Yu, they had no idea of ​​confrontation, but ran away directly.

Because they have witnessed: a strong man in the late stage of tempering wanted to shake the majesty of the law enforcement, but he was decapitated by Ye Yu without a hundred moves.

From that day on, the fear of Ye Yu seemed to be carved into his bones.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Yun has such an elegant spirit, and he is here to fight for Xingyun for the younger generation." Ye Yu smiled slightly.

Unlike the warriors who made trouble, the Yun family elders in front of him belonged to the relatively peaceful kind under the control of the family.

"Officer Ye was joking. I don't know you. What is your intention for this trip? If there is any inconvenience, I will do my best to help!" The old man said respectfully, and he was also very afraid of this young law enforcement officer.

"Since Mr. Yun is so generous, then Ye is not welcome." Ye Yu threw a list over.

"Oh?" The old man took it in doubt, and opened it to see that there were all vicious warriors who were wanted outside, and there were more than a dozen people present.

After closing the list, the old man immediately understood what Ye Yu meant, and said slowly, "When I practiced martial arts in my generation, I should strengthen myself, act chivalrously, act bravely in righteousness, and protect the weak."

"But there are always some people who rely on their own force to endanger one side. This old man will definitely not let go of this kind of evil cultivation."

At this moment, the sick young man's face was particularly ugly. He instantly understood that the law enforcer was not here for Xingyun, but to kill them evil cultivators.

Some warriors around him who had been stunned by him were also slowly waking up one by one.

When they saw the sick young man confronting the old man, they didn't know what happened.

etc! Who is that? ! Enforcer! ! !

The warriors who were slowly waking up noticed Ye Yu's existence, and suddenly felt creepy.

Suddenly, many warriors found that there was nothing on their bodies! The original pills, weapons, and talismans are all gone! What happened? !

"You can do it now, Elder Yun." Ye Yu smiled lightly. She scanned for a week just now and found that there were fifteen evil cultivators present, which was about the same number as she expected.

Hearing the words, the old man took action without saying a word.

With a sound of "Bang!", a martial artist who had just woken up was instantly subdued by the old man, and his cultivation base was abolished.

Like sheep in a herd of tigers, few warriors present took over the old man's every move.

"Boom!", the martial artist who was holding a dagger in his hand and wanted to sneak attack on the sick young man was knocked off by the old man's punch.

An assassin who was good at using poison was about to release the poisonous mist to escape.

At this time, the glamorous young woman saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to escape with the sick young man, but was stopped by Ye Yu.

When she looked back, she found that there were also people behind, a girl with blue hair and a young man in black.

"Ma'am, where do you want to go? Why don't you let me give you a ride?" Ye Yu jokingly said.

Meiyan's complexion changed drastically, and before she could say anything, she felt suffocated.

Ye Yu's figure flickered, holding the young woman's neck as white as snow with one hand, and said indifferently: "Chi Liulan, codenamed Green Snake, has killed a total of twelve innocent people directly or indirectly in recent years."

"Aunt Lan!" The sick young man exclaimed, anxiously, he was pinching the magic formula, ready to cast the spell, and repelled Ye Yu.

But at this moment, he was already at the end of his strength and extremely weak. Before he could condense his spells, a black figure interrupted him.

Holding a dagger in his hand, the young man in black came up behind the sick young man and hit him in the waist with an elbow. The latter fell to his knees on the ground with a livid face in pain.

The blade was at the throat, and the young man in black warned: "A word of advice, don't struggle."

"I sincerely hate warriors like you who destroy stability, just like cockroaches in the sewer, they can't be eliminated or killed."

"Greed has no limits. He never hides his evil deeds, and even takes pride in them, just to please his own distorted psychology."

"I have been chasing you people for a long time. If I don't end your lives with my own hands, as a law enforcement officer, it will be difficult for me to give an explanation to those who died."

"An old man in his eighties who lives alone, has no children and no daughters, and has done many good deeds in his life. He has never met you in his life, but you kill him. It is very majestic. I ask you, why?"

"A middle-aged man in his thirties, the pillar of the family, his wife and children shed tears every day because of his departure, and the duckweed will be scattered for the rest of his life. Why do you do this?"

"A rural student who has studied hard for more than ten years in a poor window has placed the hope of a family of six, old and young, and three generations. Before he can splash ink on the scroll of life, he was killed by you wantonly. I ask you, why?"

With a sound of scolding, the beautiful young woman's face became paler, and the other party's words were true, and she didn't even know how the other party found her about these long-standing events.

Ye Yu's eyes were cold, and there was a thorough killing intent, and he kept increasing the strength in his hand.

The glamorous young woman struggled in pain, with a look of despair on her face.

But the strength of the warrior in the later stage of tempering is so terrifying. With the sound of "click!", the sinful life of the beautiful young woman was forcibly brought to an end.

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